(2011/05) May 2011

Kay Kay,

Besides shark fin,cold dishes also better avoid like Japanese baby octopus,jelly fish..

Bubble pearl,

Mutton is no no..will causes fit..


any idea why shark fin cant be eaten? i remember i ask my gynae b4 he told me no problem for eating shark fin..just avoid raw food..

i personally feel sharkfin taken once in a while should be no problem.. hee..

as for others hor i dunno leh.. i feel everything dun overdose can liao..

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] if wan to follow strictly... mummy might have depression lor..

anyway mutton why cannot.. i think its just myth..

imagine those country where mutton is their main source of meat.. hee..

Hey i tried the butterfly touch.. and my gal really respond immediately.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ic thanks starfruit, attended quite a no. of wedding dinner lately so actually asked my gynae b4 hand he nv mention anything abt the mecury to me though..guess must have a limit to it ba..

so sian sat still gotta work..counting down to 1230..

Hi Mummy-to-be!

I have 6 packs of Similac Mum to let go at $10.

Will be giving away the below as free gift:

- 2 pc $3 voucher for purchasing similac mum

- Soothing music for baby in your stomach

- ABC learning CD for your toddler next time

- Sample size nipple cream, stretch mark cream, etc

Take away the above in a nice purple fabric bag!

Contact [email protected]


Hi mummies,

sorry to disturb your thread but I have a used Quinny Zapp 3 wheeler stroller(red colour) and a Maxi-cosi Cabrio Fix Infant carrier(red colour) to let go at a lower price either as a set or seperately.

Please PM me if you are interested.

Thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I have the following items to let go, pm me if you are keen..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

1) 2 x BN Anakku One-way Nappy Liner @ $6/box (UP $8.50)

2) 1 x BN Pigeon Disposable Breast Pad 42pc @ $10 (UP $11.50) FOC 13 pcs + 2 x BN Kotex maternity pad

3) Preloved Children Manhattan Deluxe 4-in-1 Convertible @$80


elbarc: I'm so going for mani+pedi. Booked for Tuesday liao. Not being able to reach my toes is an excuse. *wink*

bunnymum: I guess so... but i think a bit should be fine ba....

morning ladies..

im feelin very depress and stressful..my maid ytd go out from 830pm tp 1045pm despite us telling her she's not suppose to go out so late..after questioning her she tell us she go mean her friend bf..make me feel so stress..the thots of having to change maid again maid me very stress..we've change a fews maids already and is really mentally pressurizing to keep changing maid..

morning ladies =) cny coming soon =)


have u paid the deposit to maryann already?


mani n pedi is ok.


yes. the vege in yusheng are raw...the slice fish also raw..the only non raw thing is the fried crackers. hehehe.


glad to see u ard again. hope u are feeling so much better =)


haha.. i guess i should phrase my question like can we eat them? keke!! i dun eat the fish so it's more of the vege..is it still safe for us?

Good morning..am reporting fr RGPS..hehe

Waiting for my turn[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I hv been doing pedicure on monthly basis..no prob for that.


i think its up to individual whether u ok to eat them or nt le.


yes. do be careful at least till u fully recover lo. still have 1week + to cny. quickly recover and u can enjoy the yummy goodies. hehehe.


Ok thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

any mummies here bought from SSW the bumper mats for our new babies to come? Do you all know if I post questions on the forum, would they reply or not allowed to? sorry, first time doing it. ;p

hi bunnymum,

personally la, i only "yi shi yi shi" eat the crackers la. the yusheng n raw fish i dun eat =)

I bought the bumper mat frm SSW back in 2008. They will reply la. Just a matter of how fast or slow nia =) so fast u aimed which one to get le?

our thread so quiet today huh...

Guess everyone busy with work bahs.. Or prepare CNY le..

Btw, do any mummies experience left/ right side of stomach ache/pain?? I sometimes get it when I am eating. Is it something wrong?? Or norm?? If I am not wrong our stomach is on the slightly left of our body.?

Or is really walking good?? Walking too much will cause back/ hip ache anot?? Ever since I start walking, my hipside start to pain liaO.. =(

How much do u all walk everyday??

yeah the thread is really quiet today... normally read alot of posts til i cant catch up le..


i think my gynae said b4 is quite common to have pain here n there for preggie, unless it gets so serious n so persistent den is problem..

walking is good exercise for preggies.. but mayb dun walk too much, prob 15-20 mins walk a day is good ba.. i walk ard 20 mins a day usually from mrt station to my office.. but u got pain in ur hip, did u do some stretching exercise or something to alleviate it? or u tried asking ur gynae for advice??

experienced mummies,

also wanna ask u all abt breast pumps... do u all use electric or manual pumps? which is better actually? cos heard of pros n cons of both so not too sure.. r medela brand breast pumps good??

