(2011/04) Apr 2011


the GP i go she say it ok my #1 did take both jab be4 n he is ok ...


jus pour some lemon juice n leave it for a while n clean off...

hmm i am sooo sway stoppin BF liao n my breast is v v soft last few day den today suddenly 1 corner v pain n can feel fever comin up v scare mastitis again ah... y i sooo sway...


Afternoon mummies.. Totally no time come in.. Busy with my boy & catching up with rest..

Ytd went for review with gynae. Everything ok, womb contracted back Le, jus a small lining that y I still abit of discharge left.. Sob sob, got 8kg more to lose.. But gynae say can start #2 if we wan to next mth Lols..

Piggy.. U totally stop bf? My supply oso seem to drop after I stop my medication for stomach flu [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Oh dear..try to massage n hope it'll clear e lump! Dun b upset k..


Silly qn to ask: do u sterilize ur milk bottles n breastpump funnel everytime aft use? Or jus sterilize once in e morn n once at nite?


My turn joining u all tmr..CL leaving..will b feeling so lost cos alone at hm w bb..hubby since day 1 back fm hospital he goes to work as normal..no choice own biz ma..let's jiayou together!

hi mummies,

seem hippo and bb goh and mikko are staying at sengkang? can we come and meet out one day at compasspoint?

my confinement ending tomolo.

really peifu all super mummy.

my #1 with my mum at tampines. cant imagine to bring her back when my hubby ard. how to pump and look after a active toddler + a newborn.


i sterilise the breatpump funnel everytime i use and sterilise the bottle together...e,g if i know i need 2 bottle to pump..then i will sterilser tat 2 bottle + pump funnel together.

Bbchloe: Congrats...

Gerry: Will bb get fever after taking e 6 in 1 jab?? Usuali wat shld we do b4 or after bb tak vaccinaton n got fever??

Piggy: Tak gd care of urself, is nt easy 2 handle a nb esp when u still got #1 to concern n u nt feeling well... Hugs>>

So envy those can hid inside aircon rm de, i doing confinement @ my mum hse n no aircon @ all n cannot bath, wah i reali bth n so smeli, till bb oso sweat when i cari her n she will tend 2 struggle... I feel so sad is it bb dun like mi...coz she will quieten down when my mum cari her lor..

Re: breastmilk

i also prefer freshly EBM then fridge EBM then Frozen BM(FBM).

but mummies, pls froze some of u have spare. cos u dunno when u need it.

i m a very gd example...during my #1..ard 3-4 months after she born i kenna chicken pox. need to take strong medication. i cant give her my EBM anymore. lucky got some FBM at freezer to last her for tat one week. even thou she only took half of the amount compared to the EBM. cos FBM got a strong metallic smell.


only me & mikio at SK. hippolai at jurong. yes, we can meet at compasspoint [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] how old yr #1? my elder girl is 30mth old.

Hi mummies,

Haven't chat here ever since I had delivered. Everyday had been busy wit my moo moo careers. Every 3 hrs gonna express milk n hardly find time 2 sit down n post over here. everyday afternoon when my gal return hm frm sch, it's even worse. My mum was saying how come never c me take a nap. Kept on pump n pump milk. But no choice,I wanna breast feed my boi since tis time rd I got milk as compared wit #1. but my supply not as much as I can store for days. Everyday supply is just enough for daytime feed. Hoping I can increase e supply as day goes by.

Any mummies here drinking earth mama milk tea to boost supply? got any recommendation? Currently I'm eating supplement called lactagreek to boost e supply. It does helps. But tinking of having more supply. Got frenz recommend me e tea thus wan ask any mummies here tried tat be4


mrs. Chua,



Oh no... Hope it's not.... Pray hard for u...


Terry also took both... PD also said if fever will cause by Pnuemo...


I stay in Jurong... I used to be a SK kaki... haa haa... wanna meet just let me know.. timing can make it I sure join u girls de... I got itchy leg... can run here n there... I'm so tempted to go out now with all the sales coming... Arggggg.... already persuaded hubby bring me go IMM coming weekend... my CL bth ask me dun go out so frequent Liao... Wahahaha...

Juz back from bringing my boy to Polyclinic for jaundice. D level dropped to 130 but still above d safe level of 100 for Polyclinic. D doc still want us to bring him for d blood test again next week. I'm going to skip d test already.

My boy did 3times at poly and d previous time, they took a small syringe of d blood to do some testing at d hospital. Didn't quite catch what they test for but d results r normal.

