(2011/04) Apr 2011



oh no seems like ur cl not experience de lo. Gd gd tat u change.

Ur hb dote Her daughter la hehe but abit kua zhang tat pd Liao lo ask u all buy weighing machine.

btw which pd r u seeing??


NO don gif up. Try takin fenugreek, u got cl rite get her to boil soup for u. Think since u already invest in a pump le y not carry on. Or how abt latch ur bb on? I find tat is a easy way to increase supply wor.

But no matter wat 20ml oso better than nothin gif her tat 20ml n supplement w fm if no choice at least she is takin ur precious bm

hmmm seems like today nv saw tweety post wor. Is I miss her. Post or she got some action huh??




I tell her how?? My girl so small and then she tells me your girl active and running around right?? Then ok we are doing good job.. Kids also come in all shape and sizes.. 25th percentile means smaller lor.. But does not mean not healthy.. When I told her I latched Lisa every Hr.. She said oh she's grazer.. Small frequent meals..

She also very auntie.. When she first weigh my girl, she told my mom to go buy 4d!! Haha!! Ya just give her clinic a call.. I'll whatsapp you the no.. Your gynae at Mt e?? But u deliver at Mt a??

Gerry: thanks so much!! Ok u whatsapp me lar. Sorry talked half way had to go wash C's buttocks coz she had explosive shit... Wahaha. Then had to pump.. Then dinner liao.. Another day gone

Yah my gynae's clinic at MT E but he delivers at MT A too. Didn't want to pay 10$ parking at MT E leh not including erp

etc n tips for valet guy... MT A valet only $4 plus tips :p

Plus I heard gd reviews at MT A! Hubby bought a huge

Royce chocolate hamper for the nurses to thank them ;) coz

they showed him so many times how to do the latch on :p

Sandy: no leh the CL supposed to have taken care of newborns for 20 over years... How are u doing? Seldom hear from u... Busy? Hows ur princess jewelle? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Oh ok, so there is no diff betw taking ML on 15/4 or 18/4? Hmm, if like tht, then will start my ML on the 15/4; will see hw it goes then. actually on 2nd thought, nt much diff to mi aso coz intend to take no pay leave after my ML. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


That is wat i thought too, will see hw it goes. Tks for ur advise.


Congrats and rest well


Welcome to our club


Always readin thread but when wanna post milk monster wake up for milk got to handle him.

My miss jewelle is becoming more n more like a monster till I reali donno how to handle her everyday she will b like cryin n makin me mad n I haf been scolding screaming at her makin me super upset reali neglect her alot she no longer wan me or hb. Onli thing is she still tryin to think of way Bully Jayden. Haix


Oh dear.. I think jewelle is trying to get your attention.. Hb and u must try to be patient.. It is also not easy being her too as she has to share her parents now with a demanding baby. Maybe instead of scolding her for misbehaving, try to praise her when she is behaving..


Jia you.. Must just do your best!! =)


Don't give up.. Are you latching at all?

sandy; yah, agree with Gerry, positive reinforcement may work... if not she may feel left out coz everyone's attention is on the baby.. she will need some time to adjust ...

Win win,

I agree with you.. Last time people also like to say that my girl very skinny.. In fact her clothes very seldom need to change!! Sigh.. But she is super active.. Always running around like a monkey.. So my pd say her colour and activity shows that she is healthy.. Just only in the 25th percentile..


dun stress k.. like wat Gerry n pink say try to let her know havin another sibling is not goin to mean she is gettin less attention from u.. think u gotta be more patient with her..

so when u go work who will be takin care of bb n Jewelle?


But usually for c-sect, cannot have more than 3 children wor.. Standard procedure.. Cos you already have 2 c-sects.. So 3rd one might be more risky.. Cannot afford to let your uterus stretch anymore..


i think depends on gynae... my 1st gynae delivered for my galfriend 4 kids via c-sect... best thing is the 2nd, 3rd and 4th child all 1 yr apart... after the 4th, he wanted her to ligate [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i also heard of gynae doing for a mother 5 times before...

so really depends one...


m tryinto get my fren to help me take care bb if not will b the maid take care till 2 mth old send him to IFC.

S for jewelle CC lo my side here de cc call me Liao if not will consider the cc tat pearly recommend. Onli thing is waitin for my hb gif $ to pay.

Piggytoh/ Gerry/ pink

tryin very hard to b very patient wif her but can't

she is reali tryin to get our attention but is thru doin naughty things. Tats y always ended up wif scolding by us. She is reali too much makin us feel tat she got to b discipline. N not we protect didi jux tat when we let her play wif him she will always up to no gd either tryin to pull didi hands or keep using her head to knock his head even wanna sit on top of him. Always tell her no no in a strict manner but it don work at all she will do till we reali get mad den she stop.

She treatin him s a soft toy can kiss kiss kiss den suddenly turn violent. Haix broke down almost everynite cos it always happen b4 bed time n I keep tellin hb I feel like givin up on her.

b4 didi is out I Promise myself both r my kids cannot biased but now seems like I can't do it.

