(2011/06) June 2011

Like to check with experience mummy of the following:

Day clothes and an outfit for leaving the hospital, maternity wear fit for 5-6mths preggy, would it be painful if we wear pants during discharge time? Of coz, when we reach home we will change to our gown

sterilize cotton balls for cleaning wound, is this needed?


claire, OG having private sale today, baby bjorn orginal + bag going only for $85! good deal... but JJ shared that baby bjorn is not good for bb boy as the weight will be on the crotch area.

giving up seats - I was on the NUS shuttle bus with my colleague yday. it was very crowded & my colleague just stared at those sitting down until 1 girl paiseh then gave me the seat...

fen, 30mins a long ride, need a seat esp during peak hours... try standing in front of the priority seats & start rubbing your tummy? my frd did that every morning...

Eleen> Hahah now I also rub my tummy if I in a Q and I am the next one to be serve.. so that the counter staff can faster serve finish their customer.. hahhaha

actually those pple i encountered who gave up the seats for me on the MRT are not seated at priority seats.

i personally think short train rides are still okie. i just hate it on LRT ride cos very shakey!

there was once i took the LRT during and it's so crowded, the rides are bumpy.. and my stomach/navel area got really painful after a few stops... but i still have to endure to my stop. during the journey, people get off but others just snatch up the seat. :x i told myself never take the LRT if I have no seats or unless very urgent. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

oh, and since christy mentioned about the sterilising... do we need those antiseptic/sterilised cotton wools for cleansing the baby's navel/cord? or plain water will do?

life is beautiful, PD will give powder for the cord to dry up. Just wipe dry after bathe & apply the powder can liao. Gotta take care, make sure the pee/diaper dun wet the cord area.

life is beautiful> I know hospital will give u a liquid "Alcohol/Cord Spirit" to clean bb's cord.

What I am not sure is the sterilize cotton balls / wool do we need to get or use normal will do. I heard/read can use to clean our stitch down there and also can wet the cotton wool to clean bb eye after bath.


For those not in the FB thread, we are planning to organise another gathering since a few of us missed the last one.

Date: 4 April (Monday)

Venue: Ricciotti Deli @ Riverwalk

Time: 7pm

Those interested so far:

1) syrah

2) JJ

3) Altariel

4) pianojazzy

Please add on to the list if you are interested. I'm a little confused who's who on SMH and FB so pardon me if I make a mistake or miss out your name here cos I've no idea what's your nick in SMH! :p

i bought playpen at Taka fair eh..never buy baby cot..hehe..

for mrs wong class ah..my lesson this Sat but i will be paying her this Sat personally..keke..when i called up to book..the lady said paid at amk hub..then when asked again..she said at TMC..

oh ya any mummies experience MS during 3rd trimester ah?? suddenly i feel very nauseous and no appetite..usually by afternoon..very hungry...

leenmummy > i see..

christy > i didn't know the stitch down there also needs cleaning... i thought like any other normal wounds, the stitches will 'dissolve' and heal itself. pardon my ignorance... so what is it all about? will it be a very big stitch area or...?

ting > i was advised (when I called parentcraft) preferably not to pay at the venue cos she's only one person and she gotta handle the payment & class... that's why i sent in the cheque. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

syrah > would really love to join you guys but i can't attend for the 4th. so you ladies/mommies enjoy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi all,

i am selling some brandnew Disney Baby Rompers and pyjamas set. at 50% off retail price.


BN Disney Baby romper 3-6mths $6 Retail at $15.90


BN Disney Baby romper 6-12mths $6 Retail at $15.90


BN Disney Baby 2pc longsleeve PJs set (stripes) 0-6mths $10 Retail at $19.90


BN Disney Baby 2pc longsleeve PJs set (ladybird) 0-6mths $10 Retail at $19.90


BN strawberry shortcake 2pc short sleeve with bloomers 6-12mths $8 Retail at $19.90

All 100% brandnew. Giving away free postage if purchase $10 and above.

pls PM me if interested. thanks.

Yay so happy, just gotten my okiebag finally last night. Realise the amk mums and babe have 20% off as they are shifting from one end to the other. Once I purchase the mattress this coming weekend, think can start to take a break as most of the big baby items are now finally cleared.

life is beautiful> Hmmm I also dun really know also... cause most I read online... some pple clean there with water. Some say they use sterilize cotton balls for cleaning. Some I also read say dr will give some medicine to clean or wash that area. So the actual is what I also dun know.

stitches will 'dissolve' or not I also dun know.. unless other mummy want to tell us if not I think better dun know better... Hahaha u know taking out stitch is painful hor.. I did once for my wisdom tooth pain sia so better dun ask hahah. As for how long the stitch hmmm you imagine lor bb head how big come out plus dr will cut a bit than stich... hmmm I also dun wish to know the answer if not very scarry *ouch*

I just want to know the sterilize cotton balls or normal one will do.. hahah the rest I dun wish to know too much.

christine > what is okiebag?

re: mattress

what sort of mattress is more recommended for newborns/babies? latex or foam?

need to get another one to put at my place since the baby cot will be at my mom's. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

life is beautiful and christy, yes, the below there need to clean, hosp will give u the lotion to clean the wound (to prevent infection) with the cotton balls and usually will give u some sterilize cotton balls to clean. Nowadays stitiches will dissolve by itself, unless the hosp is still using the take out stitch kind, hehee!

christy, for pants, try to wear those abit loose kind, so u will feel more comfy.

