(2011/05) May 2011

Dear mummies,

Thanks for your comfort... will try to think positively...

Low-lying placenta

Usually if it is detected before 20 wks, there is 90% chance of it moving up, but mine is detected towards end of 2T, so gynae says chances reduced.


Just my luck... b'cos money is already paid so still negotiating with the agency... tho' they are willing to refund, but it will take time and effort to source for another agency & maid... given my current condition, not advisable to do a lot of walking. Besides, another agency's maid may also have raised salary...see how lah...


My mum went down to the childcare ctr to complain... the in-charge says she will feedback to HQ and see what she can do.


vv : welcome back... not really lei... on & off will have attack... so far dare not eat too oily, spicy or stuff might trigger the attack... try to take small meals now.. haiz...

vv, dun overwork yrself... take a break in betweeen [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm ok now.. lying on the bed also very sian.. very itchy to go out leh but maybe not for this week... next week got orders to deliver, so will start work by next fri and ask hubby to deliver on sat... closing one eye on the housework... hubby mostly take care of the laundry, washing the toilets, sweep and mop the floor... only the cabinets tops, windows and toys not doing ... closing one eye loh.. it's just tat inlaws come and do spot check tat irriates me loh... as for the bb stuff, hve to leave it aside first... i already bought fr online... actually abit overbuy... wanted to get 2 pcs for discharge and full mth celebration.. ended up getting 7 pcs instead... think will stop buying now.. only concern is tat buy liao but no space to put it.. currently dresser all my girl's clothing, so wanted a dresser to put bb's clothings.. will hve to put it on hold liao..


My son was originally in those 2-hour playgroup. I want to enrol him in childcare with my no2 coming. So pulled him out after the term ends in Nov10 and registered him in a new childcare centre opening in 1Q11. We had a shock when we found out the ctr was opened in Jan11 and my child was not informed.. called and was told it is full! Way before it opened, we have registered him and we were given the impression he has a good chance b'cos the ctr has not started enrolment.

So that was the story...

heaven, u coming to 3rd trimester soon? dun worry, hope the placenta will moves up and no c-section required.. previously my gynae also said chances of moving up very slim.. i took his advice, bedrest, less walking and most impt no lifting of heavy objects and carrying my girl fr ground level... i guess all the instuctions follow might helps... i also talk to bb to move up so tat mummy can dun go for c-section (my threshold of pain is very low)... maybe leave the maid issues to yr husband to settle while u rest more.. as for childcare, it's not right for them but can't help it... chances of complaining might not helps too... might need to souce for another centre... yr mum or hubby can help to source for another centre? meanwhile, take care and rest more [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dolly, is it yr gastric? take care... avoid all acidic food tat might upset yr gastric and rest well...

dolly, ya, will stay at home except for tomorrow as celebrating my 10th wedding anniversary.. hubby at first din want to drive but decided to drive now... so will less the walking...

heaven, seems like tat the new centre is not well-organised and din even bother to inform you the details.. might as well forgo the centre and look for a better centre that is well-organised...


dolly, i tot today was friday!! hahah blur me!

Heaven, ya complain to CC maybe they will accomodate you. actually u should go too cos in your current pregy state have an advantage leh.

as for your placenta, monitor and see how, if really blocking the birth canal then no choice have to gofor C-sect, of not, chances of a normal delivery is still possible. stay positive.

VV: how was your biz trip? should be quite tiring still to travel now?


Yeah, have to close both eyes to housework le. Aiyo, inlaws really very irritating hoh. For me, I will sure show black face de. KNS leh. Then do they know about your condition? Hey, better ask yr hb do the deliveries for u. U dun anyhow move around ok. Me arh, intend to take mc next mon/tue instead of these 2 days le... got some work needs to be finished by this week.

Overbuy arh, then stop le okie. I also will have such tendency and thats what happened during #1 when I started packing his clothes recently. Now, I keep controlling myself not to buy any first until I jot down what I really need. Tks for yr checklist. I had done & finalised a list for myself... :)


Seems like this childcare screwed up somewhere leh... Uhmm, must complain big time until they give yr boy a place. Have u make any payment yet?

Low placenta, u must try to rest more and dun carry heavy things, dun over exert yourself. Am sure, it may move up if you have ample rest. Monitor closely yeah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


No la, not biz trip. Covering my colleague duties and finish off my own work cos too much work, over loaded. Haz.


Ok, so better a little le ma? Avoid spicy foods le. Me now try to cut down a bit of spicy foods cos constipation seems to hit me again. Haz.


