(2011/05) May 2011

2ww: hahaha. I wished i went shopping today.

No lah, drowned in meetings/work. Already struggling to follow thread here. I am practically lost in FB (except for the big big Robinson SALE banner posted by Yaer). LOL


Little Fly, you very bad leh.. dun mention shopping la... else i will hand itchy again!

Yah Jenny, din see you ard.. hope you are fine!

2ww: put some bb powder on your itchy hand? LOL. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Just kidding lah. The more stressed i get, the more i want to shop...

btw deon, r u coming to take the diapers today ar? if u dun need them urgently, can put at my place first lar, until weekend maybe? but i hope my boy wont mind, coz it takes up some of his playing space, haha..

but sth i need to tell u ar, i think my boy hands itchy, he tot the toy is for him, he unwrap the thing liao. if ur gf wanna buy that for gift, i'm afraid she will mind ar. or if its for her own use, can u ask her if she minds? tell her can discount $0.50, just pay me $13 can liao, haha... really pai seh abt it, my boy too excited when see the toy!

Hi mommies,

Third attempt to take bb out to a restaurant semi-fail! She didn't throw up IN the restaurant but did as soon as we stepped out! Have tried all angles in the stroller but dunno why she still throws up when we take her out...

2ww: there was a period i eat young coconut v often, but didnt notice got discharge from my bb's eyes wor...

little Fly: ya, he cried so loud for quite some time, i usually have to make some funny noise to distract him, so that he can calm down a bit, then i quickly latch him to comfort him... cos even i rock him, he still keep crying... only my B can make him quiet down :p did u try to do that?? at least arms not so ached... really hope he can out grown it soon!

Jenny: ya lo, u ok? nvr see u posting...

shopping: i miss e gymboree spree batch 1, my order can't proceed... haha... wanna spend $ also cannot... =P

actually i also dun believe what my MIL say. Coz i also eat nasi lemak also no problem. Then when bb eye got discharge, she say i eat coconut(Curry). Haiz...

But i still think its due to tear duct blocked. Coz i massage for 2 days and its gone.

And yes Little Fly, i should put some bb powder. Wonder is it rashes? Dunno how come got itchy after reading your post! hahah

Stephanie: MY husband's salary now cannot afford a car, dun say new car even a second hand one also cannot afford. Somemore I can bet that he wanted a car so that can bring baby over to see his mum every week so that he can also see his fav mum. He's extremely sticky to his mum.

Mimosa: Hope ur boy gets over it soon. My baby used to be scare of sounds. Every single sound he will get scare.

Deon/2ww/Little Fly/Mimosa: I'm still not ok yet. Cough still haven't recover. Baby has recovered already after I gave him bao ying dan and stop doc's medicine. I wonder if I eat bao ying dan got use anot. Haha.

Sat I really very sick, then at nite last feeding ask my husband to feed baby while I sterilise some baby stuff. When I done and go in he ask me to feed baby. I feed baby and guess what he did? He just lie down and slp. Excuse me, I'm the one who's sick and I'm sick due to him and he dare to go to slp just like that.

Yest morning managed to slp till 11am and asked husband to take care of baby coz he refused to slp again. Today is worse, baby woke up crying every hour in the middle of the nite. Then at 9.30am refuse to slp and cry nonstop. Whole of today also keep crying and crying. Ask my husband to come home early so that can help me burn amulet for baby to drink. I got some amulets to give baby when neccessary but I dun dare to use lighter and dun dare to burn too, so gonna get my husband to do it.

little fly: eh, haha i oso don really know wad is it called. it's like those pigeon mag mag mug with handle? got teats, straw kind one and we change as bb grows?

jenny: hmmm ur mil stay far from u? hmmm yes read ur previous postings on ur hb sticky to mum. he's bent on getting a car? it'll be a heavy burden to household expenses esp with bb now. maybe try to talk to him? oh no, is ur bb better nw?

