(2011/05) May 2011

hair loss: my hair also staring to drop..but actaly since last mth also dropping now like worst loh.

need to vent my "men qi": ytd a friend of me and hb come and visit my gerger..den he and his wife comment that i slim back very fast..but my hb keep sayg i still fat..den when they continue said i almost back to normal le my hb said no still VERY fat..ahhh he use very fat...so angry..


angie: i think u can carry the short bob as u got straight natural hair.

if u got wavy type like mine better not to cut bob as the shape sure out very fast.

kaykay: U need to register with Vpost first, do u have an account with them? Need to ship to Vpostusa then to Singapore.

Split: Ha...u so slim yr hb still got things to say? Think he is just joking la...but I undstd repeatedly saying does gets on one's nerves.

Dolly: Have to 'man man lai'...but I heard kids tend to forget things quite fast too...hopefully she'll be ok with granny soon! If nt headache for u too.

Kristle...haa thanks but I dun have the courage to cut le...v.tempted though...i wanna see yr permed hair!


Need to rant a bit..

I am feeling punctured with my bb.. I do not understand why she is so fussy ??

To make matter worst, my gf's bb is so guai.

Her routine is fix, she is not a big drinker, can sleep through the night abd can be pat to sleep..

Felt so demoralised after talking to her..

I understand all bb is different, I guess my bb needs more time.. Look forward to her 4th months and hopefully ahe will be better..

Angie: thanks.. I aso hope he will b well taken by e teachers there.. At least today I hv ME time where I went for my facial treatment.. Later gg to go fetch baby.. Miss him so much..

Yes.. I tink u will look great in short bob as u hv a V shaped face.. Try it... ;)

Kristie: oh no.. I still tinking of perking my hair next wk b4 I go back to work leh.. Hmmm..

Hi Mummies,

I have 2 brand new NUK classic BPA free bottles to let go. Never taken out of the box before. Selling because my baby doesn't like the teat.. Both are latex teats for 0 to 6 months, M size.

Want to sell both at a total of $20 ($10 each). Collection at Woodlands MRT or by postage.

Please PM me if interested.


Preciousmom: Jiayou for both u and bb! Hope bb can adapt well and caregivers ar nurturing and caring.

Dolly: is there anything J likes to eat? Get ah ma to feed her her fav foods or go to the playground to play, let her have more positive associations with granny

Angie: very pom pom and drop a lot of hair lo. maybe we can meet up this fri. let me see how.

Deon: my equally fuzzy. when he is not sleeping, 80% of the time is crying. i also dunno why. and after crying might vomit some milk out too. i also hope time pass fast soon for him to reach 1 yr old so that my life will be less stressful with my maid and my boy needs.

very fast, i m going to work after national day. totally feel so unsafe with just my dunno act blur or real blur maid. i persuade my mum to pop to my place everyday till 6 months later while waiting to get another maid. guess most of us are going back work soon.

hi all mommies, my baby girl born 23 May is currently having flu and cough..the PD that i brought her to gave her a syrup but all my friends said 2 months old is too young to ake any syrup at all...anyone has any experience with cough?

Oh ya. My boy cannot tahan pass 9 pm n everytime after 730 milk he wants to have the long 6 hr sleep. How can I delay his desire to sleep? He will cry n stretch his legs n kick very hard telling me he just want to sleep. Try to play with him but he refuse and just want to sleep.

mummies, wanna check if pediped do ship to vpostusa? read in one of the spree organizer that they no longer ship to vpostusa. so want to confirm if any mummies have recently ordered directly from pediped?

My baby is starting to develop a sleep pattern similar to me, slp late n wake up late. Yest force him to drink at 11.30pm he only drank 1.5oz and still refuse to slp after midnight and kept crying. My husband was handling him then at 12.30am, I carried him n he wanted to suck my arm I know he's hungry and ask my husband to make 2.5oz of milk. He still cries and refused to drink. In the end I gave him my breast and when he started sucking, I pull off and pull the bottle in immediately and he started drinking all and sleeping at the same time. After he finished we juz put him in the yao lan and its already 12.50am and he slept all the way till 8.15am. After the feed at 8.15am he continued to sleep and still haven't wake up now.

But daytime when he's not sleeping I'm like having a war with him coz he's always crying n seldom play with himself now. Prob due to his blocked nose.

Strength: My baby has a cough too but doc nv give syrup but prescribed him with antibiodics. Now cough is gone but flu is still here.

strength, mine was 2.5mths when she had cough & running nose. my doc gave syrup for opening airways & 1 for phlegm. he say normally below 1yr old no cough syrup. personally i do have sterimar spray & illadin nose drop (must be infant)to help clear the nose. however after 5days of medication no improvement so brought her back & started her on antibiotics. today is 2nd day & finally she seem slightly better.

bb falling sick: seem like many bb is falling sick lately..so worried that my girlgirl will catch the virus too since both her brother in cc..but i notice ever since i change my boy fm to mamil gold they dont fall sick as often as previously almost every week..mummies that let bb drink fm maybe can try mamil gold, im giving my girl mamil gold too.

