(2011/04) Apr 2011


thanks for sharing. will browse thru when free


I have reserved a slot at my #1 cc for K at hougang for convenience put both at same centre. yr block there got 1 or 2 centre, isnt it? if u keen u better go check asap usually good centre need few mth in advance to book a slot


u can accumuakte whole day ebm but to mix it together must be in same temp. usually each pump I kp in individual bottle to keep in fridge then when wanna warm up for feed I pour into milk bottle. if u have not enuf btl maybe after the 2nd pump ebm turn cold then u pour in together tothe 1st pump one


no she din show me the mucus so i wonder also.. n my boi blk nose sound still there wor n she told me if the mucus accumulate again bring him back for another round of suction -_-

last time #1 bb blk nose the PD say try nose drop first wor.. so dunno if diff PD diff style or wat hmm..


my #1 only 20mth old so more challenging i would say... n now he is sick so i am givin up BF liao simply cant cope ...


erm ya cannot mix leh.. u can accumulate whole day EBM into 1 bott as long as same temp.. better tell her dun do tt again...


if u r goin for 6 in 1 u can take between 6-8wk old cos hep B is included in 6 in 1..


Usually when baby has cold or flu, will have fever and baby may be more sluggish and less alert..


I email you..

The weather has been so hot laterly.. Don't know how you mummies in confinement can take it ESP not bathing for 2 weeks!! I everyday bathe 2x a day and still BTH!! Arghzzz!!


bb R PD is Dr. Allison Tan at Kids Clinic? I want bring Jovie go back see her... sob sob...


should be mum's kitchen, not sure coz I forgotten liao... I check & let u know k? Whatsapp u later...

Hi Bbgoh,

Oic...you are much more stronger than me Bbgoh. Although my boy is coming to 5 yr old but I still can't really cope well. B4 Bb was born, I always supervised my boy homework but now I find so difficult to do that. Either my gal is crying or it is time for feeding. Today I tried breast feeding my gal in front of my boy so that I could supervise his homework at the sane time.:p

Oh yes. I latch on...so far I only pump out 2 times (9am & 9pm). I also not sure if i should pump out in the afternoon & btl feed Bb. I scare it would be troublesome when I bring Bb out next time as I need to find a place to pump out the bm. What do u think Bbgoh?

hey, my #1's 2nd PD's also Dr Allyson Tan of The Kids Clinic. Wanted to appt her as my #2's PD upon birth but she doesn't go to Mt. E hosp. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Then, wanted to go to her for #2's immunisations but 1st appt, cos made less than 1 mth's time in adv, need to wait even though appt slot's taken, so I decided to stick to current PD at Mt E.

Hv checked TKC's pkg prices, if I'm not wrong, it's S$470+ for 5-in-1 or 6-in-1.

I personally like Dr Allyson Tan but I don't feel comfortable with the clinic staff, they're quite rude at times and trying to get through their phone line is really a terrible chore, sometimes they even juz switched it to answering machine during operating hours!

Hi shice,

So does ur orginal CL watch tv? My CL starts resting around 9pm...i don't know isn't appropriate for her to watch tv,scare she might not be able to hear Bb crying while she is watching tv.

Hi pearly,

You are super mum pearly!!

I was just telling my Hubby just now that our Bb gal is only 13 day old & there is a looking way to go b4 she goes to primary school. My boy already coming to 5 yr old this July...very sian have to go thru all over again. Hiaz!

If I hv the money, I'd do baby stuffs biz!

