(2011/06) June 2011

Hi FruittieLim (fruittea80)/Eunice

Came across your posts regarding the cramps.

Just to share, I earlier had stitch like pains on left side before testing positive (abt 3.5 wks). GP sent me to KKH immediately for scan cos fear ectopic pregnancy. thank God it was nothing like that!! I'm now in my 5th wk and tho no more pains, i still have cramps (feels like menses cramps) which I din experience for my 1st pregnancy so every pregnancy is different...dun worry too much. i think cramps r normal, as long as it doesnt come with bleeding. if worried, i suggest u see a GP/gynae. good luck! =)


Hi Ann,

Thanks, I think I made the right decision. Maybe wait till 2nd tri then went for a short trip.

Hi everyone,

I brought my boy to TMC see pd today then I walk in to see Dr tham. He scan for me and I can hear my baby heartbeat, I even see the red blink which indicate the hb. I also see the foetus already. Am in 6W5D now.

My due date has change from June to May. Guess, i should be joining the May MTB thread [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi BVM, if the spotting is not red in colour thk shd be ok provided is not heavy. Am currently 8 weeks + and also now and then having light or like diluted brown discharge if I walk too much. Am on jab and duphaston since week 4 due to spotting. So far so good. Last sat went for 7 weeks chk up can see/heard heart beat Liao. So dun worry too much k! And dun walk too much. Rest more.

Hi BVM, if the spotting is not red in colour thk shd be ok provided is not heavy. Am currently 8 weeks + and also now and then having light or like diluted brown discharge if I walk too much. Am on jab and duphaston since week 4 due to spotting. So far so good. Last sat went for 7 weeks chk up can see/heard heart beat Liao. So dun worry too much k! And dun walk too much. Rest more.

Hi jo21, you currently how many week? My colleague currently 19week preggy told she had spotting too especially walk too much. Throughout first trimester. Thus I dare walk that much too.

hello everyone, think i can be officially considered pregnant and join this thread - gynae just confirmed it ! will go for scan in 2 weeks time, tmr is the start of my 5th week.

Hope everything goes smoothly for the next 9 months till our babies popped !

I had cramps yesterday, stronger than before, but nothing today... so i guess it's on and off

hey Ann,

how ur doc confirmed for u?

Im starting 6 weeks today but doc ask me go back on tuesday next week.

Hope I can see the sac and heartbeat.

Everything has been normal for me...

only de cramps once in a while...

thats all...

sometimes i even forget im pregnant cos everything so normal.

But boobs super pain and sensitive...

actually just positive urine test n waiting for scan on 22 oct. so fast can see bb liao meh ? I also wan to save some consultation money leh...

Does anyone feel sick or feverish, hotter than usual? My temp has been 37.6 but I'm not sure if pregnant women have higher temps than usual...

I sign a package wif de doc so go anytime also can.

Hubby ask me dun go KKH cos he sees alot of scary cases.....

my scan is on 12 Oct..hope to see heartbeat

Hi Ladies!

I'd like to join the thread. I'm 4 weeks now. Also had spotting and staining which started Monday night. Doc gave me a jab and duphaston. Fortunately the staining finally stopped yesterday.

Babylicious, found u here! Hi hi! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


It's normal for preggies to be warmer than usual. I was perspiring like crazy last week too. According to TCM, the bbt (body basal temp) shld shoot up once ovulation starts n maintain the high temp throughout first tri. Once bbt drops, usually means AF reporting soon.


I believe sore boobs r a symptom of preg. Different women get different symptoms so don't worry too much abt it.


babylicious jo21 here. dunno why i cannot log in with my old password. something wrong *scratch head*

i created another account now

Hi all,

I am a first time Mum and am currently about 6 weeks. Found out I am preg on 1st Oct w/o any idea I will be preg as I had a miscarriage in July. I was stress over gng to remove my 4 fibroids(6cm n the rest below 4cm). Seek 2nd opinion in KK(27th Sept) and found out the fibroids has grown to 8cm and 5cm n the rest are smaller ones. I used Guardian pregnancy kit and tested positive after feeling very nausea and missed my period for 5 days. Went to take my blood test and my hCG is 4231. 2 days later I started to have brown discharge and as I have about 6-7 fibroids(according to my gynae after he scan me) I am also in high risk of miscarriage. Am now having jabs and taking Duphaston too. Saw my bb's heartbeat 2 days ago and am really excited. I hope to learn more from everyone of you and we can support each other thruout this pregnancy as there is a lot of fear and as it is below 3 mths I dun dare to share with lots of families and close friends.

hey ladies i just saw a drop of brown blood on my panties...

called gynae n asked me to take hormones pills...

will see him on mon...

or shd i go hospital???

very scared nw....


Don't stress now ya. Talk to u bb to stay with u n cling tight tight. That's wat i do when i'm spotting


monitor ur spotting yah. if it gets heavier or turns red n hv bad cramps i think u should go kkh 24hrs women's clinic to get support.


Bedrest bedrest & bedrest now. If the spotting gets worse go down to Kk 24hrs clinic like what baby said.


I'm doing mch better already. Spotting stopped.


CONGRATS! Stay positive n talk to your baby. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i was just toking to my dh just now. tot of renovating hse to convert studyroom to baby's room n balcony to studyroom instead.

n was thinking of sending either bb to infant care or get maid. headache. so many decisions to make


We dare not do any renovating or changing of furniture now. If u r the superstitious type, the older generation will say not to do any renovation as it can affect the bb. I know sometimes there's no choice as need to get ready for bb. Perhaps do in 2nd tri when it's more stable?

My estate is doing renovation & repainting works. There's even a free service of repainting the main front door. We r thinking to turn down the free service.


