(2011/04) Apr 2011

Serene: hihi.. Welcome.. Maybe u wanna sunbath ur boy in the morning?? It should help...

Piggy: hugz... Try to Rest whenever u can...

Vivi: hugz hugz... Dun be stress.. Slowly learn...


Thanks, Mrs Chua. Will ask my hubby to get 2 pkts from NTUC [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I heard of Pine Garden..this is my elder sis's fav cake shop leh...she always order cakes from Pine for special occasion like Mother's Day, Father's Day, etc...cakes all very nic but not cheap leh...

Dr Lilian Lim was in today. My hubby brought my gal for check up this morning.

Piles at anus lor...damn sian leh...Dr Woody asked me whether am I taking too much heaty stuff...he told me to take coke but dun tell mother...hahaha...very funny him...and he gave me some med for the piles...heard that once gottna piles, it wouldn't heal completely liao....unless go for day operation to remove it....damn sway....why me?????


bought mine 2yrs ago at BP. yr height still ok lah. it's adjustable de mah.. but I find the infant carrier insert not so good ler. at this stage I thk sling better?

Thanks piggy and tweety me trying to be sane. Hubby come back and I am less tearful now.

Those using pet pet do you have this problem that when baby sleep on the side urine leak. I got this problem so changing to dryers now.


Oh dear.. Is your hb going to be home tmrw?? Try to rest as much as you can.. And take fever meds.. Your older boy will go cc in the daytime so hopefully baby will be a good boy and sleep more..


Try not to stress when baby is crying.. When changing diapers or bathing.. Just ignore the cries and do what you are supposed to do.. I know as mummies, we can't help but be gan cheong.. If you have a rocker and baby refuse to sleep, put her on the rocker and switch on the vibrator.. It works wonder.. Put them right to sleep. It really helped with my #1 who sleeps very little..

Hi prayhard,

Icic...pine garden is indeed expensive. My relative who ordered the full mth cake from them last time told me the full mth package is around $13-$14.

My appointment was on last Monday so I had to see dr tan.

My anus also pain pain last few days...guess I had taken too much of the stool loosen medicine Liao. Moreover never bathe leh, scare would kena infection so quickly went to wash up. Coke can help to relief the heatiness?

Must really go for the operation to remove the piles?? Can't take oral medicine or cream to heal it??


cos i dun wan to buy 2 leh jus wan to buy 1.. i tried the pupsik today dun like so might as well invest in a gd carrier lo...


no my Hb need to work late tml so headache lo hope tml no more fever else really can die[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


maybe ur bb butt not suit ...


it depend on how bad is ur piles..


how come yr fever still not fully recover? pls try to rest as much as u can. those hsecore just close 1eyes put a side 1st.

yah indeed I find ergo really a good invest. can carry till 1yr + just tat I feel if u need it for now might be not useful or u can buy 2nd hand infAnt insert I saw got ppl selling at WTS thread b4. how much nw for the carrier huh? tat time I bought at 100+ Nw shd be cheaper?


have u seen or tried a beco carrier before? i am tempted to get one cos my friends who are using said it's good... but because i already have a pikkolo and a Maclaren, so cannot find a reason to get another carrier [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] ... for sling, i have a balboa and a MIM... if i get another carrier, my hubby will kill me :p

i know that there's a BP on Beco carrier now... tempted tempted...


you want to send Kleavan to my house so I help u look after? then u can get rest? I'm ok since I feel bored sometimes coz now my daughter is belongs to CL... I hardly get the chance to look after her... hahaha...


slowly learn ya... dun stress... happy mum=happy baby, so stressless mum=happy bb too!


Hand itchy again ya... haa haa....


BP now $155 ..Dunno leh tt time recover Liao today fever suddenly up again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Jtho ,

ya I saw tt BP nv use be4 cos every1 was recommending Ergo wor..

Btw last wkend I saw ur hb n #1 at JP v easy to spot[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


it ok la now u need to rest if worse come to worse I need to go to my mil house but I dun like there v hot n may end up worse cos my boi now sick at their place also tml den see how :p


yah beco is another good carrier, I have many friends using tat too. it's similar to ergo but look nicer. ergo more bulky, maybe beco ll more suitable for piggy as she is petite size. but I m not sure if beco got infant insert or not.

haha. u cant tell yr hb, beco/ergo he can carry too if mim to guy maybe not suitable


hahahaa. seem like u really have a good CL. great u got plenty of time to rest.