I din hv to buy sooooo much things for my #1 but this time round, aiyoh, we duno spent how much $ on bf(mainly) accessories. Just went out to buy new Nuk wide neck feeding bottles and teats. The normal teats I've bought earlier caused nipple confusion and so I went to buy Nuk's(standard size). Then, as the silicon ones r different I went to buy the latex ones too. But after just the 1st initial steam sterilisation, the latex teats stucked to each other and I had to throw all 4 of them away. Duno wasted how much $ alr...


my CL only watch when i on the TV n bb sleepin else she stay in the room with bb most of the time wor.. i tink as long as she did wat she suppose to do shd be ok bah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yes iagree bb many things to buy n always mus trial n error zzZzzzZZZ..


ohh. u still have to supervise yr #1 homework. maybe my girl still young so dun have homework this thg to supervise. I k not strong lah this thg really have tk work out with hb, we can't do it alone, we can't bao sua bao hai do everythg de.

for BF it's up to individual lah of course latch on is the best of bonding & u r right convenience when go out. I just feel it that more time consume loh. if u can do other thg while latching of course it's good we must learn to be multi task loh

Hi piggytoh,

Ic...I can fully understand. Really not ex to handle two kids, ESP when one of them is sick. Jiayou!

Hi Gerry,

Thanks for the email.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

You r rite!!! The weather is super duper hot lately. My CL said April is the hottest month of the yr! Oh gosh! I am going crazy soon if I don't get to bathe/wash my hair~:-/

Hi prayhard,

How is the full month cakes from choz?? Nice? Any more recommendation from mummies??

Hi Bbgoh,

Yaloh...he is now in k1, got spelling test already.:-/

True leh.. It is very time consuming...my gal dozes off easily while i breast feeding her so I always have a hard time waking her up.. It takes about 45-1 HR just to feed her at times.hiaz!


ya cos he jus started CC so tends to fall sick easily. my bb if latch can take 40min to 1hr i where gt time tt y end up pump n pump.. n now gave up cos by the time #1 came home i need to feed #2 den gotta pump no time for him at all so to gave myself more free time n more time fo #1 i gave up BF lo bobian..

hi all mummies , i planning to use either mum's kitchen / yls catering for my full month buffet . anyone tried any one of them ? can give some feedback and comments ?

anyone can recommend me some nice and afforable cakes package for the my baby full month ? thanks.

Hi ladies,

I've finally delivered. Been so busy since... Very tiring but enjoying every min. of it.

Haven't had the time to login. Will catch up on all your past postings soon.

To everyone who have popped, a big congrats!


can trouble you to update my details pls.

Popped on 20/04. Natural w/epi. Bb Chloe weight -3.905kg.


Hi, Mummies!

Think I'm gonna go crazy with the Freestyle soon. CL would wash and sterilize it for me but I've gotta dry it myself. And since I'm pumping 3 hourly, this task is getting onto my nerves.... How do you ladies cope? Can't believe I've developed dark eye rings already!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Try this:


their cake is yummy yet so cheap!!!!!! I so regretted I not using them this time round!




Y must dry? I just dry the back cap so the water wouldn't reach to motor when suction... that's all... I think it's find bb consume those sterilize water coz u using sterilizer not tablet mah...

jojo, every mummy is SUPER la! Right onot? hehe.. Like wad bbgoh pointed out.. True la, my girl not studying yet so maybe a bit easier in terms of supervision loh.. Just that she needs our company nia.. But having to restart everything again after 5yrs is very siong.. That's y we opt to have a small age gap.. I dun think I can accept losing my freedom again after enjoying for so many years! So u're super also!! xD

Initially, we wanted a maid but decided not to get cos I tend to micro-manage at home as I'm a SAHM mah.. Hubby was worried I would have to look after #1, a newborn & a new maid (be it experienced or new one).. It would be worse if the maid gives me problems.. Duno her "hands clean" onot, have to train her to cook, manage baby, keep a watchful eye on her when handling baby etc.. Somemore I'm not a trusting person when it comes to maids.. hehe..

Have to keep reminding myself.. After 6mos, I will be able to start enjoying my baby le.. After 18mos, I can dump him into CC and go back to workforce liao! Then can have super fun family outings without a newborn!! xD

Hi Gerry,

Thks for the email contact.

I have problem sending out email using iPhone. Hence, I give you my fb a/c over here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My f/b a/c is Josephine ang. [email protected].


well said!


can lar... fainted... u must be an obedient student in school... haa haa....


can add you in fb?