Happy, it really depends on your needs whether you're using the pump to supplement direct latching or if you are pumping exclusively.

If you are heavily reliant on the pump (such as your baby refuse to latch and you have to pump exclusively), you should get a good electric one - such as Medela Freestyle or PIS. These two are the best I heard, but I have not personally tried them before.

For myself I latch more than pump, so I only got a Avent Manual one at first, which is very good I feel, convenient and compact, good suction too. To prep for pumping at work, I bought another Avent UNO electric pump, but I end up using it as a manual pump because I feel that manual pump is easier to control. Some other moms share my sentiment. There is one mom who bought Medela Freestyle for her #2, but still went back to her old Avent Manual.

So it really depends on your situation and varies from person to person. My advice is not to invest heavily in a pump before you give birth, you may not succeed at breastfeeding (have faith! I hope everyone can succeed) or you and your baby may be the perfect match for exclusive latching and dun need a pump (till you go back to work).

Hi Val,

Yeah! Me saw you gals marvel at how good the bumper mats are.. i quickly ask husband take a look. keke! WOrry later on baby comes, too busy to log in to read the threads here n find out what is really good for baby. Can buy and keep first right? or KS? heheeh! won't spoil one hor..Yeah their reply really slow.

Yeah, tdy v quiet..

kaykay, I do have pain left and right sometimes. My gynae says as long no bleeding, it's ok. normal to feel pain here n there. Tdy i have pain in the middle of tummy! Just now the pain suddenly shot thru the belly button. wondering if bb playing with the cord. I froze on the spot, v pain! sometimes i get bubbling feeling too which goes all the way done to the V part! very weird.. i hope all is fine..

I don't walk much everyday except for lunch and shopping during weekends. Moderate walking is good. Too much standing and walking or sitting will cause cramps. Everything is still moderate i guess

moo mum,

thanks for ur advice..! so it's actually better to just get a manual one for now b4 bb is born since is cheaper and we dunno how it ll b like..

but will it tiring and difficult to use the manual pumps? cos i heard of ppl who tried to use but hav problems pumping so get too tired and cant pump much out.. so abit worried abt getting a manual one..

Happy...you're welcome.

I am very happy with my Avent Manual, when I pumped in office, on a good day I can get 350ml++ (to the brim of Avent 330 ml bottle) from both sides per pumping session, but usually I get about 200ml++. I pump twice at work so I can get 400 - 500 ml per day on average, enough for my baby on the next day.

Hands do get tired but you'll get used to it...I actually feel it's quite shiok...hahahaha For Avent Manual and Electric is convertible so if I buey tahan just mount the motor and let motor do the job..of coz motor is not as good as my own hands lah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Happy:- I also dunno why my hip bones so pain even when I am lying on bed now.. Before then I didn't walk, don't have joints clicking sounds or much back ache/hip ache. However, I've been having them ever since I start to walk, wondering if walking is really good/necessary?!

Ya loh, have to ask my gynae for advise this wed when I go for my routine checkup appointment..

Breastpump:- will it be too late if we buy breastpump after BF for a few weeks/months?? so afraid that will be v busy each time need to BF all day long at home.. How many times does a baby really need to be BF each day?? Any rough idea??

kaykay, depends on the age of the baby, newborns can be very demanding - feed every 3-4 hours and each time 30min to 1hr.

As they grow older they are more efficient so each feed can last them longer.

Actually it's recommended not to use pump until your breastfeeding is established (takes up to 6 weeks)- not good to interfere with nature huh. but not all babies can suckle successfully so mommies need to use pumps to stimulate supply and feed with bottles, which may cause nipple confusion.

mummies, do you gals experience anything like a sinking feeling in the tummy (feels like baby movement) then abit of pain or sometimes sharp and fast pain at the private part? beginning to wonder if it is normal.

ling: how to force? i tried to lie in bed close my eyes to sleep but still cannot. lucky my boy self entertained and did nt disturb me. but after a few hrs, he also cried softly. told me he cant sleep

