(2011/04) Apr 2011


u definitely thinking too much!!! dun forget... bb was in your tummy for almost 10mths.... how to compare with CL that 1 mth?????? wahahahahaha....

huh? u mean ur boy sleep same bed with CL or just same room diff bed? I tot ur boy got his own cot?


pearly, my C has the same pattern as your boy!! will drink half way then start to struggle and stretch and whine ... then continue to drink a bit, then do it again. SAME SAME. CL says it's not wind leh... but C is farting a lot really.. but she burps everytime after we burp her... we will make sure she burps before continuing the drink or putting her down to sleep.

I also have to wait it out for her to finish her "show" before she will go back to sucking.... sigh. and C already takes so long to drink her milk can u imagine this....

Any mommy has good solutions for this? or is it a phase they will go through?

Mikio: I can understand your concerns! i'm also worried that C will get closer to my helper/CL than me..... sigh. Most mothers tell me not to worry so much.. mothers and babies will have a natural bond. I'll still let C latch on a few times a day so that she can recognise my smell. Maybe u talk to your son more [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Im going crazy soon! My boy refuse to nap and didnt want to sleep last night. Anyone have any wayo coax bb to sleep?


still got me.... my confinement will only end on 23rd May.....


you really give up bfing ah? If that's the case, do you think you can lend me your freestyle set? Coz' I very stupid.... didn't charge the battery before hand and now that I need it, then I realise that the first charge must be 24 hours but I need it every 3 hours now.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Or can I get my hubby to send the battery to you and you help me charge?

hipopolai: the CL scaring me loh.. Zzzz.. keep telling bb that must recognise mummy's smell.. Zzz... if bb wakes up for night feeds then CL will let him slp with her on the bed loh.. cause i think she don't wan keep waking up to the cot to coax him.. -.-

pink: my bb also will stretch when drinking milk.. -.- probably all babies do that?

Everytime when i carry him i will say that: baobei, mummy talking to you.. do u understand what i'm saying? whenever the CL hears me saying that she'll just smile.. machiam so evil like that..

Lynn: everytime when my bb wails loudly or refuse to sleep.. i will carry him and walk around the whole house.. and after awhile he will doze off.. LOL..


Agree with you . Have a life time to make u bb know who mummy is


Mummy has milk smell but CL dun have...


U can try let ur bb sleep on ur chest or tummy. BB like it very much.. The most familiar noise. Also bb like white noise which is like noise in our tummy..


oh sorry i have sold my pump alr dun tink can help u....


sum bb take longer to burp jus keep tryin usu i will stop 2-3time in between to burp....


yes they auto burp when we put them sit up straight n lift head up... but not all the time usu i will do tt first.. my bb also stretch alot end up vomit easy-_-


next bb insist that bb shld be in his cot... actually old ppl 'qi' is not good for infant... not harmful but just not good... even my CL also teach me this...


Left out U & Fungfung this round... wahahaha.... We can have another 1 end May or early June, don't worry! cannot wait till end May lar...

West & all other mummies,

Keen on have a gathering soon, like next next week? wow ok~ so looking forward.... kakakaka...

Hi piggytoh,

Oooh...after 'staring' At the 3 btls in the fridge for a long time...I finally stored one btl of 80ml inside the freezer & stored 1 in normal compartment for tonight feed. I am going to throw away the 120ml feed as it is too near 48 hrs if I use it for night feed.

My freezer ready have 6-8 frozen milk...I think I might end up throwing them away as there is 3mths plus b4 I go back to work. By then, those frozen milk already expired Liao .[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


me me !! I m a available next week onward but next week ll my post natal msg so many next next week. count me in, ok?


yr CL just like to frighten u lah.. mummy got own smell de. altoto not BF but u still have mummy's smell


my K also same pattern exactly same as wat u describe. really 拿她没办法


I thk I got more than 5liters of fbm in my freezer. same as u, dun thk ll use it by time so might keep till expire too but ll consider use it for spa maybe after confinement when free will thaw it try foot & hair spa. any mummies keen to try ? :p


last time I also did like tat but frozen one not as good as chilled/fresh and it dun have anti oxcidant anymore ler so if kp again the fresh one them won't it be wasted? unless I plan to stop le then give fbm one still better than fm


If you store the ebm at the back of the fridge, you can keep it for 7 days.. Wouldn't go bad..


Don't worry.. The child will always know who their moms are.. They have been hearing your voice since they were in you.. My hb and his 2 siblings were all raised by maids.. But they all care a lot for their mother and are very close to her..


yes I know cos my milk nt tt much n usu I will took frozen 1 to feed after 2 wk not too long n like now I stoppin I gave frozen 1...

shyann: but i nv BF liao.. don't have milk smell.. =(

hipopolai: next bb?!!! ehh.. dare not even think about it now leh.. -.-

bbgoh: i think i must wrap my bb with my clothes then will have my smell liao.. -.-

Gerry: Orh.. i so scared bb don't recognise me till i keep talking to him saying that i'm his mummy.. the CL must be thinking that i'm nuts..

Dear mummies,

where do you all buy yr pampers? Where can we buy cheaper pampers? Any recommendations?

Calling for piggy! For pet pet s size, they dun sell the velco type..Cos only saw the stickers are plastic type..when I remove,will give a loud sound...

