(2011/04) Apr 2011


how u got the time to nap in morning huh? what time u wake up?

me wake up 9 plus... latch Jovie till 10plus follow by pump already 11 or 11 plus... CL makes me lunch 12 or 12.30 de.. no time to nap at all for morning slot....

Piggy: so hw e service n charges @ alpha bb? Duno 1 bring my bb go see a nt leh, she like cannot slp well, keep sneeze, nose like bit blocked, keep cry...i still can see she bit yellowish leh..usuali jandice will b better ard wat week?

Motherhood is nt easy.....

Hi piggytoh,

Ya...fully understand. Really hard to cope...Hiaz! Especially nw breast feeding, more difficult to fight the post natal blue. I feel so guilty when I see my #1 acts out, just simply want to get some attention from us. I know he just want us to 'look' at him but sometimes the things he does can be quite annoying...end up I have to shout at him to stop. I try to play/accompany him a while but seems like i cant as i need to rest & breast feed my

#2. One of my collixs even said to me ,'I see how long you can tahan with 2 kids w/o a maid.'

Btw, How old is your #1? my #1 is coming to 5 yr old.

Hi tweedy,

Yalo, maybe just 1-2 boxes hor?? Do u intend to give ur collixs too? If so, r u going to office in the 4th of ur confinement to give out the cakes?

Hi hippoplai,

That was 5 yrs ago when I had my very 1st confinement so I forgot most of the things Loh...keke.


Yaya! My bb oso sometimes merlion, sometimes will b like tap water flow out like tt..


Oh Terry was like tt too? So cld u do anything to help? Duno whether she's colicky anot le..she's 4 weeks today, feeding bm 90ml every bout 2 1/2 hrs..fm oni 70ml 1-2 nite feeds oni..tink 90ml is ok for her now? Or shd I reduce n prob feed more often? Ya gonna bring her for 1 mth checkup this sun..

Hi ningyo,

Oic. I think two boxes of cakes r gd enough already, moreover u still hv cake vouchers.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my department has about 3o over staff...*sweat...guess I just treat my team can Liao. Keke...my bosses r not as nice as ur boss...never give my Bb ang bao.:p so ya, I just give 2-3 cakes to them as 意思 意思。

Lucky u still have ur mum to help take care of ur 2 kids. My mil has other commitment so can't help much. Moreover my boy not very close to her...don't think hw would 1 2 stay over her place. So sometimes I cant rest very well in the evening cos after my boy comes back from cc, our house wil be very '热闹'.


N oh ya, she's taking pacificer once awhile when her mouth keep opening looking for milk when it's not feeding time yet..

Hi hippopolai,

Yes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u got the point. Actually I m a bit Hesitated to give them cakes becos I feel that they don't really give a 'damn' whether I give birth or not. My company very funny 1...most of them r very quiet & they like to 'chap' other pple business 1. Imaging the working environment can be like everyday very quiet with not much interaction 1 leh. Hmm...doesn't mean that they r bad, hmmm but that's our kinda of working culture...quite unhealthy. But u r rite as in I can make use of this opportunity to build up relationship with them.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Gerry,

Ya...me too. I also prefer fresh bm or refrigerated bm...that's y I m in a dilemma whether I should freeze it or put it in the normal compartment, & feed my gal on the 2nd day. Should I just store it (130ml)at normal compartment then? Even though she can't finish, I can just throw the remaining away, rather than let her drink the frozen ebm??

Hippopolai ,

ya cry badly she say v deep the mucus v sticky n thick lo but I was told usu PD Try nt to do suction so dunno she gd anot wor..

Little star,

hmm she was friendly thou gd anot I dunno leh..


how can ur colig said that to u!???? irritating!!!!!!!

I believe still can make it w/o maid... just will b more tough lor....

tweety: i also don't know mah.. she's scary lah.. haha..

hipopolai: err.. what i meant is sneeze 2-3 times then stop..

U woke up at 9plus arh? I woke up at 7plus every morning.. i wake up just to check on my bb.. =x


end up Terry makes friend with pacifier lor.. but his case is colicky...

so bb O is not merlion every feed right? then not that bad... if merlion after feed scare is reflux... if not shld be just overfed nia... but her intake look normal leh... Jovie is coming to 4weeks & she took about 100ml per 2.5-3hr feed... that is what CL told me for her night feed lar...


ya... also heard normally they dun suck unless quite serious... then she got show u the thick thick mucus? hmm...

Tweety , u damn shiok always sleeping!! No wonder a lot of milk...

