(2011/05) May 2011

I bth my hb. Just bought a computer table which arrived tonight. It was bb's nap time but he refused to stop and so loud, keep dropping the shelves on the floor NONSTOP. Poor bb is tired but cun slp for the past one hour. Now I'm fed up and say I'm going to carry bb out since daddy is going to pull down the whole building. And now he's scolding and push the blame on me, saying that I shld have stopped him from starting. Rubbish! And he says I shld no this is going to be noisy. WTH, felt like giving him a slap!


Mummyzen: ya.I'm going down on fri.ard 12nn I guess.forgot the timing.but I think chances quite slim.my girl's votes so little as compared to the top few.and they all belong to category A. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

eve: no la.no thinking of the twin.just that Im thinking #2 came too early.came at the wrong time.all my love is on #1 cuz firstly,I almost lost him.I thought all was gone when I lost a twin.fortunately he fought hard to live.2ndly,he was my 1st liveborn after my miscarriage.so all my love is on him.my heart is small.I tried to share.but apparently, I'm bias.

Jenny,sunflower: I think won't double the morning sickness la.but expenses double,headache double pain double and unfortuanately, baby bonus remains. Lol...

Jen: how can yr hb be so selfish . Got child at home non matter who fault also must let bb zzz 1st .

If I m you I also btw and slap him hard to wake him up. He tot he king ah. In the house the king is mother and bb . I be on your side.

Jenny: men being men..got new things sure excited and want to fix immediately. I think he forgot its baby's nap time la.cuz he is outside working.give him the benefit of the doubt. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My hb wanted me to cook for the whole family today cuz his mum went mj-ing.she was supposed to be back around 4pm,but bcuz hb told her I will cook,she reached home at 9pm!and mind u,mil was out since 8am! End up my poor girl did not take her nap since she woke up at 2pm.cuz hb wants a western dinner n I'm supposed to prepare for 10pax!!! After I finished everything bb alrdy tired till cannot Liao.fall asleep immed upon latching on.what's worst was Körkör got diarrhoea n I had to be the 1 cleaning him up,feeding him n preparing dinner cuz he refused all other.luckily my nv was very cooperative.even though she is very tired,she knows I'm busy and did not make much noise.

Hb is now enjoying downstairs watching his favourite show while I'm just done with the kids and catching on some ME time while waiting for him to take over so I can go bath!!yes...got no time to bath even after cooking! *-*

I'm not happy coz I nv even scold him and he started pushing the blame to me! I only say to bb I'm going to pick u up, how are u going to slp with this noise then my hb started blaming me. Just now bb was extremely cranky. I had to put him in bed earlier and feed him inside the yao lan. Poor baby, so tired and sleepy.

jmummy: Its my gynae who told me will double one leh.

Hello mummies!

Super busy day for me today! Coz my #1 has no school and hb away (again!) but mummy and son had a great time today! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I think next time my DIL should be very grateful to me coz i start training my boy to shop with ladies (Me now)from early age!

Eve, Sunflower: I think babies are v sweet... glad to my #2 so i can enjoy the bb moments again! Just now, bb very eagerly stretch out his arms to his little Korkor to carry him... so cute! Go for #2 lah! Jiayou!

Jen: Your hb is acting defensively. His sub-conscious must have told him he's at fault. When my hb does this to me, i will be very mad at him too. Ignore him for now but hope by tmr things will blow over. Sidetrack: Is he trying to work from home more so he gets to spend time with u n bb? *wink*

Jmum: Don't think this way. Our first born has advantage of time to bond with us much longer. At times, I struggle to give both equal time, attention and love and constantly ask if i am impartial...but heck lah, thinking about these will only add more white hairs. So, just do our best according to our maternal instinct. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

P.s: where the rest gone recently? Mimosa, Mickeyboy, 2ww, Vicki, Deon, Viman....

lil' fly: LOL should I say good morning or good night?

today tried training bb to sleep at 10pm, off the lights everything meke the house dark dark but after one hour he got up again...

enjoying ME time now

Mummyzen: I pondered this question too so in the end just say 'hi!'. LOL...

Now, definitely its a "GOOD MORNING!" [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mummies: do u intend to send your bbies to playgroup when they reach 18mos or enrichment?

Mickeyboy, Vicki: for your #1s, do you send them to enrichment or can ask bbsitters to send them to those 3hr playgroup?

Littlefly: I also have not decide to let my bb go playgroup or not . My hb worry too small le and nowadays hmfd cases is increasing . Is it safe or not.

