(2011/06) June 2011

extract from Mayoclinic.com

Within two weeks of conception, hormones trigger your body to begin nourishing the baby — even before tests and a physical exam can confirm the pregnancy. Here are some common physical changes you may notice during first trimester pregnancy.

■Tender breasts. Increased hormone production may make your breasts unusually sensitive. Your breasts will probably feel fuller and heavier. Wearing a more supportive bra or a sports bra may help.

■Bouts of nausea. Many women have queasiness, nausea or vomiting in early pregnancy — probably due to normal hormonal changes. Nausea tends to be worse in the morning, but it can last all day. To help relieve this first trimester pregnancy symptom, eat small, frequent meals throughout the day. Choose foods that are low in fat and easy to digest. It's also helpful to drink plenty of fluids. Avoid foods or smells that make your nausea worse. Try drinking ginger ale. For some women, motion sickness bands are helpful. For others, alternative therapies such as acupuncture or hypnosis offer relief. If you're considering an alternative therapy, get the OK from your health care provider first.

Contact your health care provider if the nausea is severe, you're passing only a small amount of urine or it's dark in color, you can't keep down liquids, you feel dizzy or faint when standing up, your heart is racing, or you vomit blood.

■Unusual fatigue. You may feel tired as your body prepares to support the pregnancy. Your heart will pump faster and harder, and your pulse will quicken. To combat fatigue, rest as much as you can. Make sure you're getting enough iron and protein. Include physical activity, such as a brisk walk, in your daily routine.

■Increased urination. You may need to urinate more often as your enlarging uterus presses on your bladder. The same pressure may cause you to leak urine when sneezing, coughing or laughing. To help prevent urinary tract infections, urinate whenever you feel the urge. If you're losing sleep due to middle-of-the-night bathroom trips, drink less in the evening — especially fluids containing caffeine, which can make you urinate more. If you're worried about leaking urine, panty liners may offer a sense of security.

■Heartburn and constipation. During first trimester pregnancy, the movements that push swallowed food from your esophagus into your stomach are slower. Your stomach also takes longer to empty. This slowdown gives nutrients more time to be absorbed into your bloodstream and reach your baby. Unfortunately, it may also lead to heartburn and constipation. To prevent heartburn, eat small, frequent meals and avoid fried foods, carbonated drinks, citrus fruits or juices, and spicy foods. To prevent or relieve constipation, include plenty of fiber in your diet and drink lots of fluids. Regular physical activity also may help.

■Dizziness. Normal circulatory changes in early pregnancy may leave you feeling a little dizzy. Stress, fatigue and hunger also may play a role. To prevent mild, occasional dizziness, avoid prolonged standing. Rise slowly after lying or sitting down. If you start to feel dizzy while you're driving, pull over. If you're standing when dizziness hits, sit or lie down.

Seek prompt care if the dizziness is severe and occurs with abdominal pain or vaginal bleeding. This may indicate an ectopic pregnancy — a condition in which the fertilized egg implants itself outside the uterus. To prevent life-threatening complications, the ectopic tissue must be removed.


chergie - hehe tts what some of us believe la. cos hormones clash with ours. when i had my girl, my skin was really good!! haha cannot secretly wish one!! i secretly wished for a boy for #1 but God blessed me with a girl (and I really thank God for blessing me with a girl first) but regardless of gender...a healthy bb is the most impt!!! a smooth & easy pregnancy/delivery wld be great! i also have a feeling this bb is a boy. my SIL told me the same thing too. so crossing fingers =)

Hanis - Heaty food = chocolate for me! haha...been drinking lots of milo n eating lots of chocolates =P im not sure abt choc & caffeine leh but i drink decef cos i cannot live w/o coffee.

syrah - my friend's cousin who had twins actually saw both pte n KKH gynae. He said cos he was advised that twins likely to be premature & need ICU and he thinks pte ICU's bill will kill. So his plan was if premature, then go KKH. If full term, then go pte...

oh talking about iron...liver is a good source but i read somewhere liver also contains a lot of "something" which is bad...so please take in moderation.

