(2011/06) June 2011

St3ph> Mustela I know is a barrier cream is also a nappy rash cream as stated in their website too. Desitin also can use as both prevention and cure. Drapolene... I do not research on it so cannot answer u.

I guess most cream can do the both. But its up to mummy how they want to use each cream. I would personally use Desitin when there is red patch or rash appearing cause its proven that it works for most bb. Desitin if you apply too much sometime quite difficult to wash off cause too thick. So I guess some mom want to use it only as a back up.. so dun want to use everyday cause they find it too troublesome to switch between 2 product. But some are oki to use it everyday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] If you got rash also can use [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Let me know if you still keen oki [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Most of these I also read and did my research online.

Createjoy> Accurate ah... hahah I have not use it myself so cannot comment if its accurate but one thing I know is Braun in Singapore cost more then S$100 in the market... but the one we buy no warranty here just to let u know first cause its fm US. I google online and in Amazon lots of pple recommend it and say good to it.... of coz very few may say no good. Well, sometimes its very funni... like some pple say Samsung good product than everyone buy say no problem... than when u buy got problem... also depend on your heng sway if the product reach ur hands good or not. So I leave it to you to decide la [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] plus I not earning a cent for organizing this so I dun want to push anyone.. later blame me I die LOL... Hahhaha

The way you use ear thermometer also important... I remember that when using the ear thermometer u got to pull the tip of the ear (at the top) when measuring temp.

Cap or no cap it depend how clean u want to be LOL... hahah. Hmmm if u say use among the family can give a skip cause u know how clean ur family member are... but if if u got a very dirty person in the family would u still use the thermomether w/o the cap? So also depend how u u think :p

Also let me know if you want to join the Spree k?

Clare> Ok will add u to the Spree, I believe u want the cheaper one right? Note waiting time 1-2 mths according to organizer

Spree> I will stop consolidating on Monday at 7pm. So that we have time to transfer fund to me. Those want to transfer funds early also can. I will later list out the amount to transfer to me and to which account. Once I have all funds transfered will place order with organizer.


Christy - can include me for the desitin cream?

Thanks thanks!

Can i ask mummies here what brand sterilisers are u all using? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

junebunny> Can you PM me cause you dun received PM.

Give me your contact no too, cause I notice u are not very often here compare to the other mummy.

Christy, sure! I think u call me or sms me better :p i have been rather slack for the past few months due to my MS.. then now realised how all the mummies are all so prepared :p

hi mommies,

just wanna ask, have you all heard of rubberised coconut fibres for baby mattress?

Just came back from the taka fair again and saw the fair selling this baby cot with free rubberised coconut fibres.

I have never heard of it so wonder if any mommies are using it for your babies or have bought the cots that comes with this mattress.

thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks christy ;) let me know the acc to transfer the $ to u. Yes its much cheaper to get from spree ;)

Coconut fibers?? I only bgt the latex one from graco and didn't notice others..

fen > hm... i also don't know. the booth is somewhere in front of the avent/ pigeon counters selling the cots & playpens.

am interested to get a cot but i wanna check on this coconut fibre mattress first. so wondering how many mommies bought this kind of mattress and is it baby safe...

junebunny> Received your PM [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] will include you, I believe you also want to share the cream with other mummy?

Fen> Will let u know soon on the funds

Life is beautiful> coconut fibres I read it before and I think more common in amg moh country compare to our country.

Order List for Braun Thermometer irt4520 @ S$51.26 each, international & local shipping not incl.

Order fm http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/590029/5085938.html?1299719099

1) Christy (zerochristy)

2) Fen (white_african_flower)

3) Evvie (evvie)

4) Altáriël (altariel)

5) clare (clare68)

6) Christine Koh Ching Hong (princess_christine)

Waiting time 1 to 2 mths.


Order List for Desitin Creamy Twin Pack - 4.8oz per tube (Each pack consists of 2 tubes) @ S$17.00 per pack nett (include international shipping), local shipping not incl yet. Exp: 10/2012

Order fm http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/590029/5159616.html?1299817235

1) Christy (zerochristy) & Junez (nickole)

2) Fen (white_african_flower) & Altáriël (altariel)

3) junebunny (junebunny) & opt to share with other mum

As this package is twin pack, mummy can opt to share one box with another mummy.


