(2011/06) June 2011

eunice, my boy 21 months now, prefer boy cos in future no need to worry certain things lor... but my hubby say girl will be closer to family lor... which i find true also... how old is your girl ?


rugrat, agree with syrah, think u should go KK to do blood test cos if really pregnant, u will be given drugs to support your pregnancy and stop the brown discharge...

Hi everyone, rugrat, blood test will show HCG level...that's the best way to confirm that you're pregnant.

Eunice and Julesy, I'm taking progesterone pills (can either take orally or insert vaginally). Gynae says it helps to support the pregnancy. You can get those as jabs also...gynae also gave me folic acid tablets..(both i take twice a day)

Ann! Bed rest is really, truly a good break from work..Must be real careful not to get fat too soon, though! I think it's soo much better to eat small portions several times a day...not getting those uncomfortable bloated feeling that often..

Qiuen, it's great that you're seeing a gynae...dun be shy or feel silly to ask any questions...

Eunice, my TCM doc arranged for me to take a progesterone level blood test at Thomson Medical, on day 21 of my cycle. my level is 1.9 which is low - but it also means that im not ovulating then yet. it makes sense cuz i ovulate very late (i have 42 day cycle). hence the report reminded her that i cd still have low progesterone n its better to check - or it may cause complications for pregnancy

Hi Syrah,

oh she did take my pulse but din seem to say anything related to my pulse, maybe she didnt want to scare me, just tell me to see gynae soon

Rugrat - Its best for you to get a blood test done.

Ann - My girl is 18 mths now. I think girls will be more manja haha...

Hanis - Is it really necessary to take progesterone? I think for #1 I never took tt at all. For #2, I took for 1 wk before I saw gynae (from KKH) cos of the cramps. Gynae says no bad cramps then no need leh. Mild cramps can just leave it alone. I'm taking Folic Acid once a day only.

Julesy - Icic..then see a gynae to get it checked out soon! Gd luck!


Your students know u r preggie? What level so u teach?


TCM reads mainly from pulse. So even though she didn't seem to say thing from reading it, it should still be a comment on pulse reading. But if cos we still need our own gynae to really know how's everything.

Hi mummy to be...

I m currently in my 7 weeks but i have totally no symptoms now.... My scheduled gynae check is in my 9 week and i am a bit worried!

Was wondering does anyone same as me no symptom??

When i m in my 5/6 week Will feel tired n hungry but now nope...

Due to my worries, i try to do the pregnancy test fortnight to confirm bb still there... Can gauge this way right?

Nice meeting everyone here XD

Hi Eunice, I don't know if its necessary. Since you asked, I think I will ask my gynae when I see her this Friday. =) I also want to know.. Heheh..

She prescribed me those cos I had bad cramps and was warded for a few days. Maybe she's being on the cautious side...Will update you..

Syrah, the pupils don't know I'm preggie. They just know that I am not well and need to be on bed rest. They are p5, so final yr exams are a few weeks away. Luckily they deployed another teacher to take over my timetable...

Hi and welcome Karen!

Some people have nooooo symptoms at all! A couple of my friends felt real normal but they were preggie and went on to give birth to healthy babies...If you are worried, just go do a blood test to confirm your HCG level. If it's rising, it's a good sign! Home pregnancy tests are qualitative, means they dun measure amt of HCG but just presence of HCG..so better do a blood test if you want to be sure..

Sounds like you are preggie so you should be rejoicing ! hahaha...not like constipated/bloated/crampy me here..

Hi Karen, welcome ! i just feel more tired, other than that, no other symptons... should be ok bah... im seeing gynae only on the last day of my week 7,ie, almost week 8...

actually, like u, i did think of buying another HPT to confirm that im still pregnant lor... should we just do that ? wakakaka...

hi ppl

i just tested positive on monday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

then i went to see gynae..but he can

only see my uterus lining thicken..

anyone same as me??


My HCG came back at 7700. I'm 4 weeks+ only and it's going to be twins!

Early this morning had a scare as pee was bright pinkish red. Rushed down to KK. Doc did scan and saw 2 waterbags, 1 with sac already while the other just forming. Hopefully no more such scare. Now it's waiting for 6-week scan for heartbeat. Praying hard that all will be well.

OMG Syrah! Congrats on the twins!!! SOOOO excited for you! *jumps up and down lightly* Better rest well dear..

Hi Joyce, welcome and congrats! It's perfectly ok, you're probably still too early...did you do your blood test?


Congrats! When was your LMP? It's probably too early to scan. Won't be able to see anything. U shld just request for a blood test.


hanis..hehe i haven do any blood test..just urine test by GP then refer to gynae..

any idea mine ard hw mani weeks?? gynae say ard 4 weeks but hor mine still nutting..wahaha..gan jiong

Syrah, that is such great news, 7700 wah ! you must be so excited ! I can feel your wait... when u get scan picture must post here ok ! woohoo !


Thanks. Very excited but also worrying at the same time. I didn't expect the doc to do a scan as by rt it's too early. So imagine my surprise when she said she can see the 2 waterbags and with sac even. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm going to be on more bedrest now. My TCM doc advised me to drink more milk. Even if not hungry also need to eat cos my built isn't very big so all the more need to pay extra care.