Which country of maid u looking for? Indo?

I remembered Apple mentioned, now no need to pay lump sum to maid agency liao. Am still trying to find the details of this news... cant seem to find. If really true, then u can save a bit le when look for new agency & maid. But maid pay, yes = seems to increase le..

vv, no, i wun tell my inlaws abt my condtion.. till to this date, they still dun know tat i'm at home and my girl is on half day childcare.. if they know, sure everyday will come over... by that time, really no rest and hve to hear nagging everyday... arrugh... u rest well too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

starfruit, think the one who is overseas trip is apple and not vv [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yeah, like me. I wun let them know any news about me. Does yr MIL cook any special soups for u during this period when u preggy?

Yesterday, I was thinking, maybe I have to make do with it to continue let my boy stay in the same old cc till end of this year then change to a new one when he goes K1. Am not sure if this is feasible, but hubby not very happy with this cc when knows that he is not learning much. Haz.

auroa / vv : haiz.. sometimes don't even know if it's gastric or reflux... just alot of wind in my tummy... have to cut down on spicy & acidic foods...

starfruit : so you have to thank me on my countdown, ya? hahahah...

vv, no, even she cook, i also wun drink lor... she heard fr those aunties fr market must drink so and so and she went to cook.. dun trust her so rather dun drink..

finding a cc really needs time and going down to check it out.. tiring leh...i shortlist 3 ccs and went to view w my girl before coming to a final choice (my girl also have a part in selecting which cc she wants)... maybe yr hubby can source 1 for yr son... there's quite a no at yr side and also east side.. currently my girl's cc is quite good.. they hve started to learn hanyu pinyin liao... now my girl is improving on her ABC and 123 compared to the previous cc.. previously her classmates also withdraw enrol to a church school behind downtown east too.. previously under PCF school but withdraw in a week as the teacher can't control the class and the terrors in the cc scared her son.. althou the distance is within walking distance but she rather choose another school which suits her son(abt 15 mins distance fr her home now).. another of her previous classmates located at west side also enroll w the east side new opened cc as she's looking for a cc which also offers infant as she hve a newborn.. so far heard fr her girl is coping well (btw, she's not driving and need to take bus to fetch her)... u might want to explore other ccs... if far, might consider school bus..

morning ladies =)


since ur gal dun like to be smacked by daddy and she make it clear then got to find other ways to "discipline" her when she doenst wan to brush teeth etc etc la. for me, when my boy dun wanna brush, i will tell him his teethv dirty and his friends wldnt wan to play with him if they see his dirty teeth and i will brush tog with him.

sometimes got to coax them abit, they can be quite easily taken in. hehehhee.

since u gt car, just drive for the convenient sake ba. easier for u and ur gal also since u also need to pack n bring stuffs for the overnite stay lo. enjoy ur dinner n staycation tml =)


ya..its nt easy being a parents..its a fine line wanting to be a friend of our kids and yet show them we are the parents..


thot u planning to take mc today n tml so u at hm nw or in office?

paisay, havent check my personal mail yest as bz, will check later and update u ya =) anyway, thanks in advance babe =)

oso, went to see my gynae yest and told him abt the hardening of tummy. he did mentioned its contractions but its normal so long as its nt regular interval. he oso mentioned sometimes it cld be due to baby kicking too hard and cause the body to react tat way. he assure me its ok at the moment. =)


sometimes the ctr may have "overlooked". need to call them at times to check so that they rem u. even for my boy, i was on waitlist but my hb went dwn complain abit and says he can pay deposit on the spot so they gave him a slot =P

re: gynae checkup

anyway, my gal weights 550g at 6mths...i feel abit small size la..but gynae assured me weight n size ok...so far...gained 1.9kg for the past 6mths =P

dolly, did u tell yr gynae? previously i also hve lots of wind in my tummy area and LS too.. later i told my gynae and he checked out my diet and told me not to take milk and soya bean drink now as it irriates my tummy, causing bloated tummy, wind and contrations.. told him 1st preg took also ok but he advised not to lor... only dirnk i can take now is vitagen liao...

Good morning all mommies!

Hais, things have been bad for me.. Family issues again..

I really starting to dislike my in-laws & my husband 'family problems'.

Hey, is there any good & smooth way of initating moving out & not staying with in-laws in future?? Cos I guess I don't wanna them to tc of my baby when he's born.. They can't even afford to feed themselves le.. Somemore they smoke..