Ya, my CL is really good!!! my house is always shinning & my laundry basket always empty... damn shiok but I'm bored... but then bu se de to end my confinement... Tgis imes seriously no more queen service & worst I'm gonna turn myself from queen to slave! imagine how big is the different????? Lols~

Wowhoo~ just receive my electric bill, super shiok! The bills under Apr offset by govt during my confinement, I need pay only small amount... Damn happy... But next month sure heart pain...


ya, like what bbgoh said, beco is a good carrier and looks good too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and it is very suitable for infant... if u interested in beco, go for the latest one, Beco Gemini. bcos Beco Butterfly cannot do front facing but Gemini can...

my hubby brought #1 to JP last saturday so that i can get some rest... hehehe... ya, very easy to spot them..


yes, Beco has infant insert...

though i have the MIM sling, i never use it cos i dunno how to use :p

my hb been using the pikkolo, so how to justify a beco now???


Try soaking ur butt in salt water for 20-30mins two times per day. Can help to relief your pain.

I can reccomend a female doc in jurong clinic who can take a look at your piles and gives you advice.

wow...u all got gd CL...mine is not.

i know i will be damn tired after she leave. but i m more happy to look forward to tat day.

8 hrs to go before she leave.

my bb shower today also but no celebrating...only giving cakes and pray to ancestors.


u buy beco...cos beco nicer then ergo.


dun freeze it then...just keep in normal compartment better. u can mix it but heard tat mus be same temp before mix.

however during my #1 time...just EBM i also just mixed with chilled EBM in fridge in office..so far no prob. may caused nutrients loss.


take care

bbgoh n mikio n mum05,

PM me where u stay...maybe i m nearby also.

me near to buangkok mrt and rangganu LRT.

my gal going 2 yr old next week.

hippo...tot u also at sengkang...hee hee.

sorry..to many post din go thru all.


no...maybe your CL didnt let her finished her milk ..just tat u dunno.

cos me and hubby discovered many times...my CL always throw away my breastmilk after feeding for 20 mins if we are not there to "supervise" openly. only when we "supervise" openly...she will then spent 40mins to let him finished the milk.

then sometimes my boy will cry for milk.

Cowgirl sorry forgot to reply u that my catering is from lavish dine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my mil topped up extra for the laksa

Vivi u are a great mommy

Must believe in urself n have confidence

Even if we don't know.. But bo pian trial n error

I had a tough time today too coz CL left n then I had another round of manyue party.. Feeding schedule all haywire n she got cranky n cried for awhile. I try not to be stressed too it's hard I know. N it's only the beginning for us.

Piggy u got fever again ? Alamak.. Pls take care ok!! Speedy recovery jia you jia you

Have u considered getting help to take care of Kleavan maybe daytime nanny for a week ? If u dont get to rest and recover properly ur health may suffer leh.. Poor girl. Taking care of newborn really no rest one!!

HI piggy,

I've an ergo carrier n I'm about same height n maybe about same built too n so ergo should be able to fit. BUT ergo carrier with d infant insert is not too comfortable n baby looks squashed. D infant insert size is about those dinning chair seat cushion n so doesn't quite justify d expensive price.

D ergo carrier is quite bulky to carry if u r not using.So if u go out with baby n baby make a fuss dun want to b in d ergo, then u may have a problem Liao.

I use d ergo carrier for my #1 when he was about 6mths old, got it becoz we went holiday in Taiwan n wants something which is hands free.Tried d MIM sling but I don't know how to use n so that's y got d ergo.

When I had #2, saw that there r slings without those adjustiable ring n so gave another try n find it pretty ok n best part is, d sling print is prettier n it's very compact. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Would recommend those non adjustable slings instead of ergo. The pupsik sling looks similar to d sling I have at home but best is if u could try it at mothercare stores for d correct size.

Hi serene,

it's normal for jaundice to take a while to go away BUT if u r really concern, maybe u want to c ur PD?