Mummies,can we expose fan directly to baby? Or we need to let the fan turn ard?


I do understand u scare bb dun wan u. Dun stress urself too much. I have a relative who have given birth bb veri young thus the mummy need to work to earn money. And the bb is taken care by grandparents now he is abt 4 year old. So we thgt the bb might be not be close with mummy as she is only a weekend parent. The child is veri close to the mummy. The bond betw child n mummy is unbreakable...


Where will the gathering be?? Count me in


I bot from luvbabies for the diaper


haa haa... I accidentally forgot u r SK kakis Liao.... kakaka...


ok! see if any mummies wanna join us... if not 2 of us go makan ayam penyet k?


1st day CL jus left, n my left boob got a painful lump! Massaged so hard myself during pump..pumped 3 times liao but it's stil there..argh..as if I'm not bz enuf..hope it goes away man..


See if any other area mummies wanna join else will be in west area, keep u posted k! I pm u my number just in case u din online or what... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yes siZe S sticker type for me ok cos everytime I change BB awake n I v chor lo n it cheap my BB change alot if use ex brand v heart pain u can always use Velcro 1 at nite?


my CL always talk to BB 1 leh n everynite for awhile after #1 sleep she pass me n hb the BB to talk talk wor ignore ur horrible CL lo.. My neighbour cl is as horrible but she also ren end up after the CL left she find less stressful n she can cope better..She regret nt asking her to go earlier..

shyann/bbgoh: hope everything will go well and bb will be guaiguai after CL leaves..

piggy: acutally my hb wanna ask my CL to leave at the beginning of this wk... but i was think only 1 wk left.. so forget it loh.. asking her to leave it's like breaking her ricebowl.. not very gd also ma right?

Hippopolai: count me in la....

Bbgoh: I have about 50 packets of fbm in the freezer too.. No space to keep Liao.. Aiyo..

Mrs chua: wed I was saying that I had a fever and headache.. Took medicine.. Yesterday and today my supply dropped from 220-240 to abt 180 leh.. Dunno y leh...


u bor xim lah ... forgot me. sob sob


i thk can give jfs also for phlegm. u must let him sleep in non aircon room le. if he can't sleep well due to tat better brg him to PD as he still so young can't anyhow give med ler


u still pump 3hrly interval? no point to keep so many as by th time we back to work it's expired liao and if u kp maintain yr ss ll be still there. nw I pump 4hrly so not kp so much freeze in le. and lata they sleep thru the night we ll have excess again. u bought a freezer for store it?

Tweety.. I oso Duno y my supply drop lo.. Today pump less than 50ml each pump. So sad lo.. Hope my supply will come bk if nt guess hv to stop bf Liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I even ask maid to buy milk for me to drink, hoPe it helps too

Hippo.. I interested to meet. But bring bb along Ma? I no confidence in bringing bb put alone leh.. So far, I onli bring bb out in cab den meet hubby somewhere..


I alr let him sleep in non aircon rm le[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I gt gave him eat EYS bao YING San bt effect v slow[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

haha this is west side outing rite? hehe

I know i definitely can't make the sengkang one lar... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

piggy: the lady kept changing my timing, and keep slotting me as the last customer coz she says i'm the only one who stays in the west. then this afternoon she called at 1.30 to ask if she can come at 2.30, i told her i was having lunch, can she come at 3pm instead (original timing was 3.30pm). then she came and she started talking about how she wanted to come at 2.30 but couldn't, her friend jio her to go out shopping at Tekka Mall? Obviously she was not happy that I spoilt her plans.

I was like !?!??! huh??? then after that in the middle of the massage her handphone rang super loudly then she answered, and then it was some customer arranging for massage tonight and she wanted to go for that session at 5 plus??

ARGHHH. I'm willing to compromise lor, give and take. Slot me as last customer i also keep quiet, i have to keep the binder on until very late 11 plus 12 midnight I don't complain liao. Then at the beginning of the massage I asked her not to put so much oil coz i don't want it to be so sticky, she said ok can use powder, then i say ok why not. Then she said she didn't want coz the powder will kenna her clothes and then she may want to go shopping with her friend at Tekka Mall but don't know yet coz I couldn't start my session at 2.30. (This was before her incoming call...)

What kind of customer service is this? Gosh...

U know every day when she comes I'll give her packet drinks and the other day I got my maid to make her bread with peanut butter coz she didn't have time for lunch?!!

ARGH 人好被人欺负!! so pissed!!

piggy: think our babies are too small, cannot take medication.. got no fast way to recover from the cough/phlegm leh.. poor Kleavan must be very xin ku! =( hope he recovers soon.


yes complain my therapist is v gd n v willing to compromise...

i tink my bb kena from #1 me also my fever come back after i reach home lo-_-

jtho: yah yah... wahahah... haven't called them up yet though.. why?

sookie+ piggy: yah i gave them my feed back already...

I'm watching the Royal Wedding

btw jtho: the beco carrier... they come with infant inserts? does it work well?

My C is very small sized.. Can use or not? or better to use sling??



tried before to let him sleep on my chest and tummy, but when transfer to bed or cot, he will wake up..


just tried it! it works! maybe he just wanna gaigai... hmmm..


you mean they like the vibration sounds? :eek:

