(2011/05) May 2011

Hi all, my thoughts on bumper playmat - I've been using the LG playmate for my #1 and it's the best thing ever. We do everythjn togethr hubby kid and me, play, draw or just lie down on it. Very good investment to get one and easy to sell later on too when u dont need it. Don't get the Parklon one if possible, u can feel the difference and it doesn't bounce back up as much and as fast.

As for breastpump, the medela PIS advanced worked wonders for me and lasted my bf journey throughout the 1 year. At first bb had difficulty latching out, small mouth vs big nipples perhaps. So I ended up exclusively pumping for 1 month, every 3 hours to imitAte the same cycle time as bb's hunger. My milk supply was successfully established all the sAme w the pump. Some PDs would say must latch on to lAst longer and be successful in breastfeeding but this is not true, I know some mummies who just kept pumping 3 hourly without latching and lasted 1 year plus. It all depends on how complete the pump cam draw out all the milk in the breast. Normally after I pump, I just manually squeeze out any last drops from the breast to totally draw out all the milk. It's very clean this way and less tiring in the hands for me than total manual express.

After a month, baby was bigger and could latch on well and I enjoyed the bonding thereafter. Compared to pump, they Are the most efficient. However sometimes they get too comfy and fall asleep very fast. End up drink half full and sleep, and instead of 3 hourly feed, get hungry again at 2 hours, making me very tired. Then I resorted to bottle feeding, ensure he's full-tank" then sleep one shot, improve to 3 hourly feeding. Then slowly 4 hours , 5 hours etc. So daytime I don't mind latching but night I w surely bottle so I can have more rest. Baby didn't have nipple confusion , when he is hungry, he will suck so hard at anything to get his milk. Heheee


morning mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dolly, how's yr gastric? getting better? take gd care and hope u can feast during cny [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my cramps on the fingers is better today... maybe i been cutting down the usage of the fingers bah... nowadays i never sleep w/o the aching cream... otherwise, it will be a sleepless nite...

bunnymum, i can't remember whether mine is parklon or LG liao... i checked w 1 of the BP seller previously on the mat that i'm interested in and here's her email extracted reply (hope she dun mind me sharing her personal view w all)

As to which one, Parklon or LG is more comfortable when sleeping, it is

>> >> something quite individual. Some people like firmer mattresses while

>> >> some

>> >> prefer softer ones.

>> >>

>> >> For the difference between the LG & Parklon baby playmats. Parklon

>> >> Green

>> >> mats are softer & some mummies have feedback that it is a bit too soft

>> >> and

>> >> might not be able to provide the required cushioning when babies fall

>> >> and

>> >> knock on the playmat. It is also more prone to creaselines which will

>> >> take

>> >> more time to settle down/fade off. Whereas LG mats are more premium in

>> >> quality, firmer and also better for baby's back as they are still

>> >> developing. LG also has the Asobang series which is 18mm thick.

>> >>

>> >> The embossing pattern on the LG playmat is very unique which provide a

>> >> quality finish and increased durability. Parklon has recently changed

>> >> its

>> >> embossing patterns to catch up with the LG playmat quality but it is

>> >> still

>> >> inferior as compared to LG playmat, which explains why the price

>> >> difference.

morning ladies =)

moo mum,

yes. hand express i mean directly expressing using hands and not manual pump. i am doing the hand express method.


i think it mayb also be due to lack of iron if i dun rem wrongly or certain minerals. hope u will get better soon aft seeing sinseh since ur gynae can only give u cream rite? ya, its v frustrating as its something u cant control and u dun wan it to happen. *gug*


wah! 3 weeks in toronto and london! shiok le! did u have a great time? hehehe.


yes. aft latching i will express still. u only latch 1 side mah, so the other side sure still have supply. anyway, it helps me in building my supply as it "tricks" the mind into thinking more milk is needed hence it will provide more milk. demand-supply. anyway, aft latching sometimes u will find its still nt empty so hand express out the rest.

val, u doing manual expressing? wow, pei fu.. i did it for a couple of weeks for my no1 but my hands couldn't handle it due to my cramps on the right hand.. eventually i gave it up and bought the dual amenda pump... not easy doing manual pump... must hve skills and stamina to do it... salute u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


thanks! it sure is nt easy to do the hand express but lets say i was desperate then =P

the electric pump didnt fully empty my breasts and it the amt it drew out was way too little. i know i have more supply than wat i see so since there wasnt another pumpa available i just tried hand express lo. It was really tiring and I get cramps easily initially...but once i get used to it, the cramps were nthing...then aft sometimes, pain set in but still i have to pump as I wasnt ready to invest in another set of pump coz i trusted my hands more and i duno seriously hw long i can last on the rd of breastfeeding...

bfeeding itself is already nt an easy journey. really must have preservance and determination. salute to all mummies who successfully bfeed their kid(s) =)

Hi Mummies,

I a a Jan '11 got a relatively new Medela Swing pump, bought 02/01/11, to let go at a discount. Have only used a few times as I am giving up breastfeeding. Price is negotiable. Do PM me for details. Pick up would be in the west.

Thank you.

auroa : yeah... feeling much better le.. try to reduce my intake of each meal... so have to munch alittle few hours later...

val : wow.. you are so amazing... really peifu lei...

Va|:- wah hands express !! Really 'pei fu' u.. So only latch one side?? I tot both?? So u let ur baby finish one side enuff alrd?? So u can actually feels if there's still leftover milk in ur breast?? And den express it using hands?? Wow!!

kaykay, for NBs, normally the intake of milk is not much... plus, if u pump reguarly, supply of milk will increase... for me, both sides of the breast(milk), i can pump abt 200ml (when my girl is 4mths old).. it's more than sufficient for a fed and can be kept for the next few feds... per day, will need to express for abt 3 times... the expressed milk is passed to the cc to feed her during the day... most impt, u must hve good intake of food/water daily and let down during yr express... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning mummies, down with slight throat infection and flu. sigh,my ger is down too. think she passed to me. hope we recover before CNY.

Kaykay, for NB, BFing is every 3 hrs (or less if required cos its demand) and u start counting the time when u start feeding. eg, u feed at 12 noon, next feed should be 3pm. if ur feeding/latching time is 1hr, u still need to take this into consideration. e.g u start a 12 noon and bb only stop latching at 1pm, ur next feed should still be at 3pm. understand.

Auroa:- so 1day roughly express 3 times enuff?? I tot we need to express each & every time after BF-ing (if by latching). No??

So u mean if u don't latch but just expressing using pump for ur bb 1day 3times is enuff??

And pardon me for asking ahh, cos I dunno.. I was wondering the milk u express for the subsequent feeds need to be heated before feeding or just give it to our bb?? Becos the breastmilk baby drink is also not warm mahs.. Need to heat up??

Starfruit:- Hope u & ur gal get well before CNY..

So baby eat slow also take into consideration?? I tot is 3hrs counting from the time when bb finish his feed. ><.

kaykay, i was working full time during tat time.. can only express 2 times during the working hrs (abt 4 hrs apart) and 1 express either in the middle of the nite (if bb dun get up to drink) or early in the morning before going to work... i still latch on when i'm at home or during the journey home (my bb infant care is near my office)... it depends on yr bb feeding time... normally if u feed bb at 6am, can express ard 11am and 4pm (during working hrs) to express (u will know when it's time to express as breast will feel "full")... remember supply = demand.. the lesser u feed, the less express required...

The BM after expressed will be stored in a freezer/chiller. For office, dun not freeze it as later need to bring it back (home or ccs)... dun want to de-froze it and freeze later on... not good... unless at home expressing, u can freeze it and when needed, put it in chiller and heat it up when required... hope it clarify..

kaykay, for my sister's case, she dun not express during the day and latch on at nite bcos her bb (tat time) is taken care by her mil and she objected to BM feeding and give FM during the day... so she got not much "supply" and directly latch on at nite to feed her bb...

Dolly:- wah, was angry loh after reading the stomp.. The MRT staff's photo shld be taken & post on stomp!!

If I am her (pregnant woman), I will refuse to stand up, since its obvious that her bump is big enuff to the extend that the old man also refused the offered seat.

I will wait till the MRT staff to approach me & I shall shout back at her & show her my tummy loh..

Even the old man rejected the seat alrd.. If I got my phone with me I will take the photo of the staff loh..