Payment List – Please also check if its correct before transfer of funds

Christy (zerochristy) – Paid

Fen (white_african_flower) – S$51.26 + S$8.50 = S$59.76

Evvie (evvie) – S$51.26

Altáriël (altariel) – S$51.26 + S$8.50 = S$59.76

clare (clare68) – S$51.26

Junez (nickole) – S$8.50

Christine Koh Ching Hong (princess_christine) S$51.26

junebunny (junebunny) – S$8.50, pls note we are waiting for other mum to share with u. Unless u want 2.

Mummy can fund transfer to POSB Savings A/C: 013-43377-1

When transferring of funds, kindly indicate your nickname so it's easy for me to track your payment.

PM me the following format after funds being transfer:

Nickname: Christy (zerochristy)

Contact no:

Home Location: Bt Panjang *so we can tong pang other mummy or meet up later*

Please kindly provide the last 3 lines of the confirmation page once you have made payment... 


To Account POSB Savings

013-43377-1 zerochristy

Amount S$59.76

Transaction Reference 1234567890 

Hi mummies,

Quick update from me.

Yesterday I went to the taka BB fair, only managed to grab some bottles n maternity etc.. Intend to c any good deal for maclaren stroller n I saw one techno XT 10 at a discounted price at $454. Wanted to c any gd deal for the BB fair at expo too.

Kiddy palace is having Sales too till 31st March.. 15% for non mem n 20% for mem [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I checked out with the staff that the stroller is not entitle for the disc [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

pianojazzy> Noted and I will update tomorrow.. if not flooding w all my post [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Junebunny> Your order for the cream confirm as pianojazzy sharing w u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

coconut fibre mattress: the brand is rico something like dat rite. I bought it for my #1 no complain abt it. Will be bringing it out fr storeroom & setup for my #2.

Hihi yup yup will share with pianojazzy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jaymum, any idea how much the sterilisers were going for? :p

Hi Junebunny,

Sry ya. I didn't really look into sterilister but I roughly rem for pigeon ones there's a package of $199. Incl some bottles etc.

No problem jaymum, was just wondering.. Tempted to go for the fair but yet didnt wanna squeeze... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

junebunny> ok noted and you can proceed to transfer funds [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I got pigeon form my sterilister... the other popular brand is Avent.

Altariel> No problem *soon bian la* hahaha

Hi june bunny -

Taka fair

Pigeon sterilizer with 5 bottles and food warmer going for $199

Avent sterilizer with 5 bottles and food warmer going for $188


Sterilizer with 2 bottles is $135 (usual price $212)

Clare> Receive payment.

Shopping trip> Went to Ikea and got chest of drawer... than head to BHG at Bugis to buy bra, night gown & disposable panties... the aunty say my size no need to get maternity one get normal ladies size will do and I told her I dun like disposable cause like "lang lang" she say get fitting one can take ladies normal size and in cotton type.. so I buy one and see lor... I got free gift again.. LOL 1 bag from aunty good as diaper bag too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BHG bb dept still got 20% discount le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

junebunny, i'm using avent sterilizer [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

any mummies remember if there is any special avent bottles package on taka fair? the small ones... 125ml...

Any babysafe offer on taka fair? Apart from the 15% discount.

Christy > hows ikea sale? Crowded? Most items on sale or just very few?

Hi I've a set of brand new Philips Avent Digital Sterilizer (keeps contents sterile for 24hrs) going at $150 (UP $199). Bought wrongly cannot fit the bottles that I have. Interested please PM me.

Junebunny~ I bgt the avent set and comes with 1 hair n body wash and 1 cream foc ;) buy more than $200 got a free comforter for playpen ;)

For the avent bottles, I bgt the 3 in 1 pack of 270ml at $27.92;)

AnyOne can tell me if rice wine is required for confinement cos I saw someone selling and wonder if I need to buy or normal rice wine ok? I heard we need to use rice wine to wash hand before touching water during confinement

thanks all mummies! I bought the pigeon steriliser in the end.. not too sure if its good, but its the 3-in-1 steriliser.. it was going in a bundle at bhg..