Hippopolai, thx! xD We must give ourselves many many pats on the back liao.. Cannot forget all the effort we put in for our family & kids.. Tio bo? All mummies are super!!

Evelyn siow

me tried yls. Very nice hehe everything almos wipe clean except the pineapple rice cos I order 2 carbo but ppl prefer hong kong fried noodle. All my relatives n friend took more than 1 servin n I onli got 20ppl came but I order for 30pax.

The kong ba bao is the most popular onli thing is the bao hard hard de so they request for bread frm me n even no more meat le they still eat the bread wif sauce.

Now typin tis I feel so hungry lookin forward to my frens bb shower cos he oso will b using tis co.

anyone keen in a pack of dryers newborn size 28pcs? I opened n used 1pc but too small for my baby, so put it aside. Wanna sell for $5, trade at toa payoh.

Pm me if keen.


Ok ok I yday talk to hb le not reali a talk la cos he no interest in talkin to me n I don wanna b the 1 talkin non stop will b very weird lo. At least we sat down n eat w/o quarrel but still at nite I the 1 not happy which I nv show out onli in my heart lo. Donno y he prefer talkin to his fren laughing away in the phone but when talk to me like very not happy. Haiz.

Did not haf a gd slp [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] bb Jayden cry every hr gif milk nv finish gif him pacifier scream out loud stuff him wif my nip surprising he oso dislike. Got to carry rock rock n when lie down haf to hug him close go me den can if I release he will cry machiam I don wan him. I cannot tahan le hb put ruyi oil slp on his tummy den he satisfy. Frm 5am slp till now. Yday whole day at hm he stick to me like there is glue lo.

morning mummies


YES!!! we r super mummies


how's yr talk last night? hope eveythg solved & turn well

morning mummies..

my bb nose like not much improve leh any1 know how long it takes for them to get better usin nasal spray??




sumtime my HB also when talk to friend luff happily sumtime man behave diff to wife n friend dun take it to heart la[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


if u takin 6 in 1 the hep B is alr in it alr jus take be4 8wk can ignore the 4wk 1.. unless u dun 1 6 in 1 n strictly follow the health booklet...


I remember PD told me NB the 1st 4mth dun have much med for them. u let him sleep in aircon room? maybe open the window let him breath fresh air will help?

will the nasal spray too strong to spray in? I dun like it ler last time my #1 ll cry badly when I spray in


bobian leh i try to suck but nothing come out if dun use nasal spray nothing come out at all.. ya only nite time aircon..

Gerry: ok, noted.. Will keep a look out for signs to check on if bb is sick a not.. thanks ya.. =)

babychloe: Congrates!~

sandy: hugs.. everything will be alright.. give both of you sometimes ya.. =)

yoz.. Today is my 3rd day without CL. Totally no time to come online at all! Must really learn to do things real fast! I'm so tired. How did you all do it?

Yest went poly for hep b 2nd dose injection. Bb is 4.6 kg now. Nurse say still look yellow but we din do e blood test le.

Wanna ask.. For those doing injections in pd or gp. Do they give 6 in 1 jab on e same day as pneumo jab? Meaning 1 day poke 2x? Poly is like tt leh. Like so kelian..


the GP I check their package 6 in 1 at 6wks then 1st pneumo at 2mth so is 2wks diff. wah if take both at same day Bb body can rake it or not? 1jab ll cause fever Liao if 2 jabs I ll worry ler.. how much pneumo charge at poly? can pay by medisave ?

Elmo I am joining you as of today. You all will see me post in the wee hours Liao. I hope monster Vianne won't bully me so much.

By the way for those using pigeon sterilizer do you have those rusty problem from the metal

Plate? How to clean that?



The last time with my #1 was also like that.. 6 in 1, pneumococcus and rota!! All together..

The pd said the pneumo would be the one causing the fever if baby does get it..


Run the sterilizer with the same vol of water but add some lemon juice to the water.. If no lemon, can use vinegar.

