(2011/05) May 2011

Morning All Mommies!

I had a 2-day MC rest @ home, now felt better at work. Else, very very lam-nua.


How's yr gastric? Ok le ma?


Good luck wz RGPS! Hows the process like?


Hope u feeling better


Is that the one u told us, didnt want to meet at 1st? So how after meeting her? She acting normal?


I think coconut drink can take in last trimester. I rem taking it during last 2mths weekly basis during #1.


Morning mummies!!

I have been MIA since 2 weeks ago..hee..busy with my work and spring cleaning..change new boss, a lot of work to be done.

How is everyone coping..din manage to read all the archives..

Apple, you manage to be selected for RGPS PV?

Val, thanks for the recommendation,the Ikada pineapple tarts are nice..soft and buttery..the close one is nicer than the open ones..but a pity I order a small bottle, I already eaten half..dun think can last until CNY..next yr I going to order the big bottle..

Kaykay, I din manage to read what happen to you but I hope the decision you made will not regret later and I think with the support from your family, you will be able to cope well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Starfruit..my gynae says can take coconut drink but cannot take frequently now..but usually ppl take during the last few weeks. I think I will start to take at Week 36.

morning, dolly, good to see u. all ok already.

this photography package from anne sounds interesting, maybe we should organise one when our bbs are born and do one may babies instead! i will be more keen on this.

Today throat still not feeling that great. i didn;t realised CNY is next week.. aiyo, 1 more weekend to go, still have tons of packing to do. so tired.

Dun feel much movementof bb last night and this am. not sure if i am suppose to be worried leh. hmm.. anyone has any advise?

vv, 2 days MC? u ok? rest well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

starfruit, try drinking coke with salt or honey water... it helps to soothe the throat.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] maybe u try the butterfly tap and see whether bb got response

starfruit : yeah.. thanks! do you wanna give your gynae a call and get advise from her? i've experienced this before during #1, my gynae did a heart check for my bb..

recently my girl likes to pick up the phone and speak if it ring.. so last sat, my FIL called us and my girl picked it up & blah blah all the way... so he told my MIL about it..

MIL make a trip down to my place on sun and test.. she make the 1st call, my girl went to pick up & blah... then she heard people around her keep laughing.. next, my MIL makes many call again.. my girl didn't pick up the phone again...

now, whenever the phone rings... she pick up the phone without making any sound again or refused to pick up the phone again...

is it normal for her to behave this way?

dolly, initally my girl also does tat but after tat she dun... partly bcos my inlaws wants her to talk to them over the phone and loaded her w lots of questions.. they din even wait for her to reply and kept on laughing on the phone.. think my girl got bored and drop the phone on the floor and went off to play... nowadays she doesn't pick up the phone and even if passed to her, she just listen at the other end and passed to us w/o making any noise but she enjoyed picking up the phone (when it's not ringing at all) and kept on repeating "hello, daddy... daddy not at home... at work.. okie, bye".. when asked she's talking to who, she replied tat she's talking to daddy (???!!!)

Morning all mummies!!

Imma now on my way to kkh for routine check up.. Hope everything is ok. =D btw hw do gynae measure the weight of the baby??

auroa : oh.. my girl too.. she'll pick up the phone and blah blah all the way.. but if the phone's ringing... she'll just keep quiet after that incident...

do you think she's feel "cheated'?


I also not been logging in for days... How are you?


Very severe backaches eh... Haz, cham liao. Dunno how to cope when during last trimester.

Glad to hear u ok... Rem to eat plain and simple for time being yeah.


Take care, u ok ma? I also sometimes dun feel bb movements very often. I read up, it says sometimes bb kicks inside, so we cannot feel it.


Im ok, just tat backaches quite bad that affected my calf and feet, felt numbness. Now even fingers, I will feel kinda numb at times.


I realised that, toddlers like them like to keep conversations very short & 'sweet' eh. Sometimes, when she is at my mom place, I will call her from outside. She wont talk to me very long, and only said, Mommy, okie, byebye. I was like huh????!!!!

Hello Mummies....sorry to disturb you all...

Im looking for a CL in Jul 2011 and the one my gf recommend is taken up, so I need to look for another one, anyone got good recommendation for your CL?

Can pm me the contacts or email me at [email protected]

Thanks a Million!!!

Dolly, how much does your massage lady charge you??

My massage lady ask me to start end Feb but my lower back already very pain..then yty i think the nerve point in my button area pain also..I feel the pinch whenever I bend a bit.

