(2011/06) June 2011

Pinkie, m very sorry to hear about your bb..don't give up k? Now it's important to take care of your health, so that soon, bb can come back to you..


Hi ann01

Has your fever gone down? Mine has stopped n now it's just a cold n cough. I'm still measuring my bbt every morn to monitor n glad to see it stays on the higher side..

Syrah, chergie,

I'm super bloated, n yesterday had diarrhea in the middle of the night aft being constipated for 2 days. Felt much better aft that n cd actually fall asleep. I tink if prone to constipation, try to eat more fruits n veggies. It seems tat iron supplements in prenatal vitamins can cause constipation so jus need to watch out for that.

My tum is so bloated it looks like I'm ard 3 month, which can't be!! It's all gassssss

Hi Chergie, thanks for sharing the info...feel better now..am drinking lots of water..=)

Hi Julesy and Syrah, I had exactly the same symptoms as you!!!! Bloated and gassy all the time...After peeing, I'd feel a tightness that goes away slowly... However, thank God, that cramps mostly went away.

My gynae also told me to stop dairy products temporarily. Feeling better now. So, cannnot drink delicious Anmum for time being..=(

bb_jo21 (bb_jo21) - take care of yourself...hope your MS ease away soon...

Hi Syrah & Julesy,

I dun have the tight feeling but tummy very bloated and big too and also looks like few mths oredi. LOL... Keep letting go gas. Am trying to avoid food that creates more wind in tummy like beans and onions. My MIL ask me to refrain eating ginger.

Constipated for few days too and jus manage to pass motion. Arghhhhh....

My butts hurt due to the jab daily and am still having brown discharge. I really think it is not easy being a mum but it is all worthwhile.

Just found out from a frd that we have to avoid eating soft serve ice cream as the machine may contain a bacteria call Listeria that will cause miscarriage. Check out the link here. http://www.suite101.com/content/softserve-ice-cream-and-pregnancy-a64166


My TCM doc says bloated Is gd. It's a preg symptom. I've been avoiding cold stuff for months. No cold drinks, ice cream. Sob sob. TCM believes in keeping the womb warm n hence to avoid such things. Also not to take liang things like dong gua. Basically all gua things r liang.

Do note not to take dang gui now that preggie. This is one herb that we must avoid.

Btw your jab is daily?? I thought progesterone jab to help with the spotting is once like 2x a week at most.

Syrah, you're seeing TCM too? Who is your doc? Mine is Dr Tan Siew Buoy at Thong Chai..i took the herbs for a month, and got preggy. she din say bloated is good, but she did agree that it is a key early preggy symptom..i had different herbs at diff phases of my cycle, like now, the herbs taste extra strong but it keeps my womb warm and in good condition. my bbt is ard 37.0

i was almost gna order bittergourd for lunch yest and then i suddenly recalled i have to stop taking 'cold' food.. but i do still drink cold drinks like once a day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] weather hot la.


I saw her prev too. Aft abt a yr seeing her I got preggie but sadly ectopic. Aft that I didn't go back to her. U r lucky. Only 1 mth with her n strike. Her an tai med is really really yucky to drink. That's the worst of the bunch. But for sake of bb, we take what's needed.

Hi Chergie,

tum's rly bloated man. i m wearing either dresses or stretchy tights to work everyday - cuz i cant rly sit comfortably in my jeans or pants, tooo tight at the tums.

my tcm doc tells me to wear flats too, even now! at first i thot i cd wear heels n switch over to flats in 2nd trimester when the bb grows bigger. but seems like it's so that our posture does not cause stress to our womb area..not sure also!

syrah, yeah she warned me tat the an tai meds is v v bitter, but when i drank, it was actually ok! i guess i got qte used to it.. rite now, im just looking forward to hit 6 weeks+, see gynae, hopefully hear bb's heartbeat, then wait patiently for another milestone..


im exactly 5 weeks. planning to see gynae at 6-7 wks cuz i dont wana scare myself when the doc dont see anything on the scan. had the rollercoaster feelin before and it's not nice..so just trying to be patient.


U r prob slightly ahead of me. So which Gynae u going for? Better start to book appt already. My gynae is packed till earliest 26th then can see her.

pinkie, take time to rest physically n emotionally ya... y not try TCM to strengthen your body now, maybe julesy can recommend ?

julesy, fever went down on Sunday, think now i have ulcers in my throat and feeling heaty... keep wanting to take liang stuff but cannot rite ? alamak so how ?

syrah, our scans quite close, mine is 22 oct.

Hi ladies,

I tried acupuncture and TCM for around 2 months, went twice a religiously and drank all the herbs and pills...Thank God, all my efforts paid off..She's Dr Ning at Bishan st 11..Pinkie, i believe the acupuncture also helped in strengthening my body, increasing my qi and improving blood circulation...maybe you could try ann's suggestion..

Julesy, I'm afraid to go back to acupuncture/taking the herbs cos of side effects...plus i'm a malay, and she's from China, so it's gonna be pretty diff to like explain stuff..couldn't believe i got through 2 mths! i can speak like basic conversational mandarin...what herbs are you taking?


My TCM also does acup & herbs. Now that preggie, no need to do acup anymore. I'm just taking the herbs which is powder form. Just add warm water & drink.

My TCM doc is Dr Zou Yu Min at Amk. She speaks minimal English but there's a lady outside at the counter who can help to translate. If u like I can give u her contact.

Julesy's TCM doc won't see new cases if already preggie.


TCM does help to 'tiao' the body. U may really want to consider it.

Syrah, ooo, thanks! I see...cos a bit worried with the needles being so close to bb...so just go for herbs...maybe I'll ask my gynae first to get green light...she was the one who recommended the acupuncture lady...

Hi Syrah,

Ya for me its daily cos I have lots of brown discharge initially and though after 2nd scan Dr found bb's heartbeat to play safe he ask me to continue my jab till this Thur he will scan again. Partly becos of previous miscarriage plus the 6 fibroids around my bb. For me it will be c-section. Am 34 this yr oredi so I need to take precaution n be careful.

Hi Julesy,

Ya i bot maternity clothes oredi cos really too tight all my clothes n not comfy. Ya better dun wear heels and walk slowly.

As I am high risk miscarriage I need bed rest and thk God I am not working.

Morning all sistas,

I'm better today. Just came back from my progesterone jab. now backside super pain. kekekeke

syrah, u did IVF? Could u be carrying twins or even triplets??

chergie, my friend also had fibroids in her womb. only found out when she was pregnant. but she managed to carry the bb to full term and gave birth naturally as well.

hanis, think it's ok, i just did a diamond peel yesterday... for massage, just make sure nothing that vibrates touches u... and no IPL...


Your prog jab also on bs? KK did it for me on thigh last week. I finally got my appt with my own pte gyane. Going to go down to go BT later. Hope the HCG is increasing well.


Ectopic ruined my tubes so no choice but to do IVF. At most twins cos I only transferred 2 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

syrah - twins wld b so cool!!! i tot i might b carrying twins cos since this is #2, uterus shd be expanded already but how come got cramps hehe... gynae has confirmed only 1 hehe...

very happy for u that u r preggy cos i read tt once u hv ectopic, the chances of getting it agn is higher (i read up cos GP frightened me). may i just ask (if u dun mind sharing) when they had to terminate the ectopic pregnancy, was it a major op?

Hi Eunice,

Thks for the encouragement. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Wld be cool to have twins.


Thks for the link, I am 6 weeks 1 day preg. :D

Ann, we're close, I'm into my 6th week too. =)

Great! I better take advantage of this loong break that I have to go do facial. My face is breaking out!! Major! Not those teeny weeny pimples, it's those huuge ones! Anyone having that too?

Chergie, rest, rest, rest..and listen to songs to make you relax, that's what I do...

Syrah - yup, it'll soooo cool if you have twins!!