Anyway,my boy now 3weeks old stil have mild jaundice but he didn't do any phototherapy when in hospital. His highest level of jaundice was 200umol/l or 12mg/dL after 1week n our PD recommend to do d blood test again 3days later to see if drop. But i lazy go to PD n choose to go Polyclinic n end up my boy had to do blood test every week coz polyclinic's safe level was 100umol/l. D Polyclinic doc still want us to bring my boy for another blood test next week BUt I think it's enough already!

I think sunbathing helps alot coz my mum sun my boy quite often this week, morning n evening. Last 2 weeks don't have much sun n so his level was quite high bah, 189 n then drop to 175 next week n yesterday was 130.

Anyway, my friend was telling me if baby jaundice is really high, d hands n legs will also look yellow.

good morning!!!!


left with one more round ur manyue party liao right? can't imagine if I have to go thru so many round... Bo lat....


Any better?


Just tell hubby u want it! Straight forward! Lols~


U think we print money ah? Hahaha

Just spent a big sum on photography, no money liao...


There's a BP on Beco now. I help u find, later post here...

Hi kris,

Thks for ur concern kris...keke. I have no pain now after I started to wash my 'below'.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I have no piles.

morning mummies


beco is nicer than ergo.


how r u feeling?


sell away yr carriers n slings ?? :p


r u goin to do post natal msg? mine start next week but my mum goin back soon, dunno how to do it worry lata msg half way Bb wanna drink milk then how. delay ML timing feel no good

woohoo. lata goin to perm & color my hair. I thk I alrdy unofficially end my confinement hahahaa. the herbal for bath just nice yst last pkt then my mum said tdy just bath with tap water lah kekekeke


ya, been wanting to do that... but too lazy lor... especially the MIM sling and Maclaren, they are considered brand new but just taken out of the packaging la...

for balboa, it's still useful for infant for the time being...

and if only i confirm buy beco, then i will sell away the pikkolo lor...

aiya, my eyes very bad one lar, see something new or nice, then want to buy... but have to find good reasons to do that lor esp when i already have something similar at home :p

just like strollers, i already have a quinny buzz at home, now thinking to sell it away and get another newer one that i like from bugaboo...

morning mummies..

ya alot better thanks.. heng my HB did 1 nite feed for me so i can rest...


ya lo sway hor.. but now my bb abit cough tink kena from #1 -_-

i tink ergo is better than bjorn leh..


oh thanks for the link but v ex leh hmm..


hmm ok so the infant insert not worth the $$ la.. aiyo like tt headache..


ya, if u consider ergo n bjorn, i think ergo is better... bjorn a bit stiff, i think...

for beco, it's slightly more ex but i think the quality is worth the money...


hmm dunno leh cos i willstill prefer stroller but on occasion when i go out alone or go travel etc carrier will be better esp if i wanna take cab:p but if both can only be used after 3-4mth dunno shd buy anot liao-_-


beco is ex tats y last time compare these 2 I chose ergo. yah the insert really not useful ler or u go their website have a look of instruction. if u find it ok maybe get preloved one cheaper loh since u not plan for #3 Liao


haha. I thk most women r same lah. bad eyes de. me too always feel like chg stroller but hb nvr approve. and we really seldom use it.


mikio and I stay at fernvale near fernvale point only. have pm u my contact [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


why not u get a preloved mim sling to use 1st? then lata stage u consider which carrier to buy. I thk 20+ can have it alrdy, rite? carrier is useful when go out alone, ESP if u have a good one really can be handfree.

Hi cowgal,

Actually now I very confused...haha. I open the fridge and keep staring at the ebm. Now I have 3 bottles (2 bottles of 80ml freshly pumped this morning & one btl of 120ml pumped 28/4 9am))of ebm. Should I just keep one of the 80ml for tonight feed(I only btl feed my gal one time at nite), then freeze the other 80ml & throw away the 120ml (cos by then it will be around 42hrs(can only keep for 48 hrs in normal compartment) if I feed my gal at 3pm tonight)?? Hiaz!


it ok cos i dun like to use sling prefer carrier:p


if u only bott feed ur gal once y not jus keep 1 bott fresh 1 in norm compartment n freeze the rest?

Morn all!