Another male colleague ask me why I still come to work in my current condition, he thot I am due anytime..I told him I still have 17 weeks to go, dunno how to tong until then.

vv..I am fine except lower back and buttock area pain. Is your numbness better liao??

dolly, thanks, feel her movement already.. maybe i was too busy at work and stress (cos my ger still sick) so never really feel bb's movement. will cont to monitor and if there is nay decrease will call doc.

Auroa, wow coke with salt sounds good ok i go try later.. thanks for the tips.

Ya i am craving for coconut water will prob take it later on in the preg.

VV: take care, now a bad time to get sick. hope you get well by CNY.

vv : prenatal massage helps in relaxing and smooth delivery too... it will definitely helps to soothe all our aches...

wayne : she charge me SGD70 per session, about 1.5 hrs...


Oh u also have back pain. Me too. Haz.

Numbness is not getting any better leh.

Dunno how. U got numbness?


Yea lo.. Its bad when I wake up every morning and in the night cos by then tummy bigger cos of all the food of the day... Then getting up from chair & all is a chore to me now. Haz.


Your massage lady does both post & pre natal?

Hers is her own biz or from those massage company de?

vv, ya, me backpain and if i walk long, the front side pelvic area, just below tummy will be very pain also. And I have to carry my tummy to relieve a bit of pain.

Hubby ask me to buy dunno what tummy support but I think only left a few more months, dun want to waste $$.

Dolly, 1.5hours is great..I dunno if I can tahan until end Feb. Maybe you pm me your massage lady contact, see if she is free next week to help me do 1 session before CNY.

vv & wayne - I was not selected yet..I went for Interview at RGPS only. Fingers cross that we can be selected [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I find my tum tum suddenly become bigger too! I got slight pain at the back, but I find the Clarins soothing leg cream helps. So I just apply my legs, thighs & shoulder after shower.

vv, i also got numbness at my fingers... mostly the thumb, middle and ring fingers at my right hand.. backache is still bearable but lately got shoulder aching pain... me 2 also dun know whether can endure till delivery... thou i also got smiliar cramps during no1 but this time round more servere cramps esp the fingers... i feel tat eating nowadays very troublesome.. halfway eating got cramps and hve to put down chopsticks to massage liao.. i going for burgers (thou not healthy) but convenient to eat as not much strength required to eat lor... my gynae prescribed me ache cream to ease it... did u ask yr gynae whether can get cream to ease the cramps.. maybe massage will help bah... but i scare to do it during preg esp recently i hve bleeding... sigh...

dolly, i think phone conversations need to be both ways loh... my inlaws talked non-stop and dun bother on her responses.. my girl dun know how to react.. either she giggles or hello or throw down the phone liao.. i got my girl to talk to my hubby on the phone and she can tell my hubby tat she eaten and ask him when he will be back.. the phone conversation must be kept short thou as their attention span is not long at their age.. at the most, she chatted for 2 mins and she passed the phone to me and went off to play...

hey girls maybe u all might wanna try my massage lady..her fee is very reasonable too..erm but not sure if she got increase or not..pre-natal is $35/hr..i only tried her prenatal once during my first pregnancy cant really remember the effect le..but her post natal was gd at least it help me reduce some fats..she is mdm mona

apple, the clarins soothing leg cream helps? does it hve hand cream too? got liang liang feel?

Hello ladies! Been really sleepy even tho i'm no longer sleeping with my girl in the same room. Moved back to my own place coz my helper is here liao.... Take cab to my mum's place everyday and back. Super siong...

Auroa - I checked with the Clarins counter staff, they told me can apply hand, legs & back eventhough the bottle stated soothing legs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I have double confirmed with my gynae too, I brought the bottle to the clinic and he gave me green light to use it regularly.

Yes, after that got liang liang feeling. BTW, I forgotten the other day I think your gynae gave u a counterpain cream rite? U took the cooling effect cream? I think u gotta stop using that coz according to TCM, the cooling counterpain is not good for numbness as the blood circulation is bad. Gotta use the hot type, but my gynae doesn't allow. The cream is too strong.


Yours sounds serious wor.. Mine is only severe in the morning & night time. Eating wise ok but appetite getting better. Am trying not to over-eat. But at least the aching cream helps u. I got see GP cos too unbearable the pain in the morning. GP gave panadol as usual and some aching cream too. It soothes for a while and back to pain again next day. So will see how. Going for gynae visit next Tue. I think gynae will give me calcium pills if I tell her backaches leh. Cos thats what happened during #1. Haz.