Christy, will pm you after i transfer the funds, latest by tomorrow. will pm you. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks for organising!

I think i still have a lot of items to get... only got my breastpump and steriliser so far.. haha.. way behind all mummies.. i need to buck up!! :D

Claire> IKEA Sale on selected item only not whole store [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] if not my chest of drawers will be cheaper :S I think not worth it to go IKEA even sale period.

Fen & Pianojazzy> Receive payment

Fen> Rice wine for cooking during confinement... never heard of washing hands. Use warm water to wash hands I heard abt it. My parents buy "Hong Zao Jiu" for my confinement already sitting at my kitchen since I 4mths [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Junebunny> Ok let me know when u transfer funds over.

Order List for Braun Thermometer irt4520 @ S$51.26 each, international & local shipping not incl.

Order fm http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/590029/5085938.html?1299719099

1) Christy (zerochristy)

2) Fen (white_african_flower)

3) Evvie (evvie)

4) Altáriël (altariel)

5) clare (clare68)

6) Christine Koh Ching Hong (princess_christine)

7) Joyce Pei Xi

Waiting time 1 to 2 mths.


Order List for Desitin Creamy Twin Pack - 4.8oz per tube (Each pack consists of 2 tubes) @ S$17.00 per pack nett (include international shipping), local shipping not incl yet. Exp: 10/2012

Order fm http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/590029/5159616.html?1299817235

1) Christy (zerochristy) & Junez (nickole)

2) Fen (white_african_flower) & Altáriël (altariel)

3) junebunny (junebunny) & pianojazzy (pianojazzy)

As this package is twin pack, mummy can opt to share one box with another mummy.


Payment List – Please also check if its correct before transfer of funds

Christy (zerochristy) – Paid

Fen (white_african_flower) – Paid

Evvie (evvie) – S$51.26

Altáriël (altariel) – Paid

clare (clare68) – Paid

Junez (nickole) – S$8.50

Christine Koh Ching Hong (princess_christine) - Paid thru other bank

junebunny (junebunny) – S$8.50

pianojazzy (pianojazzy) – Paid

Joyce Pei Xi – S$51.26

Mummy can fund transfer to POSB Savings A/C: 013-43377-1

When transferring of funds, kindly indicate your nickname so it's easy for me to track your payment.

PM me the following format after funds being transfer:

Nickname: Christy (zerochristy)

Contact no:

Home Location: Bt Panjang *so we can tong pang other mummy or meet up later*

Please kindly provide the last 3 lines of the confirmation page once you have made payment... 


To Account POSB Savings

013-43377-1 zerochristy

Amount S$59.76

Transaction Reference 1234567890 

Target to close by Monday, 7pm

Christy, i pay u when i see u for class next Sat.. then u can pass to me, no need to post to me.. thanks!

wash hands during confinement can just use hot water will do??

Went OG just now, saw some nursing bras, not branded ones going for $9.90 - $17.90.. quite cheap.. Ubermums in smh sprees oso selling quite cheap $10.90.. haha..

i just received the Zoe Tay designed bag from Similac.. heehee.. so happy.. no need to get a diaper bag liao.. ;p

Junez> Ok you can pass me the $$ when we meet during class this Sat.

Ester> Will add you to the list. Please proceed to payment S$51.26 and you do not accept PM. Kindly PM me your contact no. & transfer details to me as I notice you are not so often there compare to other mummy.

Createjoy> Ok will add you to the list and pls proceed to pay S$51.26 than PM me once u have transfer fund.

Desitin Creamy> It take time to ship to Singapore I will give it a 1-2 weeks time line. On top of this the organiser is on confinement now... and I stay in Bt Panjang & Organiser stay at Yishun. So most likely, I will meet the organiser after her confinement (so she can have enough rest) or we opt for local shipping to my place or I can meet her when she go church which is after her confinement [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] or we can wait for all item in Singapore and collect everything in a go [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mummy let me know if you urgently need the cream so I can make arrangement w the organiser [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Fund Transfer> To be complete by tomorrow, 15 Mar @ 3pm.

