(2011/05) May 2011

dolly - if your girl's teeth got no prob, and she is regularly brushing teeth, u can bring her to dentist at the age of 3. I find 2.5 is too young..

I brought my girl to Thomas Dental @ Paragon. Dentist quite pleased with her teeth, so my girl only see him once a year till she is 5, then will be twice a year


val, my girl used to drink milk and sleep and ended up w plague... dentist wanted to clean it up for her but she dun want.. she's more concerned on getting the worms out and out of the dentist rm... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] btw, the dentist told me tat my girl might need correction/braces for her teeth next time as her front teeth tends to go to the back when she closes her teeth...

dolly, if yr girl's teeth is ok, no need to start her so early for dentist visit.. but if bringing her, need to find a good children dentist as 1st visit very impt [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dolly, its up to you when you want to bring J to dentist. like the rest say, u can consider bringing when she is older if her teeth is ok.

But if u would like to go for a visit, also can, just that u need a more specialised dentist for now.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Can don't put de mahs.. If really cannot take bb bonus den nvm..

I tell u all something, my fil just call & shout his complain at me. I no give face I vent all my anger out till I keep reprimand him till he bo wei kong. He talk on phone like kid den say I rude to him.. I finally tell him my plan & move ahead..

My dad also supportive. Tonight we gonna go back my in-law pack my stuffs & go.

Something happy that my fil say he more happy I divorce with my hb & he say 'u think we really care abt the baby ahh'.. I tell him on phone 'I am more glad that they don wanna snatch the baby from me'. Ease my mind loads!


sigh can can a sensible adult said something like that to a pregnant dil no matter how bad the situation..anyway glad ur parents and sister are supportive kaykay..jia you..

morning ladies..IS FRIDAY today~hope today is a smooth day..

Good Morning Mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Erh, how come din see dolly's morning greetings?

morning mummises, yes so glad its friday.

How come don;t see Dolly's message, she is usually one of the first one.

Kaykay, all the best and stay strong for your baby.

Morning Mommies!

Yeah, how come didnt see Dolly today?

Yesterday she also MIA eh.


Good Luck & Jia You!


I kept dreaming about my boy's CC whole nite eh. Didnt sleep well. CHAM... Guess I think too much liao. Haz.


Oh really arh.. Uhmm, then maybe go for the normal Ba Kwa...

Morning mommies ^^

My boy kiking me from 6am-7am when I went to toilet can't slp.. Hahas..

Ya, where's dolly?? Where's her 'its friday!' morning msg?? Guess becos its fri that's why shall slpp longer in bed =p let her have the rest. Hahas..

Starfruit/vv :- Thks, will endure de.. Said is easier but I know it gonna be really tougher den I can imagine..

Good morning!

Dolly MIA..maybe she is on leave..hehe

vv - I heard the price is going up again this weekends..better grab if u wanna get some [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning ladies...ya..tgif...i need the rest & time =P


true. if me i wld also prefer to take advantage of wking frm hm aft baby arrives. at least can spend more time with the kids than travelling up n dwn.

Re: bak kwa

normally wat brand u all buy??


ya. i know nt gd to let them drink milk before slp and at nite but if i dun let him drink he wldnt slp or cant slp well lo..haiz...looks like besides letting him drink water aft the milk feed, i better cultivate a habit of him getting used to visiting the dentist.

wah! the dentist still can tell u she may need correction/braces then u can help to keep a lookout.

My friend recently wen tto GPA Dental and I may try tat.


havent le...cant get thro to them...=/


still trying to source for alt solution for the cc ah?


I got your newspapers cutting liao. So that means the maids only pay up to 2 months of the salary to come into SIN. Then we as employers only need to pay max up to 2 months of their pay (depends their salary) to the maid agency issit?


Yeah lo. I simply cant live with the fact that my boy is not learning well in CC and my Inlaws are just upstairs of the CC. Haz. Sians.

The worst part is, I gotta think of the worst scenario - what if it rains if I put him further away from my home, which I need to take bus, etc.

Any mum taking Natal care plus now?? My gynae give me & try see if I want continue taking anot.. Isit good?? And how many to take per day ahh??