My elder I only send him to school last year . But my bb I will surely let him enroll earlier than kor kor as bb is quick learner. Now I m training him to talk and recognize words .

Morning mummies... its mid week, well, 2 more days to go...

Haha littlefly, y whenever i login, i will see my name mentioned one huh? "Xin you ling xi" huh.... i wonder where is mimosa too, she seldom login nowadays le ya.

my #1 is in full day childcare le, same for vicki's #1 (but not the same school lar). i didnt really add any enrichment class for him though. have been pondering if i shd start him on swimming lessons onot, but not sure if its too young...

u mean yours is not in childcare yet?

Morning mommies

Reporting here like finally

Juz wan to rant,y is d train so bloody horrible

Lil fly,cos I got no caretaker so playgroup is out for me. No 1 has not attend any enrichment class b4 except for in house at his cc. I send him in at 24mths.

No 2 will most likely go cc too instead of playgroup (reason being d giam siap mommy don't want to pay playgroup n nanny) at 18months. Tho I find it too young but cos I m shifting house n no 1 is in k1 next yr so best to let them both start at new cc by Jan 13.

Sayin Abt this,anyone stay at wdl here?I m looking at kindercare n bumblebee cc.

Mickeyboy, I do wan to bring my son go swimmin soon

Reason being let them learn now better cos when pri sch come,d sch work will b heavy,not sure if got time to bring them for such classes

N alot of friends tell me can train their lungs thus cough lesser

vicki, so now its not too young to send them for swimming huh? i'm afraid my boy cannot understand what the coach asked him to do ar... lol

Morning Mummies

o the tread are too fast.. cannot caught up...

littlefly: I intend to let my bb go playgroup. But my hb & MIL worry too small and nowadays hmfd cases is increasing not safe.

twins: Hope to have too!!

Glad to hv u ladies back... heehee

Qin: i think my bb a bit slower than korkor except for physical devt..hope its not brawn over brain.

Mickeyboy: yarlor, we got 'telepathy' mah..Don't puke...LOL.

Oh, i actually meant during #1's time when they were little, do u have any enrichment for him before full day CC? I am wondering what age to start my #2 childcare. My #1 was IFC baby transition to CC so that time, i didn't sign him for any enrichment.

Think you can wait another year for your #1 to go swimming. Both yours and Vicki's #1 in 2008 batch right?

Vicki: i woke up late this morning and still thought its 4am plus coz so dark outside.

Yarlor, i am wondering if we ask babysitter to send 3hr playgroup, still got to give full pay or can discount one...LOL. Hmmm, maybe i drop the idea of letting bb have playgroup due to caretaker arrangement too. Ask my #1 to give bb 'enrichment'. LOL.

lil fly, i cant help lol at ur "Ask my #1 to give bb 'enrichment'"

erm mine didnt attend b4 he went cc. but then again, my #1 seem smarter (i say seem la cos i duno if really academic wise is he smart or he is juz plain street smart). whereas #2 progress, except for her teeth, everything is much much slower than kor kor wic i do worry. so am thinking to try trial classes like gug with d mommies to c if can stimulate her abit. partly cos after work i go hm, i oso lazy to teach them. have been wantin to start readin stories to them but 半途而废 lol

mickeyboy, i oso worry he dont understand leh. but then again, he does understand stuffs just tat he wan or dont wan.

anyway i do intend to bring him to swim for leisure first every wk (hopefully) to test water first. i dont wan to b like mom last time, force me to learn thinz i dont wan. if he really show interest, then i will engage a coach. shall we go together like soon...borrow ur hb's safra card...kekekeke

wow, so many posts today.

Little Fly: No lah, he has been nagging me to buy a whole workstation which can link both our computers together but it costs way too much and its a crazy idea coz when bb grows up he will definitely say 'daddy, mummy scram out of my room!' So I saw gmarket selling it at a promo and bought it for him.

And today is his bday, so no choice but to forgive him. Cun possibly quarrel with him on his bday or ignore him.

Boy boy likes to accompany mummy but when grow up like 18 yrs old u see if he wans to shop with u anot.

mummyzen: Wow ur me time is very late leh. It shld be ur slping time. LOL

hfmd: Wanna check with u all how does a kid catch this disease? Last time I was quarreling with my hb that his mum rub her dirty fingers in bb's mouth, tell her hfmd is on the rise but my hb scolded me and say hfmd is only from children to children. Is this true?