For breastfed babies, I don't think there is any fixed regular interval. When they cry, you latch, it helps to keep up with the supply too. For my first born, I was told and believed the 3 hours theory, ended up feeling panicky as I did not know what he wanted when he cried after 1 hour I fed him. Then I thought my supply was insufficient and hence supplemented, of course the bf journey failed. For my 2nd one, I latched each time she cried and managed to tbf her for one year.

Btw, JLC has a new range of maternity and toddlers wear available both online and showroom, do visit us!


thanks dolly and kaykay.. ya trying best to recover now. CNY is about 1 week away. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

kaykay, for that 1st 3 mths, u just latch on demand, slowly can intro a schedule to bb so that if you decided to go back to work, u can follow the new schedule as auroa has indicated.

i think is very hard to judge how many hrs interval for bfing of nb..all depending on how much ur bb intake and how much supply u have..

my #1 took like 1hr to drink only 30ml of milk..so he hungry very often..almost every 1.5hr to 2hr gotta feed him..

my #2 is a bigger eater and can drag like 2.5hr for the 1st 2 mths and slowly increase to 3hrs..

if u wanna have enough supply i think need to pump at least every 4hrly..

kaykay, when u starting to work again after u give birth? is very taxing to pump when u started working, and latch when u reach home, and also to look after the bb and wake up early to pump and feed..u got people helpin u?


thanks. all mummies are amazing.


normally, u latch 1 side and empty tat first. unless baby wans more then u offer the other side of the breast. anyway, v seldom nb will empty 2 breasts...

anyway, when the time comes, u will know if ur breast is empty or otherwise..

when i am still on ML, will pump 3hourly beside latching..if back to wk, 1 session in the morning when i wakes up, 3x in office in the day, 1x at nite before slp and 1x in the middle of the nite. so long as i am hm, i will latch and pump. in office no choice only can pump...

3hourly pumping or watever duration is individual de. All depends on baby's demand for milk, hw hardwking u are and ur time management. there is no hard or fast rule must be xx or yy hours...

aft u expressed, either u store it as chilled milk or frozen. if chilled milk, u need to warm up coz u dun wan to give cold milk to the baby rite? if frozen milk, u need to defroze it then warm it up for the baby. chill milk can be stored up to 2 or 3days while frozen milk can store up to 3mths.


hope u and ur gal will recover soon. try to take more fluid and rest more. u need a lot of rest for ur body to recuperate.

Thanks to all the mum for the advise given on BF-ing.

Split:- I alrd discuss with my mum. I will be staying at home looking after my baby for the first 3 months & BF..which include one month of confinement at my grandma house.. After that den go work. My mum will be looking after my baby while I work so I guess I will try purely latching on during my first 3months, den pump when I start to work. Can this work?? I scare supply gets lower & lower nia..

I intend to BF him till 6-8months before I start using FM on him..

val, apple, thanks.. ya i am drowing myself with water and vit C now. preggy can take vit C right?

kaykay, dun stress about it. wait for bb to come first. i find out, no matter how well u prepare, usually ur bb will take u by surprise have to see how she/he behaves when born.

Mummies, we are coming to our last trimester soon hor.. can start taking coconut water?? i am craving for coconut water and the fruit.


u went RGPS yest so how did it went?


yes. can take vit c but dun overdose! hehehe.

i cant agree with u more tat no matter hw well prepared we are, sometime things dun go the way we plan as each baby is diff =)

i think coconut drinks can only be taken in the late stage of 3rd tri? i am nt so sure too. Only taken once during my #1 preg at w37 or w38. Its too cooling for me le...

starfruit - vit C should be alright. If not, u take oranges/kiwi/guava fruits.

I don't think we can take coconut water now, it is more like towards full term around week 36 onwards if I still remember [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Val - they will notified us via mail in about 4-6 weeks time. Pray hard..haha

Starfruit:- Ya, just hope I can do the most I can prepare for BF cos I heard its a great challenge for a lot of mummies..

Coconut water:- is coconut water/ milk?? My friends say take it during the weeks nearer to labour is good as it cleanse our womb & baby come out will have fair skin.. She told it 1time during her 8th month & 1time during her 9th month of pregnancy..

Yea, we have 3months ++ to go!! Can't wait for the time to come!! A few more weeks to our 3rd trimester..

