(2011/04) Apr 2011

Jojo: yes no problem. They will try not to feed the baby too much at nite so that u'll have a hungry sucker in the morning... Jia you.

Gerry: yes i think I'm mad... Used to think that I'll give her Fm quite easily but now!! Urgh... Haha I know many of u wanna laugh at me wahaha esp n yolk sac n Sookie... :p

Yah C is pooping yellow custard poop... Guess she's doing ok


Gerry : I think I'm doing ok coz C suckles well n gently, n isn't greedy for more milk...

Looking forward to the arrival of your princess!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ya sumtime u be surprise how a man change after becoming father.. Lol~ my hb even gt the patient to read for my boi n he will look for books for my boi lo lol~

I remember someone work in the HR industry, can i ask something with regards to ML, hope tht someone can advise mi.

If i start my ML on 15/4(fri), i'll waste my sat and sun as ML (coz is non wking days)? Is it better to start ML on a monday (18/4)?


but he take FM he don vomit while take BM he tend to vomit.


I actuali find latch on very tirin but today since mornin I got engorgement n breast leakin non stop spend almost every hr massage, pumpin n washin no time to close my eyes so fed up massage my breast Liao direct latch save me washin.hehe.n the feelin of skin to skin touch wif my boy is so amazin enjoyin these kind of special bonding.

Yup if everything goes smoothly will haf to start work tis 25apr. Haiz still very worry will I b able to cope wif my work, BF n handling both #1 n 2.

Mrs Chua & Vivi,

I'm looking for ML. Is Mdm Emma good? Is she doing both post natal & breast massage for you?

Can you pm me her contact pls. Thanks!

Hi fungfung,

I think it doesn't make much difference if u start ML on fri or sat coz d 112days included sat,sun n public holidays.

u can try going to MOM website to calculate ur ML entitlement n use 15/4 n 18/4 as d date of ur child's birth.

I wish the elections cooling n voting day is in Aug so that won't 'eat' into our ML. Hehe

hi sandy,

U going back to work immediately after ur confinement? That's kinda fast!

Hi Gerry,

Pineapple theory to induce birth, that's interesting...think I'll eat more then coz I've actually been having some cravings for Sarawak pineapples for this pregnancy n been eating 2sliices on alternate days but I'm still feeling quite well......

My CMI temp rang me 7 times tday! So irritating but I only answer her phone 4times. Feel like off my hp tmr n c what she'll do. Basically everything that I told her had fallen on deaf ears n she's not refer in to d notes that I wrote for her.

I've been waking up often in d nite n then have difficulty goin back to sleep......can't imagine when baby is out, think my body clock will reverse again n only z in d morning.

Thanks fungfung

Cant get bac to sleep... Waiting for daylight so can admit for my csect. Very thirsty now, wonder if can drink dome water as my csect is in the afternoon?

morning mummies

last nite slept queit early, nw awake Liao and cant wait to pump but must wait hb cum to help me.

this time wound feel better 1st day alrdy moveable on bed, hope lata walk won't be too pain.

find the nurses still queit helpful too. altot haven seen any LC approach me but the nursery nurse willing to try let Bb K stimulate latch on altot I noe well my nipple is very hard to be latch it's short & inverted. can feel her gently suckling.

the only thg feel no good is I find the bed is short ler my leg just cant put straight.

K is look exactly copy from my #1. lol~~~


how's the course u attended yst? helpful?

thanks for visiting. nice to meet u

hope our bunny can be playmate since we stay near by only

I thk my tummy got wind I just kp fang pi since yst. is it normal?


wat time yr c-sect? yr gynae ask to fast from wat time? just wet yr lip can't drink water

my op at morning I have to fast from 12 midnight

ic. hmmm my 1c-sect at 2pm but only fast from 7am so I woke up early morning to eat breakfast. how to than loh from 12. nw I had morning op yst whole day can't eat only till evening then drink Milo. so hungry Liao ler

Hi bbgoh,

it's normal to keep farting after delivery b it c-sec or natural birth. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Haven't slept a wink since I woke up at 1am. Felt some contraction pain at about 4.30am but d intervals r irregular though. Wonder if it's today? Quite lazy N scared to walk to speed up d contraction.....

Should I still let my kids go childcare or to activate my mum to look after them? Dunno if it's false alarm or not....

Must stay calm~~~~~~~~~

Argh! CL eat snake din wash my pump in e middle of e nite! My neh neh gonna burst soon! Gotta wake up poor hb to help me wash n sterilize! Still need to wait 4 it to cool! Argh! Bursting!