Anyway even if true also cannot touch my bb's mouth lah! Good thing we fell out with each other liao, dun need to see her anymore. But my mil now dun even let my hb go to her house. How childish can a mummy be rite? Even ur own son also dun forgive him for something u did wrong.

jenny, is not true oni children to children. can be catch if ur mil come into contact wif infected person at d market etc and bring d virus hm. even us who come back fr work. practise gd hygiene is best. even adults oso can get hfmd.

morning, mummies!!

it's such a nice sleep-in day.. too bad got to work =(

jen: wah.. i'll b angry too if it's me. bb sleep, poo poo and makan are the utmost impt tasks for me in tat priority. if bb dun sleep, he'll b so cranky and diff to sleep later on too. give your hb a knock on his head. heee...

vicki: saw yr post.. totally agree with you.. smrt is getting fr bad to worst.. and we can't do anything but to put up with it... sigh...

hfmd: ya.. i've been hearing this of late.. how do we actually catch it and how it begins?? now hb dun wan me to bring bb out to prevent catching it.

jmummy: oh oh... be careful... my best fren also like tis... favortism... cos her #2 was very sick-prone and went thru' hard time when young, she put A LOT of attention on him. so now, we can see that #1 is a bit neglected and #2 is so bao bei. try to balance out, k! i'm sure the motherly love is still there. love is expandable.. not just 1 unit to share. =)

vicki: I'll let my hb no later. We do practice hygeine and will wash our hands when we come back from outside before carrying or touching bb. But she just totally heck care. I closed one eye that she didn't wash her hands and carry bb but touching mouth is something I wun close one eye.

I have thought everyting over and I think I am at fault for what happened. I am to blame for respecting her in the first place. Shld have scolded her rite on the spot. And next time also wun give her face liao, anything and everything also will shoot her back!

Eve: I wish I can slp well too. My bb keep waking up every 1-2 hours. So sleepy! Yes, I agree bb is the most impt. Haha, I nv knock his head he already show me black face.

Y what happened to the mrt? I took it during weekends and I tot there was a lot of improvement!


Such a nice rainy day but my laundry cannot dry =(

Anyway today is White Day(白色情人节), really no meaning for me but my hubby *hint hint* I should prepare some chocolate and dessert stuff and beer for me ...faint one

playgroup: I intend to do so, but not 18 months, probably when 2 yo.

BTW, can I check if there are any mommies NOT celebrating bb's one year bday? I have no intention of doing so becuz bb also cannot eat the cake meaningless leh.

My dad asked me the other day , I just say "no money lah". He replied "Then you shop less for yourself and save the money lah"....

mummyzen: I'm not holding a party but will be celebrating as a small family of 3, ourselves only.

I tot japanese likes to celebrate 14 mar? Did ur hb give u anything on vday? Maybe u shld give him some choc. Haha. So cute!

He bought Iphone for me lor, but I lost it!!!!!!!!!!!ahhhh!!!!! still no reply from police station..no hope liao, then again, what are the chances of ppl picking up a brand new Iphone 4S and returning... plus ( I'm goona be whack for saying this), I dropped it around the Joo Chiat Area, lots of foreign nationals there one.....

Anyway as I was feeding bb H fish porridge I swear I saw him shook his hand (as in "I had enough") and knit his brow together to tell me he's full. Oh my god!! Wished i had captured that moment.

Now waiting for him to say "bye bye" like other mommies babies...

mummyzen: My hb picked up an iphone before and I asked him to return it. Coz I dun believe in keeping things that doesn't belong to u. Really hope u can get ur iphone back!

My bb J is so guai today! Even though he woke up crying every 1-2 hours at nite and morning, but he went back to slp at 11+ and woke up at 1.30pm. Bath him and he peed on the cabinet. So I put him in the play yard and washed the cabinet and didn't hear any crying so I took a quick shower and now, I still have time to surf the net! Hope he will be so guai everyday!

jen: extreme good luck!!!! if got extra, pls give me a bit.. heee...

pinkdap: i've given bb pancakes fr mcdonald's. lovin' it as usual. hee..

My bb also love Mcd pancake. If stop giving him eat he will cry and yell.

He love my mum porridge best. I think full of grandma love ba.

He today is super cranky. Took a long time to make him zzz.

I think he Know his bday coming soon. Excited than mummy

Eve: LOL. I'm scare of the cycle, which means tmr he will be extremely cranky. But I hope not coz last two days he was very cranky already.

The pancakes contain eggs anot? I haven't started eggs for my boy yet.

Qin: LOL. Ur boy dun like e porridge u make meh?

Dap: U see the FB group, there's a thread on bb food.

Hello mommies,

long time never login...very busy with things [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].

how's everyone here? The weather is not good lately..so have to take care our self + kids. My son got another flu bugs from his school and then spread to my #2..*haiz* never ending story.