Ann so nice of ur in laws. Must treasure them.

I try to alternate my iron intake as I constipate. :S

Thks for sharing the info. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Eunice, we shall see what gender we will have. kekeke

As for liver better make sure it is cooked fully as liver half cooked will have lots of bacteria. I avoid eating it actually though I love liver.

Chergie - hehe okies!! =P

Actually, try to avoid anything that is uncooked. Even beef should be well done. try not to eat anything with blood. was tough for me cos i love cockles & sashimi!! hehe


The thought of sashimi is making me drool!!! Can only eat it in dreams now. But for sake of bb, anything is worth it!

Hi ladies, dh is like, "I told you so!" Cheyyy...hehe..

Ann, gynae have not discussed package with me yet, so right now am paying per visit...RH damn ex but I like my gynae...so i guess I'll stick to her..hoping for a smooth delivery so dh no need to pay so much. hehe..Your in-laws soooo sweet!

Chergie! I told dh must buy new bra, cos they are starting to hurt, he say got milk already ah? nonsense lah he...but sometimes i dun wear any at home, hot and pain! I'll wear those camisoles with inner support..I am also thinking of alternating cos today, no poop came out...=( very very bloated....

Just hoping my bb comes out healthy and with all ten fingers, ten toes and the likes! Here's to healthy babies for all mummies-to-be here!

Hmm, maybe i'll just have a small bar just to satisfy craving, i can't stop thinking about it..has always had a sweet tooth...not used to snacking to fruits! now have to..

Eunice - me too!!! just before i got preggie, i was drinking roobois tea, as an alternative to coffee...withdrawal symptoms babe...hahahaha...now i abstain totally, not easy, but need to stick to it...

Thanks ladies for the generous and constant tips and sharing of info! *hugs*

SASHIMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Syrah!!! Chergie!!!

Ok, I am so dreaming of sashimi tonight...Man!! Hahaha..

syrah - dun like tt leh. u mention "drool" now i also drooling!! actually my gynae said its ok to eat as long as we are certain its fresh. for my 1st pregnancy, i think i took twice hehe =P

hanis - 1 tip to share... if its the strap part tt is tight, just get bra extenders. only if cup part is tight then need to change bras. save a lot!!! n might as well get nursing bras...cos those r not cheap! totally agree babe...10 fingers, 10 toes and no abnormalities!!! may God bless all our babies =)

Eunice, yup, heard of that!! Getting dh to go get them is the tricky part...hahahaha...i will have to last a few more weeks with being bra-less or with my old bras before can go out to buy...thanks babe!

Just a thought, maternity stuff is sooo ex! And we only use for a few months...bras, clothes, etc...unless we plan to have lotsa babies, can re-use over and over again...we're gonna end up spending quite a bit amt of $$....gonna dig up my maxi dresses and long skirts..then no need to buy..

Hanis me too dun wear at home. Only when I go out. I agree with all of u must save money. Cannot anyhow spend. I got lots of maxi dress so I can wear for quite awhile la but u know la we gals quite vain I will still buy a few to wear la. Esp CNY my tummy will be bigger. ;p

Yes all our babies will be perfectly healthy.

hi gals.

I have just tested positive today. Still in a shock right now. Heee

Btw for for those who are using home test kits. do use your 1st pee in the morning. (GP told me that the readings will be more obvious)

GP told me that i should see a gynae 2 weeks later. But i am thinking of seeing 1 soon to feel more 'an xin'. What about you gals?

And Is it normal to feel stomach cramps???

Congrats Qiuen! If you are less than 6 wks, even if you see a gynae, it might not show on the scan but if it makes you feel better, i say go for it! Its definitely normal to feel stomach cramps but if its VERY painful and/or accompanied by bleeding/spotting, then its best to let your doctor know.

You know what ladies? I am suddenly craving for caesar salad, extra dressing and with smoked salmon on top! From Coffee Bean!