BB - that time i had the progesterone jab, it was on the thigh, just like syrah's and it hurt for days!! ask dh to massage... *winks*

Praying that everyone here, including myself, have a smooth-sailing pregnancy... =)


I had to go through a laparoscopy when I had the ectopic. It's also called key-hole surgery in which they cut 3 to 4 1-cm slits to insert the equipment for the surgery in your belly, sides and pelvic area. Aft the surgery, they'll keep you overnight for observation and then give about 2-3 weeks Hospital Leave.

Hanis and Chergie,

If it's twins, can close shop already! hehehe... Whatever it is, I just wish for healthy bb. It's been a long tough journey.

I just came back from doing another HCG BT. Waiting for the clinic to call with results. Hopefully it's a good increase in HCG level.

Hi Hanis,

Thks am resting till I am so bored. LOL

Am having breakouts too all on my breast for the first time... :S Face only a few. ;p

Yeah thks Hanis. I also would like to pray that everyone of us will have a smooth sailing pregnancy till we see our little ones.

God bless all Mummies. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yeap, mine has always been on my butt. so i rotate left right for my twice wkly jab. nvr tried it on thighs though.

Syrah - thanks for sharing. but thank God for blessing you with another one (or two) now =)

Hanis - I'm also breaking out. Not sure cos of hormones or heaty food. If hormones, then most probably boy hehe...

Yeah mine is on my butt and daily since 4th Oct till now. Its badly bruise and swollen. :S

Yeah Syrah, a healthy and happy bb is the most important.

Eunice, is it true that breakouts means boy? Some how or rather both me n hubby has a strong feeling its a boy. kekeke... Since its the first so it doesnt matter to me but secretly I wan gal cos I can make her pretty pretty. ;p

Talking about boobs, Chergie, I am sooo afraid to touch them now! Wearing my bra ever so slowly now...they are soo sore! I am also bored, but the moment I check my work e-mail, i get tired/light-headed. Think I'm starting an allergic reaction to work...hehe...

Eunice, what are heaty food? I've been eating rice, soups, fish..not much spicy food...drinking lots of water but still break out...oh well..

hanis, so glad we r in the same week... i'm feeling real tired esp every afternoon...

i think it's the Anmum u r taking... that one is v heaty... and very 'bu' = nourishing...

yr gynae may prescribe obimin later which is also quite heaty one...

Hi ladies, I need to ask you something...my dh says i cannot eat chocolate because there is caffeine in it...What do you ladies think>? I am sooo craving for them....


I'll have to go back KK no matter what for the 6-week scan. I'm not sure when they'll finally release us. In any case, if it's twins, I'll most likely stick with Dr Loh.

My pte gynae is Dr Adelina Wong at TMC. Today went to her for BT. She rather not give me the progestrone jab just now as I'm not bleeding now. However she did say to increase my duphaston level to 3x a day instead of 2x. If I'm still concerned, she can scan for me next week. We'll see what's today HCG results is first.

Ann, aaaahh..that explains the break out...i am feeling real lethargic too...now esp....when is your scan due? I'm going this fri...

hanis, to be safe, u r given only 1 serving of caffeine foodstuff a day, so either a cup of coffee or a bar of chocolate... u can choose...

I drank coffee all the way in my first pregnancy...


A little is ok but try to avoid as it's true there is a slight amt of caffeine in choc. Generally it's a harmless amt though. Choc is heaty too!

Hanis, yeah mine too. I bot bra w/o underwire to wear and its very comfortable.

Yeah I understand. But pls be careful all Mummies of the light headedness. Get up form bed slowly as we will feel faintish. This is a crucial time for all of us so exercise caution. I am enjoying being treated like a queen.

Hanis, mine is 22 oct at my 7th week cos i want to save consultation money.... then i dun have to go back in my 8th week, the next one i will schedule at 11th week lor... wahahaha... KKH got no package one...

chergie, yup me too, yesterday went to my in-law house, wah i got 2 soups on the table, one piggy soup and one vegge soup...


chergie, agree, that's y must top up your iron cos the giddiness is partly due to the blood all concentrate at the womb area liao...

