(2011/04) Apr 2011

Hi kymi,

I am going to deliver on 15/4...dr woody said still 'ok' as my edd is two weeks apart. I am going for csect with epidural.good thing about csect with epidural is that you can straight away 'bond' with your Bb once she pops...& the feeling is amazing.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] As for csect with GA, the mummy won't be able to 'bond' with the Bb once Bb is born as she will still be 'unconscious'. BUT I have a few friends who went for GA as they are scare of being conscious during the whole process. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Sigh.. Bb doesn't wan to latch.. Nw like getting engorgement.. Painful.. Wat to do now huh? Try to pump as much as possible to relieve the pain can not? Help help.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Mrs chua,

it is not advisable to add FM to EBM... for me i will feed more BM e.g. 90ml BM but if FM i gave 70-80ml..


i tink if u did not run into any prob u may find TMC ok but if u sway the nurse who attend to u lousy u will find tmc no gd... so it abt luck... but if u can chose i wld advice Mt A la..

Piggy: i tried pumping.. Don't know is it milk.. Cause very little only.. Only enough to put around my nipples to ease the soreness.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] painful..

Shice hmm maybe different gynae have different thoughts about the drip. Good luck wish you have a smooth delivery. Talk to baby and ask her to cooperate.

Mikio if engorgement I think can try pump don't wait liao

A bit of good news me got 30 ml of milk hopefully milk will improve for me

Gerry, jtho and tweety jia you soon will be your turn


Sometimes when you are super engorged, the best relieve is your hand.. First try to massage and hand express.. It will be painful but when breast are too engorged, the pump will not function effectively.. Do hand expression until your breast is a little softer than use the pump.. While expressing whether it be hand or pump, massage you breast and armpits.. Ask you hb to help massage.. Circular motion from the bottom of the breast towards your nipple while expressing..


Stop pumping and use your hand.. Do you know how to hand express.. Check online.. They will show you how.. The pump isn't going to work.. And I think you should do it quick.. Use a warm towel to do some warm compression..

Gerry talk to the little one ask her to come out quickly . Huh the tmc nurses tell me if engorgement use pump chey wrong info


Can understand the feeling of waiting esp as first time mum. Mine turning 39 week in two and half hours time. There is no sign of labour yet. I kinda feel bad coz I m gg to induce him out on Thursday.


It depends how engorged.. Cos when boobs are super hard and big, the funnel of the pump cannot be fitted properly.. So must hand express till a bit softer.. Then pump.. It will be painful but better than engorgement.. The tmc lc tell you that!! Wah Liao..

I'm talking to the little one.. If by end of this week, baby not coming out, I think I will be tempted to overdose on pineapple!! Haha!! =)


Ask you hb help you to massage while you hand express.. Till a bit soft soft then can pump.. If really cannot tahan the pain, you can take panadol..

HI piggy,

thanks for the advise...

thinking of choosing Mt A but my Hb no car lei so mah fun lei...

Hi Jojo,

thanks for the advice...

i think i will discuss with hb again then decide whether GA or epi...

woody gave me date 8 to 15 but when i choose 15 he said huh so late huh. you might deliver by then. worse is that my boy is breech same like my elder one....


Desperate measures!! Haha!! They said pineapple has prostagladins.. The same chemical that is found in the induction pill.. Haha!!

Hmmzz.. Sometimes too engorged, the nipples are too stretched and so bb also cannot latch properly to relieve.. So if you are a full time latch, then try to hand express till nipple is not too stretched.. Then put bb to the breast! =)

For mothers having engorgement, do check if it's blocked ducts or just engorgement. If there is a certain part that is hard specifically then it is blocked ducts. The blockage has to be cleared before pumping if not the pain will worsen and possibly even get infection. If it is normal engorgement pumping or hand express should relieve the discomfort easily.


2day I latch my boy the whole day n I realise aft every feed he will vomit a small amt of bm is it cos I nv burp him?

Do bf bb need to b burp? Heard alot tat say no need.

N during #1 time, when u return to work u still bf Lisa?

For breast feeding mummies...

some remedies that i heard from other mummies, TMC & CL,

But cabbage in the fridge then take a leave of the cabbage and put your breast for engorgement. ( i dun how true is that.)

to increase BM - boil green papaya with fish & red dates or green papaya with beef...

I haven try it..

previously i used ripe papaya so maybe b'cos of that so my BM din increase.. going to use green papaya this time...

jia you mummies....

joining your club soon...


I unwrap her also she can still sleep like nobody business lor... Got the urge to undress her Liao... But then see her leg n hand turn purplish I dun dare.... Kekeke...

Tweety, ST, Gerry,

Jia you!!!! Good thing are worth for waiting!

Piggy & Jtho,

I also want ayam Penyet n mud pie hor~


yes mus massage first u can try to use hot towel i mean really hot type else u can fill a bott with hot water n compress ard ur breast it helps to soften ur boobs also n make sure no blk duct if u dunno i suggest u get ML n learn how to do it from there... cos like wat amk_gal say depend on urs is blk duct or engorement.. blk duct if u dun soften n clear ur milk wun come out..


cabbage will reduce BM so better dun use..

hmm u not goin to stay there for long mah ask ur HB take cab for tt couple of day?


yes BF bb also mus burp 1..when u switch boobs also muc burp.. the LC got say also mah.