So nervous also.. Heard 3rd trimester gonna be like 1st trimester.. Honey moon period over soon =/


ya i think apple n val r rite.. last week i attended mrs wong class, she says coconut water shld take only in abt 7-8mths.. now shld b stil early for it..

star: i also feel like taking coconut drink but now cannot, still too early. even last evening, mil say beta dun drink grass jelly too. so we drank sugarcane

lets pray tt our babies will b easy!

i'm already feeling heavy now. cant rember feeling tis heavy so soon during #1 time.

starfruit, ya, i attended mrs wong's class last week, she say toward the last few weeks b4 birth ...

happy, u attend mrs wong's which one? me attend the thurs one.. next one is on 10feb ..

Hi Ling,

ya i attended the antenatal class last sat cos mine is weekend classes.. it was the first lesson last week.. next lesson will b after cny le.. haha she's gd rite.. very expressive n hands on demo kind..

happy, me thurs class .. ya, mrs wong very good n funny ... like her style of teaching ...

my tummy stil not big for a coming 7th mth ... hope it is a compact tummy ...


no worries.. think as long as bb is growing well and at the right weight, is ok to have a compact tummy.. actually i tot this is better so tummy wun hav to stretch tat much hee.. many ppl commented that my tummy not v big also for a 5mth plus bb.. hehe but i think as long as bb healthy den ok lo.. n i quite small size kind so think shld b normal.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

happy... haha.. me plus size ... so more space for bbay ...

ya, as long baby is healthy can liao ...

tis morning went to my SIL's gynane visit, her doc say she is lucki wz no stretch marks. .. at week 37 ...

me these few days felt very itchy everywhere ... not sure if stretch marks appearing soon or not ... ahhhhhhhh ...

ling.. hahah i think many ppl says stretch marks anot is dependent alot on genes leh.. my fren's #1 that time she 5mths already got stretch marks liao.. so also depends on ur skin condition i guess..

oh itchy probably is cos the skin is stretching.. probably put more stretch mark oil/cream to ease the itchiness lo.. n hopefully can reduce and prevent the stretch marks..

happy. only at nite b4 sleep.. my inner tights will b very itchy ... the side of tummy also ... arhhhh ... apply alot of oil liao ... jus finished another bottle ... haiz ..

ling.. wa u very dilligent.. everytime got apply.. i quite lazy sometimes ll forget, den nv apply.. bot one bottle stil haven finished using..

oh ya jus wondering, mummies here, do u all intend to let bb sleep on cot, play pen (with mattress)or portable yao lan??


Cot will be the first few mth..after tt then yao Lan.. Cos e bone has not fully developed.

Btw I rem reading abt mtb commenting abt desitin.can't rem creamy or original is better.saw on gmarket selling 2 for $10.50..thinking wanna buy..

Finally met up my best frez for dinner last sat night.everything seems ok..but she did not mention a single word abt

pregnancy.cos other frezs will ask when due,which hospital,ms,how many weeks,etc..

Hallo mummies....the thread is so long..lazy to catch up the previous thread [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].


for desitin, can use the creamy one for everyday use.

Re: Bumper playmat

I also have the bumper..I bought the LG Asobang type. It's not regret have one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Novi, thanks for the advice on bumper mat. Still discussing with hubby cos really like the parkland design.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I bought the desitin fr kiddy palace. Creamy one. It's $12 per tube with mbr card. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hello mommies,

Sorry for interrupting, I'm an Apr mommy & i have a photoshoot package to propose to see if mommies here are interested.

Me & my hubby is running a photo studio.

We are having this idea to pull all May mommies here for maternity photoshoot, u ladies arrange one day for all who are interested to come to our studio for maternity+family portrait, maybe in different time slot, and split the cost.

The package is $1300/day (discounted). So if 10 of you are interested then pay only $130/family. Each family shoot will be around 45mins, about 30-40 best shot will be given in softcopy, with 5 touch up shots.

All mommies can do a group shot too, if the timing is right. This is fun! Also a good time to catch up with each other.

To make it more comfy for you & your family, refreshment will be provided.

You ladies see-how ok? Please update me again via PM.

For mommies who are keen to take maternity & baby new born in 2 different session, PM me also & i'll get back to you on a special rate.

Many Thanks!