Hippo: ur Jovie drinks 100ml.. So gd.. Mine still at 70-75ml.. Sometimes 80ml only.. N she's older than J... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

pink: my fatty is drinking 120ml.. my stupid CL is overfeeding him.. just now my hb says wan ask her to leave before Mon... -.-" do u wan Ms C to drink more, can bring over let me CL feed her.. -.-

Erm, isn't drink more better? My boy drinking 120ml every 2.5-3hrly, somemore it's FM.. I'm so happy cos it means his stomach bigger & can hold more le.. How u guys know overfeed if nvr puke out after every feed? My boi got pui pui a bit out here & there but that's normal de mah, right?

Now, he's starting to cry for milk at 2hr.. Reject tutu.. Do i feed or let him cry for bit? I duwan to shorten his feeding intervals but scared he can drink more & i nvr give..

Pearly: I also not sure if drink more is it ok.. Cause i see the way my CL increase the amount i scared she's overfeeding him... my boy now got double chin already and he's 3wks and 5days old now.. He'll also cry for milk at abt 2hr but give him pacifier then he ok liao.. can hold on for awhile..

Hi hippopolai,

Yaloh.I told her I don't wish to engage a maid right now unless really cannot dong Loh and then She kep telling me 2 kids w/o maid is very siong.:-(


Why don't you store the milk in the vol that baby normally drinks before putting it in the fridge.. Then whatever leftover, you can accumulate and store them in the freezer for those in case of emergency moments..


Oh dear.. Do rest when you can.. Must be super tiring..


My girl also sneeze several times in row.. No it isn't flu or cold.. It is just the baby's way to try to get rid of dust in her nose..

Mikio: drink more of course good lor..mine very small appetite lor... What to do. After she's full she will spit out the teat or my nipple ...

Pearly : good! Kaelen can drink!! Wish my girl can drink more

Mikio, I woke up 5.30am to settle my boy to school mah... that is the time I bond with him... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] then back to sleep till 9plus lor... left 8 days liao... after that may not able to nap till 9plus liao....


every bb is unique, dun compare... maybe when comes to growing spurt... C will turn into a milk monster... u never know...


ur boi is into 3rd week right? might be growing spurt.. maybe u give another 20ml more but same interval? bb on fm cannot feed shorten than 2.5hrs... tummy cannot digest...


I also no maid.. all by myself... we Jia you together... prove to ppl we can do it, k???

a few mummies here also no maid w/ 2 kids, like Piggy & Pearly... we sure can work out a way de... dun worry ya! our #1 is much more younger than urs.... think mine is eldest among all 3 kids.. she only turn 2 coming July... Pearly's girl much more younger... think only abt 18mths nia...

Mikio, my boy is 3weeks today.. Your boy seldom puke also right? Then should be ok ba..

Jojo, i also dun have maid & no help, like hippopolai also.. Somemore your #1 older.. My #1 just hit 18mos nia.. It's a tough job but do-able de! Your colleague very mean to say that leh!

Pink, now he start to fuss after 1.5-2hr after feed leh! Where got good? I also at a loss of whether to feed more or not.. Got overfeeding issue de also leh! =x

Hippopolai, his maximum 120ml now leh.. Cannot squeeze in more liao.. Ya loh, i also scared feed too much, too fast leh.. But he's not satisfied with tutu liao cos no milk.. Haiz.. Now, i drag his 1.5hr to at least 2-2.5hr loh.. Bo bian..

Prayhard I don't think you can mix bm into fm.

Me sad because Cl leaving tomorrow and it means nightmare starts tomorrow. Not happy at all that confinement end le


Yalo, tink 90ml is ok for bb Renee now le..n dun tink it's colic..wat do u mean by reflux? Means her system rejects milk? Or mayb her system digests milk slower..c her merlion v poor thing.. Jovie's intake v good hor!


Me too me too..CL leaving fri..scared man..


Ur meaning of mixing isit mix into same bottle ah? Or u mean finish e 10ml bm then top up w fm? Topping up is ok, but never heard of mixing into same bottle wor..as for ur bm ss, be patient n slowly try to build up, dun compare w others..人比人气死人!


Dun compare! Like I say, 人比人气死人!So cannot compare ms C to others ma, she's so dainty n small..so drink lesser ma..beta than my R, drink 90ml like not enuf, stil keep sucking when no more milk in bottle, but when she merlions tink half gone! Haa..CL waste my milk, bb R oso waste my milk!

Hippopolai: hahaha. I woke up the moment bb wakes up for milk de.. Some times 5 plus 6 plus. after feed bb sleep I pump and sleep too.. On and off my mil also keep asking me to lie down de.. I feel so lazy..

Pink: not really alot of sleeps leh.. I wale up at nite to feed bb, change diaper, pump milk..

Mikio: heehee just keep a look out k..