Wow I am touched at the support you have all given...

Gerry i am not latching because Vianne dont like to latch on me so I am pumping once every 3 hours....

Right now I am trying not to see how much milk collected in the bottle while I pumped so I am on the laptop to divert my attention.... hopefully this will help too....

Pink how come your CL never help you with the cleaning of the poo ? Hmm what is the CL's name? dont worry tomorrow you will have a new CL and this time hopefully will be ok...

My CL is cooking papaya soup and I have been forcing myself to drink all the hot soup and the hot milo until I am sweating like a pig...


my PD is in Paragon too he's not too bad so if you want recommendation you can let me know.

But too bad to save $ I am going to Polyclinic how to go about with the appointment?

Wah Sandy your Jewelle is tough to handle but you cannot always scold her wait she retailiate more...

so fast you going back to work liao....

Hey ladies.. I've admitted in Mt A liao! Waiting for my gynae to come.. *Nervous* sia.. Forgot to bring all admission paperwork so hubby went home to fetch all.. Zzz.. Too bad my friend can't enter delivery suite.. So i'm alone now..

Anyone at Mt A tonight too? Or the whole party at TMC still?

Ooo.. Doc come liao! xD brb


I think can jux walk in to polyclinic ba. For me I call for appt the 1st time cos scare go le they reject me wor but then I'm late n they nv c I got appt anot jux let me register s per normal lei.

Haix I oso tell hb tat but we say she don listen I donno how to teach my own child c la tis type of mother reali a failure.

Y Vianne don wanna latch is it cos when feed time u bring her to the breast she keep rejecting? My boi at 1st oso reject de so b4 I BF him I gif him some EBM at least aft tat he won't b so harsh on my nipple n can wait for me to stuff my nipple into his mouth.


jiayou jiayou..


I tink ur gal tryin so hard to get ur attention becos she feel focus is on didi.. I tink v help for u cos u gt no help n u can't rely on maid can get ur hb to look after didi when he ard while u focus n spent time with #1? I believe this Is jus a phase dun let -ve thots get u down..

Hi, I'm a Dec mummy. I have many packs of EBM (dated Jan to Feb) to give away as my chest freezer is running out of space. Just need to give a token for the milkbags.

PM me if you want them. Collection at Pasir Panjang. Please bring along your cooler bag.


for poly 1st visit no need make appt they will reg u infant gt priority q den subsequent visit they will gave appt time..Btw ur mil still ard?

Sandy who says you fail as a mummy.... just that Jewelle needs more attention.... just be patient with her... she will realize that didi is here to stay and mummy will give her attention too...

but when to just walk in the polyclinic? 1 month later for the jab?

me didnt latch on Vianne because she wails fiercely after a while when she dont see milk .... so end up i stress she also pek chek...

Jtho & piggy, thanks! Thanks! So happy! Hehe

Gynae inserted pill liao.. I'm at 3cm liao!!! Super happy! He estimated won't be long cos my #1 labor only abt 6hrs or so.. So exciting!


I hope it will fast fast get over tats y lookin forward to 17apr when confinement finish we r planning to go out n play. I sure my gal will enjoy.


jia you ar



mummies who c-sect with GA, i'm wondering if the GA would be harmful to bb before bb is out of our bodies?

Piggy no complains about her hor because she went back because hubby's grand pa passed away 1 day after Vianne was born. So since our side is having joyous occasion she cannot come until 100 days later....

that means when Vianne is 3 months old she says she is coming back hoepfully by then Vianne has good bonding with me and it will be difficult to hoard on to Vianne crossing fingers... she very irritating leh... that day Vianne was born she was asleep she go and scoop up Vianne and tell her loudly that she is grand ma....

My dad and I exchanged glances we were like ???? Baby sleep go and stir her up for what...


Hope you have a smooth delivery!!


Oh icic.. Hehe!! So by 4th child, he suggested ligation!! Hehe!! Wah.. I guess see situation right?? Don't know whether true or not but my mom said that they would usually cut a different spot on the uterus.. Is it?


Icic.. Ya a bit of distraction might help.. When you pump, how's the let down?? What I did was to a actually do a little hand expression first to stimulate let down and and have some residual milk on my nipple and sort of entice my girl to latch on when she didn't seem interested..

Gerry you mean the milk flow very slow leh especially my right breast... sometimes I thought it is the Ameda pump but then hor no milk cannot blame on the pump....

Hi mummies!!!!!

No time to come in n chat... Busy with my fb today... Plus walk walk plus latching plus eat n eat n eat.... Kekekeke...

Now my Jovie latch quite well n she can take forever to suck!!!!! *faint*

Last latch was about 20mins per breast n she still can cry for milk... Maybe she is too hungry?


Alpha baby Dr. Agnes not bad... I went to her... She is those caring n careful type... I also like her!