Ningyo, think you better put ur kids at ur mum's. And once contractions get a little intense.. Better go. You 3rd time already ah? Will be v fast leh! I was already 6cm when in and contractions will not regular too!


last time I wash & sterelise pump myself de loh nvr wake CL up to just wash it. hehe.


gotta monitor yr contraction, maybe it's yr day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] wish u luck

Bbgoh: the lesson nt of much use cause the lady keep mumbling to herself.. She also spoke so softly i think some ppl just gave up and went off..

Bbgoh, cos i dun wanna touch so much water mah. CL was awake for e nite feeds mah. But she only wash e milk bottle.. Din wash e pump. I paiseh to say her also la. So woke poor hb up to wash for me. :p

Good morning!!!!!!!


I use cradle n football, for Terry only suck with football hold... I red article also football hold work best for big boobs... U imagine no matter what position we feed, the breast will still end up cover their face~!?!?!?!? Wahahaha.... N I have short n inverted nipple (just realise my nipples are short during this morning feed!)

Too late liao, Ms. Jovie sama sama as C!!!! She just suck for a few mouth then just sleep all the way she wants, i talk to her, sing to her, she just sleep her way!!!!!

But nvm, the 1st 2-3 days bb not hungry de... I just wanna stimulate my milk n train her how to suck, so now is still on our way... Kekeke...

Will try use ur method to feed lying down... Thanks!!!

jojo, my edd is 28 apr n i'm giving birth at mt A, can someone help me update the table? Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Fung fung, my ml start on 18 apr, n i go back work on 8 aug, so if u start on 15 apr, then u will go back work on 5 aug


To me I feel kena 'eat' if u start to on ML on Friday.... Although it's not.. Wahahahaha...


U evening then got ur Milo!!!!?????? I 2 pm already keep asking for my Milo Liao... 11 am aldy start see star star ard me liao..... So hungry lor... So happy can have breakfast later n can walk around also... My buttock so pain sit n lie the whole day... I start to move my buttock up n down on bed using my knee force last night aldy... Think my buttock kena suffocate then start to have rashes aldy... I super buttock itchy now!!!!! Kakakakaka.....


Actually shld ask CL to wash for u... Maybe remind her in a gentle way lor.... She is paid to take care both u n bb... So dun b paiseh ya.... If not poor hubby has to wake up every night to wash then his sleeping will b disturb, not good for him also....


What is the topic u attend yest? I want to learn how to massage bb leh... If no good then I just ask my ML teach me can le... Dun wanna get stuck in bored n useless lesson...


Yup... Activate ur mum to play safe, if not if it's real show u still have to arrange sum1 to pick ur son...

hippo, usually she'll wash leh. Dunno y yest nite she din wash. Hope she'll zi dong tonite loh. Cos usually at nite i on aircon ard 8+pm.. then close door.. then she close door also. So i also dunno whether she n bb is awake or not. Unless i hear bb cry lah.

Morning ladies

Yesterday I tot I was going to pop today cos I had a lot of discharge. Tot it's the mucous plug. There's a weird pressure inside too, but monitor n see how. Maybe just tired from walking around yesterday cos I feel fine now.

Continue to have runny bowels, but today last day of my antibiotics for strep b! Yeah!!

I look at my outstanding list of things to do before baby comes and it's a long long long list.

Good luck to all mummies delivering today! Enjoy your birthing process!

Chloebb ,

thanks[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I hope my boi BT turn out well today[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

ya Mdm Emma is nt bad I engage her for prenatal find get nt bad tt y recommend to the ladies here u can try[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


haha ur boobs too big la of cos can't see BB face[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw for ladies going thru natural delivery yesterday I went back for review n my gynae say still gt blood clot in my womb so he taught me massage my tummy wah really work evening time a liver size blood clot drop out lol~ so u gals remember to massage often help ur uterus to contract back also[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


too bad. did u ask request to see their LC? tdy u shd can go Home le bah


my 1st Milo ard 5pm ler. my stomach kp make noise & yes I see star star so take a nap when hb went hom.

my back & butt r itchy & sticky, also lift & shift onthe bed. gynae just came said lata can remove the drip then can walk hope tml can go hom. he said tml see how

just finished my breakfast :p

u also got short & inverted nipple? did u ask to top up FM? I did ler so each time b4 give FM they ll brg to me latch 1st.

tot I not hold well on right side but funny she can suck better than left ler. everytime chg to left boobs she cant get the nipple to suck

btw, anyone noe if wong bor boi still in TMC? she is specialist in BF

Hipopolai: the topic was bathing for bb and breastfeeding..

Bbgoh: ya.. Can go back today.. But nw bb taking blood test to check for jaundice.. I've yet to see him, hope he's fine..


wow tt great!!! Keep it up soon u can catch us with me le[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I find tt WBB overrated the LC I met in MT A is even better than her lo.. Maybe jus get any LC help ?

Hi ladies I've birthed my bb gal yesterday afternoon by GA csec. Bb is quite small 2.68kg on 38weeks.