Jojo: for me I will bring bb to office with cakes on the 7th.. Will do bb full month on the 8th..

Arghzzz.. I'm having a headache and fever... Dunno is it not enough sleep.. -_-


sorry sorry... urs shld b baby R... I mixed up liao... paiseh paiseh...

some info on reflux:


hope it helps!


like that bo bian liao... pls tell bb bear with the tutu 1st... :p


u like call not enough sleep then we how? haa haa... could be the weather too hot??


any idea where can I get those diaper organizer? look at BP like no more Liao... haiz... headache...

Hippopolai: Hahahaha... Really not alot of sleep leh.. My boy wakes up twice at nite.. Drink milk.. I change his diaper.. Then put him to sleep then i pump.. 1 hour plus gone.. Then 1 hour plus he wakes up for milk again.. Usually my mil ask me to lie down.. I also never sleep.. Kaypo in forum.. Hahaha.. Think today because of headache arh... And I feel my body very weak leh..


No prob too many bb names to rem in here liao hehe! Tks for e info on reflux..ya tink R has reflux lo..shall monitor c how bad it gets..

I did buy a diaper organizer bag fm bp b4..lemme c whether I can stil find it k..


I have a 2+ yr old girl & no helper too. same as hippolai my elder girl attend cc. after ml I back to work this bunny girl also ll send to IFC. mean after work eveythg hb & me do it include hsecore, look after kids. we can do it, jiayou!!!


wat time Terry goin cc? why wake up so early?

usually I wake my girl up at 7am then bath her


K sometimes drink milk not in her interval time. abt 1hr after feed she ll cy for milk but only can finish 50ml sleep again then 1hr lata cry for milk again. sometime she dun wan pacifier. headache.


Lols~ same same... lie on the bed sure play with phone no sleep de... sometimes Whatsapp lar, msg lar, fb lar.... etc

end up sleeping time over, bb need to be fed liao... Jia lat de... today can't tahan liao... bb fed I cater lie down sleep liao... if not die...

think u gonna fall sick liao leh... faster go rest ... drink more fluids ya!


Thanks!!! shun bian tell me how much u bought ok!?


ya... u also... was thinking very hard who else got 2 but w/o maid... haa haa...

Terry need to reach his school by 7am coz his dad need to report work at 7.15am... normally woke up at 5.50-6am, out from house 6.20am... he used to it liao coz if I work also need to go out that timing mah... 6.30am latest else will miss the bus & i'll miss my breakfast!!!!!

gd noon mommies!


envy you leh, still can slp. i want to sleep also cannot. my boy is super active, and by the time he falls asleep, i need to wash milk bottles + throw in sterilizer + pump + pee + read forum then lie on bed for 5 mins... and my boy wakes up and cries again. and the cycle repeats itself... sigh.


you all can de... it'll be a bit tiring and helpless at first but you'll get used to it. when i first came home i also dunno what to do. no CL, no maid, nothing. MIL also like bo chap one... now used to it liao though still need lots of sleep... *yawns*

oh btw need to ask... for the 2nd dose of hep b taken at 1 month, where do we go for the jab? polyclinic/GP/PD? My boy's PD didnt give me an appointment for the jab... but the health booklet states my boy needs his 2nd dose of hep b on 17 May. So Im wondering where I can go... if can go polyclinic, need to call to make appointment or?

also, any mommies here using ERGObaby sport carrier? can share whether its good? im thinking of buying either ergobaby sport or bjorn synergy... cuz when i brought my boy out for his review last week, my arms were trembling away from carrying him. So suan... need to invest in one carrier. pupsik sling doesnt work for me too.

Hi Gerry,

I already stored it in freezer lei...:p. Next round I will that .[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thks Gerry.

Hi hippopolai,

Actually i feel very xinku even when CL is here to help. Can't imagine how we can cope after CL left. Only me, hubb & 2kids at home, no help from mil/mum. Although my boy is turning 5 this yr but he is now doing those negative things to capture our attention. He used to our 1& only child so we tend to pamper him a lot. As a result, he is still very relying on us.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] my hubbybis fully take care of him right now...don't have much time for me and Bb. I am so happy to see him & my boy come home in the evening but after that I want to talk to my Hubby also difficult as he needs to take care of my boy. For my side, I want to play/talk more with my boy also don't have the time as I need to take care of my gal. Imagine, on top of that(after CL left), we still have to housework...Hiaz! I know some parents can cope w/o a maid are those who have mil/mum to help.

However, i will still try my best together with ur! Hope everything would be better!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I jus found one. I can't seem to find e one I bought fm, but this looks gd too! Scroll dw n u'll find one tt's in polkadots! Suppose tt can b diaper organizer bag. Plus tink it's cheaper than e one I bought. :p


Tks for e encouragement, oni can hope for e best lo..n hope bb R doesn't regurgitate her milk out so often else I'll b v bz cleaning her up n doing laundry non stop! Hehe.