Evening mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I do feel pain on my bottom left side.. been bothering me for the last few nites... been avoiding walking and resting in bed... my right hand fingers esp the ring, middle and thumb is getting worse... my girl lately doesn't want to eat on her own and insisted me to feed her otherwise she's rejecting her meals.. halfway feeding her, cramps will comes and it's really frustrating trying to hold the spoon... lately also no mood to eat using chopsticks as not much strength to hold it and wants to use hands to eat instead... most of the time cramps and yesterday saw tat the ring and middle fingers abit blackish... very numb feelings.. wanted to go and visit chinese sensei this morning and only to arrive to see clinic closed... after seeing the appt card then to realise that mon and tue is closed... so sotong of me... sigh...

ash, drink warm milk ... then start count the sheeps ... hehe ...

hope u 2 will get to sleep well soon ...

bunnymum, shd b normal lah ... sometime feel like butterfly fly pass... very tickish?

as long not pain tat last a few mins or bleeding, then shd b ok ...

auroa, did u check wz gynae? sound like ur cramps r serious leh ...

i only felt backside pain if i sit for long like 40mins ...


butterfly passed by and ticklish, that one i confirmed is baby moving.

This one is sharp pain at the private part then spread upwards to the belly button. It is a sharp stabbing quick pain.

I just read it could be one of those Haxton Bricks or something or the baby's head hitting the mouth of the cervix so causing pain there.

ling, seen the doc and gynae before... they said it's due to pregnancy that's causing it... i got it for my 1st preg too... lasted 1 yr (after delivery) for it to go away... meanwhile will hve to endure w the pain but doc advised if i can't grab things up with my fingers, i will need to go back to clinic for further assess.. it's just that this time round, it's really painful (feel like chopping off the hand) and i'm depending on the aching pain cream to ease the pain now...


its normal to exp some abdomen pain now as uterus is still expanding. like wat happy mentioned, so long as its persistent and there is no bleeding or wat, its fine. mayb u can check with ur gynae to double cfm coz personally i feel more relieve if i double chk with my gynae.

normal slow walk is gd. gynae will advise u to do some light exericses like casual swim, light walking unless u have any underlying conditions that do not allows u to do so...

nb can feed abt 3hourly, at least tats wat i exp frm my boy. usually aft latching, i will express to built up more supply. so depends if u wan to pump aft u latch the baby too.


for my #1, i used electric pump for only the first mth and then i switch to using my 2 hands for the next 23mths as they can draw more milk than the pumps.

PIS and Freestyle are highly recommended by my friends but this time rd, i will nt invest in any pumps but rely on my 2 hands =) manual pump more tiring lo but once u get used to it le, it will be nthing. hahaha.


ya. can buy the bumper mats first la as wldnt spoilt la. hehehe. anytime u see got promo can just buy n keep first. i actually went to see their bp le but dun see any designs i fancy so i am waiting to see if they will have new designs or designs i like coming soon. hehe.

sometimes i do get the sharp pain too and then the ache will spread to the back. my gynae says its normally so long as it goes away and not persistent lo.

moo mum,

u also hand express!?


jetlag? where did u came back frm?


blackish. oh dear. sounds like ur cramps getting really bad le. cld it be lack of iron also?

Val...by hand express..you mean directly using your hands or using a manual pump?

I used a manual pump and will do it again this time.

As for hand express, heard it's an acquired skill and some can do it really well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/3877999/5053057.jpg]

val, i'm not sure leh...the multi-vitas consits of iron leh.. sometimes it really drives me almost to tears.. i dun enjoy eating nowadays and i can't bear to reject to feed my girl... she's rejecting her daddy to feed her and only wants mummy to feed.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

auroa: sounds bad leh, esp w fingers turning blackish. means blood not circulating well. beta see chinese sinseh asap

val: juz came back fr 3 weeks holiday to toronto & london. surprise tt i can walk so much during this trip. coligs says i lost a bit of weight

Va|:- so after u BF u will express the excess?? How u know if u can still express?? Try pump ahh??

Auroa:- I also got same experience.. Pain at bottom left gastric there also.. Right side don't have.. I scare isit I eat too much during meals den pain?!

CNY steamboat:- anyone know if its safe to eat steamboat during CNY?? Cos since so many ppl is sharing.. Might be inhygiene.. If ppl sick den eat tgt den 'jialat' liao loh.. Shld we avoid??


kaykay, my family hving steamboat next sat... as long as food is fully cooked, can eat liao and if any1 sick, shd not share food loh...