mimosa: ah icic. hmmm he'll outgrow this phase, hang in there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies,

I have the following Stage 1/2 available for sale

Enfalac A+ HA (900g)

Exp: 16 Jun 2013 - 1 Tin

Price: S$45

Enfalac A+ (900g)

Exp: 25 May 2013/26 Jun 2013/29 Jun 2130 - 05Tins

Price: S$40

S26 Stage 2

900g Exp 21 Jun 2013 - 01 Tin

Price: S$32

400g Exp 19 Jan 2012 / 23 Jun 2013 - 03 Tins

Price: S$36 (S$12 each)

**If purchase all, can let go at S$60.

Similac Stage 2 (400g)

Exp 09 May 2012 - S$12

Interested, please pm me. Thank you.

Morning mommies, i cant help lol abt d abanonin forum for fb comments.

Mickeyboy, ya, cfm my gal is teethin cos her bottom tooth start to pop out already.

Stephanie, how big is your bb again? dont need to purposely buy a mag mag for bb yet tho they learning to grab bottle. if u r usin avent bottles, they act do sell d handle separately which u can fix onto the bottles. but i feel it's not a must. no need to intro sippy cup so early unless u wan to train them how to suck fr the sippy cup type of teat so tat they can slowly progress to straw.

viman, u shld say it's a semi success. at least she let u finish ur dinner in peace b4 she puke :p

twinkle, gd for u, everybody better?

vicki, yah... we are recovered, so decided to bring her back. think grandpa and grandma will miss her. she brings joy to them during her stay. last nite, my mom called to confirm if we are fully recovered, otherwise she wanted to bring my little girl back.

morning ladies, its tuesday, 3 more days to friday!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

twinkle, so bb gal is back to home! everyone must be excited, coz long time nvr see her huh... can always bring the bb gal to let grandpa and grandma see rite, if they do miss the bb gal so dearly [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

vicki, ya my bb also teething. thus abit cranky recently, and always put the whole fist into his mouth. sometimes will injure his lips, coz the fingernails will somehow 刮伤 his lips... how ah? put mitten not a gd idea, as he will make the whole mitten wet, oso no good ah.

mickeyboy, even my #1 toddler also asking, where is mei mei during this period? guess jie jie also missed her little mei mei too. when we are all back home yesterday, jie jie followed what mei mei is doing. so funny... mei mei flip from back to tummy, jie jie also follow. mei mei bang her head to the mattress, jie jie also follow. in the end, everyone burst into laughter!!

haha i wonder my boy will do that onot, when the little didi knows how to flip.. currently he still has no signs of flipping leh, abit slow, i think, haha... but my boy very violent, ur jie jie must be very gentle type will always sayang mei mei one huh? i guess, the feeling of having 2 gals vs 2 boys must be very the different, haha~!

2ww: u need retail therapy for a speedy recovery lah! *wink*

Mickey: u can buy those lil scissors for trimming their nails. PD advised against wearing mittens if bb over 4mths.

Twinkle: good to know all are well and bb is home [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jenny: u very farny lah, want to try bb's bao ying dan but scully really can cure. LOL. Seems like ur mood is improving, joking more often these days. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mimosa: my well dried up already. LOL. Can only play the human rocker role. He seemed to be enjoying that man! but my bb got the habit to 'complain' for a while before he knocks out. Every night its a battle of wills.

viman: its a semi-success too! *wink*

mickeyboy, my gal all along very chor lor, she use alot of strength when rubbing her face thus keep scratchin d face. she has develop d habit when wan to slp, rub face rub head put fist into her mouth until she find her thumb. i have to cut her nails super duper short.even when i buff her nail oso no use. so have to cut until no whites left else she'll still manage to scratch herself. but have to be very careful in case miscue will sure bleed.

Twinkle: hahaha... ur babies r so cute!! make me wanna have #2!! so that they can play together! but cannot so soon lah.. lol...