Morning Mummies,

TGIF!! Falling sick soon..under attack by virus in the office.. 2 colleagues down with flu and cough..another down with fever and cough today..I am next..having sore throat already. Been eating healthier soupy stuff but still not cured..very potent virus..duno what natural remedies I can take other than fruits liao.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

vv - according to the newspaper, the maid has to upfront pay whatever amount to their home agencies before they come to SG. Then they only need to bare the loan of 2 months in SG, which means we no need to upfront pay $3k that much bah

I know maids going to HK, they have upfront pay their home agencies before they can get a job in HK.

bunnymum - I cured my sore throat by squeeze 1/2 fresh lemon + a pinch of salt and luke warm water [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u may wanna try before it flares up

hi apple, thanks alot! I will try that tonight.

It's just for gargling of the throat, not for consumption right? sorry for the silly qn.

bunnymum - is for you to drink [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]I took twice and my sore throat totally gone

vv, u mean the loan is it? when i hired my maid other than the agency fee still gotta fork out abt 2k for the maid loan, thereafter deduct from the maid pay mthly..but if u getting those transfer maid some of them already clear off their loan so they only need to pay the transfer fee to the agency..

bak gak..aiyo u all keep talking abt it here make me soooooo craving for it..but im having sore throat leh

Hi mummies, im a Nov 10 mum. My gal has outgrown her newborn n 0-3 mths clothes. I feel very wasted to throw as some worn less than 5 times. Do pm me if interested. Abt 20 pcs.


I'm sharing my confinement story and thought that I could recommend my CL- her name is meiling. She's helping me right now and not sure if she is avail to help you during your confinement period. She is with i-kare agency. www.i-kare.com.sg

Her duties includes taking full-charge of my twin babies and their feeding schedule (which I am 100% latching on). She is also very quick in doing her chores and practices high expectation in cleanliness and practices hygienic habits. She cooks great confinement meals which I had never had during my first confinement and had great skills with my infants. I have no problems with her and extended her services.

Next, I want to talk about is the agecny. i-kare, i heard of their exlclusive nannies before....they have integrity to delivery what they promise... which I am very glad. She promised she'll recommend a great help. After experiencing a bad confinement in my earlier confinemetn period, i entirely let her manage. I've engaged their service thru a recommendation in this forum too when i was confirmed pregnant with twins... I hope to let mummies needing extra help have another option. Getting a great help is matter of going to the right source.

I'm currently a active mum in the forum but thought to register for a new username for this recommendation. You may send any private message to me about this recommendation.

*not an advertisment and recommending with no commision.

oh dolly, did u see doc for ur gastric? i have gastric pain too when im pregnant with #1 they got a medicine suitable for pregnant lady one..how u feeling now?

Kaykay, Elbarc, sorry for late reply .. had email to u all .. pls check ..

mummies, good afternoon ..

dolly, r u ok?? got see doc or not ...

yesterday went to see my frenz who had give birth .. wow, her bb 4.07kg ... giant ... she went thru 30hr of labour, till gynae say cannot liao, need emerency c section ...

nowadays so common to hv babies weight 3.5kg n above ... cannot imagine how my baby will weight when delivered ...

kaykay, whatever ways u take, make sure u think over n think over .. do not regret it later ...

since ur dad is so supportive now, talk wz him abt ur thoughts .. good to talk with some adults on wat u think/plan to do ...

i'm sure he is able to lead u to better routes...

jiayou .. take care ... be happy = happy baby ...

yesterday went for Mrs Wong's prenatal class ...

wow, she is funny ... very useful tips ...

tried communication wz baby wz the butterfly touch ... hehe, baby response back ... so happy ... baby like tat ...

Dolly:- rest well.. Hope u r fine..

Ling:- thanks ling for ur info.. Not in the hurry thou, 23weeks tml!!

Ling, I think what my friend told me what right.. I have to think want I really want in future or else will regret. And once decision made, don regret over it. My heart & mind tell myself that I want to educate & bring up my kid the right ways & values in life, not that a full family is not crucial. If I nv take this route, I may be just ruining another living's whole life.