RE: cleaning the bb's cord

normally hosp will pass u the solution to clean the cord with the cotton balls and pd will get u the powder to sprinkle on the cord so that it can be dried and not kana any infection. I still have the powder leftover from my #2 and the expiry date is next yr, so will not be getting from my pd, i think it's just few dollars only.

for cotton balls, normally i use the sterilize ones which hosp will give when discharge until finish then i will use the normal cotton balls.

RE: cleaning bb's eyes

use normal or sterilize cotton balls to dip with warm water and carefully clean bb's eyes to clear out the 'shit'. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Not to forget on cleaning bb's ears

I use a clean cotton bud to clean bb's ears.

oh btw, watever hosp or nurse give u, try to take all on ur discharge day cos they already charged all the stuffs to our bills, ya? you can request to use ur own and make sure they don't 'accidentlly' charge to ur bill if you are not using some of the stuffs.

Mattress one better to get latex. U can check out the fb thread. There's a discussion on this.

Christy, u preparing the bag so early ah?

JJ, Oh okie... will use what ever hospital give me.. than if not enough to buy frm guardian lor. I still note down to request glass bottle fm hospital...

Mel, Hahaha ya ya I preparing the bag liao very kiasu hor... cause I putting all the hospital stuff in 1 layer of bb chest of drawer than in May'11 some item need to wash.... will than transfer to luggage bag.... think better to bring luggage bag than to bring my handbag, ah lao's laptop bag & hospital bag.

JJ > thanks for all the info! I didn't know all these... i guess it will be easier to wear dress on discharge then... so even more comfy than pants? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mel > will check out when I'm home tonight cos now cannot access FB. hehe.

christy > all the info i get is from this forum and FB, so the rest... i think i am just gonna be a blur mommy and let nature take its course... hehe. ;p

^5 christy, my bag is 3/4 packed, heheh! then in may, i will throw the bag into ah lao's car boot.

and o don forget ur bills, test reports, impt docs, etc hor!!

okiedog bag is actually a diaper bag. even though i already have one TMC standard backpack style diaper bag, but was thinking the design suits guys more (maybe it was design for our hubbies to carry) so decided to get something more vibrant and ladylike.



I like it not just because of the designs but the various features it has:

- detachable bottle warmer

- antibacterial treatment on changing mat and zip lock bag

- universal push chair clips (to be strap on to strollers)

- Separated parent(with key strap somemore) and baby zone compartments (pacifier strap + many multi compartments)

Hmm bought it at $71.90 after 20% discount from $89.90

JJ> Yes you reminded me... forget to list this in my packing list LOL.

Maybe I should post my bb list here to share also help me to look if got missing item boh. Than other first time mummy can use it too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hospital Bag

 2 easy to open night clothes (for breastfeeding) & Bedroom Slippers within the hospital room

 jacket

 3 nursing bras / maternity bra

 2 Socks (use during labour)

 Few pair Breast pads

 Toiletries

 sanitary pads

 Plenty of underwear, perhaps opt for disposable underwear.

 a plastic bag for soiled clothing

 light snacks, in case get hungry at night

 Day clothes and an outfit for leaving the hospital, maternity wear fit for 5-6mths preggy

 sterilize cotton balls for cleaning wound (hospital will give, not enough than buy)

For Daddies:

 Camera with plenty of megabyte space. Make sure your camera is fully charged and charger

 Laptop and charge

 Handphone and charger

 Phone list to announce the birth of baby (Internal Family Members & Our bosses & HR)

 Coins for vending machine (Coffee/Tea)

 Clothes, Toiletries & jacket in case cold

 Prepare BB car sit

For the Newborn Baby:

 newborn clothing for going home, with a pair of scratch mittens & booties

 one receiving blanket to swaddle baby for the trip home


 Gynae Letter (If any)

 NRIC of both Husband and Wife

 ROM Certificate and Bank Account Book/Statement (For Baby bonus Admin)

 BB file (Gyne Bill, Hospital Admit Letter, Report)

Check with hospital if they provide the following:

 Face and Bath towel – In case hospital do not supply

To request from Hospital:

 Glass bottle & disposable treats to store Breast milk at home

 Not to provide maternity sanitary pads – will be using own supply

 Formula in glass bottle at least 1 in hand for bb to drink during travel back home or breastfeed (Maybe no need for short distance)

Christy > Will the hospital charge for the glass bottle? And what's the reason it has to be glass? I've bought my own plastic BPA-free bottles.

During the hospital tour I went on, the staff mentioned that they will provide a set of baby's clothing, receiving blanket, formula milk, diapers and maternity sanitary pads. So if we have ours, we'll not want these items from the hospital coz they are chargeable, is it?

moon, the glass bottle is foc, they are used for storing bm.

the set of baby's clothings, receiving blanket, formula milk (as in the small glass bottles, abt 90ml i think) are nt chargable, but diapers and maternity sanitary pads are chargable if i recall.

christy, just help u to check MT A online, think need to bring bb clothings along...

moon> the glass bottle I also ask the mummy here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] they say if u request hospital will give. Its for storing BM and u just have to buy the cap outside or in the hospital pharmacy. If you are on FB you can see a topic on this [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

You delivery which hospital? Me at MT A. Different hospital provide different item... like Mt A when discharge they will give u bb bathtub which other hospital do not.

Like for the common item like maternity sanitary pads you dun want to use theirs have to inform them before they open it if not they will charge u.

junebunny: i also having a low lying placenta that cover the cervix.. doc ask me to bedrest after been staying hospital for 13 days cause of heavy bleeding.

christy, ya lor, afterall we just need to carry our bb can liao, hehee!

junaine and junebunny, u gals be careful ya, i have low placenta when preg with #1, so can understand.

syrah, able to scan a copy of the advert & share in our fb grp?

christy/JJ, bb's clothings not included for Mt A. But there is a Mt A goodie pack which will have 1 t-shirt (too big for NB), mittens & bib... dun recall if got booties anot... But I dun think you will want your lil' precious to wear that home... LOL

qiuen, baby's bank hehee!

e'leen, i will be delivering in tmc, so far i'm ok with tmc's bb clothings and receiving blanket, hehee!

Quien> I just call up MT A (BB Bonus Dept) they say bring both parents NRIC, BB Birth Cert & One Parent's (either dad or mom) passbook so that can deposit the cash give to the account.

Test of Breast Pump @ TMC> Just call up and will be going on 24 Mar to test out pump. Errr at first the lady say must after delivery to test so know if got supply or not. Than I tell her I not delivering at TMC. Than she say like that ok than appt made :S

JJ - the goodies bag from Mt A is sponsored gift by some FM companies, dun think it is meant for bb to wear home... even the nurse will ask u for bb's clothes to wear home

Christy > Mine is TMC. oops i'm not in the FB thread for June MTBs. Thks for the tip on diapers & sanitary pads. I guess the hospital will charge higher!

Junenaine/Junebunny > I have a low-lying placenta too. I read somewhere that after a certain week of pregnancy, this is known as placenta previa. Were you told how low is your placenta? I'm wondering for subsequent pregnancies, will the placenta be low-lying too.

Coupled with gestational diabetes, am not feeling so positive about my pregnancy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Gynae told me high possibility of C-section if placenta doesn't migrate upwards. A special scan next month will determine it. Till now, it's still low but I'm not sure how low. No bleeding, though. Whenever I think of this, feel so upset.

christy, to test out pump at tmc wats the cost? juz curious though i ve bought my pump liao.

Moon> Diaper usually we use the hospital one, most likely will have left over so u can bring home... I did not buy diaper yet cause dun know if she will outgrown it or not. I will get hub to buy from NTUC after discharge fm hospital.

Sanitary Pad... I dun like using old fashion pad (loop type) so I will buy my own the wing long type to use.

christy > know what? i was just looking through the archive cos someone posted on the hospital bag essentials some time back! Am going to deliver at TMC and I read on the TMC webbie no need to bring baby stuff.. Any mommies delivered at TMC before to verify?

and also, any experienced TMC mommies to advise what to bring and what will be provided (FOC or not?)

christine > your diaper bag sounds good! I have been trying to find one that separate parent and baby zone compartments.

You got yours at Amazon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

life is beautiful> u read the above post again.... JJ just not got mention [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rat> The last I ask they say $10+ for testing out the pump. Not more than S$20 I am sure.

from tmc's website: http://www.thomsonmedical.com/motherhood_journey.htm

What to Bring For Your Stay

For maternity patients, please bring along your:

• personal nightgowns (front-open types for easier breastfeeding)

• maternity brassieres

• cardigan or dressing gown

• bedroom slippers

• sanitary belt (optional)

• sanitary towels (optional)

• polythene bags (for your soiled linen)

Note: It is advisable to have a bag ready with these necessary items packed 2 to 4 weeks befoe estimated delivery date.

We will provide the following for your newborn baby:

• baby vests

• disposable diapers

• toiletries

• a baby bag

• wrapping blanket

• a pair of mittens

Basic toiletries throughout your stay with us will be provided. However, you may also like to bring along your personal clothing, cosmetics and toiletries for a more comfortable stay. You are advised against bringing large sums of cash or valuables

JJ's view:

sanitary pads and waterproof sheets are chargable, unless u bring ur own.

And TMC provide toileties bag (which include a comb, toothbrush, toothpaste, bath gel, shampoo)

do bring panties or disposable panties and some extra sanitary pads.

I recalled tmc don provide towels, so pls bring ur own towels.

Ratatouille: I already posted it in FB a few days ago. All 10 pages of it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Eh. baby not born yet, can so fast open account for them already ah.

Tink i am need to be updated on BB's affairs. haha