Vicki & Mickyboy: wah, ur bbs already teeting ah? so fast!! i v worried leh, i heard when they teething is a nightmare... they will be v cranky and at night cant slp well... i dun know wat will happen if my bb teeting XD v scarry like tat =P do we nid to prepare anything?

Vicki: so when shld we start to give them e cup?? now i started to give my bb cereal, so i shld give him some water right? shld i use e cup or just use e spoon? havent go search online whether got this info yet :p

Jenny: thanks! so sad that he now keep waking up at nite again... e slp thru only happened twice... T_T

glad to know that ur bb is ok now! so the bao ying dan really works wor =) erm, since baby can eat, i think adult also can eat bah, u try loh, haha...

Viman: ya! like what Vicki said, semi success!!! next time will get quater success, slowly become fully success! keep trying! hehe...

Vicki, Little Fly, Mimosa,

True, semi-success, hehe! Will keep trying! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

littlefly/vicki, i m using the lil scissors to trim too, alrd cut until no whites le. but usually the corners very diff to trim, and that's how he got the scratches. really must trim everyday ar? u heard of this saying? cannot cut fingernails at night? haha, but when we see bb after work, definitely its at night le, then when shd i cut his fingernails ar? my mum got many this kinda "weird" rules hor...

teething: i'm still in the midst of finding the "sophie" for him, i dunno where i kept, argh... ytd just passed some teethers to nanny le, hopefully that will make my boy feeling better ba. asking nanny whether i shd buy the teething gel, she said no need lar, just use the "bao ying dan" to apply on the gums will do, up to her ba...

viman, in fact, y she will throw up ar? is she drinking too full? she is a refluxer?

Morning mummies..

Jenny: Wow, now buy car very exp leh. COE is rocket high! Think got to wait for another 2 more years man. Maybe you can try talking to your husband. Might as well use those extra $$ for bb.

Twinkle: I can understand how you feel. I bet you must have missed your bb a lot. My hubby reservist last week and got to book in very early so ask me to put bb at my MIL place. I so reluctant lor. In the end, i put in effort to wake up super duper early just to send bb over and bring her back every nite. now panda eye man! But guess your 2 lil princess really bring you a lot of joy!

MickeyBoy: never mind la. Next one give birth to a girl and both kor kor will take care of mei mei! hee

Little Fly: we go retail therapy together ba!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Vicki: Seems like all bb go thru the same stage. Mine just got stratch near her eye! Her own masterpiece... too bad, i dun dare to cut nails till too short scare i mis cue and if she start bleeding, i will kanna scolded again!

MickeyBoy: My gal also dunno how to flip yet. usually they say gal faster but mine... haiz... somemore mine born end of april one leh.. its ok la.. really cant compare. The more you compare, the more you heart ache!

Mimosa: not soo fast la.. tot we will meet again in 2013 mummies thread.

oh by the way, BBpooh, is your bb's eye better?

mummies, thanks for your concern.

mickeyboy, my #1 is in her terrible 2 stage. when she is in good mood, she can be very sweet and nice. but she wails, she will always make me and my hubby boil blood!

jie jie used to talk loud loud when mei mei is sleeping. and mei mei will wake up with shock.

when jie jie last 2 weeks is sick and sleeping, mei mei will take her "revenge"... she will kept on baby talk to herself loud loud... seems that she wants to wake up jie jie. but no use, jie jie sleep like a pig.

mummies, thanks for your concern.

mickeyboy, my #1 is in her terrible 2 stage. when she is in good mood, she can be very sweet and nice. but she wails, she will always make me and my hubby boil blood!

jie jie used to talk loud loud when mei mei is sleeping. and mei mei will wake up with shock.

when jie jie last 2 weeks is sick and sleeping, mei mei seems wanted to take her "revenge"... she will kept on baby talk to herself loud loud... seems that she wants to wake up jie jie. but no use, jie jie sleep like a pig.

Hi Mummies,

Had been a slient reader all the while.