On the otherhand, my husband everything also listen to his parents.. Everything also ask them first..

So I need to plan for this.. Maybe move to my mum house tc baby/rent a flat from gov to tc of my baby..

Even if it means to leave my husband.. I would initate to move out before/after I give birth, but how??

Haisss.. Any ways out?? Have been crying since 2days ago & affect my baby..

Good morning..

Auroa - good to know that nothing serious, but pls take extra care from now on. As for house chores, u can engage part-timer or cleaning company to do it on weekly basis.

For bb stuffs, do it later bah..still early [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

vv - u haven't PM me your email..I have the article scanned..hehe

val, ya, sometimes will coax and give her "carrots" to get her moving... sometimes she do it willingly and sometimes no... my girl got her own set of thinking.. she will ask why she needs to do this and why, consquences, if she dun want, how and so and so... got to explain to her over and over again.. think it's bcos since young, she's being taught on to ask questions and to find out answers.. so she tends to be on the "curious" side... even her teachers said tat she loves to ask and volunteer herself... it's good point but at the other hand, when time is limited, i hve to hurry her to get her moving ... the more i hurry her, the more she wun move... if i go and catch her to the toilet, she thinks i playing catching w her and happily chatted "u cannot catch me"... if got time, then can slowly "catch" but it somehow irriates my hubby and he dun like the part tat i'm giving my girl's "carrot" to get her moving... told him tat the "tricks" and since he doesn't like it, he will need to think of something.. when his patience runs out, he tends to smacks her... frankly speaking, his smacking on her hands is rather light.. last time was very hard till my girl totally rejected him tat he relented... sometimes we hve to combine together... daddy going to smack liao and mummy hurried to "protect" her and tells her to be a good girl and brush her teeth and shows daddy tat she's a good girl.... sometimes will tell her if u dun brush yr teeth, it's ok but if the worms attacks the teeth and rot, will need to bring her to dentist to pull it one by one and she will quickly run to the toilet to take her toothbrush and look at the mirror and brush on her own... soemtimes the tricks doesn't works... will need to think of "new tricks" liao..


Maybe its due to wind also cos now our digestive system is very relax liao. So everythign slows down lo. Haz. Now, u have to really cut down sour, spicy and those sensitive to your tum de. Once we deliver, we can have a GOOD FEAST!!


No la, I have too much pending work nowadays.. So put off the plan and postpone to next Mon/Tue lor... Sians... My shoulders all very tired and hardened. Yesterday tot can do some work in the night but ended up dozing off wz my boy while making him to sleep.

Wey, yr weight gain looks good to me leh! Means all the food u eat goes to your bb ma. Ok la, 550g should be a good weight le cos I read from book, by 6mths, bb should be around a pound to pound plus... So u are on the safe side. Me now, waiting for next scan on 01FEB. Cant wait for the day to come. Hows bb kicking? Do u find that boy's kicks 'more violent' and bb girl's kick is more gentle ah? I feel like my gal very gentle leh... but kicks can be a little quite sharp at times... Haz.


Yes, now I already open my options to taking public transport le. I always stick to the principle that must be near to home. Then I realised cannot leh... Now, I dunno if I should allow my maid to pick him up instead next time. Still contemplating cos alot of factors to consider, u know. Now, I dunno if current maid will stay anot. Haz. Actually she really not bad la.. But again, if she wants to leave, also no choice. Thanks Auroa for yr encouragement. I will really start to do some homework before I really cant walk by late 3rd trimester... then at least can rest my mind well when I give birth #2. Haz.

I agree, last time I dun like to drink the stuff my MIL soup. So she also bey song.. Now we fell out liao, she didnt cook anyth for me la of cos.. Which I honestly feel much better cos dun wan owe her anything also. And dun wan her come act in front of me.


Hey, welcome back!! Hows yr trip?

My email: [email protected]


Now I also try to cultivate a habit of asking my boy to brush teeth. Sometime he will be lazy... then I will tell him, the dentist will take a BIG clipper and pluck out all his teeth and blood will come out. Then he blur blur look at him, then say he wants to brush teeth. But I dun like the rinsing mouth part, he will splash all over the basin. Haz.

