(2011/06) June 2011

yup pinkie,

I was given progesterone jabs n tabs to support my pregnancy when i spotted when i was just 3wks plus. I'll prob be on those jabs thru my 1st trimester. Were u given any support?


Hanis- hehe tt muz hv been a huge relief!

Syrah-sorry to hear u had ectopic b4. When gp told me she feared i did, i was scared as hell. How did u find out?

Pinkie-hugs. Dun worry so much babe. Get some rest n stay positive. U did blood test at kkh rite? If its bad results, they will call u immed after they get results. If they let u wait till ur next appr, its usually gd news. Im 5w 6d n bb din show on belly scan. Only on v scan.

nw when i wipe its almost red.but does nt stain my pantyliner.doc gave me hormones pills.no cramps.

tml going kk do 2nd blood test see if double.

aftern see my gynae see hw


That time,I tested positive on numerous HPT and was over way past my usual AF date too. I had spotting though n so I went to see a gynae. It wasn't my usual gynae at TMC. I thought to just go to a nearby one to get some support n also to walk less u see. That Gynae also took my HCG for 3 times, did numerous scans, gave lots of med n finally declared he saw the sac n all was fine. However my bleeding didn't stop all these while until I had bad cramps. I quickly went back to my usual gynae who immed noticed that it was ectopic. I had to go in for emergency laparoscopy immediately.

I shld have just gone to my usual Gynae all along but being CNY period it was all bad timing. I'm never going back to the other gynae for sure though.

Syrah, that must have been horrible! I was also afraid that it was ectopic, but luckily no.

Eunice, next Friday, I'll be 6 weeks, if they do v scan, you think can see bb?

I tell you ladies, my dh is very understanding because my farts are getting more and more disgusting!! *cringes in shame* they say pregnancy is beautiful, but at this point, I'm borderline a walking fart machine!!

Doc says a lot of gas and my digestion not very good, so must tahan a while more...LOL...

Pinkie, will keep you in my prayers, hope that you will get a positive result...*hugs*

pinkie, i got a friend - she bleed all the way for 9 months for her no 2. so it can happen... my friend always tell me she v scared to go toilet during that pregnancy yet dr tell her can go to work...

yr hubby work in KKH or related field ? KKH also save many mummies n many babies u know...

if u want a second opinion, go down to KK 24 women's clinic - a progesterone jab in the thigh area is stronger

julesy, i had fever on friday on fri 38.4 and sat 37.9... really hope no infection near the womb area...

pinkie, i forgot to mention that pregnant HCG is above 250, so yrs is way above liao, body need time to increase that's all...

Thks bb_jo21 (bb_jo21) and Syrah.

Will pray for you pinkie. Dun worry too much. Being positive is very important.

Is anyone drinking milk for pregnant ladies? My SIL recommended AnMum and I'm drinking it now...Taste sooooo good!! Really delicious don't mind drinking it everyday...

Pinkie! I talked to my SIL and she said that during her 2nd pregnancy, she too bled, like you!! She even fell, twice! Then, her daughter was born premature, but now, is a healthy 5 yr old!!

Her gynae kept her on progesterone and she had to be really careful..My SIL also kept her spirits up. =)

So keep thinking good things and stay positive!

dear all im currently warded to tmc...i soaked one pad oredi... very bad cramps...doc gave a jab n hormones pills...tml will take blood test again n chk de HCG level..only pray bb be strong n stay in me....

Oh no, Pinkie!!!! *hugs tightly*

Dear bb, please hold on tightly...will keep both of you in my prayers...

Hanis, 6 wks belly scan shd b able to see alrdy. V scan sure can see. Enjoy!!! Im taking d milk too. As MS has started, nothing is appetising except sour plums haha.

Pinkie, stay strong!! Warded means u n bb r being taken care of 24 hrs which mite not b a bad thing. But u muz stay strong ok girl?


U take care n be strong ah. ur bb will need all the positive vibes from u. Tell bb to cling tight tight n stay with u. U'll make it true. I'll pray for you n bb to be fine. Good thing u r under doc's observation.

Eunice, hi! I feel like a forum stalker, suddenly off work is kinda weird, in a good way...DH says I'm a workhaholic, so maybe this is God's way of giving me time to rest...

So excited for the scan...so far, no MS, but Mum says not yet! Oh no!

Agree with Eunice, at least you'll have 24hrs care and monitoring...you can concentrate on sleeping well, resting, knowing that the docs and nurses are doing all they can to keep both of you safe..=)

Hi all, I have the following to sell.

Read the review from for the Relaxing Bath & Shower Essence :-


Brand-new Avent Relaxing Bath & Shower Essence. Retail at $24.90 EXP: 10/2011

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Hi Pinkie,

Dun think too much. We r all praying for you. Stay strong and take care. There is always a rainbow after a storm.

Hi Hanis,

Thks for the recommendation. I shall get 1 to drink too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Chergie! Yup, drink two glasses a day, four scoops each time...Drink it when it's warm..Yummy...

It's also good to eat red spinach...Its spinach, with a tinge of red colour in the middle of the leave...Full of iron and other great stuff for pregnant women..cook it in soups..

Pinkie, you have a strong prayer support here! Hang in there..sweetie!

Morning Pinkie,

Stay strong ya? It'll be ok...=)

Elbarc, hi! So far, I'm 5 weeks, no MS yet but they say sometimes, MS starts in 2/3 mth.

I've not heard of cramps of thighs...i had cramps at abdomen, was actually heavily constipated..How far along are you?


is it the sort of cramps that stretches from the womb n radiates down to the thighs? I get that too. According to my gynae, that's normal. So dun worry yah. I'm 5wks plus n started hvg ms already. I just lost my dinner last night. 1st ever ms other than the usual nausea


pray everything is well with u.