I always sterilize d pump parts n bottles together after wash n kept inside sterilizer until next use. Only didn't sterilize d pump cap n d rubber thing.I rinse d cap n d rubber thing with hot water before use.

So far I only fed my boy 3 times EBM n I'm begining to find that his suckling seems to be abit different. He seems abit more impatient, maybe it's easier to drink from bottle.

Anyway, I still prefer latching coz don't have to wash bottles n I'm dilligently freezing all my EBM for baby future consumption coz I may stop after d ML. Probably will start feeding baby d FBM d following month bah.

I derived alot of satisfaction n security seeing all d packs of FBM in d freezer. My supply not too consistent, sometimes can pack 750ml a day, sometimes 1L.


U stop bf le? Totali nv pump ar? Hope nothin wrong. Ya nv tryin not to tAke to heart but abit not happycos he c the guy more than me lei got so much to talk meh

Mrs chua

my supply oso drop since tue aft nv pump all the way. So sad haiz no chance to up supply le n don think will b able to.


ya shld b tummy got wind cos very hard.

yalor piggy, and to think that this is our 2nd rite! lolz

my bm supply seems to be dipping... not sure if it's due to lack of slp or the herbs I'm taking(cos caught the wind chill all the time during confinement, no choice went to physician, else my migraine will surely be triggered soon). The herbal tonic I took did not affect my flow, in fact it helped, but this time round, it's 'corrective' prescription so maybe it affects. So now I'm trying to drink lotsa of fresh and maternity/bf formula milk whilst under this prescription!

Who's using Medela pump and non Medela brand's bm storage bags ar? May I know how do we fit the bag to the pump when we're expressing?


no lump jus painful when I press sianzz..

Sandy/mrs chua,

ya stopping pump v little liao dunno y now gt prob..

Think my depression gettin worse sumtime my BB cry I feel like breakin down my hb even took leave today to help me so I can rest feel v bad cos he also v tired still mus do this m tt..

Even ask me see dr for depression keke-_-

Piggy jia you!! Don't feel bad for asking hubby to help. We got another round of celebration today... I'm super zonked out liao. Since hubby is helping u try to rest more!! Hugs!!! I went past gong cha today n thought of u! Long queue though I didn't get to buy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi pearly,

Precisely! Very sian to go thru everything again but bopian Loh cos' that time I went further study...had to delay #2 Bb planning. Then that time difficult to find a job so had to delay again...hiaz!so dragged & dragged until now.:p

I share the same sentiment. I scare the maid would give more problem than help so I rather depend on myself unless really cannot dong then I will see how.

6 mths? 18 mths?seems so long...:-(.

Hi hippopolai,

I m seeing dr lilian at rivervale mall leh![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] she is on leave last mon so I was seeing ur Pd for the x being.

Hi mummies,

Now then have a chance to log in..

I have ended my confinement and back to my home. Hubby is taking 1 week leave to help me. Next week I will be alone to take care of my baby..Very stressful - does not know if I can cope...esp bathing...Anyone bath their baby alone? Can share some tips with me? cos I tried to bath alone but garang gabo...

Mummies, kindly check for baby's mittens, ard when can they stop wearing?

Hi cowgal,

My Bb gal only drink 80ml now everytime I m pumped out 100-120ml so end up I throw away the remaining (20-40ml) away which I find very wasted. Can I like keep the 40ml in the freezer then store the 80ml in the normal compartment if the fridge for nite feed? Then after next expression, I will keep 40ml in the normal compartment first, chill it and then pour into the 40 ml frozen milk...can I do it in this way?

Any mummies feeding Friso Gold 1 to their babies? I just found a lobang to buy it at $33 per tin (RP $40).. Order online de.. Wheee~ Happy so thought of sharing here also.. PM me if keen ba.. xD

Jojo, got good got bad la.. Your #1 big boy liao.. At least can try talking and he can understand u.. My girl can't even talk now.. LOL! Still have to wait loh.. Aiya, 6mos/18mos will pass very fast de, u just have to "not notice" it.. Look at your boy now! 5yrs ago since he was born leh!

Yoti, first time mummy bathe newborn very nerve wrecking de.. I know! =X Cos they cry and scream and wail.. Bo bian loh, have to get used to it (for me anyway).. Unless u're very lucky to have sleepy baby who sleeps throughout the baths everytime de.. xD

Don't be scared of the baby.. Just do wat u have to do efficiently and quickly.. Keep telling yourself once done liao, baby will be quiet and satisfied le.. Jia you!

