(2011/05) May 2011

Little Fly: Good idea! When u say grill it, do u mean pan fry it? Need to add any oil and grill for how long? And keep in fridge can last how long? Sorry alot of questions coz nv do this before.

So u used ikan bilis to make stock for the porridge? Maybe that's why ur bb can eat half a bowl. Mine is no salty taste so not even 1/4 bowl. LOL


Qin: happy birthday to bb too! Enjoy the party =D

Lil fly: despite adding marmite, my bb still dun like to eat porridge. Mum say must hv inherited fr daddy cos my hubby hate porridge too.. Say porridge is only for the sick and elderly!!

My memory is also quickly and seriously failing me...oh oh... I tink it's me who needs to attend brain development lessons, not my bb!! LOL....

Jen: bb at this stage very cute, right? Really makes my heart melt every time i'm with bb. *dazzy eyes again*

Hayashi: I guess the milo is sweetening it, that's y she likes it. As a mum, I'll be very concern and worried if my bb is not taking feed well. Will try any means so long it encourage intake. I guess milo shld be ok bah since it's pasteurised. Jus beware of the sweetness. Milo also tends to be heaty too. Just a note.. Sugar will up their energy level.. So be sure u up yours too to cope along! Hee.....

Eve,Jen, littlefly : thks very much. I now so excited can't fall bk to zzz. My bb too. Wake up at 4.30am now can't zzz.

Enjoy yr weekend mummies. Will upload pic of party.

Eve: LOL. My hb also hates porridge but I love porridge! My mum says my bb is so strange, coz most bb eats porridge.

Yes yes bbs are so cute. A few yrs later they will become annoying kids -_-

Qin: I heard many cases that bb dun want to slp well on their bday. Hope not for my bb.

My bb sleep thru the night . Sleep till 8.30 than wake up, 5 am wake up once to drink fm.

I m waiting for bday cake, my balloon and my BBQ food and bday cupcake

Oh mine, my bb ate some apple puree! I just making some and intend to add in his cereal tmr and after making, I fed him some and he ate it even though he gave a disgusted face. I fed quite a lot and stop only when I saw him almost vomitting. Hope he can make my avent steamer/blender more worth!

Good morning mummies...

I think i am coming down migraine again... haven't been sleeping well for past week. Yday i really knocked out...even my #1 went loo in the middle of the night i also didn't wake up. I will alway wake up - scared he banged into walls or trip etc...

My hb recovering from his jet lag and whole Sat just vegetate there..

Jen: Yay, that's an improvement already! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] have you tried sweet potato/ pumpkin? my bb loves them...

Little Fly: My bb hates pumpkin and butternut. He threw up a lot the last time I fed him so dare not reintroduce now. My hb and I hates pumpkin too so think he takes after us. In fact, my whole family hates pumpkin. LOL.

I tried sweet potato last time but heard it will introduce gas in bb, so I stopped. Now would it be good to give him?

Mummies, I wan to rant AGAIN! A few days ago my hb changed the toiet spray water hose then he changed but that new spray was so powerful that when I use I can fly away. I asked him to change back to the old spray coz the spray is ok, but the pipe is spoiled only and he says NO, he's not going to do it. Then this week when I wash toilet I was totally wet! So I wanted to change it myself just now and the water was so powerful and I got all wet. Asked my hb to quickly off the water from the mains outside and he scolded me off and say he nv say dun want to change. %^$%#@@

He says dun wan to change so I have to learn to do it myself then got wet and kanna scolding from him. He doesn't behave like a man, where got man dun want to help to do such chores one rite? Argggg.

And today dunno wat I'm doing, forgot bb's nap for 2 times. And at 9pm I forgot again till now then rem but too late for him to nap le. Hope he wun get cranky later.

good afternoon, mummies!!

jen: some men jus dun like to do dirty works.. like our hubbies... headache...

went bk jb last wkend.. super sian. mil many many comments... dun feel like bringing bb back again.

Good day mummies!

Jen:ask him to wash toilet if he don't change the spray... how is bb J now?

Eve:Don't get affected.. come here and rant... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Eve: Wow u so nice to go and visit ur mil. Kill me I also wun go to my mil's house. Even cny I also wun go liao, I'll ask my hb to go alone, bb stay with me. If he kpkb ask him to have a bb with his mum lor. LOL.

Little Fly: Aiyo he's lazy until dunno like what. If ask him to wash toilet maybe he will wash it once a yr! Bb last week extremely guai, slp till 1+ and once at 2pm! But this week not so good liao and cry many times at nite. Think his teething is irritating him. I spot two more teeth on top is coming out. Now left bottom two more then can have a rest, as according to health booklet. Am I rite?

my mil lah.. see $$$ so big.

say my bb play with the cordless phone, no light liao, hv to fork out $ to repair. say bb anyhow press buttons on hubby's car and bang on the dashboard, need $ if spoilt. say my bb if smash the glass while banging on it, will need $ to replace with stainless steel railing. $$$$$$

den say is cos we make bb wear diapers, tats y he still can't walk. if under her care, he'll walk within 3 mths! wah lao!!!

den tell me to leave bb with her if we go on holiday. either she's trying to sound us or she can carry on dreaming, man!

aiyah... many more, makes me TL.

Eve: Ur bb play with the stuff in ur hb's car is none of her biz rite? U bring ur bb to tomb sweeping? I tot below dunno how many yrs cannot attend funeral, I think this also quite alike rite? Next time if like that u just say bb pantang, cannot go then u can escape. LOL.

Crazy, say can walk within 3 mths, so ur hb can walk when he's 3 mths old meh? Haha. Good thing u nv listen to ur hb and let her take care of bb, if not now u already regret rite?

i stay at hm with bb.. but hb insist on bringing him bk loh... cos the empress dowager already called him many times le..

ya lah.. jen, u shld let my mil care for yr son, so u no need worry he's not sitting. insteading he'll be running abt in no time!!

her son's car mah, heartache loh...

Eve: If like that why must bring bb? LOL. I think if she take care my bb can fly too. So funny.

Anyway my bb can finally sit!!! He doesn't fall anymore unless he leans backwards when he's lazy or tired so we still have to sit behind him. =)

Jen: LOL over " think if she take care my bb can fly too"

Happy for you that BB J can sit! Your hard work is paid off! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Don't remember got any breaks...in any case, his teeth pops v slowly too.. now upper tooth cutting through and he's getting cranky and irritable too...


"Most babies get new teeth in this order: First the bottom two middle ones, then the top two middle ones, then the ones along the sides and back"

Eva: Tomb sweeping no good to bring bb along somemore under hot sun and risk of mozzie bites. Elders should be aware right? so weird one...

is jus an excuse to bring bb back loh. anyway, my bb very pantang one.. so insist stay at hm.

my bb still bo geh ah! my mil yesday ask me to bring him see doc, y still nvr come out. told her it's only matter of time, sure will hv teeth. my fren told me is better to hv teeth later cos bb will resist the sympton better. dunno true or not.

anyhow.. i love my bo geh bb!! hhahahaa.... so cute smile... ahhh... daydreaming again...

Little Fly: Oops, the health booklet cheat me. I tot can have a break coz they write roughly how many mths the teeth will pop out.

Eve: I think its true bb will resist teething when he is bigger too. Coz when too small they only know how to cry cry cry cry cry, for my bb lah.

Haha. I miss my bb's bo geh smiles too.

Jen: yeah yeah!! U hv successfully trained bb to sit!! u can let bb sit on the rubber mat so if he leans back, he'll fall softly and learn to control his back too. tis is how my bb trains. He now knows how to "fall" safely.

sorry mummies, no time to login yesterday.

jenn, the sticky porridge. what i do is.. before u cook the porridge, u try to soak the rice grain in water for half an hour or so. after that u cook as per normal, then the texture will be like those sticky porridge. but of coz, how much water u add oso sth u need to lookout for, also need to stir quite abit, coz cant be too much water or else it will still be watery. so just trial & error ba... hope it works ya!

lil fly, today is tues, so 3 more days to go!! but actually i m taking leave this fri ar, coz my #1's childcare is closed, i need to stay at home w him... so i have 2 more days to go, hehe :p

u know childcare can close for how many days a year, those approved holidays, issit 6 days? i have fren saying its 5.5... so far, my boy's childcare closed for 3.5 days le, just within this month, but now only March leh...

Mickeyboy: wah.. so good.. can i join u? hahaha.

Mine closes 6 days per year leh... i think differs from centre to centre. Some count Sat closure if they hv classes on Sat too..

Jen: Better count on think health book than my opinion! i got a poor memory here. *paiseh*

Eve: heard u on MC, hope u get well soon! I learnt the hard way, better to be KS and pantang!

haha lil fly, ya, when i updated, i oso realised that... unless there is someone's bb who was born in June, or else he will definitely be the youngest, haha...

Mickeyboy: THanks for the recipe. Think if I cook sticky porridge must cook on the stove, cannot use thermal cooker. I'll try it over the weekends. So ur EDD is in jun?

I rem there's one bb who is born in June. She's one of the mummy's friend who ask her to join in but I totally forgot who it was.

Eve: I let him sit on the playmat but hor, must have ALOT of toys to entertain him and I must keep changing for him if not he will just slip down and crawl away. LOL.

Qin: U wanna check if u can consolidate ur order with mummies on FB? Can share the shipping. If not u can go to spree section and see if there's any sprees going on. Dun recommend u buy it on ur own coz I did it once and got a scare of my life upon seeing the vpost shipping!

Ohya i use stove, not thermal cooker.. haha now that u asked, i dun quite rem when was my EDD, ya i think its sometime in mid June. I joined this grp after bb was born.. or else, i would have joined the June Mummies instead, hehe.. so we are fated to meet each other here ;)

jen: i check the spree on smh. still waiting for their reply. I am aiming for let's rock elmo toy. my bb at toyrus see the toy so happy keep lalala and clap hand.

the price tag is so ex.

My bb edd is 4 april 2011 but early 3 week . I am march munnies in smh but i have nothing in common to talk to them and they dun have fb group to let me join in. I try my luck in may and i am happily knowing alot of mummies with same interest.

Dunno what happened to bb, yest woke up 2-3 times EVERY HOUR! So tired. And my hb slping like a pig, nv even wake up till once I really bth wake him up to settle bb but he took too long to wake up and bb crying louder and louder, harder to settle liao. Haiz, so still must be mummy to wake up to settle him better!

Mickey: Yes yes, good to join us. LOL. I still rem when my EDD is.

Qin: How much isit at toyrus? Sometimes u can go to isetan and buy when they have 20% off. I think u got to join in pple who have a lot of orders so as to minimise the shipping. If not shipping would still be very exp, maybe even more than buying from local shops.

Nvm, just come here and chat with us. We can chat anything under the sun. LOL

Jen: the toy cost 129.90 lor. Amazon cost 49.90usd . With sg price I still get another Grover microphone to pair with Elmo guitar. Usd less than 80 .

I love chatting with you all. I feel so happy and relax in here . Coz I have nowhere to rant and nobody to talk to.

jen: my bb also waking up frequently now. Since he co-sleeps with us, and i usually in living room sleep only 4am or so, bb will try to turn daddy over to search for me.

And my hubby not only sleep like pig, i think he grunt like pig like "Oei, come and pacify him, not my business" Geez

Qin: Hi 5. I also not much pple to talk to except u all here. Sometimes talk to my hb he also dun want to listen.

I agree with sunflower. Not only shipping only, last time I buy tickle me elmo and totaled to S$70+ still nvm, i play for one week and spoiled already!

Oh if u're looking for toys, u might want to try lamkins website, I always buy from them coz its cheaper but not sure if got sell the toy u looking for.

mummyzen: U slp so late? Then what time u wake up in the morning? Enough slp?

I got angry once I think two nties ago. Bb woke up crying and I woke up to pacify him then not only my hb nv wake up he even turned over and snore like a pig. So after bb went back to slp I beat my hb up. LOL.

hello mummies : ) My 2nd child was born in May 2011 but edd was June so i have been following the June thread.

i have created a Facebook group called 'Playdates in the East'. The ones I organize will be weekdays cos I am a sahm, but you are most welcome to organize your own playdates with the other mummies at your convenient days & timings : )


hello mummies, good morning!!

today is mid week le.. not too far away, hang in there, 2 more days to go... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mummies, I really bth liao. Bb woke up every single hour again at nite and more in the morning. Woke up at 10am and refuse to go back to slp. Yest before slping I told my hb its his turn tonight. When bb cried, I woke him up and guess what? He turned over and snore even louder and refuse to wake up! So many sleepless nights for me. I had enough and I told my hb I will slp in the living room tonight. I dun care abt them anymore. When bb cries, its either him or let him cry out loud.

My hb even got the nerves to say bb very guai last night, nv wake up to cry. Really felt like bashing him up!

jen: my bb these few days sleep pattern change also. will constantly wake up in the middle of the night, sobbing away, crying out or jus whining and tossing and turning.

my hb den admitted tis am tat he heard only once, rest he knock out liao. heee...

jen, later yr hb tell u to bring bb along to living room. =_=!

mickeyboy: how come yr bb's name got 4 characters?

Eve: Maybe ur boy is starting to teeth too. I very sian just now he went back to slp and I eat lunch halfway he wake up crying again. No more mood or appetite to eat. I told my hb now the bb is like mine only, not his biz like that. Every night he wake up more than 10 times I'm the only one settling him.

I really envy mummies whose hbs will wake up and feed bb. I ask my hb to feed before slp time he also dun wan. I need to hand wash bb's bibs and wash the water bottle, prepare tmr's milk powder everything. If he nv help me to feed after I finish everything will be 12.30am liao. And he just sits down there and play his games. These few nights ask him to feed and he will doubt me and ask me what I need to do. Really very angry liao le. Felt like going on strike and go away for 2 days, ask him to take care of bb all by himself for these 2 days!

Jenny don't envy. 人比人气死人. There r also many mommies here who don't have help fr hbs too (waves) & I gotta work. But I m ok with it cos his job more dangerous whereas I juz sit at d table. But ya Sahm is tougher. I m countin down d days I go back work cos nanny on leave. Tho is gd bondin time for me n her

Rdg snorin,I snore like an airplane n I find d breathe right does reduce slightly. I know how tough for d other half but not as if we can ctrl unless go surgery.but it will come back. I m now usin my flixonase for my allergy rhinitis n tryin out those anti snoring spray with breath right to reduce my noise pollution. D anti snoring spray int sure if it work yet cos hb not in town. I find tat too fat also increase mynoise pollution too

vicki: I dunno u are a SAHM! We tried breathright and it doesn't work for my hb AT ALL. Think he is gone case liao. Even I wear ear plug also can hear him snore like mad.

Usually I'm ok, even if bb wakes up a few times I also nv complain to him but now is so ridiculous that he wakes up more than 10 times! I dream halfway he wake up crying then I dream a new dream he cry again, I can nv finish a dream now!


I think I must have gone mad with lack of slp. Went to buy exp hangers coz I calculated wrongly. I buy normal ones 10 for $1.20, yest I went to buy from gmarket 30 for $20 and I tot it was alot cheaper. I felt like banging my head on the wall or jumping down now and bb is crying away again.