Sometimes have to describe until quite gross to him, then he will be scared de. I feel la. Cos I feel that their imagination can be quite wild at times...

kaykay, what happened? dun upset yrself as it will affects yr bb... maybe can sit down to discuss w yr hubby.. separation shd be the last option... it's not easy w inlaws (me also in the same shoes) hope things will work out for u...

apple, welcome back... ya, will rest for now... currently waiting for the lab test results to come back and hope everything is fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dolly, ya, we wait till we deliver and can hve big feast... me craving for sashimi but can't remember whether during bf can take or not... can put bb in stroller and go makan and eat our hearts out... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

vv, still got a few mths before we pop... meanwhile, can check it out slowly... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] me to also dun want to own my inlaws anything... it's better to keep a distance.... *peace"

auroa / vv : i've similar prob in my #1 preg too, previously started on my 3rd trim... while this round, started early... told my gynae about it, she gave me mylanta & gastric pills to take...

apple : welcome back...

vv, previously i explained to my girl on dentist but she dun understand.. so i bought her to a child's dentist at bedok... the dentist is a lady, she explained to her (sometimes really need 3rd party to do the job) and she seems to understand and brush more often.. i need to get her to brush teeth at least 2 times a day as she got plauge on most of her front teeths, if she dun take care, she will lose her milk teeth very fast...

dolly, yipee, wait for abt 4mths can eat liao.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] same for u too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

talking abt food, i hungry liao... dun know whether shd go out to tabo.. only left instant noodles at home..

vv - will email to u shortly.

Thanks ladies..my trip was great but I'm down with flu. Kinda like the side effect of the flu jab I took weeks ago..sigh

Lucky I came home without further going to Shanghai. My colleague who went there, told me yesterday was heavy snow and temp -7deg..my gosh!!


U must take extra care for now. I can undstd how it felt... Its like so sian, cos cant eat the foods u like some how. But soon, u will be better. Rem to jia you ok!


Yes, we should be on our own and dun owe them anything.

Wah, u very smart.

For me, I brought my boy to dentist once only becos he fell down and his front tooth dropped out. So he very scared of going to dentist cos the dentist is an indian guy. To me, any indians or malays will be known as Bangala.. Heehee..

Hey, by right NO Instant Noodles de leh. But u cant walk too much. So maybe u eat half packet instant noodles and take some bread to supplement?


I missed your post.

If u move back to your mom place, whats yr mom's opinions?

Then if u wan rent a place, how abt $? U not working now leh so where will the extra $ come from? Suggestion is if your Mom is ok, then u stay at her for a year plus or wat, meantime can work partime once bb over 3 mths. But next consideration is, if yr mom is working, can she help u look after?

hahah, vv apologies for the confusion.

auroa, thanks for highlighting this. heheh, i really blur now.

Actually i was wondering if you have told your Il about ur condition, cos i tot they could helpu a bit and critize less.. but after reading what you posted, i think its good that they don;t know.


U need to plan who to take care of ur baby..ur parent side,confinement or ur hubby side?if u dun sort this out,u r likely to suffer post natal depression...

Start buyin baby stuff might makes u cheerful up..don't overbuy as they outgrow very fast..

Havin a baby involves huge finances means..mayb u can think thru wat ur plan after birth? To look for job n put ur bb with cc or ur parent?

Once u have prob with ur in law,u can start to look into buying or renting house with hdb to reduce conflict but it will add on ur burden..

If possible,endure for e first few months as u need several hands to help out..

Now got to b positive n ur baby will b happier..i heard if u keep crying,ur baby will b e same after birth..it uis even difficult to take care..

starfruit, i rather they dun come visiting... abt 4 yrs ago when i went thru IVF and my mil came visting... althou she said she made porridge for me but she non-stop complaint abt my fil and my sil... come to think of it, she rattled on for abt 2 hrs and no intention to stop till i tell her tat i tired then she leaves... can't stand her tat she kept on emphasing tat i need to rest after the ops but got no intention to do so.. she promises not to tell any1 abt our IVF but went on to tell her sisters and brothers and told us never mind.. all her relatives lor.. made me feels tat she cannot be trusted..

lunch: think i go downstairs minimart to see what they have.... cooking very sian leh...


Hope u r getting well..do take good bedrest..just ignore wat ur In law say..if they r not happy with e cleanliness of d house,ask them to help out or else shut up..


U put on so little weight...I have put on abt

4-5kg..hopefully within acceptable range as I understand will balloon in last trimester..


Tried not to eat instant noodles..order room service..healthier n more filling..

serene, i put on abt 4kg now... bb weights ard 400g ++ (can't remember the exact weight) at 22 weeks... ya, when comes CNY and 3rd trimester will sure balloons up but got to be careful of the sugar intakes...


I agree with what Serene had posted.

The next thing u can do, is to put bb at childcare half day or wat for a start so that u can work part time or sth.... at least not so expensive for u to spend on CC. U have to consider all these le...

And if u leave yr husband alone, means what? Your husband willing ma? I still feel tat u should have a talk with him. Talk it out and who knows he has his own plans too? Dun everything also u think alone. Open up to your husband and see what happens. Sometimes, you will be surprised.


Walk slowly hoh!!!

Auroa:- its not that I can't take it with them.. its that they unable to support themselves, yet my husband also in army. And I have 0 income.. Just want them to fork out $300/mth for my expenses to my dad for my time being staying at my grandma house, they unwilling to give.. Hospital bill also want my dad pay..

Somemore my in-laws are that kind of ppl- say big things & do another thing. They are unable to take flat from gov they say they gt ability, which my family know they can't. Now my dad suggest that my husband & I take rent flat from gov, just in case.. My husband also say need to ask parents.. Now they think that my family very $-minded, '要求多多'。

They don't even have a flat or peaceful enviornment for me to bring up my baby in future, moreover they smk & have 'bad habits'. I seriously don wanna stay with them or even let them coach my kid during his childhood..

I have seriously insensible in-laws.. Even my dad don't think they fit to be adult..

I been thinking of ways hw to initate separation from them/ move out in future.. Any ways??

Talking to my husband is useless.. He can't take on every decision & always need to ask parents.. He no $ also, so he depend on his parents too.. Sad life I have haiis..

But I can't keep myself from crying..=(

kaykay, also to add, with regards to your ILs after bb comes. Its either they become a good support or u guys fall out cos of conflict in caring for the child. so i concurr with what VV, serene posted, u must start planning now. If your body is weak, may also be difficult for you to take care of bb on your own. You will need support.

you mentioned that they are unable to support themseleves, maybe thats why its difficult for them to fork out the $300 for your dad montly. When is your HB's NS term ending? does he gets an income?

I think the government rental flat is a good idea and the rental is low. why don;t u put in an application and see how. You still need to wait a while for the application to process and go through.

sounds like it will be tougher when bb comes cos you will need more money for bb. must really start planning now. can't depend on just your IL and your dad.

auroa, mcdelivery? take care and walk slowly ok.

vv: i am good thanks for asking. I am looking forward to the weekend so i can rest!!! and do CNY shopping.

and i started my CNy snacking already.. hahah bought the pineapple tarts, almond crumble (my favourite) and cereal cookies.. yummy. hahaha


Think of e positive side..at least u still have ur father to support u n u r not alone..

Dun b surprise tt ur father might Noe how to take care of ur newborn baby..

It sound likes an unplanned pregnancy..dun mind that my words are harsh..I felt tt both of u should communicate n talk abt it wat both of u want in ur life..ur hubby can't rely on his parent side forever..

Can consider buying flat fr hdb directly n rent out..rental comes with sustantial income lately..

I understand tt ur in law side is not definitely not a conducive environment for grow up.if possible,both of u got to work as cost of living is high in sin..giving birth,confinement,diaper,milk powder.injections,seein dr when sick needs $..

Get a nanny to take care might b a cheaper alternative compares to cc or infant care..

Dolly/vv/serene/auroa:- talking to my husband is useless cos he aint supportive & always control me. Furthermore, he can't make any decision cos 1stly he no $, 2ndly he think HIS family is everything & money is nt important.

He claims he dislike my family cos $ minded..everything talk abt $.. Of cos need $, if nt gt family happiness, no need eat?? Den hw to survive.. He dislike my mum & sister also.. Everything he put his family before me..

Things have been worse since we quarrel & cold war 2days ago. He say 'my whole family smoke, if u don like it, den don stay with us'.. (Btw my husband is younger den me & sometimes he talk like kid when he claims that he is sensible..=_=!).

Btw, my mum & sister has been supportive when I ask them if I could stay at my sister's house to bring up my kid. They welcome me & they also thinks that my in-laws & husband situation is terrible.. They even regret me marrying my husband.. Moreover, my mums don't work.

What I plan to do is work after 3months taking care of my baby & my mum help me baby-sit.

My husband sure don't let me move to my sister's place cos he hate the way my mum bring my siblings & me up.

What I thot of the worse situtation is to divorce or initate a move out(which they r unlike to agree to) if things gets worse..

I also afraid I will suffer from depression..


Wow!!!! All the goodies. Later I will pop by Expo for Robinson Sale by myself... Have a walk by myself, see got anything to buy for Cny & also for bb. Then pack back BK for lunch or sth. Wanna go for a long lunch today, cos very sian in Office. Haz.

Serene, I think u have mistaken on the postings..hehe

I just got back fr biz trip..but I not the one who wanna take instant noodles. I think Auroa saying she only left with instant noodles @ home.

I'm eating too much during my trip :p my tum tum looks big now..gosh! CNY coming..time to pile on weight :p gynae sure nag non-stop when he sees me after CNY


hahaha. pros n cons of a kid being too curious. i agree la, its gd tat she is asking things n finding out answers but when time tight then its really frustrating.

yes, when we use a trick for too long then they will get use to it and dun wk anymore. we need to constantly thing of new ways to coax them. hey, at wat age did u bring ur gal to dentist? i havent bring my boy to 1 but i thot it will be gd to start early.

instant noodles abit unhealthy la. is there any places u can tabao food tats near ur place?


try to take it easy for ur wk ya, dun overwk

get ur hb to massage for u? my lower back wasso aching yest tat i got my hb to help me..initially he dun wan then i ask my boy to do for me. hahahhaa. but lucky in the end he did help me to massage. feels so gd aft tat =)

hehehe. thanks! hope the weight gain dun suddenly increase sharply as now nearing 3rd trimester le. i wonderful if i can keep my weight gain to within 10kg or nt...

hmmm..gd to hear tat the baby weight is ok coz i really feel she is lighter n small size than her kor kor lo..i know nt fair to compare coz diff gender la. Feb 1 coming soon, hang on. hehehe. Yes, i do feel that my boy is more violent than my gal. so far, i havent seen any waves on my tummy at time time. during the same period for my boy, i already seen waves le.

aiyo..u describe the dentist till so bad if next time ur boy scare of dentist then v headache le.


yes. this rd the weight gain nt as sharp as previous preg. even my hb is quite concern abt it. coz of the weight loss in 1st tri la...which i thot is a gd thing. hahahah!


U need to seek some professional advice liao based on what I see, before u go into depression.

Glad that u have yr mom & sister to support u. Its not gonna be easy but at least you have the support from your own family members.

As for yr hubby, maybe u should sit down and ask yourself, what u really want. If u think that, u wanna give up this marriage liao, then u really need to seek for professional advice liao, go to those counsellor that offer free service de. They will be more willing to help u cos they are volunteers. They have the experience and know what to source for you, part time work, some old clothing for yr bb, some hand me downs stuffs for yr bb and all. And rem, bb whom used some old stuffs or hand-me-downs are much better to look after, tats what all old pple and I also believe.

Then the volunteers will help u to go legal aid, blah blah to settle whatever legal stuffs u need to do... Rem u are in need of $, so everything also must save and use the minimum. Time is not the factor for you now. Impt is, u keep a calm mind for yr bb and take yr time to thtink what u wan in life, esp when the little one is arriving in a few months time.

Kay Kay,

As wat Starfruit has said,ur body is weak..e more u should pu urself during confinement..this money can't b saved..or else e after effect will take places when u r old..

Most impt is ur mindset n health must b strong to overcome this tough journey..it's not easy to b a young parent especially financial mean is not strong..

Ask ur hubby wat job he is planning to find n roughly how much he can earn a mth..it might helps u in budgeting e cost..

Go polyclinic for jab in order to save money..if possible go for breastmilk as milk powder price is super exp now..

Get hand me down clothin n stuff to save money..consider confinement catering instead of helper..



Yea, will try to relax lor.. Cos I feels that expecting a girl tends to be a little lazier? My fren also experienced the same when she expecting her lil girl. Haaaa....

Yeah, dun worry abt the weight gain. Am also concerned on the weight gain on my own and esp bb too. So will know more next visit and shall update you.

Just rem we have to eat the right food can liao lar.. Now, Im more lax leh, dun really care what I eat or drink. Of cos no raw food la.. Tats all I curb myself from leh.

Hahaaaa, no choice le. I will bring him to my own dentist the next time cos mine is a female and a gentle young lady. Heeheee.. Just tat, tat time when he fell down, my dentist closed. So bo bianz but to go to another dentist.

No waves yet too, but I see my tum lift out la when moved. Yest, I pat pat my tum, she 'kick' back. Then I pat pat the other side, she also 'kick' back.. Hahahaa, so cute. But all very gentle de lor. So "Yiu-Siu"