My boy is currently 5 mths old. Need your advise on the following:

We have difficulty to put our bb to sleep everynight. We have to keep holding n rocking him before he would fall asleep, even though he's already very tired n keep rubbing the eye...

Sometimes, when we put him down, he would cry even though his eye is closed ""-_-, then we have to repeat the process again..

How can we train him to sleep by himself smoothly?

Tired mummy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

twinkle: your mei mei knows how to baby talk to herself loud loud? mine talk for a while and if no one reply, she will start wailing. hahah..

Stephanie: We stay at Jurong and my mil stays at Yishun b ut everyweek they will come over to see baby. But still not enough for my husband. I used to stay overnite every Fri at my mum's house and he will go to his mum's house to stay overnite. If one week nv stay overnite he will feel terrible. I told him he's crazy when he say he wan to buy car, then he diam diam liao. Baby still waking up very early. Very sian.

Little Fly: Yest I read the box for Bao Ying Dan max is use for 10 yr old only leh. So dun dink can help me. I just hope baby can let me slp longer then I can have a better mood to take care of him. These few weeks I dun have enuff slp. Very tired.

Mimosa: My baby also cannot slp through now. Very sian hor. U can try for #2 if u can handle ur #1 well enough. But I think when ur #1 is bigger then he will know how to play with a new baby.

2ww: Yah lor, only rich pple can afford new cars now. Its so exp. If buy small and cheaper brand is kinda insane coz the COE is so high that can buy exp brand a few yrs ago. If he listened to me and buy car when COE is $1 some years back, he can even earn money by selling the car away.

Grace: U wan to try using yao lan? Last time my baby sleeping pattern even worse, at 1 or 2+am he still cry. When we got his a yao lan he can slp better. But he also cun slp by himself. Other than buying electric rocker, we have to sing to him and pat his backside for at least 15-30 min before he will slp.

Mickeyboy,actually I m using our nail clipper instead of bb clipper or scissors.cos I find it easier for me to cut even d edges.bb scissors tend to leave sharp edges so u need to buff d corners. If u r afraid of miscue,cut when they r deep aslp. Actually my mom old fashion say can't cut at night,can't cut when bb slp but I bochap cos I not pantang.I suppose is more of lack of lighting rather than any other reasons. If I dun cut,nobody will cut n I only have night n wkend.

Mimosa, I don't remember the exact mth to start but I do remember my son learning how to suck fr d straw fr 7mths onwards so I suppose ard this timing bah. But I find not a must if u get what I mean.my son actually learn how to suck fr straw b4 he learn how to suck d sippy cup tip.but then,I started my son on porridge ard 4.5mths old n he swallow very well.my gal now 5mths + but still not swallowing well so u juz take d cue fr bb. No right or wrong ans.

2ww, i felt that mei mei delibrately baby talk at the period of time. hahahha... maybe just to take revenge. most of the time, she will try to short talk with us. she likes to see jie jie running here and there... seems to be her entertainment when she is bored.


I tried the massage yesterday. This morning still see the discharge on bb's eyes. Will continue for another day. Din try the BM as she was already zzing when i pumped last nite.

Thanks for your concern.

Twinkle: Hahaha, so cute hor when bb do their bb talk. I keep asking my #1 what is bb trying to say coz my #1 will pretend he's a bb too.

Mimosa: not all babies are cranky when teething, it’s a walk in the park for some. Cross our fingers that our are like that too.. Oh, you can prepare teethers/teething gel/lotsa of bibs to catch their dripping saliva.

Mickey: I also hear cannot cut at night so I trim early morning before going to work or my babysitter will also help me trim his nails. So difficult to trim their tiny nails and they cannot sit still.

