(2011/05) May 2011

Jenny: I have a fussy Bb too. Dont know he seemed to fuss during the evenings. My working mother helps me in the evening this week as hb is traveling. She will tend to my bb while i attend to my dd1 who refuses to let me handle bb. End up my mum getting really stressed out by Bb crying. I can only join my mum to handle my Bb when dd1 sleeps.

Seeing the way bb cries, my mum told me there a case of nanny quitting after 2 days. Sigh. Hoping my Bb will be more guai when we hand him over to the nanny.

Precious: can't recall name of that cradle cap shampoo but I am using mustela n seems to work for my Bb too.


Preciousmom the shampoo is detinox for cradle cap. U can get from guardian. Mustela has a shampoo for NB too which can prevent cradle cap. But if cradle cap already form better to use detinox.

Sylvia mine also bottle war with me now! Yesterday 3 hrs dun want bottle. She qould rather sleep than drink from bottle. After close to 4 hrs still dun want n i latch cos i went out. I think my MIL will be super stress when i go back to work.

I read tat bb can smell u within 10 feet. So best if u get out of the house.

Val u quite cool tat ur ger not taking the bottle leh. I wish i am as calm as u. Its been close to a week since she dun take the bottle i super stress now! When u going back to work?

starfruit, true that bb can smell us.. every time i came back from work, he'll start to cry for milk but he was just fed 1-2 hrs ago... then he'll start to lock his eyes on me...

Vicki,little fly,starfruit: thanks on e info.. Currently I do not hv olive oil, is baby oil e same? I will go find e shampoo.. Thanks!!

Alot of reading to catch up! I was bz didn't get a chance to come to SMH [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My bb is going for 5in1 jab & rota 2nd dose tmr..pray hard that he gonna be fine. Or else my weekends burn!

Just to share, i had durians & my boy rejected the durian ebm :p so funny!!! Even I latch him that nite he gets agitated

Heloo everyone...i oso back to ofc liao...lots of backlog to clear...sianz...

Re: mustela wash

my ger has some look alike 'oil pimples' on her face & thigh can this wash cleared up?

previously PD recommended lactacyd wash.my mum alternate with j&j top to toe wash...i wonder if she has sensitive skin or is jus normal to hv such..


My baby also got cradle cap only now. It seemed pretty loose so I just combed through and washed it out. Cleared up fully in 3 days.

preciousmom: I used mustela and it works once but after that still grow more and it doesn't work anymore. Currently he's having rashes and a little cradle cap and I'm using california baby shampoo for him.

sunflower: Yup yup, I know its not good to compare but sometimes just wonder why especially when he keeps crying nonstop and I'm already unable to pacify him and stop him from crying. I'm going to take half a day off tmr to go shopping (grocery and baby stuff but better than nothing) and this is the third time I can leave the house without baby.

Hannah: Yest I tried expressing at 10pm and only had 45ml milk from both breast. And also I'm not very keen in bf-ing in the middle of the night coz bottle feeding only takes 10 min. Haha, buffet for your baby. I can't do that coz I'm a light sleeper. Once baby sucks I will wake up and I'm scare my breast might cover his nose. If not I'll just put him beside me and bf him at night. Btw, I'm taking fenugreek 6 tablets a day for 1 week +3 days already, drank lotsa water n had kinda more sleep and still no use. =(

Little Fly: Hope your nanny can handle your baby well and even stop your baby's fussiness!

apple: fenugreek tablets no use for me.

Yest my baby had his last feed at 11.30pm and slept all the way till 9.30am this morning. Kinda scare me coz he went 10 hours without milk. But can see him struggling to wake up since 7am coz turning and tossing and I was already running in and out of the room. At almost 8am, I decided to sleep and only wake up when he cries.

Jenny ur ss might not be due to expressing or fenugreek but stress n lack of rest... My ss drop by half last time when I was stress! Try after ur shopping maybe can yield more ya..

mudppie: I dun wan to think how it wld b for me when I return to work [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Jenny: b happy tt ur bb can sleep so long [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u hv a gd rest too!

Yes, I think thats the best point about my baby. Sometimes I tell myself to think that as the most positive point abt my baby when he's crying. Think my baby is like me, rather slp than eat

my baby still cannot sleep throughout the night. 9pm to 430-500 am will wake up. close to 4 months.

Any mums had train their babies to sleep through the night? i am deperate for my baby to sleep thru the night coz work starting soon.

Jenny: thanks! We start our nanny on day time first so hopefully my Bb will win over the nanny so she won't quit on us. Good that u plan to have some time out. At times we just need an outlet.

Bb fussy in evening

Am I the only mummy who experiences this? I really dread the evenings. Tried giving gripe water n tummy oil also don't help. I read n re-read Kellymom's website on this topic n tried soothing him but he continues like this. It's like angry cries. Even angrier when we try to rock him in yaolan though he's tired from all the crying. I hope he will outgrow this but he is abt 11 weeks already.

Hi Kristle, let your bb have her last feed later.

For me, she was fed at 5pm. then at 9pm, she is supposed to have another feed. What i did was i latch her and then by 11.30pm, i will make some milk for her. Although she cant finish her usual 160ml, she will normally take about 120ml. if so, she should be able to wake up at 7-8am for the next feed.

By the way, my Bb is 13weeks old

Kristle: my Bb too can't sleep thru yet too. My mil tells us to rock bb back to sleep but he is hungry n angry n won't sleep if we don't feed him.

little fly: if baby already wake up n cry for milk there's nothing u can do except to feed him. U using electric yao lan rite? Just on it throughout the nite and it will rock baby back to slp even before ur baby starts crying. My baby is fussy throughout the day till night time when he sleeps so once he wakes up for the day, I'll tell myself war begins again.

Kristle actually wat it really means for bb to sleep thru the night is for them to sleep at a stretch of 6 hrs w/o feed. Norm for ur bb to wake up at 5am cos he sleeps at 9pm. This is very good achievement already.

Jenny enjoy ur 'me' time tomorrow! Even though its just grocery shopping. Be sure to stock up on your fav snacks & chocolates! I pop chocolate when bb stresses me up!! Hehe

Mudppie, if ur bb B has pimple spots pls stop using J&J wash. She may have sensitive skin & j&J is really no good for sensitive skin. U may want to consider changing to california baby range or mustela instead.

PreciousmOm, nail polish should not affect tat bm tat much. I will cont to give.

Apple my ger having durian milk these 2 days too & she loves it. I wonder if durian will help help increase supply cos been have engorgement last night & whole of today!

Little fly our bbs are still too young to drop the middle of night feed. So if bb wakes pls cont to feed. When they are older abt 6 mths u can start training them then.

Starfruit, my D rejected durian bm wor..I express out the bm is kinda like colostrum yellow & thick! Not sure build up ss or not coz it doesn't show much diff on my ss.

I went to Taka just now, the baby fair nothing great except the Huggies diapers. I bought 3 rattles & tethers, stroller pad & some home clothes.

Spending more on my #1 barbie doll instead..sigh

Jenny, maybe u wanna try more milk plus? So far my ss still good..no need supplement still :p not sure when I start to work full force my ss will dip or not..am still thinking shd I be temp sahm! Very 'fan'..My workload is getting wider scope coz my EU partner left [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Kristie: 9-5am at tis age is v v gd liao. Dun complain! Is tis ur #1?

During my #1, hb n I had to take turns for nite feed cos he only drop after 5/6 mths n I already start work

Littlefly: bb fussy in evenings n always same time? Cld b colic. Can only wait for them to outgrow it.

If bb woke up hungry at nite u hv to feed. Wont b able to rock back to sleep.


Hope W is alright nw? Today weather so hot but love it coz sun dried all my clothes. Hehe.

My boy had v bad craddle cap. We applied baby oil 15min before his bathe and use hanky to rub it off during bathing. His was really v bad as it keep coming back n had a smell. This method worked for him although it took a few mths to clear off completely. U may also use detinox like the rest suggest but I nv use it before.


Like the rest already mentioned, when u are stress and/or tired, ss will dip. If u do not eat well/regularly, ss will dip as in my case. Enjoy ur time off later, u really deserve it =)


It's gd tat ur baby can slp thro most of the nite! Ever since the arrival of my #1 3yrs ago till nw, I nv had a nite w/o waking up for nite feeds!! Even nw my #1 still need 1 nite feed else I will be kicked by him while my gal needs at least 2 nite feeds. Haha. Nt tt I am complaining, I will gladly wake up n give my kids milk when they wan. If they can slp thro it's a bonus else I am fine with it. These 2 nites have been extra tiring coz my gal has been waking up every hourly between 11pm to 3am z_z


Nt sure why but this time rd I am nt as stressed up as I did during my #1's time. Fri I gave her her first ever day feed aft bathe. She was initially playing with it and aft I make some suckling sound n told her it's milk she drank n finish the 60ml I gave her =p aft tt tried latching her and she suckle awhile then doze off. Makes me wonder if her milk intake really so little!?!? Haha.

Am going back early sept.


Yellowish n thick bm is gd! I am looking fwd to such milk! Haha. Duno why but this time rd my milk mostly whitish...unlike the previous rd yellowish n oily...

Hope u will come to a decision soon => 

Val: I m aso using baby oil nw n try for 1 wk n c hw..

Nw I hv another prob.. After 4-5 days of IFC n on total fm there, I noticed my baby W doesn't really like my ebm after tat.. He only gets to drink 3 times fm there.. My hb commented tat my ebm may b wasted in e end.. Tis morning he only managed to drink 120ml of ebm after last feed of fm at 11pm.. Tis is considered little.. Hopefully over e wkends he can pick up his ebm interest...

Sigh.. I seems like a prob mum.. :p

Jenny, Starfruit: I will wake up n feed Bb. He's so tiny I can't imagine starving him to train him to sleep through. Even my 4 yr old sometimes still demand for midnight feeds.