Y u din burp Yong Le? Must burp lar...


I think the nurses are fine & the service are still good wor... Maybe my expectation is lower, lols~ they speed they respond to my bell is quite fast... Maybe not so busy? Y Woody only offer u these 2 dates? U can request the date u want actually, rather to stick to his schedule...

I heard the nurse who did the admission for me, both 8th n 15th are super hot date... 8th itself aldy has 23 c-sec scheduled!!!!!!


Ya lor... Some more I cannot use Gerry method to put her to boobs most the time coz u know lar, the size of my boobs can become a pillow cum blanket to her... Lols~~ *headache*


u know hor tt day i look at my boobs alr v big i cant imagine urs leh... argh i lookin forward to our Ria n mudpie date...


My little girl didn't need to burp.. But if your boy vomits a bit of bm, then like what piggy said, burp when you change breast..

Yes I still bf Lisa when I went back to work.. I TBF till she was 10 months.. I went back to work after 3 months.. At work, I would pumped 2 x.. Once before lunch and another during tea time.. And when I reached home, I latched her on.. When Lisa was with me, I would latch.. =)

Hello all!

I'm still here waiting for my turn. :d check up for me tmr morning with CTG, hopefully everything okay!


Yes I have read that more well endowed mummies might also have problems with bf.. If I remember correctly, you also have to support your breast in the correct position to aid latching.. As for unwrapping baby, maybe in the hospital, a bit cold.. Maybe you can use your body heat.. Place your bb such that her body is in contact with your bare body.. Cos you are warm.. Try to tickle her chin as you are trying to maneuver bb into position..

Yes all good things are worth the wait.. But now my belly, arms and legs are super itchy.. Making me a little agitated.. Doesn't help that it is super hot nowadays!! Arghzz!!


Found this that might help:

Experiment with different positions. The traditional cradle hold is the most popular position, but the football hold generally works better for women with larger breasts. In this position, the baby is tucked under your arm and you have better control of the baby's head as he latches on, as well as more freedom of arm movement. Be sure to use lots of pillows to bring the baby up to your level, rather than having to lean over him. You also want to support your back with pillows as well. Raising your knees with a footstool also helps (Medela's Nursing Stool is ideal for this). It is difficult to learn how to position your baby by reading a book, so spend some time at La Leche League meetings if you have the opportunity. You'll get the chance to see real live babies in action in a comfortable situation where only other mothers are present. Medela has an excellent video called "Breastfeeding Your Baby: A Mother's Guide: Positioning" that shows a variety of nursing positions. It's available from many LLL group libraries, and in our area, Blockbuster Video offers it free as a public service. You may find it useful to "practice" different positions before your baby arrives, using a baby doll or stuffed animal. While this isn't the same as nursing a real live wiggly baby, it can give you an idea of how to use pillows for support, and help you get a feel for which positions might be most comfortable for you.

Make sure to support the breast while nursing. Using the "C" hold is often effective. The optimal C hold involves using your outside hand (the one on the same side you're nursing from) to support your breast. Put your palm gently under the breast, with your thumb curved around the top and side, forming a "C". Be sure to keep your finger and thumb well behind the areola, because if your fingers are in the way, your baby can't compress the milk sinuses effectively. This can cause soreness as well as keeping him from obtaining the hind milk that he needs to grow. Some mothers find that rolling up a washcloth and placing it under the breast during the feeding provides extra support. You may need additional support only while you are getting the baby latched on, or you may need to support the breast throughout the entire feeding. Once your baby is older and has better muscle control, you may find that you don't need as much support as you do in the beginning.

Pay careful attention to latch on. You need to make sure that your baby takes a good portion of the areola (the dark area surrounding the nipple) into his mouth, and not just the nipple. Milk is stored behind the areola in pockets (lactiferous sinuses) and the baby has to compress these pockets in order to breastfeed effectively. Babies have tiny little rosebud mouths, and if your areola is large (some are the size of a saucer), then you need to make sure he opens wide (like a yawn) before you pull him in to you to latch on. Most of the areola should be covered, but it's not necessary for him to take all of it in his mouth.

Gently massage your breasts while you are nursing. Large breasted women have more tissue that can become engorged or lumpy, and massage can help insure that the milk ducts are being emptied adequately.

Piggytoh/ hippopolai

alamak I tot no need burp no wonder he vomit la. But meanin he got drink hor? Haha I c him like so shiok drink Liao slp wif smile don wanna disturb him. Opps ku ku mother.


oh ok m gng to work end of tis mth Liao now headache how to bf cos enjoy latchin lei hehe n so far he got no nipple confusion *touchwood* worry next time he got tis pro

hippo: must unswaddle her, rub her feet, rub her palms....

last resort is to burp her...

we have done the whole process about 2 million times now to wake our sleeping beauty up ... haiz

she's not hungry at all....