Hows yr current maid now? Is she getting (more) better? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Uhm, pray hard for u too. Maybe can go in leh.


Poor u, take care yeah. And really need to rest wenever u can okie.


Oh ok. Im actually looking @ Origin Jamu Massage, dunno if good a not. Haz. Last time during #1, I didnt go for any massage. Am thinking if I should really pamper myself this time. Cos maybe during #1, didnt take care. So this time, #2, the backaches is quite bad.


Tum support? Does he mean back-support?

Those mesh type that can put on the chair to support our backs? If so, can buy la, even after preg also can use. But dunno where got sell leh. Can try Japan Home, maybe have?

vv : certain $$$ can't afford to save... if you are really aching, times to do prenatal massage.. you can give it a try 1st if you like it... as for me, i really enjoy the massage.. it's really relaxing and soothes my backache.. best thing, i feel refreshed for the next 3 days...

Hi apple: She's ok, she plays well with my girl and i can see she likes her a lot. There were some things i wasn't comfortable with in the first 3 days but I've realised that it's also partially coz of my way of managing her (i.e. not enough boundaries, or not telling her my expectations right from the start) so have managed to solved that liao.

vv, not mesh type to put on the chair. Is something like a belt that tied from the back to below tum so that can support the tum. Mothercare got sell...I think Pigeon also have..Pigeon one cost $80+..scared buy liao no use.

My #1, I also dun have massage lady to help me do postnatal..this time round I book Mdm Ida..heard from other thread she is good so try out..her rate is reasonable also.

Apple, when will you know if you are selected for interview?

vv - I brought her to TCM for tui na. Her old injury quite bad. Actually the hand numbness is not the main cause. It was the back! One size swollen, she also dunno she tot it was FATS! faint big time me..lucky the tui na uncle super experience la.

Agent advise me to change coz she doesn't want accident when the maid handling bb in future. I'm waiting for new biodata coz the current biodata all not suitable for me.

Hannah - good to hear that..at least she can blend well with your girl that's the most important as caregiver. Oh ya, you have to set your house rules and expectations fr the beginning. Or else very difficult to handle them after some times.

apple: Wah.... Ok, good thing you discovered it early...

Well, i didn't really need her to be the caregiver so one of the things that disturbed me seriously earlier was when she used every opportunity to touch her hand or leg or hug her. Even to the extent of smelling her hair! *faintz* My instinct as a mother kicked in and all my insecurities did as well (i never knew i had them...).

Anyway, to keep the long story short, i discussed with my hb and we came up with a simple list of what we wanted her to do daily, weekly and monthly. And also some rules about phone, tv, discipline of my daughter, etc... Seems to be better after that coz i guess it also solves her issues abt finding out what to do.

apple, oh dear, i almost finished using the tube liao... now only left quarter liao....


Uhmm, I will consider. Usually for prenatal is how many sessions de?


Oh okie. Quite exp leh like wat u say. Maybe u wan get those what I say, for chair de. I heard is like 10 bucks or sth. I didnt buy la, but my colleague did. I only bot a cushion to support my back on my chair. Didnt help a lot but a little comfy though.


Like tat hoh, I also think u should change leh. Dun take the risk. Tis kind of thing very hard to say de. U dunno when it will 'fa zuo' again u know. Let me know when u gg own to agency. Am quite keen to find out if really no lumpsum payment needed now.

I asked my maid casually last week tat if she will work longer for me. She seems like interested. Will ask again after CNY.


Hahaa... its good to nap after lunch hor. Very Shiok de loh!


Nowadays my MIL keeps bribing my maid with foods cos she needs her to help out during CNY Eve & CNY. She didnt say out but I know. Haz. Really dun like this kind of bribery. I told my maid and make her undstd. I dun wan later this maid of mine gets bribes and changes into a greedy person. I still want her to work for me at least another year for #2. Sianz. Dunno when my ILs can get out of my life.

vv, understand how u feel... that's the tactic tat my inlaw are using for my nephew/niece and even my girl... but i have put a stop to it and explained to my girl why she can't take food esp sweets fr them everytime... need to tell them the pros and cons lor.. it's not easy at first as my girl feels tat why her cousins got to take but not her... similar to yr maid.. she must be thinking tat she din ask for it but pp give her but why reject lor... but to think of it, the more u give, the person will be more grateful or appreciative and will return watever favor tat person asks for... that's the last thing i want it to happen...

