(2011/04) Apr 2011

pink, u must rest more also lah. I drank v little water... mostly red date drink.. but since getting sore throat le... dun care have to drink plain water liao... if not full blown i die!


morning mummies!!!

congrats to all the mummies who've delivered!!!!! Welcome to the mummies who just joined us!! =)

Gerry/hippo: i'm in WAWI club too.. heehee.....

Hippo: yah all mummies better not trust the CLs..... Some really cmi!!

At the PD now she gained weight.. Back to 2.6kg... Happy! Hope jaundice is ok

Cowgirl: quite a few babies here also jaundice ... Mine also did phototherapy for 2 days. Shld be ok dont worry


So irresPonsible ur CL!?? Better change or u will never get a good rest...


Like what u said... Weekend is non working days, so if u start on ML 15, 16 & 17 is incl. into ML... So I find it kena eaten... But actually it's not lar...

Coz u start ML on 15 (Friday), ur ML end on 4/8 (Thurs)... If u start ur ML on 18 (Mon), ur ML ends on 6/8 (Sun)... So come to the end it is the same, coz they count by week, not by working days... If u count by day, it will b 112 days incl. Sat n Sun! So no need to crack head, just do it!

Ya, u have CL, so she will b helping out... So all u need to do is rest during ur confinement! Leave all the chores to her n u rest as much as possible, but check on her if she is good, dun end up like Pink's CL~ if she is good, let her handle ur bb with ur IL n hubby help, pls rest!

congrats to those mummies who had given birth!

I'm now praying hard tat my bb dnt come out before tis sun as my gynae is out of town!

Will be starting my maternity frm tml onwards! Hope i dnt sit too long at hm. haha. Tml is 39wks liao! going to take 14wks of maternity leave. Have calculated tat will be back to office on 13 july.


Maternity is calculated based on weekly basis. Like for me, i'm taking 14 weeks. from 6th Apr till 12th July, it's total of 14wks. For sure if u start ML on fri, then sat and sun will count as ML also. Maybe u can take fri as AL, then mon onwards take as ML.

Gerry: engorgement better now.. Last night ask my hb msg 1 side, i do another side.. Then last night tried to be hardworking.. Every 2 hrs massage myself.. Then try to pump.. Repeat for twice till morning.. Nv slp well at all until 6plus 7 am.. Was telling myself to jiayou massage else later my boi don't wan latch. so happy during the last pump got liquid le, but watery.. Is that milk?


tat good yah must work

hard in the beginning. if the color like milk then it is :p

just nw with the nurse help use football hold then Bb K can suckle well, m so happy tot not 1st time BF but last time really nvr latch all. with pump stimulate i manage to cup feed colustrum to her. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Congratz!!! which hospital r u?

rest well & waiting for yr labour story


thanks.. my boi jaundice drop by 9 only.. now my HB waiting for his urine test waiting for them to come back...


ya my gynae ask me to rtn in a wk time to check my wound etc...


ya cos my gynae scan my uterus still got blood clot so teach me how to massage whihc help to flush out the blood clot... my massage ended last wk.. i tink the only gd news is i am left with 2 kg.. hahah my gynae even teach me excercise to tone up my tummy lol~

Aries Wen & ST,



y FM need to reheat? aiyo tt so bad... i saw mar thread also alot gals go thru agency n their CL cannot make it leh..


i only take hearing test din take the metabolic test... my boi also gain back now 3kg liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Wana check how many ml of Milk can you all pump per session. Currently I can yield 50-60ml only on my 6th day after delivery. wondering if it is too low or normal? My boy is drinking 90ml for bm now.. Can't meet his supply.. Have to continue pump pump pump.. I pump abt 6-7 times a day, 3-4hrs interval. Tiring!!!!!!

hippomummy, tweety,

^5... My EDD is 22 April nia.. Still long long long way to go.. I think both of you should be soon.. By end of this week should have some action bah.. I am hoping my girl will come out the same time as #1.. Then it would be next week!! I am soo going to eat pineapple!! Haha!!


Good that small K is alright.. =)

Wah so shiok!! I still have a freaking big belly!! LOL!! Really looking forward to the day I deliver..For my last delivery, my gynae only saw me 6 weeks post partum wor.. by that time I no longer bleeding..

Hehe!! Your gynae so cute, teach you how to exercise away the flab.. Your gynae is a guy right?? My female gynae the last time just commented that I was still flabby and then she said like her and then she laughed!! BTH!!

Congrats to all mummies who pop today.. I think Rene is also going to deliver right?


Yes must continue to work hard.. BM is very watery and white but it is choc full of nutrients.. Yes massage and pump/latch.. sometimes at the begining, when I latched my #1, I would massage my boobs while she is drinking and suddenly can see her swallowing faster... and she would suckle strongly too..


ya the dr did a urine test on him he say result is ok so I suppose shd be fine bah..

Ya my gynae male n I have to go back in 5 wk tine for pap smear .. He even teach me dun do situp first cos my tummy still abit loose he say do some suck in tummy exercise first lol~


wow ur boi alr drinkin 90ml ah..

Actually 50-60 consider nt bad Liao but I tink u can pump more freq.. I pump every 3 hr 7 time a day I din wake up to pump middle of the nite thou..

Hi mommies, since my VE last Friday, I have been spotting/bleeding till now (3-4 days) the spotting has turned from just blood to blood mixing with some sticky discharge, causing it to turn pink...it has not taper off and the flow is more or less the same or maybe heavier at times...Is it a concern to worry about? I do have mild cramps on and off at times now...


my EDD 21 april, just a day before you... if #2 is to follow #1, i should have given birth this morning... hahaha... but just hope to smell some action these few days [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


soon will be ur turn[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i remember i bleed for a couple of day but if u have mild cramp maybe u gave ur gynae a call.. cos when i in hosp the nurses got tell me sometime VE will trigger some contraction also..