Qiuen! Congrats to your BFP! I tested twice, once in the morning and another in the afternoon, cos my positive was sooooo faint! I was sooo kiasu so that day itself, I went to gyane to do blood test. If your HCG level is above 25, you're confirmed pregnant! I just wanted to confirm cos I teach so didn't want to jeopardise my pregnancy by walking too much...

Yes, cramps are normal, but like me, if yours is reallly severe and painful, go to a gynae IMMEDIATELY. I was warded for 3 days cos she wanted to observe to rule out ectopic pregnancy..Turns out was dehydrated and constipated....

Yup, agree with eunice...if no bleeding should be ok, but if have, go to a gynae to make sure everything is ok...but nothing will show on a scan if less than 6 weeks, maybe a sac?

Do the blood test to check HCG level if you really want to be sure.. =)

Congrats qiuen! It's definitely too early to scan but u can still take a blood test to cfm the pregnancy.

Ladies, think my mini-trip out ths morning was a little too much exercise. Slight cramps below which only eases when I lie down. Seems like it's back to more bed rest for me.

thanks eunice.

I have got no idea how many weeks i am in.

Cos this is the 2nd menses that i have missed. But the 1st one i tested negative. But GP counts it from the 1st, which will mean 8 week!

But i am feeling some symptons over the weekend.

- Fever like (hot)

- Bitter taste on tongue, food taste bland

Hanis - I was craving for Coffee Bean Cheese Cake so I went out to get some! Now feeling so full!!!! The Caesar Salad sounds yummy too!!!!

Syrah - Please do get some rest then babe...

Qiuen - 8 wks definitely will show on scan...should be able to hear heartbeat too!! Is ur cycle very short?? Generally (not all) after 6th wks, MS will start...do you feel nauseous?

Wow, this forum is very active. Thanks Gals [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


well i have only stopped contraceptive 3 mths ago. So i have been unable to tell whats my regular cycle.

Not so much on nauseous, just no appetite.

Wow qiuen, yup, definitely can go for scan already if you counted correctly, from your first day of last menses....

Syrah, please rest rest rest! Thought of going out to get the salad with smoked salmon (if smoked can eat or not?? better than raw right?), but today is not a good day, feeling more lethargic than usual, so maybe I'll postpone my mini-trip...

Eunice - must have been delish! hehe...

Haha Qiuen, its just the few of us...will get more as the days go by... u shd definitely go for a scan...

Hanis - first few bites yes. after tt, it become a bit of a chore to finish the cake. haha

Eunice - same la, i've been cutting down my portions for each meal, but eating more small meals each day...i get full very fast..

Qiuen, we are very bored at home..i'm on bed rest till end of oct...so nothing to do, go on forum! hehe..

Hi qiuen,

Congrats to you and welcome to the forum!!!

Fyi, I miss my menses 5 days and I took urine test in the afternoon which is not my 1st urine in the mng and the double line is very obvious I almost cant breathe. LOL I went to Mt A's A&E to do my blood test at the same nite and hCG was 4231.

I suggest u go confirm asap rather than feeling uneasy. At the same time u can start to be cautious too of what u do n eat.

I saw my bb's heartbeat at week 5 which is last thur. Too bad my hubby is not in town only my Mum witness it. She's a first time granny. ;p

Thks to u gals I am craving for sashimi and Cheesecake now!!!!!!!!!!!! Kekekeke...


U shld just make an appt with a gynae to check how far along r u.


There's mixed reviews abt smoked salmon if I'm not wrong. May just want to avoid it.


I'm also eating smaller portions. Aft a few bites I'll lose interest. If we eat out, my dh will now buy only 1 plate of food to let me try first. If I'm ok with it, then he'll buy something else.


All I've been doing is resting in bed too. The both of us r stuck at home now. Hehe... Must entertain each other [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Syrah, me too. Bed rest since 4th Oct. Whole body aching becos I zzz to much. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


When do u need to bedrest till? Is your staining better?


How's the MS today? Hope u r feeling better.

Chergie, wah your HCG level shot up sooo high!

Syrah, I think you're right. Better avoid. Better be safe than sorry.