Bubblepearl:- isit good?? My friend says its good for baby brain development..

kaykay, keke..good a not ah, i also dunno leh. but when i am having my 1st child, i also eat leh. so this round, to be fair, i also eat lor..must be fair to this one mah

ferriswheel, mrs wong say dont do cirular motion like we se alot of mummy do around the tummy, will induce early birth ..

if wan to communicate wz bb, can start tapping the left, right, top n bottom of tummy .. a few times ... then cross at ur wraists, open palms n move up n down tummy like butterfly fly ... then ut ur palm near the Belly Button.. u might felt the baby response ...

mrs wong say bb like tat feeling ... dont make them dizzy ..


dun be so stress. i am sure u will find a way out. nw u change cc also "bu san bu si". i think earliest also aft ur ML rite? meanwhile just bear with it or mayb u can ask the teacher to "tell" ur in laws they are disturbing the class and ask them to stay away during 7am-7pm??

if further, do u mind putting on sch bus?


anyway, finally got thro and confirm my ps on apr 23 le...38weeks then...duno if its kind of too late nt...Hope my gal be gd n stay till full term.


take care n hope u will recover soon.


$40 is quite reasonable. i will get lim chee quan. hope the queue wldnt be too long =P


gastic atttack v xin ku de, pls take care n hope u will recover soon too. have u seen a dr?


circular motion as in hw we stoke or sayang the tummy? hw cum will induce early birth?

Val: i got that price cos i do early booking.keke...

now so full, just now go taka for lunch n shop ard the baazar, so many things to eat..

Dolly, get well soon, CNY is coming. take care

Bubblepearl:- Oh ok.. I think I will take it since my gynae gave me 1row of sample to start with only.. I will buy the 30set of natal care+ next visit..

Anyone knows if what food we can't eat during a wedding dinner.. U know the food, those few.. What we can't take??

val, not so sure how to explain ... like the movements will stimulate like contraction ... which send wrong signals to the body ...

i read in one of the pregnancy books also .. let me go n dig the info ...

the circular movement also make bb dizzy ... which they dont like ...

Val, we may doing it on the same date!! hahah i forgot which date i booked but seems to be 23rd too. wat time is your slot?

My ger also moving a lot leh, can see bumps on my tummy heheh. She will protest everytime i change my sleeping direction (i.e. flip from right to left)

bubble pearl,

lucky u do early booking le. coz i am sure these 2 weekends the price will go up more as per usual case. i going to ask Lim Chee Quan if they allow booking too =P

U wk in town v gd ho. can go jalan jalan during lunch. hehehe.


i avoid shark's fin soup due to high mercury level. the rest i see mood and if i have the appetite to eat...i am avoiding seafood nw as I am allergy to them due to pregnancy hormones.


oh. okok. thanks.


i am doing it at 11am. u le? scally we 2 back to back then may have chance to meet in the studio. hehehe. by then hw many weeks will u be in le?

i can see bumps but i wanna see waves too! hehehe. the other day when we went to scan, she was doing gymnastic *this is hw my gynae describes it*. hahaha.

val, mine should be earlier at 10am. i have a feeling its on the same day. i should be around 35weeks cos my edd 26 may mah.. so hope its still alright, i.e. bump big enuff for the shoot but close to delivery yet.. hehehe

Mummies : thanks for all your concern.. Consulted family gp, showed him my gynae's prescription.. Asked me to go ahead with the medication.. Rest @ home and can only take liquid food...

Val, Thanks. I hope to recover soon too.

We cannot eat sharksfin ah? Oh dear, i have been eating for the past few months when there are special occasions. OH mine..


Ya. i think week 35 is ok. for my #1, i had it at week 36..nw makes me wonder week 38 will be too late nt. hahaha.

hope i have time to complete the ps before meimei decides to arrive. hahaha.


ya. be gd and listen to the doctors so u can recover fast.


sharks are high in mercury so i avoid sharkfin's soup all tog...u dun eat it everyday so i think sld be ok once awhile. anyway, my cousins n friends they do take so mayb u wanna check with ur gynae.

kaykay, val, at mrs wong's class last nite, she say we need to take 40 bowels of sharksfin everyday to have high mercury level ... one bowl is ok lah ...

kay kay, moderation is the key words ... n raw food unless u know it is very fresh ...

dolly, rest more .. take more water ...

Val, not too late, i did mine #1 at 38.5 close to 39 weeks. went to delivery 1 week after my shoot. i was sooo big then!!! hahahah For 32 i scared it may come early so decided to book earlier.

I took some sharks fins too. hope its ok.