Hi Karen,

I'm not getting much symptoms too like you. only tell tale sign is tender boobs and super bloat tummy. i dont have heavy cramps nor spotting or light bleeding. And no M/S.

im in week 5 and my first gynae appt was gna be ard my week 7 time due to fully booked slots. i was a little uneasy too, so i took temp everyday to check tat bbt stays high. Today my TCM doc ask me to see the gynae earlier, in case i may need hormonal supplements. hence i called my gynae, explained that I may need hormonal supplements and the nurse kindly slot me into their tight schedule tmrw.

So if u think there's any reason to worry, do try to arrange gynae appt earlier.

also, dont forget to eat folic acid. You can buy them from Guardian Pharmacy, 5mg tabs.. abt 30 tabs for $3. Preggie mums need to take at least 800 mcg a day.

Syrah! Wonderful news abt the twins!

Did you conceive naturally?

Pls take care of yourself now, seems that twins mean double of everything, even the symptoms like MS.. so u must be super careful k? and eat well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi mummies,

im new to this thread. im expecting my bb in june 2011 too. hope to share experiences with you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Karen,

Congrats!!! Best way is to take blood test. I am seeing Dr. Ho Hon Kok @ Mt. Alvernia.

Syrah, congrats to ur twins!!! Thats so nice to have. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi rosycheeks & joyce, welcome to the club!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrats Syrah!!! Twins!!!!!! Tts so cool !!!!

Hanis - Thanks for checking w ur gynae =) U must b a great teacher for ur students to care abt u so much...

Karen - If u r pregnant n dun have any symptoms. Congrats manz!!! MS is no fun at all!!!

hihi thanks..

hopefully by next scan (26 oct)

i can see something..hehe..

hihi Julesy,

wads ectopic ?? cuz yday my gynae mention

something like this..hmm gynae very stern looking..

wan ask alot also dun dare [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Joyce, if you are less than 6 wks, its likely bb is too small to see on scan so nothing to worry abt. Ectopic is when the bb is not in the womb. These type of pregnancies usually have to be terminated as it is life-endangering. usually its in the tube n as bb develops, tubes got no space n will burst putting the mum's life in danger.

Eunice - hehe...feeling better now..thanks babe =) will update you sooon...

Joyce - must be thick skinned, just ask...my gynae also very no - nonsense wan...lucky my hubby dun care, just crack jokes, finally she caved and she starting to lighten up..but i like her, very pro...

Karen - so far no ms for me, but very crampy! my mum warns ms could start soon..

Hi rosycheeks! Glad to see more mummies-to-be here!

I know i'm not supposed to indulge in junk food, but cannot help it..am eating a SMALL pack of twisties - big cheese...hmmm...confirm later tummy ache..hahaha...

Hello rosycheeks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hopefully i will get along with my gynae tomorrow.

Cos i was reading the forums regarding a few, and i realised there are always praises and complains about each.

Let Fate decide. Wish me luck [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

No Ms is good. But I can understand your feeling. When i was 5 weeks, I tot how come I dun have any MS and then start worrying. Now MS come every day. Its quite unbearable esp we cant let anyone knows we are preggie...

Hi Joyce, when was your last menses date? and how long is your cycle? With these 2 info, can more or less guage your BB's age! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrats!!! Everyone must take care :)

Btw, can blood test be done in gp. Or have to go hospital or gynae??

What's the charges just to take Preggie blood test??

Thanks.. Me excited but nothing much can be done...

Except to wait...

Julsey how come?? No symptoms but need hormones supplements??

Make me worry now... Can Share wif me after your chrckup if u don't mind :) thanks

Hi Karen, only gynae clinics, i think, and they have to send over to lab to test...so also have to wait..i think normal gp will do urine test..

hey karen, dont mean to make u worry! actually i had suspected PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) and i have 42-47 days cycle, so my fertility health is not tat great, which is why my TCM doctor is asking me to be careful. also i cd have had a chemical pregnancy ard aug..so...

i'll let u know tmrw!

i feel soooo oooooo B-L-O-A-T-E-D.. like a balloon.


congrats on ur twins! So happy of u.

I'm feeling real lousy. ms is real bad. everyday my buddy is the toilet bowl not my pc now. Still got headache...so tired.

Welcome Karen, qiuen, joyce & rosycheeks.

So glad that this thread is getting more n more active. YEah.....can all chat more abt our pregnancy n experiences.

Thanks everyone. I've been resting in bed all day. Quite tired today.

Hi rosycheeks. Welcome! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] how many weeks r u?


BT can only be done at gynae. U can also do it at KK, Mt A, TMC 24hrs clinic.


think u shd still stick to kkh coz they r quite gd with multiples. On the other hand, u can still keep ur appt with ur pte gynae for close monitoring purposes.


No wonder lately you've been quiet...please take care and hope that your ms eases soon....

Syrah, good, more rest and take good care of your health...eat lots of nutritious food also...*hugs*

Anyone having real tightness in the abdomen...mine is on off....now is definitely ON!

Not only are my boob sore and tender, my nipples are itchy!!! I took a look, no mozzie bite, but just itchy!! *perplexed*


Think the itch might be caused by the stretching of the skin. try applying some cream or moisturiser?

Yah i've been pretty quite coz really no energy to even switch on the pc. hope it goes away. Think i'll get some anti-nausea pills from my gynae this fri. hehe

Hi Hanis,

My tummy is bloated and a bit tight too. Nipple not itchy but initially armpit itchy for few days n nvr experience b4. LOL.

Oh Karen, 4got to tell u I waited for about 30-45mins and I have the results.



That is super fast. When I had mine done at NUH, think it cost around 30 but gotta wait 2hrs for bt to come out.