Junebunny, i saw the nursing bras at OG albert complex. its beside baby items corner at the maternity wear area. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Fen (white african flower)& Mel(virtual),

Actually, there's 2 type of rice wine.The one you can buy from NTUC and provision shop ( in glass and transparent color ) is use for washing hands and wiping face during your confinement.Oldies say this method will prevent "wind" from getting into your hands.

For the other type which is normally own make by old people is meant for consuming type. As what I know, those NTUC /provision sell one , does not suit for confinement.Hope I answer your question

thank you angelwink35 for clarifying..

hmmm i guess that was the cheaper one that i can get to wash hand.. cos MIL says the alcohol helps to prevent water from seeping into the bpdy..

consume.. i guess can use dom etc ...

Order List for Braun Thermometer irt4520 @ S$51.26 each, international & local shipping not incl.

Order fm http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/590029/5085938.html?1299719099

1) Christy (zerochristy)

2) Fen (white_african_flower)

3) Evvie (evvie)

4) Altáriël (altariel)

5) clare (clare68)

6) Christine Koh Ching Hong (princess_christine)

7) Joyce Pei Xi

8) Esther (eelin10)

9) createjoy (createjoy) 

10) Novie Posumah

Waiting time 1 to 2 mths.


Order List for Desitin Creamy Twin Pack - 4.8oz per tube (Each pack consists of 2 tubes) @ S$17.00 per pack nett (include international shipping), local shipping not incl yet. Exp: 10/2012

Order fm http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/590029/5159616.html?1299817235

1) Christy (zerochristy) & Junez (nickole)

2) Fen (white_african_flower) & Altáriël (altariel)

3) junebunny (junebunny) & pianojazzy (pianojazzy)

As this package is twin pack, mummy can opt to share one box with another mummy.


Payment List – Please also check if its correct before transfer of funds

Christy (zerochristy) – Paid

Fen (white_african_flower) – Paid

Evvie (evvie) – S$51.26

Altáriël (altariel) – Paid

clare (clare68) – Paid

Junez (nickole) – To collect S$8.50 on 19/3 at Mt A

Christine Koh Ching Hong (princess_christine) - Paid thru other bank

junebunny (junebunny) – S$8.50

pianojazzy (pianojazzy) – Paid

Joyce Pei Xi – S$51.26

Esther (eelin10) – Paid

createjoy (createjoy) – S$51.26

Novie Posumah - $51.26

Mummy can fund transfer to POSB Savings A/C: 013-43377-1

When transferring of funds, kindly indicate your nickname so it's easy for me to track your payment.

PM me the following format after funds being transfer:

Nickname: Christy (zerochristy)

Contact no:

Home Location: Bt Panjang *so we can tong pang other mummy or meet up later*

Please kindly provide the last 3 lines of the confirmation page once you have made payment... 


To Account POSB Savings013-43377-1 zerochristy

Amount S$59.76

Transaction Reference 1234567890 

Close Order by today @7pm

Fund Transfer> To be complete by tomorrow, 15 Mar @ 3pm. Funds not receive in time I will drop order.

junebunny> Did you do a fund transfer to my account via ATM?

christy, trf done


To Account POSB Savings

013-43377-1 christy

Amount S$51.26

Transaction Reference 6597462476

wah, was hoping to buy some furnitures from ikea [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

any mummies going for babycare festival?

life is beautiful > I have both food warmer and steriliser already. Mine also come with bottles, but I scared not enough so kiasu wanna buy extra :p

BTW experienced mum, those fair at expo can pay using credit card right? Or cash only?

Claire> U hoping to get discount price fm IKEA ah... I very sad also cause the banner at IKEA so big but got there is not storewide *Blah*

Anyway we still get the drawers cause still cheaper than the one we eye at a shop in IFC. We though that kids no need so good one cause later they draw here and there very heart pain lor.

claire > i tink should be enough bah. like you, i also scare not enough then my mom say babies grow very fast, so about after one month, small bottles don't have much use liao...

but that's her experience from raising us up lah... so you might want to ask around. ;p

for me, i only bought one 125ml and 2 medium (~260ml) ones for one. maybe will buy more when the baby grows... hehe

oh, and i might be going to the babycare festival to see what they offer... *kiasu...hehe*