Tried latching every 4 hourly since yesterday till now but seems like she likes to suckle a few times and fall asleep liao. I didn't feel any engorgement yet so very worried if she drinking or not.

For mummies who had csec did u all take painkiller for a long time?

Aries my baby is as small as urs too.

I took the pain killers for quite long almost 5-6 days coz I'm scared of pain. Remember to wear binder but not too long yah. I'm still having a cough due to the GA

Yes baby is very very sleepy. We have a few sleepy bunnies yah. Try to latch on every 3 hrs coz trust me by the time she wakes up for a few suckle we have to spend another 15 mins to wake her up. Jia you

Hippo: Jovie can join C liao.. Sleeping bunny club

Gd that u can do cradle I'm trying to master cradle hold now...

It has only been a week but I feel like 30 yrs has past

piggy u so fast go back gynae review ah? i'm going going next Wed. U bringing bb back for blood test today? Hope it'll drop!

I just finish suntanning bb and suntan my breast as well... cos he was feeding. SO HOT!!!

btw... think i'm getting abit of sore throat leh. Faster go drink plain water liao!

G'morning ladies,


Wah maybe you might not need to eat pineapple liao!! Haha!! I don't know whether will work.. But I like to eat pineapples and they say if body is ready, pineapple can aid in induction.. Haha!!


Good for you!! Keep it up.. =)

Haha!! Ya can tell you are loving motherhood.. Hehe!! "I told you so" =)

Yes looking forward to meeting my girl..


How's the engorgement? Hope you are feeling better..


Hope you are doing fine..

BM wouldn't come in till day 3-4 post partum. So don't worry. A lot of babies in this forum seems to be super sleepy after delivery. It's ok. Just latch on when she wants to.


Hope your boy's jaundice is ok.

Ya I find WBB over rated too.. She isn't too good and she is always blowing her own horn..

Oh gynae asked you to massage the tummy? Is your ML still massaging you too??

Hippo yes our nehs look like they are suffocating the baby. Must use our fingers to push away

Piggy: ok lar.. Just do what I can.. If neh don't produce also bo bian... Waiting for ur good news ;) fingers crossed for baby Kleaven [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jia you all the mummies waiting to deliver [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif])) we have come a long way together!!


missing a few days.

becos bb got high jaundice 265.

last sat i discharge w/o him.

hopefully he can discharge today.

waiting for the blood test results.

has been sending him ebm....he is on the lights for 3 days [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Elmo: I'm getting sore throat too. Can we drink water? Some pple say will get water retention .

My CL nearly scalded baby last night with milk. So pissed I'm calling the agent today she's damn lazy n keeps lying


How did that happen?!?! So scary.. Usually milk must be 30 degress +/-.. I hope she didn't microwave the milk?

Elmo, Pink,

Better drink water.. No lah drinking water wouldn't cause water retention. It will help flush water out and it's good for increasing BM..


Hopefully your bb can discharge soon.

Morning mummies!! I'm still here. Apparently it's a false alarm so going home to wait. Contractions stopped after 1 whole night now 2 cm dilated. Sigh

Anyone still around from WAWI club ??


I tnk it do make a difference if start ML on a fri coz sat and sun is non wking day. At least if i start on a mon, then my ML can end 2 days later. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] (dunno i'm correct or nt) Tnk shd go and calculate. If ML ends of on a fri then i tnk it make no difference.

And btw, election will nt be in aug, will be end of april or beginning of may.


So u hv calculated when u go bk to wk ald?


Wat do u meant by 'kena eat', although is nt? If really got difference, then maybe will take leave on 15/4, then start my ML on 18/4. Coz dun feel like wking on my bday. ;) and tht time u mentioned, if EDD is 22/4, then start ML on 18/4 (4 days of rest b4 D-Day) shd be sufficient rite coz got CL to help after delivery.

Gerry : yah lar all these old wives tales Argh

She reheated the FM with a bowl of hot water n didn't check the milk . Lucky I stopped her to check. Purposely pumped last nite so that I could sleep but ended up with this I only slept 3hrs. My brain n body feels like they are going to shut down


I am still in the WAWI club!! Haha!! Not too sure whether yolk sac has gone into labour or not.. She didn't come in last night.. =)


when you are heating EBM, don't use hot water, must use water that's about 40 degrees. The pigeon food warmer has that temp. If you put EBM into hot/boiling water, the proteins and antibodies will be killed immediately..

Aiyoh, looks like your CL is giving you more trouble.. First scare you and now this.. Try to get some shut eye when you can ok..


Gerry: yah my hubby just showed us how to use that function... I've been too engrossed with the BF to check on that coz the Formula feeds are all night feeds 3am that kind of timing. Gosh looks like the CL can't be trusted to do anything

Going to call the agent she has a ton of other issues