Re: hfmd

it's become epidemic here. My son school got mandatory closure last month, and now 2 weeks after opening, got 10 confirm cases.

Today is like a dream, my bb so well behaved. But I'm too lazy to sit with bb today coz he kept crawling away. Must stop my laziness and buck up tmr!

Novi: How's ur boy at his sch?

Little fly,

I am thinking to put my #2 to history club in pat's school house once she hit 18 months.


I also no menses yet after deliver my #1, then got preggie with #2 and i still breastfeed my no #1 til i went to hospital to deliver my #2 lol.


since he's joining school, looks like never ending story of sickness. Even after CNY, he got hfmd from school. After ok from hfmd, he got another flu [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif].


I opp of you, i scared to have twins lol. Last time, when check up for my pregnancy,,i keep asking my gynae that it's only one foetus lol. Coz i have twins brother..so i don't want to have twins, I saw how suffered my mother last time take care 2 baby alone at nite.

novi: really? your no 2 was also full term?

Cuz I remember I read somewhere that there's a risk of premature baby...

Ooh I can't wait to have no 2 and wrap up this "business"

Novi: How big is ur #1? I was surprised u bf till u deliver coz when I was pregnant my breasts were so sore and painful! I cun imagine having to bf when breasts are so sore!

Good morning mummies! I am such a light sleeper. Got woke up by some noise and can’t return to sleep.. arrgh…

On HMFD: http://www.hpb.gov.sg/health_articles/hfmd/

Have to watch out for signs: Mild Fever, loss of appetite, sore throat, blisters (tiny red spots) on palms and soles. It is common for kids under 5 thought adults can catch it too if immunity is weak. I am quite scared of it actually. My #1 had it twice from his childcare and I had it before. Super lousy feeling! I wish they could have the vaccine now!

Novi: welcome back! Aiyo, poor boy and mummy xin gu le! Really not easy on you if your kids age are very close!

Mummyzen: my bb 1st bday , I will most probably just celebrate with own family only. Keep your hopes up! Maybe you get your phone back?

I picked up others wallet a few times and got it returned (my eyes are $$$ sensitive). Once, one owner even managed to glimpse the police records on my contact and called me back to thank me personally. He said he couldn’t believe all the $$$/IDs are still intact. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jen: Haha, can feel your happiness today!

Nothing wrong to insist on hygiene especially our babies when their immune system is building up. If a grandmother cannot think properly and places her own face (ego) above a child’s interest, then really speechless. Btw: I think BB J hair is growing very nicely! my bb still a lil botak! the hair is not much of difference since his newborn days.


I later going for root canal treatment. Countdown 2 more days to my bb party.

Hope that day is a sunny day so my bb and son can enjoy , too see them happy I already feel contented. Their smile and laughter is so wonderful non matter how tired I m .

Hope mummies enjoy yr wkend . Sch holiday going to end .

Jen: I love sitting with my bb. When he sit down is like an angel. I will read him story and teach him to sing.But when stand up and walk omg no peace . Haha

vicki, u can start swimming classes for your no.1. Godo to start them young cos their fear of water can be conquered easier. my ger is in swimming class now and i started her when she was four. I didn;t know then that we can start them at 3. You just need to make sure u get a coach who is good at handling very young children and it should be fine. MY fren's 4YO is already going for swimming test this yr!

Jenny, another way that bb can get the HFMD virus is if he contacts fluid left by infected person on tables/chairs outside. so when u go out and find that he is swipping his hands everywhere and then putting his hands in his mouth, make sure u clean his hands properly too to min him getting the virus from these places.

Little Fly: U are totally rite. I dun even intend to ask my bb to greet her when he grows up, but I wun oppose if he wants lah. LOL. My bb's fringe is V shape, I just trimmed it on tue! His fringe is getting long and pricking into his eyes. Ur bb still not much hair? Then ur #1 sure laughing at him.

Actually my boy got quite a bit of hair when he was born but all drop off liao.

Qin: I tried reading to my boy and he keeps crawling away, not even 5 sec! Yest I tried feeding him bread while sitting and he kpo want to play his toys and flip over and hit his head on the driver toy very hard and cried. So now still need someone to sit behind him.

starfruit: Can check with u what type of wipes u use to wipe ur bb's hands?


My son is 3 years old this year, he's 2009 baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


she's born in week 37th, considered full term lah. Even 1st week after delivery i still breasfeed my son + baby girl [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. But after the 1st week of delivery, i weaned off my #1..no more energy to bf 2 kids hehehe