aftnn ladies...finally got time to log in...


pray u will get the PV =) btw, they will interview you why u wanna do pv etc?


ya, i suspected u were on mc too as didnt see u ard. hehehe. numbness cld also be due to poor blood circulation le.

re: coconut drinks, i think depends on individual body if can take the coolness nt. like for myself, just take once then kena v bad cramps n contractions le...coz my body is liang type...so nt advisable to take.


glad to know u like the ikada pineapple tarts =) personally i myself and my family like it too so every yr we will go back to order. i also like the closed one. usually i order 2 big 2 small. hahaha.


ya. i am ok with the ps but i will still go ahead with the Studio Loft one. hahaha!

mayb u are sick thus baby nt so active. this happens to me before everytime i am nt well. so mayb u try to talk to baby and ask if ok, tap then monitor n see. however, if u are still worry, give ur gynae a call or visit, this is the most assuring one =) dun worry too much =) actually i dun use the butterfly tap, normal tapping on the tummy baby will response too. normal taps on the tummy works for both my pregnancies.


u tendered rite? nw serving 1 mth notice or completed le?


Exactly. I told my maid the same thing; I said to her I dun my maids to accept offers such as foods and all from neighbours and from my inlaws, even from my own mom. She said she understands and even asks me if my MIL & neighbours also like that to my previous maids. I told her honestly YES. I said to her, I dun pple to bribe her then later expect her to do work for them which is wrong. Cos if anything happens I will be liable and go jail. Hahahaa... Then she said yeah, she knows I will be in trouble. I really hope that this maid of mine is really truthful to me and dun like bribes to what she claims to be.

For my boy, my inlaws will not get in any contact with him unless they go n kaypoh to the CC. The last I heard, my FIL went to the shop opposite CC and then ask my boy whom is in the CC - if he wants ICE CREAM???!!??? I was like, wah kaoz. Is he getting old or just being MCP that he finds nothing wrong wz a toddler holding a ice cream in the class, with all other sch mates watching him, during lessons? I really dun undstd. My hubby said my feud with them is too deep and my heart filled with too much hatred. However, he never stop and think what if he is in my position.

Talk about sweets. Im gonna ban my boy from sweets except maybe to my mom plc once a week there being pampered, at least I can tell my mom/sis off if its too much. I cant tell my inlaws off ma.

I really admire you, Auroa for yr spirit and determination in explaining things to your gal. Am trying to adopt the same way as you, try to talk to my boy more often instead of smacking him when he really makes me so pissed off esp during this pregnancy at this time. Haz.


Yeah, on MC but working from home. Cant leave my laptop in office cos I took mc since Monday. My laptop was wz me over the weekends. Haz.

How are u? Saw that u receive my bb list, ok ma. I already tabulated the checklist against the old stuffs I had. Realised I still have so many things to buy leh. U?

Coconut Drink

Maybe u can buy from those stalls de, they got mix with water, so not so liang?


U tender?

Val, cause they stop their sampling Liao so me nmh mum bought I small bottle each to try out. Next yr I will order big one.

Vv, ya lor, I dun want to buy but enshrine I complain of pelvic area pain, Hubby will say 'who ask you dun buy the support'. I hv the cushion on my chair, only hlp a bit lor.


take care of urself n recover before cny..

we chatted like the past days..but she nvr mention a single word like ms, edd, hospital, etc.. my hubby said at least she wanna come out n meet u ..is considered good lor


thank u for your reply


do u feel ur belly button area pain pain? i experience it a few times..on and off..but only the right hand side of my tummy is painful.. i am thinking issit the popping out of my belly button, uterus expanding or my bb kick the umbilical cord?


aiyo...MC but still wking frm hm. if possible just try to rest as much as possible and nt on the laptop la...but i know its easier said than done coz ppl will still look for u when u on mc, rite?

Ya, saw ur list and its really v comprehensive le. hehehe. but i only have the following to buy lo:


Nappy Rash Cream

Cotton Wool


Wet wipes

Milk bottles

Milk bags

Breast pads

Wan to buy:

customized Bean Sprouts Pillow

2sets of nice presentable clothings

Baby Pouch

no la. this time rd, i wldnt touch coconut water le...as i dun wan to go into early delivery! hahaha. anyway, i feel la, drinking coconut water or nt the diff is whether baby is "cleaned" or covered in blood. so i am ok to do without it lo.


have they stopped collecting orders for the goodies?


i dun feel the pain at my belly button area...more of the abdomen.