In fact I am pumping 7 times a day and I wakey in the middle of the nite and pump as well. Ya manz, my boi is drinking alot.. Trying to catch up with his demand! Must JIA YOU!

I got a question! Does rice wine have alcohol? I just drink hot soup cook w rice wine. Then i go pump milk immediately. Is my milk safe for bb? Cos now my whole face is flushed red as if I've drank alcohol! CL told me rice wine no alcohol?

Austin: mi oso exp bleeding 4 few dae after e VE check, tt y nw i so probia of it... E 1st time done by my gynae is painless n no bleed, it's onli when i admit 2 hospital 4 LS n vomitting, e dr on duty do VE n cause bleeding n pain...

Any mummies is strepB virus positive? N is gg 4 natural? My gynae juz told mi i hav e virus leh, so wori coz is harmful 4 bb... Or shld i juz go 4 csec?


rice wine contain alcohol but usu after cooking the alcohol will evaporate so ok to drink...


ya jia you else u can try power pumpin or pump after latch[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thks piggy! So tt bottle of ebm tt i pumped just now is safe to drink la. Scared me. But my face is flushed red now.. Dunno izzit e alcohol din evaporate totally? Or I'm really too hot or tt rice wine bu my blood too much? Lol. Usually my face is yellowish green like ghost! Btw, glad ur boy's results are ok. Shd be on e downwards trend le ba? Do you still sun ur bb every morn?

pink, joel did e metabolism test in hosp. Results ok. How come pd say P not gaining enough weight? But she's back to birth weight already rite? Dun stress urself too much k?

Congrats to st and all those who have popped! Welcome to e confinement with free sauna and milk bath!

Hi mummies,

I've delivered my boy at 11.45am n his weight is 3.635kg.

Had my 3rd natural birth w/o epi. Don't know how I manage coz everything seems fast n I'm too high on d gas. Still feeing googy now.


congrats!! wow tt was v fast[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ya the CL still bring him down to sun daily.. ya i tink so cos the dr say rtn in 2 wk time but i find 2wk abit too long ...

hmm usu once boil the alcohol shd evaporate mah... nvm tt show u r v bu[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies,

My daughter is 2 weeks old now and only can drink 40-50ml of milk...Understand that for week 2, the amt she shld drink is 60-90ml....I am worried that she will be underfeed...any experienced mummies experienced this before? Shld I bring her to see pd?

Congrats ningyo! Wow you power le! Bb is big for no epi!

yoti, how often does she drink. Is she gaining weight.. Poo and Pee ok? Every bb will drink diff amts de mah.

Hi mummies,

It's been a while since I log in...

I delivered on 25 March, baby Eva weigh 2.86kg...natural with epidural.

Ever since, very tired..this girl mixed up day and night...day time sleep and sleep..night time wake up every 50mins - 1 hr [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

ANyone know any remedy? or are you babies like that also?

Congrats to those mummies who gave birth today! ♥

checkup for me today didn't go so well, waterbag fluid decreasing and placenta aging [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] gonna induce on 9th if bb still don't want to come out on his own...

feeling so depressed..

elmo: She is only barely making it to delivery weight.. aiyah the PD very kua zhang one...jaundice 7.2 wah very high already will get brain damage ...

He says that other babies are gaining weight by the pounds by now so she has to be fattened up lor..................................... and catch up with the rest.


then my mom keeps saying I shldn't have c sect her at 38 weeks.. shld have kept her until full term..... zzzz.. then she will be bigger.... (=_="")

yoti: C is 1 week old today... drink 30-40ml per feed also.... PD says need to feed frequently since she's drinking so little. So instead of 3-4 hourly feeds we do 2-3hourly feeds. Other babies drink 6-8 times ours drink 10-12 times..........sigh. I'm worried about malnourishing her too...

Hi Elmo, Piggy and Pinkparsley,

My baby is 2 weeks old...I am feeding her 3 hourly feeds...she can only drink 40-50ml and she will fall into sleep. All my relatives said that huh? how come she drink so little - cannot be??!!! Should not be this volume. So stressful after hearing them say.

Yes, she pee and poo everyday..

Thank for your reply. Really great to has this forum..If not, I sure broke down...As what Pink mentioned,life sucks!!!!!


it norm ESP newborn they still dunno how to differtiate day n nite it take a while for them to adjust too..


nvm change PD dun worry abt C nt gettin enough [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] it like tt 1 they eat alot we worry they eat too little we also worry[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ignore ur relatives they always like to compare remember every BB is diff my BB also will drink half way doze off jus remember mus keep burpin the BB sumtime it due to gas inside tt y they din drink more also [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Little twin star,

I had Group B strep with #1.. I just took antibiotics before delivery.. I went through natural. This time round, result still pending.. Some mummies here also have.. so 1 option is to take the antibiotics close to delivery.. or have an IV drip with antibiotics during delivery.. Don't have to opt my c-sect..


I think your pd a bit kua zhang.. I am worried he is that sort of dr who is trying to make more money from you leh.. Some private dr are very greedy and unscrupulous one..


Watch your baby (poo, pee and general well being) not the volume.. Some babies are just small eaters.. and will feed more frequently.. And the nutrients in BM will be absorbed more efficiently than FM. and by the time your child is able to drink 150mL of BM, it will stay constant all the way.. regardless of age.. cos the nutrients in BM will change as your child gets older.. It is personalised milk.. =)

