(2011/05) May 2011

Jenny: big hugs!! Totally understand how u feel. Although bb #2 is not as cranky as #1, I also felt like screaming at her to stop crying when she refused bottles for 1h just now. With #1, I felt like giving her up for adoption cuz I couldn't cope with her fussiness. Hope things will get better for u soon..


back to work~ actually quite enjoying it and surprisingly i pump more milk at work than at home..hahaha...

Jenny: big hugs..u need to relax..tell yourself to..coz baby can sense when u are frustrated..they'll be more cranky..take some time off...i was in a horrible state previously..just tell yourself u are not super mom k..u can do more if you aren't doing 100% of everything..baby is not expecting 100% from u either..relax..maybe baby just want u to cuddle..talk to baby gently and nicely..ask what's wrong etc..don't fret and don't think suicidal pls!!!!

jenny, big hugs! have you ever thought of getting a nanny or helper to help out? my hb & i also can't pacify my #2, i'll just passed it to my mum or helper to coax him to sleep... dont worry, he will pass that stage...

sylvia, i can understand what you are going thru too.. my girl has been very cranky, fussy and clinging on me the moment i'm back from work.. she insists i play with her even i'm having my dinner... she can't accept "no" or "cannot", else she'll start to throw temper...

my milk ss drop again... just now i'm only manage to pump 2 oz for 15 mins.. really so depressing.. then my hb showed me his charcoal face again... i called up my LC with regard to my milk ss.. she told me that hormones changes will affect ss too..

dolly: yea it will..alot of factors will affect milk ss one..so i'm just pumping whatever i can 4 times a day for this mth and then when my girl turns 4 mo i'll do it 3 times a mth...don't stress yourself out that's most impt..


Hope you feel better. I agree - try a pacifier. It's not as bad as it sounds. This is just a phase and it will get better. We mommies are designed to cope with such stuff, so don't get disheartened.


Thanks for the link. How much does the baby spa cost?

Kay: my friend Bb is in IFC too.. Hers cost $570 per month after subsidy.. Precious found hers quite cheap too? What happen? Ur granny can't cope with Bb A?


So interesting! Haaaha. All alOng I thought it's the same. Ops..

Jenny; Jia you ok? Whenever u need to rant out jux come over to forum? We'll support u.

Viman: Such a bad seller!

Precious: Glad to hear tt bb W is doing well! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ash: Really? I am taking fish oil everyday...cant see any apparent effect.

Jenny: Jiayou! You can brace thru this! I am also taking care of bb myself currently...u try to spot bb's pattern then u can have more time for yourself.

Cloud: U brought your gals to the babyspa? I tot of going...dunno will waste $$/not...

Kay: my IFC is $550 per mth after subsidy n it is near Jurong point..

Angie: thanks.. N I m so glad he is ok.. Just called up to check on him n they said he is sleeping n dun cry often either..

Hi mummies...

hope all are doing well. I've not log in for a long long while...baby just turn 2 months last Sunday..

Jenny, a big hug to you and jia you...can understand how tough it is to have a crying baby all day...my old gal is like this...

have you check if its due to colic or block nose or something...if block nose try to put him on his tummy to sleep...this will greatly help with his breathing and minimise the crying...

Hope your bb will be beta soon....

Good PD..

For mummies staying near tiong bahru area, you can try Dr Wong from Thomson Pediatric in Tiong Bahru Plaza...he is very good and detailed...but does not take appointment...so far waiting time is still reasonable

Angie: I didn't leh.. Cux I'm saving money now. (as if I'm saving) Haaaha.. My friend Bb went yishun one.. Seen her upload video of her kicking and swimming ard.. Quite cute.. If u wan, can go! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jenny jia you. I feel you too, I seriously felt that baby boy Is harder to handle den bb girl. My no1&2 also not easy to take care and my no2 even till 18mth still gotta wake up twice for night feeding and he is also easily wake and crying at night, til now sometime will also wake up crying non stop at night. Anyway u can still bring bb out during the day time during 7mth just be sure to be at home after 6pm will do I also putting my bb at my mum place now, just make sure u dun bring bb out after 6pm if u are those pang tang type. U need more rest explain to ur hb that give y abit if breathing space by allowing u to put bb at ur mum place

Hi ladies, been quite some days since I login to post. V lazy n bz at hm la. Keke.