Littletwin star,

Nothing you can do to prevent the fever.. Hmmzz every vaccination will have chance of causing fever.. So must just monitor and be prepared. Your dr will probably give you panadol or you can ask..


Better get more rest.. Maybe you will feel better.. Don't feel bad.. Hubby must also help. You are tired too..

cowgal: err.. hipopolai stays in Jurong, bbgoh stays near me.. keke..

piggy: hugs.. hope u get well soon.. have plenty of rest too..

bbgoh: whahaha.. now cowgal stays in Sengkang area, i can ask both of u ladies for help in times of "trouble".. =x

hipopolai:u used to stay in SK then how come shifted to Jurong wor? I'm also like you leh.. itchy legs, cannot stand staying at home.. my buddies stay near JP, before i deliver i almost every weekend go find them.. Hohoho..

Sandy.. That day when I take med, my supply stil ok lo. Though 60-70ml but ytd back to bf, supply drop to 30-40ml Sianz... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Piggy.. Guess u r tire out Le. Hv rest whenever u can [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ur hubby so gd to take leave help u out with taking care bb. My hubby recently so busy with his new project no time for bb & me.

Yoti.. I now everyday bath bb alone. Mil had her leg op last yr so can't squat. Therefore, I bath for bb myself. Wat I will do is, get ready everything that I need & put on the bed. den maid will prepare the bath tub for me. Normally I will bath bb 45min to a hr after his milk milk. Luckily my boy still like to bath cos he scare of hot, after bath, he feel so refreshed & Shiok Shiok..

Jus rem that always prepare everything u need in advance den bath bb sO u won't hv to run everywhere to get it. Practice makes everything perfect. Jus hv ur own system of bathing bb, dun worry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


no time rest leh cos my #1 at home n i cant get to rest cos the election pp keep broadcasting ard n the unit below me still renovating super pekchek... n my bb cant sleep also keep whinin on n off...


ya my Hb have been helpn out alot alr sumtime nite time he also help but i feel bad cos he still neeed to work but he hangin on to help me cos i told him i feel v depress[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Mrs Chua,

ya i am v glad my Hb v helpful n supporting i know this is jus a phase esp alr ##2 i know wat to expect but jus cant help leh .. btw tt time ur boi nose blk take how long to recover huh?


thanks.. hope can rest but cannot leh-_-


practise make perfect... usu i will get all the necessaries ready like clothing cream n ruyi oil etc den undress bb n wrap in towel.. start off with mouth, face den wash bb hair rinse off den put bb in the bath tub n wash body..

Yoti, today is e 1st day i bath bb alone. Still ok lah. CL taught me when she's still here. Practised 2x when she's here.. And yest with hb ard. But e nite feeds will kill me soon.

I v stressed ah. Still need e jing shen to go ints. My coy unofficially dao bi le. Office close down le. Work from home for e rest of my cols. And some laid off le. Even though boss say will still gimme my ml.. I dunno when I'll get e $. Really v stressed. :-(

Rene din come online le hor. Anyone knows if i can start job in new company while still on ml in my situation?


hugs.. tink we each have our own stress[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

yesterday was so happy bb slept at 11+ only woke up almost 4hr later for feed who knows nex feed woke up 2hr+ later cos nose blk cant sleep well n now panda eyes..

Gerry, Hippo, piggy, so ur #1 took 2 injections in 1 day har? 6 in 1 plus pneumo plus rota drops? Last time my #1 2yr old then late pneumo.. Only 1 jab and no fever. But #2 going ifc so i tot better vaccine earlier.

bbgoh, 6 in 1 can claim medisave. Pneumo forgot le. I got all e prices. Msg me if you wanna know. I lie on sofa.. Bb zz i lazy to move now! Keke

Piggy, ya. Seems like alot of us are v stressed. Let's all Jia you together! Bear in mind tt all these will pass de eventually. Hang on!


now Pneumo jab is compulsory alr thou dunno if can chose to take at whihc month but tt time i took 2 jab together dunno if rota also together anot but ard the same time bah...

ya i know eventually will pass jus tt the emo feelin cant help it... :p

btw ladies who got Ergo carrier is it big huh? cos i see the pic like v long n i so short scare look funnie on me not suit..


Ya all we mummies are tired and going crazy Liao.. It's also partially due to the hormones too.. Exhaustion plus messed up hormones can really make you feel awful one.. Soon it will be over.. But if you really think you cannot cope, please seek help..


That's what I remember.. Everything all in 1 visit.. 1 jab on each thigh.. A bit Ke lian.. But they wouldn't remember.. I usually don't look at dr jabbing her, I just hold her.. =)

My HR told me that under normal circumstances, you cannot work while on ml.. But for me cos they really need to rearrange manpower plus I was pregnant, they are very accomadating and will allow me to work if I have found a job during ML.. But must be after the first 8 weeks.

My HR gave me 3 options:

I can tender resignation after ML and serve my 1 month notice..

I can tender my resignation before ML ends but I wouldn 't get paid any 1 month notice

I can ask co to "let me go" and not come to work after ML but they will give me my 1 month notice pay.. But HR said that this might not look too good on my resume and I must always explain why.

Mummies- I am from march 2011 forum.. I have a packet of unopened huggies new born to let go.. Cos my ger outgrown it Liao than I lost e ntuc receipt so cannot exchange.. Willing to let go at $7.. Collection is Either at boon lay/lakeside/bukit batok / toa payoff.. Interested pls pm me..

Piggy.. Actually I dun really know if he really recover from his blocked nose. Cos sometimes when he drink his milk too fast, I will see him like catching his breath, v xin ku lo.. Ur pd got give ur boy the nasal spray? I still kept it but hubby dun really wan to use cos scare immune to it den next time when really blocked, won't hv any effect Le.. Btw, check with u, do u clean bb's nosetril? My bb jus now seem to breathe v hard, got the shh shh sound, I use light to shine on & see, nothing but when I use the cotton bud stick to clean, is those bi si that come out.. 


This is the first time I ordered from Choz leh...so not sure how is it...but think should be ok cos quite a fair bit of my friends and colleagues ordered from them...

The PD I am seeing also Dr. Lilian Lim leh...

Just went to see Dr. Woody...confirmed I have piles [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] damn sian....

Mrs Chua,

My gal is using Pet Pet also...how many pcs in size s pack huh? Same as NB, 48pcs?


I got ergo hmm. if say to keep in bag it queit bulky but put on still ok lah

I not sure yr body size hmmm. u wanna try? but u stay far away ler. hehe. see when we organize bunny gathering

u still can wait, rite?? as it's only can use once Bb neck is stable maybe abt 4mth old onward? unless u wanna get infant insert.


it's ok I thk for convenience I ll just go nearby GP take injections.

yah seem like we all have own stress to trouble, plus the hormones change. let's jiayou hope we can soon pass thru his stressful stage

mrs Chua

I clean K nose using cotton bud but not everyday. yes, got bi shi. I thk sometime they noe how to clear it by sneezing

Thanks piggy and Gerry for the advice on cleaning the sterilizer.

Just this afternoon I already broke into tears a few times. Vianne seems don't want to nap and she only sleep for a while and then it's time to feed her.

She also don't finish her milk I wonder how my Cl managed to coax to drink her milk I feel like a bad mummy

Hello I am an April mummy also .... just gave birth on 11/04. I m new to this forum.So i m a little lost . Do keep me informed on the gatherings and lobangs that you guys have! My boy's name is Ian Lim, was 3.5 kg.

Ian was warded for phototheraphy and thereafter discharged. However, he still looks jaundiced to me. The white of his eye is still yellowish. Isnt it a little too long .. i m worried... any advice mummies?


Sorry to interrupt.

I have 2 packs of Mamypoko S72 to let go at $22.50 each. Self collect at Queenstown MRT.

PM me if interested. Cheers


i got no help to seek leh my IL dunno how to look after bb n my maid is new we changin ssoon cos cmi... now my fever up n down again dunno tml how to die[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


actually i wanna buy soon cos if i go out alone sumtime take cab v mafan with stroller btw wher u got urs?

i only 155cm tall v short like kym ng size lo wat u tink? too long?


welcome.. it ok eye ball usu take longer to fade my boi pop on 23 mar still yellow also...


u r new dun stress urself on the other hand she dun sleep long durin day time maybe nite time will sleep longer? sumtime it take a while to master...

Mrs Chua,

like bbgoh i only clean when there r shit in it lol~ too clean no gd also... tink our boi same drink v fast end up will vomit:x


Hi prayhard,

Oic... Have you heard of a pine garden in amk? The cakes also very nice...we are now deciding between pine garden & choz.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So qiAo! This week dr Lilian not in hor?

Paiseh...I have missed your previous post...what kind of piles are u taking about? Got take any medicine?