If I'm not wrong, e 1 mth jab can b avoided by having a 6 in 1 jab at 2nd mth..meaning they'll combine e hep B jab into e other jabs they're supposed to haf..minimize Bb's torture. Haa. As for where to jab, it's up to u..pd is more ex, gp cheaper, n Polyclinic gives some jabs free! Tt's wat my pd told me la..but advise is to stick to one plc for all jabs..else if not written clearly sometimes they can't tell wat jabs bb Oreid had..Mummies correct me if I'm wrong!


I dun have mum/mil to help too. we work hard together, sure can be solved de. nw my mum is helping me for confinement but next wed she ll go back Indo & i ll back to normal with no Helper. usually when hb brg #1 back i ll feed her dinner then hb bath her. if I need to pump at tat time then ll ask hb feed. after my mum back I may cater tingkat foods for dinner so have more time for kids. u BF by latch on? it may take longer time on feeding. maybe u try to pump & btl feed when yr CL left.


drink more water and maybe take a panadol? yst I also got headache after woke up.

Jojo.. Food wise, I just give her benefit of doubt.. As long as she dun eat the expensive fish that I eat for confinement can le.. Tv - she automatically on the tv without asking me.. Can feed baby and watch tv at the same time.. Never ask if I wanna use the tv.. But I diam diam.. Can't say anything also later she I'll-treated my baby.. Anyway she's just a temp for my original confinement lady who was sick.. Now my original confinement lady came back yesterday and put everything in place for me at home le..

To those mummies who finish confinement.. How u all settle ur lunch? Go out ta bao with baby? Or cook at home? Or order tingkat. If order tingkat, got any recommendation?

Cakes.. I not buying those full month cakes for colleagues.. Thinking of just ordering nice nice cake for my colleagues to share.. Like Lana chocolate fudge cake.. Or pine garden cakes.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Injections.. I heard some mummies recommend gg health way.. Cheaper than pd as there's no consultation charges.. Otherwise go polyclinic.. But must make appt before gg polyclinic, so they will give u priority.. Then ur baby will have less 'interaction' with the other sick patients there..

Vivi, Rach,

She mixed BM and FM into one bottle and fed my girl...I nearly fainted. Some more I dun think she warm the BM leh even though I just pumped and just put into the fridge. Actually I intend to accumulate all output within the day then warm it for her..like that better than a few drops right?

Btw, can I mix my whole day output into one bottle, warm it and feed her huh?

Aiyo....dun quite like my CL leh...really hope can dun do confinement...weather so hot some more....but today I got my husband's permission to bath using water heater...damn shoik....

Talking about full month cakes, I am ordering Choz. Btw, Choz is having promotion till April....20% off...delivery can be in May.

Jojo, i also got no mum/mil help.. I'm a sahm to my kids.. Since my #1's day 1, got no CL, maid, mum/mil help till now.. Now even tougher cos hubby works night shift so i have to handle both myself.. Put #1 to bed & pray she doesn't get up at night, manage all my #2's night feeds, diaper change, burp etc.. Mornings have to bathe & prep #1 to go cc, bathe #2 & handle his feeds & all, wash baby bottles & sterilise etc.. I also do laundry.. Hubby does the floor & toilets, unless i "borrow" my parent's maid for a day..

Ya, super hard work but they will grow up very fast de.. By then, we'll be super proud of ourselves for roughing it out le! Jia you k!

Bbgoh, i use hilltop tingkat.. Not bad & they give big portions.. Order for 2person, can be shared by 3! But maybe it's becos i order microwave box de.. Www.hilltopkb.com i think..


My pd vaccination packages oso absorbs e consultation charges if u take up e package. So it's jus a comparison of e package price n c who u r more comfy wif..

Gerry: ohh.. okie.. =) unless bb cries and keep sneezing means bb is sick le right?

pink/pearly: after drinking my boy also will spit out some.. sometimes he even push the teats out.. then the CL will burp him and let him continue drink.. -.-

hipopolai: ohh.. u need to prepare ur #1 for sch hor.. every morning we wake up, 1 thing we ask the CL is the bb got poo? -.-

vivi: jiayou~~ most of us will be joining you soon w/o CL..

bbgoh: ur bb going to infant care too? u know which centre is better near our place? my hb says don't wan MIL take care.. our bunnies can be schoolmates since young.... LOL



My pd is at Rivervale mall in SK..but I'm gg to try a gp for her 1 mth checkup n check out e vaccination package there n compare..