Hugs! It's tough looking aft babies ESP if baby is fussy. However, I am sure ur baby have brought u joys as well. Since u can't manage alone, it's gd to have someone to help u. Let ur hb knows u really need ur mum's help as I feel u are heading for depression. Even tho it's 7th mth nw, it's ok to go out in the daytime. If ur hb really strongly obj, mayb can get ur mum to come over?eXplain to him u nd ur personal space out of looking aft baby all day to keep sane. Most impt, hope u will find out the reason why ur baby keep crying. There must be a reason. 


Wah! U enjoying back to wk? I dread the day when I have to go back..how I wish I can tender nw n nv have to head back to wk.


Glad tat W is doing well in IFC. At least u can fang xin when u head back to wk =>


U saving $$ to spree more huh? Keke.

Thanks everyone for the kind words and wishings. Bought my boy to kids clinic @ Bishan. Waited for 30 min even after appointment time. Doc was very busy n rushed through. Gave some medicine n was told to continue the antibiotics. Can only wait a few days and pray hard that the medicine works.

Btw, my friend n sis visited us last week and I suspect her sis is pregnant coz looked very tired but nv ask her coz they always 3 mths cannot say. Then the next day exactly 24 hours baby started crying a lot. They nv carry baby but got touch him. I already wiped baby's face when they left. Not sure if baby's constant crying is due to this?

Val: ya.. It has been some time since u last log in.. N ya, m glad tat W is adapting well in IFC.. So nw just hv to pray for his health in there...

Jenny: I believe in that. My mil said as long as our baby havent cross 100 days. Any pregnant lady that came to our house, be it got touch or not touch, our baby will cry very jia lat till mid night. And it happen to me lo. The moment my pregnant friend left at 7pm, my baby cry till 11 plus non stop. All the tears just keep flowing n eyes red. And it happen to me twice lo. So I really believe. Mil said go mkt buy pomelo leaves and loose flower to bathe baby and it works.

Hello mummies! I finally found a nanny for my Bb to start next

month. Hope she's good. Been busy n tired as my no 1 fell sick on the mon morning when hb flew off for biz.

Val: same here. I don feel like returning to work too n resuming my concalls in the evenings.

Precious: good that ur Bb is adapting well in IFC. I think I will have separation anxiety when it's my turn to leave my Bb with his caregiver.

Jenny: big hugs n patz patz. What did PD say? How come got to take antibiotics ? Hope he is ok after taking medicine then the crying should ease up. It is not easy handling Bb on your own n if Bb keeps crying. Please take good care n do come in to vent. I hope u can discuss w ur hb on getting some help or relief for you. U remind me of my time with no 1 n my heart goes out to you. Hang in there n this will pass over v soon.


I got my period. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Is it normal to get it so soon? I am expressing bm to feed bb.

Jenny, i think it's ok to go out during the 7th month. Just make sure you're back before nightfall if you're really concerned. I remember crying a lot when i was caring for #1 alone too. There was just so many things to juggle and it got worse when bb was crying and I had no idea what was going on. There were a few times when my mum and dad rushed over from their place in Bedok to my home in Sengkang coz i called them and cried and said I dunno what's going on with bb. Just do what you need to do. If it means taking a short break from bb while you leave her with your mum, then so be it.

I'm also not sure if #1's crying was related to me not carrying her a lot coz i was really stressed up about pumping milk and getting my supply up. I couldn't latch her and it made feel feel really down. She got better when i managed to go out more often pouching her and i didn't worry so much about the milk supply (abt 3 months after she was born). Hope that sharing my experience helps...

Viman, I'm fully latching bb on and still kenna period. Although not much but i still got PMS and the tummy aching feeling. Haizz... Sianz...

Val/little fly/Angie: yest just said hope his health will b ok in IFC and tis morning found him to hv abit of blocked nose n cough.. Asked caregiver to monitor him.. Sigh.. *pray*


Ugh so annoying right? I had almost forgotten what it felt like, hehehe! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning mummies,

I think I got blocked ducts. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Cux Bb was feverish & had rash, I didn't slept well.. Than only sleep 1 side most of the time, Cux need to monitor her.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] now very painful. Hopefully, can pump out in ofc.. Can't be massaging boob during work. Sian..

Viman: how many weeks is ur Bb?

Jenny, *HUG*!

u are a good mummy, dun think too neg! well, all bbs are different, that's what make them so special! just think that bb only know how to cry and nothing else.