Thks Hanis. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi elbarc,

I had ms b4 I found out I was about 5 weeks preg and after missing period for 5 days then I took urine test. Now on and off I still get it and I ate those dried figs, orange peel to ease the discomfort. No vomiting though. my lower rite side of my abdominal has on off cramps and today I had it on the left side but no cramp on thigh.

Pinkie hope ur blood test triple later!!!! God Bless!!!


dear mtbs, sorry to disturb again. have added many BB clothings. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] all in gd cond cos only let my gal wear not more than 3times. lol.

i've alr delivered my gal & looking to clear the abv items. hope mtbs can find them of interest to u.

pls refer to abv link for related pics & descriptions. all items are described to the best of my knowledge. items u see in the provided link are all up for grabs (except for those that have been RESERVED), items once SOLD will be removed from the link.

if keen, pls SMS to 96495528 for fast deal. pls do NOT leave PM or postings in the forum as i'm unable to keep track of them. calls from unknown nos. will not be entertained.

here's wishing all mtbs a safe & happy pregnancy!

hello mummies, i'm starting to feel nausea this morning and v v tired... blue blue monday...

Pinkie, have u seen doctor this morning ? what did he say ? u took your blood test already ?

hanis, eunice, i like Anmum too, but these drinks r quite heaty right ? dunno whether can take it or not... but will probably need it to tie up these nauseous months !

bb_jo & elbarc, i had quite bad cramps over weekend... now starting nauseous, giddiness...etc... i think my MS may start soooooon... dreading it...

Ann, if scared heaty then take vanilla flavour? Personally tt makes me wanna puke so im tkg choc. N only once a day since also takg supplements frm gynae. Actually gynae says no need for such milk if eat properly. Will put on weight :p

My left side hvg stitch like pain agn. I think i hv uti [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hope d meds frm gynae wrks fast!

Ann, im oso hvg ms alrdy. Sian. Hope it ends faster than my last pregnancy. Think was till 4th mth!

Pinkie, hw abt blood test?? Cld it b bb still too small to see on scan??

eunice, i also dun like vanilla... cos now i feel a bit heaty... so drinking normal HL milk lor and also soya bean... ya Anmum put on weight v fast one...

i cannot tahan liao.. gg to take leave to go facial later...

Pinkie, keep us posted ok ? i think we all worried for u but stay positive, bb n us r all with u !


V scan can't see but wat abt the HCG?

Ann, hanis, eunice,

I'm taking Ensure milk for the past few months myself. I'll prob change it to Annum soon. Besides Annum, there's a few other brands. Have u tried them? Also y did u choose Annum?

Hi everyone,

Uurrgh, before was constipation, now diarrhoea!!!! Can you believe my luck, or rather, my digestive system!!!! I think a combination of yoghurt, fruits and medication is toooo powerful!!! Man!

Ladies, really, Anmum is heaty and we can easily put on weight? Oh no! But I looove the taste..maybe I should just drink once a day, instead of twice huh? My SIL recommended me and she has 3 kids, she says a lot of vitamins and it's yummy...

Ann - we can go facial during 1st trimester? I have like 3 vouchers during this birthday month, but scared to go...what kind of facial you doing?

Pinkie dear - I agree with Eunice, what about the blood test? If bb too small, but blood test shows HCG rising, means bb is there.. stay strong sweets...*hugs*

Syrah - For me, taste is reaally impt, hehe, so that's why after drinking Anmum, I like it...How is Ensure? What would make you change to Anmum?

Oh no, gtg toilet again...later ladies..

Eunice, drink lots lots lots lots of water and wash the bacteria out!!!!!! I read that this other lady drank gallons of water and it cleared up...Hope you get better soon..


Oh no... What happened? Is it really ectopic? Take care k. Keep trying n don't give up.


I drank ensure as it's a supplement drink. It's like a meal replacement drink. So now thinking to switch to mummy's drink instead.


Sorry to hear that. I just had a miscarriage in July. Rec'd happy news on 1st July and lost the bb 5th July. Its very sad but now I am preg again.

Dun be dishearten, God will bless the rite one for you.

Hi Pinkie, very very sorry to hear about the bad news...Take care of yourself real well and keep trying.

Hanis, thks for d tip. Will monitor n see how.

I chose Anmum cos tt was wat my hubby bought n im used to it. N i think tts d only choc one. Enfamama is v milky in taste. Yucks for me. Dumex slightly better.

Having a little bit of diarrhoea, e-mailed gynae and she said to stay away from dairy products for a few days. I don't think the fault lies with Anmum, just my overly-worked digestive system. Is this normal? Anyone experiencing the same thing? Am also gassy...

Hi Hanis,

I had diarrhoea few days back too and experience lots of wind and trying to pass all out too.

Drink plenty of warm water, u will be fine. Dun worry ya.


i'm so sorry to hear that. Take care k? Bb is with God now so u must remain strong n keep trying k? U'll eventually hv a lovely bundle in ur arms as long as u persevere.

Hi sistas,

i've been hvg very bad nausea, headache n hv been throwing up my lunch n dinner. Can't seem to keep my food down. Feel sick the whole day. Think my ms start le.

hey gals.. just back from the 1st gynae check up.. n his advise is not to take dairy products.. I forgot why too.. I am in my 7 wks now and am due in late may.... =)

bb_jo21 (bb_jo21)

Take care ya.


I will ask my gynae coming thur and ask him about taking diary products and update u gals. Happy being preg and am due somewhere end May too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



I also have a couple of days of looser bowels. Not diarrhea but kept having slight tummy discomfort n feel like going toilet. Also I find it tough to pee. Feel really tight down below. Anyone feeling this?