Split: Haaaha! Ur post tickle me! Come on! U are slim! Take into account that u're a mother of 3!! I'm the totally opposite of u! Sigh!

Deon: fussy? Meaning crying? Crying non stop can really get onto one's nerve.. Some babies jus need to cry it out..

Fussy Baby: My baby is also crying non-stop just now. Refuse to drink milk, spit out his medicine and all the plain water plus the little bit of milk I forced him to drink and continued crying. I threw him in his yao lan and turn on the electric rocker and went to take my shower and let him cry all he wants. After 5-10 min of screaming louder and louder, he finally stopped. When I came out, I touched his hand to make sure everything is ok coz his eyes were widely opened and he pulled his hand away and dun wan to look at me. I also ignored him and went to do my own stuff. Now he's asleep already. Really dunno how to take care of such a fussy baby. Initially he got much better at second mth but the stupid flu bought his fussiness back altogether. I told my husband take care of him one day will lessen my life by one year.

Hi Mummies,

Finally an answer to her constant crying. My gf recommened Dr Kumar from Kinder Clinic at Paragon. Brought my bb girl to see him this morning.

My girl's stomach cannot takes too much milk and will vomit. The gastric juices is causing her heartburn and making her uncomfortable. That why she kept crying.

I went to 2 PD, 1 told me is colic and another told me cannot find anything wrong with her.

I have to agree that a good PD is necessary for the right diagnosis.

My girl so poor thing, only 10 weeks old and already taken so much medicine and cannot get well.

By the way the 2 PD I went to was Ooi Baby and Child Clinic at Yishun and Babes n Tots Clinic at Tiong Bahru.

I called up for an appointment but he is quite popular and appointments are always full.

I walked in and waited. Their clinic opens at 9am, can go there early and wait. Morning is usually not so crowded..

Dr Kumar is very patient and specific. He takes times to explain to me what is the cause of my girl discomfort. He even drew it out to let us have a better understanding. He did not rush and takes time to answer all our questions.

Unlike the other PD I visited he prescribed me with "chloral syrup". My girl was crying non-stop yesterday and I called him up, he told me to use the syrup on her to let her sleep.

Honestly, I felt so guilty to use it. But she was so exhausted and could not sleep.. When I told Dr Kinder this morning, he was shocked with the prescription and advised me to stop. He said it is not good to use such strong medicine on bb and it may stay in their system.

I am so mad with the other PD now !!.. Not going back to him anymore.

I just called and they dun accept appt for Sat, n my husband is taking too much leaves lately so cun make it on weekdays. The jurong branch even worse, totally no appts allowed. Think I can only wait for my baby's flu to clear n see how. I rem u bring ur baby to TMC too rite? Also no use?

kaykay: oh coz i wanna him sleep later to wake up same time as me am after i go to work at 7am. if not i m very tired to wake up at the middle of the night to feed.


Do get details before you buy something on the WTS thread. I kena cheated, even though the amount is small. A mommy said she'd mail me 2 packets of drypers for $2.50. I figured the packets would be small, but not 2 diapers per packet! So I bought 4 diapers for $2.50! That's twice as expensive as what NTUC has! Feel so silly now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

me too. intially bought a fisherprice cot mobile. after assemble it can't turn at all. and i expect some hairline scratches as the seller told me is used with some old stains. but i didn't expect the whole half of the mobile was yellow as if it is burnt. i whatapps the seller n video take to him that it just doesn't work at all. lucky he is ok for me to refund back. so advise, always ask for close up pictures. coz not all seller are willingly to refund after purchases.

starfruit: I called and PD said its safe to use and manufacturers have to state the disclaimer in the package to prevent parents from buying and using it over the counter. If prescribe by PD, its ok.

Jenny: PD didn't give me antibiotics cos she says bb too small (2mths) to be given.

Vicki: She also gave me Sterimar and Otrivin for the nose. But im not sure if i should continue using the Rhinathiol 2% for the cough though PD says its safe and she uses it for all babies. PD is from Kinder Clinic too. Wondering if I should bring her to another PD for 2nd opinion.

Any mommies have PD i the East to recommend? Thanks!

Deon good tat u found out wat was wrong. N yes a good pd is impt. My ger was crying non stop in first 2 weeks i sense sumthng wrong n brought her back to my PD dr TT n he diagnosed her with acid reflux, acid backflow n cause heartburn so its very painful for her. She used to scream when i change her diaper cos i lift her legs/ butt n acid backflow, since she cant tell me she feel the pain she cry like mad lor. Now she fully recovered n dun cry as much. So i will be wary if bb keeps crying cos according to my PD, bb should not cry so much, if they do it means they dun feel well.

My pd recommend to me to give gripe water, i give her abt 5ml everyday now.

Sylvia i think i will have seperation anxiety too when its time for me to go back to work.

Jenny i think ur boy not feeling well now, try n bao bao him more, once he feel better he wont be so fussy lor.