I heard of that 'pantang' oso. That's y i tot to do in 2nd trimester. I think i'll move to my dad's house during the renovation work. Heard the saying that if the pregnant lady is not in the house during renov work then ok de. I'll double check with my mum n friends.

Hi everyone,

A first time mom here, found out I was pregnant and did a blood test to confirm. In my 5th week now, but two days ago, had severe cramps. Gynae is Dr Cordelia Han and am now admitted in Raffles. Tests came back normal and my HCG level is rising as expected. The cramps were prolly due to sever constipation and gas, but no bleeding, thank God. Anyone else had severe cramps in their 4th/5th week too?

hi gers! me just went to KKH and doc says im not bleeding.

bad news is doc cant see anything in de womb but urine test shows im pregnant.

took a blood test n result will b out in 2 hrs.

if my hormones more den 1500 means i might ve my baby at de tubes n must terminate the pregnancy.

if less den 1500 means i must go for another test on mon n see if hormones double.

if double means baby is fine and just dat im too early in my pregnancy.

but my last menses was 20 Aug and i ve a 35 days cycle,lets just pray dat i am actually very early dats y doc cant see.

pls pray for me...

Hi Eunice (alayna),

Your cramps were on one side? Mine is the whole of lower abdomen. Now no more cramping but still really constipated. And I'm passing out gas every 10 mins!! How are your cramps now?


Congratulations! Sometimes cramping can be due to uterus stretching to accommodate the bb oso...good thing u got a clear with ur gynae. At least that puts ur mind at rest.


u don't worry too much ya? Think its more likely u r early in ur pregnancy.

Usually if u r only 3-4wks can't see much

by the way did ur gynae do a belly or v scan?

will keep u in my prayers

The doc did a V scan but can only see the walls thickening..no trace of any sac...

de test is out HCG 890...

anyone can tell me how many weeks i am in?

how come doc cant see anything?

im suppose to go for another test on mon and see if the number doubles...

if not also not good news right?

Hi bbjo21, thanks! Still constipated but at least now I'm relaxed about it.

Pinkie, HCG of 890 is still low, you're prolly is early 3/4 weeks. Dun worry, it will go up if nothing goes wrong. When I did mine, at first it was only 193!!! Then 48 hrs later, it shot to 1108! Less than 24 hrs later, it became 1300. Gynae said once reach more than 4000 plus then can see baby...

Stay positive!!!


like wat hanis said, u r probably too early to see anything. According to wat i read on the net abt hcg levels n ultrasound scan, the sac can only be seen when hcg levels are more than 1500. My gynae didn't do a u/s till i was 5wks when my hcg climbed to more than 5k plus.

So its probably nothing. dun worry. u probably got preggie later than wat the doc calculated. Congrats!

Pinkie, i went thru d same thg as u at kkh. Dun worry. Even v scan kkh dr cldnt see a thg! Yday at gynae belly scan also cldnt see but v scan saw sac immediately

Cld see heart tube oso. So dun worry too much ok!! If its in d tubes, u shd b hvg pains. If nt, its just too early. Gd luck!!

Hanis, cramps v little now tho still hv occasionally. Gynae says no need meds unless v bad. Thks for asking.

Hi ladies, will be discharged soon today... Bed rest till end of oct...I think we need to stay positive and happy, dh makes me laugh at every point so that helps...going for scan this coming fri (will be 6 weeks then).. Hoping evrything goes smoothly!!

Eunice, glad to hear that! Turns out, I had bad constipation, dehydration and gas!! That's what causing the cramps! Pooped once yest and today, so that was a huge relief!! Hope everything goes well for u too..


u rest well yah. good that u hv leave till end oct. come in more often if u r bored. we'll chat n keep u company, i'm going back to work on wed though.

im trying to stay positive...but been crying n crying...

this baby is super precious to me...

i ve been ttc-ing for 5 years n was in ttc thread for many yrs until i give up....

this gift is priceless....

i tested positive on 26 Sept....

went gynae on 28 sept says walls thickening...

ytd 9 Oct still walls thickening???

so hw many weeks m i in nw???


u tested positive on hpt or was it beta hcg?

from my guess, u could be in ur early 4wks.

As long as ur hcg is doubling u r fine n baby is healthy

fret not k? coz ur mood will affect baby. think about baby n be positive. tell baby to produce more hcg n grow faster so that mummy can see him/her on scan soon yah. above that oso must take more protein for bb to grow well. try drinking chicken essence everyday.

I tested positive on HPT....digital clearblue hpt..

and i just started my brown spotting again...

trying very hard to stay positive...very hard....


I also TTC for a long time and went thru an ectopic before so I understand how u r feeling. Crying will not help. In fact it makes the bleeding worse. U have to believe in yourself & believe in your bb. For ectopic, the pain will usually happen ard 5 weeks. Continue to monitor and pray for the best k. Stay positive!

Hi bbjo21,yup! I'll def check in very very often!!! Take care while at work... *winks*

Pinkie, I know how you feel. I'm sure many of us here also experience TTC for several years before we are blessed with good news. Take it one step at a time,being stress-free can really be a big factor in helping you get through your early trimester. Remember that if you are strong, baby will also hold on...

If brown spotting gets heavierr, quickly call your gynae/hospital and get yourself admitted. Sometimes its implantation bleeding. Does it comes with cramps?

If you tested positive on 26 sep, you might be earlier than expected! Dun worry, keep eating folic acid, fruits, vege, milk, lotsa water, lotsa bed rest and keep a positive mind. *hugs*


Oh ya, I forgot to add... Pinkie, my gynae prescribed progesterone for me, she says it helps to support the pregnancy. You might feel a little light-headed after taking them. You might want to ask your gynae about them.