Mummies: anyone has contacts for refresher driving? Any patient instructor to recommend ? Last I drove is more than 4 years ago n I forget how to park already.

Mummies: anyone has contacts for refresher driving? Any patient instructor to recommend ? Last I drove is more than 4 years ago n I forget how to park already.

Thanks all.

Kristle: I asked my husband to buy pomelo plant yest so later going to bath baby with that. And yest I told my baby that my friend's sis got a baby inside so u are a big bro already. Cannot be so petty and cannot cry so much. Then he did improve a very little bit. And I tried stuffing him with pacifier it works. Now that I'm latching him, I always forget about pacifier

Going out: Yest I also bring baby out at night to see doc. Actually everytime after he come home from outside he will be better. If I go to my mum's house usually I will be back only by 8pm if husband not doing OT. If he's doing OT, I'll be home at 8.30 or so coz lonbang his cab. Maybe I'll try to talk to him and see maybe next week onwards can bring baby over.

My mum is taking care of my dad and working part time so she can't come over to help me. My MIL is taking care of her two grandchildren so also can't help. She take care of wai sun, dun wan to take care of nei sun, very weird rite?

Antibiodics: This is given by PD at jurong west and we actually stopped yest before seeing pd at bishan but she told us to continue. The PD at jurong west is really lousy. Its at blk 502 the doc came in at 11am even though supposed to open at 9am and rushed through. Gave my baby to sniff using the mask and gave antibiodics. Cannot even use CDA account or visa. Only accepts cash/cheque and doc n nurse very unfriendly. And to make things worse, doc asked me how long can baby sleep at night and I say sometimes about 12 hours but got wake up for feeds and he came saying wow so guai so good. Very easy baby, all in front of the baby! U know sometimes babies very pantang cannot say such things in front of them. Somemore my baby doesn't nap during the day so sleeping long at night is not very kua zhang rite?

Hannah: I also expressed previously and did not allow baby to suckle even though he wanted. After that my supply dropped to 20ml even after 10 hours and baby kept crying when I was pumping so I decided not to pump and just let him suckle sometimes more than one hour coz milk is very slow flowing. I just place him on the nursing pillow on my lap and use my computer without him crying. And I also dun have to rush to heat up the milk when he's hungry. Just follow up with FM after breastfeeding

Jenny, Good for you. You can see if he's really drinking or just comfort sucking. If drinking, there'll be long sucks and swallow. If comfort sucking, you will know coz the sucks are shallow and almost fluttery. In week 4, my girl just wanted to latch ALL THE TIME and it almost drove me nuts until i realised that she was wanting more of my smell and touch so that's y she was so fussy. My confinement nanny thought she was hungry so kept giving me to feed until she saw how much more settled my girl was in my arms, she gave up and let me deal with her.

Anyway, must tell you that pumping is not indicative of how much milk you have. Bbs are much more efficient than pumps to extract out the milk. The more you latch him on, the more milk you will have. Dunno if you'd feel comfortable to stop the formula so that your supply can keep up with his demand. Your breasts will never run out of milk. Just thought you'd like to know. ;P

Hannah, I think my baby drinks at first then after that he will fall asleep and treats my breast as a pacifier.

After latching my baby on, one hour later he will cry for more milk. So I dun think I will be able to provide him with the BM he requires. When he was in the NICU at NUH, they kept increasing his feed, sometimes 5ml two times a day and at that time, my milk supply is less than 2ml. After that, I have nv been able to meet the demand of my baby. =(

Hi Jenny

- Went back to work and just saw your posts.. Is your bb better ? Rant it out so that you feel better, if not will starts to feel depress..

When my bb girl was crying for past few weeks, it was very fustrating. But now I know why she is crying, I understand that she is uncomfortable. So it is good to find out what is wrong and we can cope better.

I still have to bear with her crying for a few months until she outgrow it cause there is nothing much we can do. Basically she is born like that. I do envy people with "guai" bb but all bb are different.

No matter what, we went through pregancy, delivery just to see our little bb.

So do not give up ya, you are doing a good job.

Jenny: That's pretty normal... you could pop him the pacifier after you find he's done drinking. I guess he really likes being in your arms (like all babies i know. =)).

How old is your bb now? It's actually not too late to start boosting your supply. It means cutting out all FM and just feed on demand. (You can vegetate in front of the tv or computer to do this.) You should have enough to feed him by the 2nd day. Just remember to eat and drink enough. If you are able, camp out in your mum's place to do this. Or do this over the weekend when your hubby is around.