Sunflower and Viman: my PD did not mention anything to take note of leh. He said my bb's 6mm hole did not close but did not enlarge as well, as in comparative to her body size at 3mo the ratio of the hole:body size has decreased so it shouldn't cause any major prob. Operation need not be required if the hole is not too big, as other factors such as an enlarged right atrium etc needs to b considered too.

Was worried that bb can't cry too much cuz of e hole but PD said it's fine. I visit Dr William Yip at Gleneagles, was told that he's one of the best in sg, how abt u?


There are now 2 Sylvia's in the group! Haha

Hi mummies,

hv been reading e thread but didn't input any here for e past few days..

Today is e 3rd day of my baby W in infant care n I guess is so far still so gd.. really super missing him.. But at least nw I can hv some of my ME time b4 I go back to work soon.. Arghh.. Really dread e thought of gg back to work!!!

@sylvia: yup,nthg much to be done for now.. jus monitor to make sure bb still breathing normally. i go to Dr Wong at Mt E.. going for next review end of mth.. this will be an endless worry till the hole closes..

Dear mummies. I think I've reached the max of my limit. I really felt like ending my life. I can't take care of my boy anymore coz he cries non stop and nothing can stop his crying, slinging, carrying, talking. The only temp way to stop is breastfeeding but once the milk stops, he will cry and bathing but I can't possibly put him in the bathtub for the whole day.

This morning he woke up at 4am and after drinking, he still cried. Gave him nasal spray and still crying. My husband handled him coz he knew I can't take this anymore. After that, he fell asleep. At 9am, he woke up again and after drinking his milk, he continued to cry and I carried him from the yao lan, he stopped crying and fall asleep. So I put him down on the yao lan and he cried again. Carried him again for a while n put him down n he cried again. I turned on the power for the electric rocker and ignored him. Coz he had an experience yest that I ignored him when he continued crying, he dare not cry so loud and he stopped after crying for about 5 min. After that, I secretly checked on him and he is still awake but dun dare to cry. After a while, he started crying again n I ignored him n he stopped after 1 min.

Now that he's sleeping, I already have no more mood to go back to slp. Yest I told my husband I hope I will slp and dun wake up forever.

Sorry mummies, I know I'm complaining too much but I really felt very upset. I'm going to bring him to a PD at Bishan tonight which accepts appt.

Big hugs to you Jenny! Good to rant here and vent your frustrations! Hope the visit to the PD will offer solution and relief to u. Take care!

Jenny.. Pls dun b frustrated as is rather common for some babies to b more cranky than e rest.. Do u hv any helper to help u look after ur baby during e day so tat u can rest or even go outside to breathe some fresh air? I saw tat ur hb is a gd helper to u hence pls rem tat u r not alone.. Tis prob will b resolved n over soon.. Hopefully e PD tis evening is able to give u a solution... Take care!

U can rant ur frustration here as a mode of venting them out..

Thanks Nic!

preciousmom: No I'm the only person taking care of baby. Previously I'll bring baby to my mother's house every fri but now is 7th mth and my MIL n husband say cannot bring baby out so now everyday I'm on my own. I really wish there's someone to help me with the baby, at least I can eat and shower, unlike now, I can't do anything at all.

Ever since I've given birth, I only went out twice without baby and had to rush back. I really dunno y I'm so unlucky, tough pregnancy, tough labour and tough baby.

Jenny: since ur Bb loves to bathe, ever thought of sending him to Bb swim spa? He can disperse his energy & maybe he can sleep better at night?

How was ur mood during pregnancy? Will be praying for u & Bb... Take heart, it might be jus a tough phrase.. Tell urself, it's going to be over soon..

Jenny i think its ok to go to ur mum plc cos its very obvious tat u cant cope already. U may go into depression if u are the house the of the 7th mth. Just bring bb n go over in the day n come back in the evening, it should be alright. Let ur hb n mil know u need this break n i am sure they will understand. Pls take care.

Ash: Thanks. I think the only way to stablise my mood is baby to stop crying.

Cloudpoem: My baby got suggest but its kinda far. We live in the west, I only know theres one in Yishun. So far he can sleep pretty well at night, just during day time coz he doesn't nap and previously he can play with himself but now he doesn't do that anymore. He only know how to cry.

My mood during pregnancy is very bad. Coz I was bullied by my husband's siblings and I was very very angry and unhappy for months. I cried a lot coz my husband sides with them even though they are clearly in the wrong. Does it affect my baby?

Starfruit: I told my husband to take care of baby alone on Sat then I go over to my mum's house myself. He's very buay song but I cun be bothered. Even if I'm ard also cun cope with baby. Think my husband's temper is better dan me so he shld cope better.

Ash: Thanks. I was just about to search for the site.

Jenny:- look on the brighter side.. You are nt alone, my baby is like urs during his first & second mth, only thing to stop him is bfeed.. & for now when I stop bfeeding due to work, only milk can stop his cry.. Try pacifier, its a savior srsly.. Things for me are getting better now.. Don't wry, ur cranky baby will soon be more 'dong shi' de.. Cheer up!


jenny: np. v free at home today cos bb not at home. contractors here to replace bathroom tiles n toilet bowl. noisy n dusty!