Can't believe I got so emotional sending off my CL..had a few complaints while she's here, but she's stil considered gd la..sayang my ger alot..somemore she said those things like hope I can forgive her if she never do some things satisfactorily..made me cry man..walked her down w bb to open e gate for her sooo sad! To haf lived w someone for a mth then never to c her again.. I'm reali such a softie when it comes to these things..haa..dumb

I'm ALL on my own fm now..whahaha

piggy: Hugs.. hope u're feeling better already now..

hipopolai: ask u hor.. my CL says that bb recognise smell and sound de.. i scared after the CL leaves very hard to coax him when he cries.. my CL keeps telling bb that she's leaving soon liao and bb must recognise my sound and smell.. cannot keep looking for her.. what she said makes me worry wor.. what if my bb don't wan me to carry him.. =(

cowgal: not to worry, i also don't have a gd CL. She's only gd for the 1st 1wk plus only.. after that all her pattern came out..

I'm staying in between Layar and Fernvale LRT station. =)

Rach same same I cried too yesterday.

Hippo and pink me hope so that I can improve.

Cowgal no wor my Cl really let her finish the milk now i scare Vianne lose weight only


hugs hugs! we same same.. I sure cry de... me that day bring my J to review PD said she gain much than what she lost in hosp I aldy touched till want to hug my CL cry Liao.... haa haa...


u have 1 whole life to make bb smell u & reg ur voice... dun worry!!!!! what she said is partially correct... bb reg smell but voice I dun think at this stage can identifiy yet lar... u r the mama, so no matter how bb also can reg ur smell de... I more worry the seh... how we handle & they handle is diff... so bb might get cranky at times, but again not to worry, u have 1 whole life to make bb gt use to ur seh!!!!!!!

u really like to imagine thing to scare urself... dun worry, 船到桥头自然直!兵来将挡、水来土掩!everything will be fine, soon!!!!!


try burp bb if halfway she dun want milk anymore... after burp then con't... this is my CL teach me de... & she said by this way less colicky also...

Anyone's baby suddenly change behaviour? Mine ah.. Starting his "patterns" liao.. Drink a bit, cry and scream a bit, drink a bit, cry and scream a bit.. Then super kan chiong to suck again after cry & scream.. Only way is to remain calm & wait for him to cry until relax in my lap then he will willingly suck normally.. Super shagged.. But it's not all feedings.. Only random feedings..

Suspect it's wind in tummy but other then farting it out, nothing seems to bring immediate relief.. So doing dreamfeed loh.. Tired man.. Lucky thing is that my #1 is used to didi's crying at night le..


My #1, got a part time CL helped.. When my girl hit 1yr, we went to visit her.. I think it's true they recognise cos my girl allowed her to carry & feed! Hubby and I were shocked.. xD

But then again, infants won't fuss so much over who's taking care of them de, not as much as toddlers anyway.. So dun need worry.. Agree with hippo, it's the difference in handling that's a bit worrisome nia.. No matter what, they will recognise mum and will bond de.. I started to bond with my girl at abt 4-6mos! Wahaha.. So jia you k!


Your girl is fall asleep or cry halfway through feed? If sleep, u use your fingernail to lightly but consistently tap on the bottom of the bottle until she starts sucking, no need to roughly wake her up de.. If crying, like my boy, I just hold the teat in his mouth until he tired of crying then he will auto suck.. Hope got mummies can give better suggestions for this! I'm also so tired.. hehe..

Effective way of burping is to hold up baby's head and make sure back & body is straight.. Auto burp! I only discovered this, this time..

hipopolai: if bb cry during shower i will panic and don't know what to do liao.. will gan cheong.. -.- my CL talks very loudly de.. then whenever she talks to my bb.. then i will tell my bb this: baobei, mummy cannot talk as loud as aunty leh.. so u must recognise mummy's way of talking hor.. if not mummy gotta train myself to talk like aunty loud loud liao"

hmm.. bb recognise smell arh.. then how leh? bb already slp so long with CL liao.. he sure remember her smell de wor.. -.-.. think frm tml onwards i just let bb slp with my and hb until CL leaves.. unless in the middle of the night we cannot handle the bb then wake the CL up..

CL not yet leave but I'M SCARED LE LEH!!! *sigh*

Pearly: what's dreamfeed? Hmm.. i stop BF-ing liao so i'm also afraid that no milk smell on my body so bb don't recognise me mah.. -.-


SengKang kaki,

who will be the last 1 finish confinement?





wanna meet? wanna meet? me finish 5/5... can only come out by 6/5 only hor... I go SK meet u all lar...