Here are some websites for you to take a look...



That said... If you are ok with the current arrangement, you can also continue with it. These are just suggestions for you to consider. =)

Val: yea back to work but arranged to work only 2 days a week =) dragging out my final month of ML to last 2 months coz I don't want to lugi on National Day PH and Hari Raya PH..haha!

Jenny, don't fret we are all here!! I've got someone kneeling in front of my daughter lor..i was like telling my hubby can she don't do that coz my girl cheng shou bu qi...things happens..just keep calm for ur baby k? breastfeeding..what abt expressing instead?

I went back to work and spoke to mummies in the office and they all told me i'm pumping so frequently! 5 times a day (ie every 5 hrs) they all were like pumping only 3-4 times daily after the 3rd mth..i was like erh...haha..anyway i'm pumping 4 times now and I realise my ss dipped..boobies getting smaller~ ahhaa..nvm la..enough ss for my girl can le and i'll just use frozen ebm to mix and store new ones..

Mummies I have a v bad bottle war with my bb. She will cry all day and rather starve than drink frm e bottle. Ytd she drank 95ml after 7h of war and today she only drank maybe 60ml since 8am. At this rate, I think I will go crazy.

I am latching her now and try again ltr cuz she haven't been sleeping well the whole day.

Re: pumping

I dont pump frequently as I latch directly. As I m starting bottle feeding, I start to pump more and realized that I can only manage to express 60-90ml in total frm both sides every 2-3h. I don't understand y I have so little as my bb can b satisfied frm feeding frm 1 breast during the day.

How much are ur bf babies drinking per feed now? I wonder if my baby is a small drinker..


totally agree with Hannah....u can really boost your supply by letting ur BB feed on demand, just make sure that when he is not drinking remove him from your breast so that you have time to rest...

I remember for my No.1, she feeds every hr as well....no time for me to do anything or rest at all...things will be better [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] not to worry

good luck [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Any mummies who are breastfeeding experience sudden pain in your breast even after feeding....

I've been feeling sudden pain even when breast is not full...saw gynea and she told me that maybe some ducts are block but can't seems to massage and pump out the milk [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Try having someone else feed your bb and you leave the room...sometimes they know that you are ard and will refuse the bottle, this happen to my gal as well...

Hi Mummies,

Anyone has any good idea to kick my bb girl from sleeping in yao lan ? My PD is against it as it will not help her to recover faster.

The problem is she sweats very easily and do not like to sleep in her cot. I have tried to place a cooling mat on the mattress, let her sleep side way, on the air-con for her and even got a mini fan but all these don't make her accept sleeping in the cot.

Any good ideas ?


Hope u are feeling better today =)

Alot of myths I choose nt to believe and bai wu jing ji. 

Little fly,

Ya, I dun wanna resume those evenings or late nite concalls and be on standby 24x7, 365days.


It's normal to have menses even if bfeeding. How early or how late depends on individual body. For my 1st one, menses came back on the 8th mths althrough was still bfeeding then.   I have friends whose menses only came back aft they stop bfeeding at 1yr.

Re: menses

Just FYI to those 1st time mums if u duno yet. Even if u do not have menses, u can get preg too while on bfeeding =p I have friends who striked as they thot no menses + bfeeding = wldnt get preg. Keke. So if u aren't ready for another kid, take precaution! =p


How's lit W now? Perhaps weather abit cold these 2 days tho he got the blocked nose frm staying in aircon all day? Hope he will be fine soon =)


2days a week v shiok le =)


I tried bottle feeding my gal and she drinks like 5ml to 20ml lo! The only best record was 60ml...haiz. She often plays with the teat than really drinking. Get my hb to feed lagi worst...anyway, nw only bottle feed her once a day...looks like I better try bottle feeding her more as going back to wk next mth...duno hw she will survive during the hrs i am at wk...my ss still enuff for my 2kids nw.


Sometimes back, I got sudden sharp pain at the breast. Even lifting my arm  was painful. I didn't notice any lumps/blocked ducts and I didn't seek any medical attention/advise. The pain went off abt 2days later.


Think all babies if nt most tend to perspire easily? If my gal slps in the cot on hot days she tend to wake up more often. So I let her slp on my bed with the fan on and she slps better. My kids are trained nt to slp in aircon room.   