Don't give up!!!!!!! Latch n latch n latch if not pump n pump n pump!!!!!! We can do it!!!!!!! Tired at first coz u need to stimulate n stable your supply, once it's stable, things will be easier!


Jia you!!!! N yes, we are going to have mini Party over here!!!! Alot of us are here! Kekekeke....

BBgoh, still got #3????? salute!!!! Tomorrow I go visit u! shld b able to walk better than today coz I try to be hero today never take pain killer in the noon, end up pain n dun really wish to move... Hahahahaha... But then with those pain I still go around I must admit, Kekekeke... This morning reach ur room liao... But then door close so scare I might disturb u, end up turn back to my own room.... Kekekeke....


Bb out liao right? I visit u tmr also??????


oh tt gd heng she go back else u will be havin more prob... erm not to scare u but my boi have been under my care till i rtn to work after ML n now he v close with my IL leh but if ur MIL wun be ard for long shd be ok... hmm tink she scare ur gal wuun know who she is la.. anyway pardon her since she has alr rtn? keke...

ya jus walk in or u can call n check?

hmm i tink gerry mentioned be4 if ur let down is slow Ameda may not be suit?


i tink patient is the Key esp. u also feel u r bias of cos she can feel tt too...


Dun be demoralized, try to pump at nite also. I suppose in a way it helps to increase milk supply too. Let all JIA you together and hope we can catch up with our bb demand soon.

Jtho, Gerry, Pink: hugs hugs coz i read fr website tt if bb kena in serious case will cause death...i so wori...

Nw juz hope 1 bottle yakult a dae will help.. Nw wat i can do is 2 wait for bb arrival... N hope nothing 2 her..


Jia You and hope you will have a smooth delivery!!


I have the same problem as you. My #1 tried many times to 'kill' her baby sister during the 1st week when baby is back. She would stick her finger into her mouth each time when we are not watching. She always sleep in her own cot but now wants to join baby and us on the bed. She would cry when baby cries and get nightmares every night.

I feel bad that on the day at the labour ward, I was still worried about her cos my husband wasn't in time to fly back to witness the birth and since we live overseas, my #1 is not close to any of the grandparents. As soon as I bring baby back home, I find #1 irritating. I would every now then ask hubby to bring her out so she can get out of my way.

She is getting slightly better now. Less tantrums throwing. I realise that she gets worse if I stop her from touching baby. So now I let her touch without strict supervision. Just watch out with the corner of our eyes so she wouldn't feel that we are very protective towards the baby. After a while, she gets sick of touching baby aldy and will just leave her alone.

I'm hoping that things will get better after I return to Aust and she is back to her routine. also praying hard that as she grow a bit older, she will be less jealous of her baby sister

Hippo, so shiok & fun... T.T i'm alone here.. But on the bright side, Mt A not as strict as TMC! hehe.. They know i wanna walk walk so took me off CTG liao.. Yay!


Yesh! I'm so excited.. Hehe.. I tot your #1 going CC for a while?


My let down was slow at the beginning too.. Remember I only started pumping in my 3rd month.. But most impt is to stimulate.. Just keep pumping/latching.. When baby latch, can try to massage your breast as bb suckle.. It might help to speed up let down.. You must believe that you can do it and work hard.. Don't think you have failed..

For the ameda pump, did you adjust the vacuum power?? I usually would put the setting to the max at first to trigger let down, then I will slowly reduce..


Slowly but steady.. So total you latched for 40 mins.. That's a good number.. At least your jovie is latching and sucking.. =)


Quite a few moms here did c-sect with GA. Their babies are all healthy.. I was delivered that way too many years ago and I think I have done pretty well! =) why do you want to opt for GA??

I'm having tightening in uterus on and off since 8pm... Dunno if it's the real thing or false alarm...

Anyway, does anyone know if there is wifi at kWh delivery suite?


i'm going to get induced on the 9th apr, but also have to see how's bb condition then, as placenta started aging as of the u/s scan today... so kind of afraid that might need to c-sect to get bb out instead of natural.. I think i'll freak out if c-sect with epi... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi need advice, i feel v mild stomach cramp from morning till now but now getting more cramp,the cramp is like when we having menses is this contraction pain? Cos I dun hv contraction b4, so dun know how contraction feel like.. N my bb inside move v v active n my stomach not v hard, just cramp only...


She started childcare on 1st Apr. Didn't know will give birth so early, if not will put her in earlier. I only enrolled her for half day in cc.


Ok, will monitor.. I still can endure the pain now,wait till the pain v serious then go hospital?my gynea just check the cervix yesterday still no dilate at all yet.

Any mummies here want to buy GNC fenugreek (to boost bm supply)?? I have an unopened bottle bought late march (I'm a Mar'11 mummy).

I think I dun need it anymore. willing to sell at $25, original price should be $30++

Interested mummies, pls pm me, thanks much!!


Yolk sac

Same here, no action, still waiting, just cried myself silly cuz bb not out yet and I'm so bored and down.

Now can't sleep...