Today, the dizziness, light-headedness and lethargy is getting worse..The bed is my BFF now...

I dun dare go out first...skali i faint, my dh will panic...hahaha...

Am watching re-runs of Sex and the City, and...cheers me up a bit...what do you gals do when on bed rest?

ladies, better don't overeat liver..as it contains high levels of Vit A (retinol) which is harmful for baby. see the link http://www.babycentre.co.uk/pregnancy/nutrition/foodsafety/liverexpert/

even when u eat multi-vitamins, make sure u eat the prenatal vitamins that has Vit A in the form of beta-carotene (ie a plant version of Vit A). Normal multi-vits may contain Vit A in the form of Palmitate (which is derived from animals or something altho it's associated to oil palm).. best is to show your multi-vit to gynae to check.

qiuen, i also felt the feverish feeling! and also like a bland, metallic taste in the mouth. feel hungry but no appetite sometimes!

Mum bought me chocolate. I'm a happy girl..=)

But only limited to one teeny weeny bar...oh well, beggars can't be choosers....

Hi Syrah,

Am not sure as I still have slight staining everyday. Am seeing my gynae on Thur and will find out.

Hi Julesy,

Thks for sharing about the liver and Vit A. Gd info.


Ya damn high rite. My first preg in July hCG only 19. THink this one is power!!! kakaka..

Went to see my tcm doc today, she's concerned tat my hormone/progesterone lvls r not enuf to support bb, asked me to see gynae soon to verify n get supplements.

Any of u mummies r on hormonal supplements? Is it the duphaston or the jabs tat I read abt frm ur posts?

Hence I brought forward my oct 26 appt w gynae to tmrw!

Morning ladies. I have managed to book a slot with the gynae my friend recommended tomorrow morning. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Julesy - how did the TCM doc measure your hormones/progesterone levels? Sorry I cant help cos I'm not familiar with this but mabbe the other mummies can? Please update us with what your gynae says ok? N dun worry...im sure the supplements from gynae will help!

Qiuen - Yay!! Keep us updated with good news! =)


Yes u r rite I am taking Duphaston and progestron jab. See ur gyane asap and get his opinion.


Great to see a gynae. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi everyone I have a Medela Free style pump to let go. Used for 2 weeks only.With local warranty still valid. Letting go at $420. Purchased from local retailer at $799. Please PM if interested for photos and such. thanks.

eunice, my #1 pregnancy also good complexion but is a boy leh... my hubby prefer girl this time round but i prefer boys still...

qiuen, welcome welcome ! huh u missed 2 cycles already ? think it's time to see the gynae liao...

julesy, just curious why did your tcm doctor thinks so ? as long as u do not have spotting or MC history... there is no need to worry rite ?


We need our HCG level to be increasing n progesterone is to support the pregnancy. These shld be the 2 things your TCM is talking about. TCM sense the pregnancy from our pulse. It's likely your preg pulse is a little weak.

Most of the time the oral med will be duphaston. They can also give progestrone injections or inserts.

ann - issit?? seems like daddies prefer girls hor. my hubby also wanted girl for #1 n he got his wish. he doesnt mind #2 girl agn tho i would like a boy. how old is ur #1?? how come u prefer boys hehe

Hi ladies,

Need your advise here.

I missed my menses for a week already and i went to my TCM. He check my pulse and say that I pregnant. He mentioned that I have late ovulation thus taking HPT will show -ve. He ask me to try taking hpt 5 days later to get +ve. Being stubborn, I tested when I reached home and indeed it is -ve. After 3 days later, i start to have bownish discharge and went back to the TCM and he mentioned that he made a mistake and saying that my menses will come in full force 2 days later. On that day, i tested hpt and it still shown -ve. But my menses never come in full force. Till last night, i still experience spotting which has been already 5 days already. The spotting is not heavy, does not required me to use any pad, just pantyliner will do. Still never see any sight of menses. I do not have any symptoms of being pregnant.

Am I pregnant?What should i do?



Y dont u go to KK 24hrs and ask for a blood test? That's the best way to ascertain any pregnancy.