2ww: LOL. Good idea. haha, my bbsitter called my boy 'zi zar gong' coz he can make 'talk' all day. Yes, go for #2, help to booast Singapore birth rates. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Grace: Welcome! I have the same struggles. Do you try yaolan? My bb will cry (more like shouting) though his eyes are closed. It’s a battle of wills. He willed us to carry him out of yaolan, we willed him to fall asleep. Every night repeat this process.

vicki/littlefly, oh maybe i shd oso try using our nail clipper instead then, hopefully can trim better. my nanny didnt dare to cut the nails for bb, she said she got 'lao hua', afraid will miscue. so i will have to do it at night myself...

sunflower, i give puree first, then only porridge. i see many mummies alrd start their bb on cereal? i wonder if i shd start too, he is abt 19 mth now, or is it too early?

grace, yes, i think perhaps u shd try yaolan... at least u dun hv to be human rocker urself [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

haha maybe i shd oso ask my #1 what didi is saying. he nvr act like a baby one, normally he will act like a big korkor, to touch bb's head and say "sayang sayang, didi dun cry!"

Little Fly & Grace: last time it was also a v big project for us to get my bb to slp at night, me, my hb n my mil nid to take turns to sing, rock, massage his head, before he can slp.. then there was 1 night i was so tired standing there swing / rocking him, i put him on e bed and i lied together with him, holding him close to me and massage his back with my fingers n sing to him, he will struggle at first, roll left n roll right, then slowly he slept... since then this method works for my bb, every bb is diff tho, but can give a try?

2ww & Jenny: haha... wont be so fast la, i am planning to become 2014 mummies when my boy turns 3 leh... hehe...

vicki: okok, thanks!

Little Fly: thanks for e list, i will try to get them =)


Naah she's not a refluxer. Just a small drinker (100 ml max at each feed) and likes to throw up if we put her in stroller for too long. That's why very difficult for us to take her out anywhere...



I used to have a tough time trying to get bb to sleep at times, but my mom taught me a great method which is not tiring for me either. Just put a pillow on your thighs and put baby on pillow (legs towards you) and sway your thighs from side to side slowly. If bb is really tired (rubbing eyes, etc.) she will fall asleep within a few minutes. If she is cranky, this works to soothe her also. This way my back is also supported and I can do other things at the same time like surfing, watching tv or even pumping.

vicki: my bb just turned 5mths yesterday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]oh icic..i only got handle that can fit into pigeon bottles cos i using pigeon. but sometimes i oso forgot to put in the handles when letting bb drink water haha. ah..do we need to actually train them to drink from sippy cup?

jenny: wow, so far away? hmmm yalor at least they come over to ur place once a wk to see bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hmmm wad time does ur bb wake up?

Tks Mummies..

Yaolan is out as he wail even louder when we put him inside.. haha..

Let me try out Mimosa and Viman method tonight.. Keep you guys posted on the outcome..

Wish me luck!!!

sunflower, yes i start w fruits. and i m a lazy mum, normally i only prepare apple (or avocado sometimes) puree last time (which means my #1 time). i will oso buy the heinz bottled puree for him, that saves some of my time.

i rem i started porridge only after 6 mths.

for #2, hmm think its time to start him on rice cereal? what brand u r using huh?

i started on rice cereal when BB about 22 weeks. Initially i bought Nestle brown rice cereal but that one really coarse. Then i bought healthy time brown rice cereal. I must really say its good. Then my MILK mixed healthy time and Nestle one. After i finish my Nestle, i started to buy Happy Bellies coz of DHA present in the cereal.

As for puree, i told my MIL dun give raw fruit. But she say all her grandchildren also the same! So angry. My hubby ask me not to complain coz we have no choice and MIL is helping us to take care of BB. So i keep my mouth shut. Yesterday she proudly told me my bb ate 1/2 of the raw apple!!!! *Nothing to say*


@mickeyboy: i use Organix initially.. but bb didnt seem to like it. the texture doesnt look very smooth to me. so i switched to Bellamys, and she seems to like this better..

The fruit puree.. we steam the fruit and then put inside blender?

If i intro fruit puree, i shld stop the rice cereal?