Gerry: I heard of similar stories about baby being strangled in the process of delivery... which was why i decided that I shld do c sect to reduce any chances of complication. Imagine going thru so much pain for 38 weeks and have something screw up at that instant... I couldn't take the risk of having that happen...

mikio: impossible that baby cannot latch on leh..get the nurses to show u the proper technique?

Jojo/kymi: Originally I wanted to do C sect with epi but somehow the anesthesiologist couldn't administer so i had to do GA. But I had no problems with the drowsiness leh. Woke up 1hr after the op and latched on within 2 hrs... the MT A nurses very onz to bring her in for me to latch on. If you tell them u're BF they will wheel in the baby every 2-3 hrs.

Throughout my stay i had no problems latching on every 3 hrs in the day time, then night time they will give her 2 feeds of FM.. my last BF will be at 11pm, then they will feed her at 2am, 5am, and then i'll feed her at 8am again....

damn shagged from the whole day of latching on......... the whole day just disappears..........

VIVI: U been pumping? I haven't pumped all day... just let her latch on..sometimes 30 mins sometimes 20 mins....... i'm so tired coz she keeps falling asleep we spend 1 hr to feed her 20 mins.............. efficiency is so low.............

i really want to have a hungry baby. Good news is her pee and poop count has improved alot! Going for PD check up tmr.... hope her jaundice is ok and she has gained weight.

Gosh i'm so tired... or have i said that already

BTW, for those who did c sect and are using the binder, don't be super vain (READ: stupid) like me...i wore it 24/7 for the last few days..then now got rashes on my buttock ... :p

Oops... too vain liao. and the binder gives me a sense of security.

So tiring... everyday got visitors.... ML PARENTS FRIENDS GRANDMOTHER FL the whole world...... all of them come a long way to see her sleep..... wahahaha

hippo: u tried to do side way lying? cannot? ask the nurses to show u... don't put pressure on ur wound yah. I've tried cradle, foot ball hold..

cradle I'm abit scared to drop baby/press onto the wound, foot ball hold like quite difficult to maneuver... Side way lying is the best coz don't need to do anything just wait for baby to come~~~ wahahaha but, er, need hubby to help.... if hubby not around, next best option is cradle hold... for me lar. Actually... whatever we do rite, the baby must want to open her golden mouth to suckle... if not also no point.... hope JOVIE is not naughty/ vain like Parsley... don't wanna drink much milk and not hungry at all............. petite size petite appetite.

Need help, Mummies- If i don't know how much she is drinking coz she's latching on most parts of the day, I go by the count of soiled diapers rite?

Actually, even that may be hard to tell, coz C likes to POOP alot and pee alot at one go. Not in small amounts through out the day. Does that mean she's ok??

sandy: I've read that BF babies don't need to be burped, but I still burp C (TO WAKE HER HIGHNESS UP), and sometimes she will burp lor. So maybe u shld still burp before changing breasts.... or maybe the vomit is just a reflux... not because of wind

Hi mummies.

Today even though didnt go to work but have been busy with ironing thus didnt manage to come in.


Congrats and rest well.

Who else had delivered tdy too?


I aso hope by having an addition in the family, my HB can aso play less of his computer game and spend more time with us. Shall wait and see hw later


Lol! Great minds think alike. That is wat i thought too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Welcome to our group


I am so happy for you that you like latching on!! It feels good seeing your boy so contended with what you are giving!! =)

But you are going back to work so soon?!! There are 2 possibilties.. Nipple confusion or reverse cycling.. Some babies might not like to be bottle fed and might not drink a lot during the day while you are at work and suck you dry when you come back home in the evening.. That was what happen to me at first but after a while it got better.. Hopefully your boy doesn't have nipple confusion.. Don't stress about it now.. Just enjoy the moment and when you go back to work, hopefully it wouldn't be too problematic..

You just need to be patient and I am sure baby will adjust accordingly..


Ya I know.. Sounds scary right.. Thankfully, her bb is ok.. But the dr didn't know at all!!

Looks like you are enjoying motherhood a lot albeit tired.. You seem very positive about breastfeeding and i am soo happy for you!! =) You know I felt that I had too many visitors too after giving birth to Lisa.. And it wasn't Lisa that made me tired but all those people.. I know they meant well but I really needed to rest and and just focus on Lisa and me.. I actually got a bit pissy a few times.. So this time I think I going to limit visitors..

Hi kymi,

When is your edd? I know dr woody has quite a no. Of patients on 15/4.

Hi pinkparsley,

Thanks for the useful info. Can also request the nurse to cup feed the Bb for the 2 FM nite feed right?


Yes go by soiled diapers and contentment and her general well being.. Lisa pooped A LOT too!! Everytime she fed, she would poop!! Princess C's poop is already yellow with mustard seed right?? Then she is taking bm with no problem.. Just have to trust yourself... That you are capable in providing for C..

Yes some bb's have shorter throats, so it might be reflux..