Just that I worry with night time feeding I can't cope when I return work n hb travels.

Apple: your 'durian ebm' really cracks me up...I seem to lose the durian interest after birth le...

Precious: dun be silly...u hav brought up your first 2 so well...guess W is adapting too...he must be looking forward to the weekends to spend time w daddy & mummy...

Val: haa your #1 so violent? Really can't imagine how u handle 2 kids...one I already super busy!

Kristle: u so lucky la! My bb best record is 5.5hr straight and we are alrdy counting our blessings!

Re: bb waking up at night

Mine too will wake up sth for feeding...but my bb has been waking up at 8am daily for the past 3weeks...our human alarm clock!

Apple: More milk plus? What's that? Isit a drink? My friend gave me the sacred tea and it stinks to hell. Almost threw up after drinking one small sip and I even had to hold my breath.

Val: It scares me to hear that children still wake up for feeds. My mil told me her granddaughter 2yrs+ still wake up once or twice at night for her feed.

My baby is drinking extremely little now. Yest only drank 25oz for the whole day plus my bm. He was trying to drink milk after 3 hours at 11pm+ but refused the bottle and only want to suckle my breast. In the end only drank 2oz and cried until he slept at 12am+.

He was struggling to wake up since ard 8am. I joked with my husband that he's fighting with himself and say I'm hungry, I want milk. But the other him told him no I wan to sleep. In the end he woke up at 8.30am and still sleeping now. Now waiting for him to wake up and prepare the milk before I leave the house for my own shopping time. =)

jenny...i've got some organic mother's milk teabags if u wanna try...i don't mind sending u some =)

bb sleeping thru the night..i think no need to compare la..all babies have their own 'pattern' which is their personality so be glad that bb is healthy can le..=)

i don't dare paint nail polish until after i stop expressing..haha...anyway planning to stop soon when my girl turns 4mo i'll pump 3 times a day and see how long i wanna continue..maybe till 5-6mo i'll stop le..

durian..so cute ah..can push away..haha..

Angie, preg hormone will change your craving and appetite. It is norm..

My durian ebm seems very yellowish & thick! No wonder my boy rejected big time..sigh I freeze up 4 bags see later stage he is drinking or not :p

I just pour 12pkts of >1mth ebm to soak my legs & hands with my nanny..

Jenny, more milk plus shd be tablet..check with Starfruit, I think she took this supplement before whether it stinks or not!

I just brought my boy for 3mths jab, he is 7.03kg & 63cm now. PD said above avg weight [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

V: Sent u a pm. =)

apple: oh ok. thanks.

Just came back from my time off. Even bought along a trolley (very auntie). Went for shopping first and initially wanted to go to my mum's house but the trolley is too heavy. So in the end just went back home after that and its so hard pulling the trolley up n down the bus. But overall I had an enjoyable time even though just buying baby stuff n groceries

Little Fly: I went to Euyansang to buy bo ying compound (bao yin dan). Recommended by my husband's colleague to stop fussiness (not sure true anot). At the back of the box it writes there for babies crying at night. I just tried it on my baby. If it works I'll let u know.

Little Fly i think no need to purposely wake bb up to feed if they sleep lah. U feed when they wake themselves. If they dun wake means they dun need tat feed.

Jenny More Milk Plus comez in liquid n capsules, i took the liquid one its ok taste herby. If u dun like the taste of herb can get the capsule ones just swallow with water can already.

Apply i just threw away 3 packs of ebm ( refrigerated ones) i should have just poured into bb tub n bath her with it!

Jenny seems like u enjoyed ur time off. Should do this at least once a week if not once every 2 weeks. Will be good for u to spend some 'me' time.

Jenny I didn't get a pm lei but the teabag has fenugreek and other herbs too hor.. I duno if it worked for me but it's helping my bb prevent colic..so far no signs if I drink there was once I skipped and she had a bad case of colic...

Apple: y u pour out ebm to soak? My bb recently had a lil mucus so I only feeding her freshly expressed milk sand my freezer is full to the door... Bb ask me to consider to stop expressing but I feel if I stop now the frozen ebm won't last her till she's 6 mo lei..

Hi mommies

Anyone else getting a keloid on the c-section scar? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

starfruit: Can I know where u buy it? I wish I can go out more often but husband not happy. He say its nonsense when I told him I'll go mad if I dun go out. And he kept saying that he go out daily is for work, not play. Meaning I go out is play so cannot.

V: I sent u in the morning. Strange. But I just went to do a research and dun dink I dare to drink it due to the taste. But thanks so much for offering me to try. =)

Hmmm ok it isn't that bad in my opinion.. Just herbs smell.. Tastes ok w honey.. No worries [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Erm nail polishes will get into our bm?Cos I painted n still feed bb normally.even went crazy buyin alot of polishes fr faceshop

Vicki:, I think its ok but just make sure it's free of certain chemicals. U can do a general search and I know that brands like opi n zoya are free from these chemicals. Make sure the base coat n top coat don't have them too...

Viman: oh no check w ur gynae? Better to see now