Something to share fr an article I juz read:

Giving water to a baby can actually harm her. Unless she’s very sick, a baby who satisfies her appetite (and her need to suck) with bottles of water will miss out on the nutrition she needs from her feedings. If done regularly, this can cause weight loss, and in the case of breast-fed babies, it can decrease your breast-milk supply. Giving water to a baby in large amounts can even lead to oral water intoxication, a condition in which the electrolytes (such as sodium) in a baby’s bloodstream become diluted, inhibiting normal bodily functions and leading to dangerous problems such as low body temperature or seizures.

Thanks, Val! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Any mommies decided to become SAHM? Any tips on managing finances?

Deon: Yest when I was at the clinic, one mother bought her gal 2 yrs old there and she told me she missed her gal as a baby. I told her its very noisy and she said her gal was an easy baby. In fact, all the pple around me have easy babies. I'm the only unlucky one among them.

Hannah/Luann: Just bf my baby at 6pm, ended at 6.45pm and continued with the other breast at 7.15 till 7.45pm. Then after that in 15 min time, he was crying very loudly for milk again. Already taking fenugreek tablets but didn't seem to help at all.

V: I tried expressing but baby is forever crying which gives me no time to express at all. Previously I expressed two times, once early in the morning before baby wakes up n second time at night when my husband comes back from work. That's all the time I have but supply kept reducing.

Viman: I'm a SAHM but previously I was only a part timer and I dun get any money from my husband. Just dun spend too much. LOL

Now baby crying like crazy again. Want to drink milk but drink halfway poo. After changing diapers refused to drink but keep crying for milk. Really bth him anymore. This afternoon I reason with him and tell him not to keep crying. Helped for a few min only.

Hi mummies, do u hv tis experience? My baby did not hv any cradle cap frm beginning to last wk.. But nw they starting to show at e top of his head.. Last time wat shampoo dis u recommend to clear it? Can't seem to find them in old thread.. Thx

@jenny: when you compare, you will feel that you have the "worse baby"/ is in the "worse position". so better to not compare. i also have a fussy baby. sometimes really wan to vomit blood n just walk out of the house irregardless of her crying. but end of de day, stil cant bear to do so. everytime i feel like giving up, jus tell myself that this is a test im being put through, have to succeed and will succeed. We might have a tad more fussy baby to take care, so all the more we need the strength to pull through these months. Jiayou [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@jenny: also, being a SAHM, you really need a break. during my confinement, my aunt was supposed to help with taking care of bb etc but due to unexpected family matters, she cld only help for 2 wks. Thereafter, i had to manage alone. It was terrible, esp so when this is my first child (imagine everything also dunno what to do..) I decided i need a day off (be it to rest, go out, walk etc.) and SOS my mum. Please please do take a break. Cos when we are stress, bb can feel it too and indirectly will affect both parties mood. Dont give up ya. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Val: thanks for concern.. He is better nw.. Guess is e whole day aircon n e weather tat causes it.. Nw my worry is on his cradle cap.. Hw to clear it?

Sylvia(dazzlingmoon): Dun worry, the milk pumped out is not indicative of how much your bb is drinking coz bbs are much more efficient in sucking out the milk than any pumps. =)

Deon: what is your pd's concern about your bb sleeping in yaolan? I know that when my cousin's bb had GERD, she still let him sleep in yaolan in the day.

Jenny: Hmmm.... Are you prepared to keep him at your breasts for a couple of days? Coz even with fenugreek, it will take some time. I've taken the tablets before and I think it din have much effect either. Then later realised that you have to take like 6 tablets per day consistently before it works. Anyway, with fenugreek, there's also a possibility of too much foremilk, which is not filling for bb. So perhaps you may wanna let your bb suckle at the same breast consecutively for 2 feedings if he tends to fall asleep after a short while of drinking. Or to keep rotating the breasts in 1 feeding (e.g. 5mins on 1 side, 5mins on the other, and then back to the first breast again). This way, he will get the hind milk, which is richer and more filling... What i found helpful was co-sleeping with my #2 at night coz i no need to fully wake up and she can drink/latch anytime she wants... Machiam like buffet.... hahahaha....

BTW, i agree with sunflower that stress really causes your milk to stop up. So if you need a break, go for it. Even if it's 1 hour to get a much-needed haircut. =)


Preciousmom, I remember someone mention dentinox cradle cap shampoo. Last time my #1, I use Olive oil leave on for 5 mins then use a brush to brush thru b4 he go for bath. It clear up after a while

