(2011/04) Apr 2011

Hello everyone ....


me pump trying at the intervals of every 3 hours but then hor me a bit lazy so never pump at night.

What is the name of your CL? How come she give you problem like this


at least you have more milk I still yield at 20ml and if lucky 30ml for both breasts a bit demoralizing for me so I consoled myself that at least I have some to quench her thirst... rather than nothing at all !!!!

when you ladies talk about 40-100ml I also wondered when can I reach that stage...

Just now went to see PD and he said Vianne is ok and can slowly increase her milk intake to 60ml liao....


hi mummies, can I joined your thread? My EDD supposed to be 30 mar, who knows i gave birth only on 3 apr, 1 day before scheduled induced date. here's my birth story:

2.45am woke up to contractions every 5 minutes

3.15am cannot tahan, ask MIL to prepare herself while my hubby picked her up to look after son

3.35am on the way to TMC

3.50am nurse checked i already 5cm dilated and i really tahan the pain anymore. Ask for epidural asap.

4.15am nurse asked me to try laughing gas, but i dont find it useful. the doctor administering epidural looked at my face and moans and decided to adminster strongest dose of epi.

4.30am-7.30am relaxed and dozed off in and out a few times.

7.30am 10cm and ready to push! After a few pushes, baby is out! this time, little stitches and no assisted delivery compared to 1st time, relived...


u can try to puump more freq durin the day time?



can i have more details of u? bb weight? bb name? bb gender?


Haha!! Are you going to wait for your due date before deciding whether you want to do c-sect?


Hehe!! Point noted.. But I will probably try to do some exercise after my gynae give me green light.. Usually if no problems, by 6 weeks can start some exercise..

Welcome vivien! =)

yoti: same here. everyone tells me the baby shld be drink 60ML at least, the CL frightened us the first day we got back from hospital. Nearly sent her to A&E coz she could only take 30ML. The CL even says most babies won't be satisfied with 60ML, made us super duper worried. Charissa also keeps falling asleep especially when she's latched on, and I latch on most parts of the day. So can u imagine how much time I spend trying to wake her up to feed her that 20mins of BM?

Then after all these mad hours, the PD still says she's too skinny, other babies are drinking THIS much, she's only drinking THIS much, got to catch up with the other babies. At the rate i'm going, I think when she is 1 month old I'll become a walking zombie/skeleton already. By then I'm the one who is malnourished and sick.

vivi: i got no choice got to pump at nite if not my breasts will start to feel heavy.. nvm lar whatever amt we have we just feed bah... don't stress over the amt. how much is she drinking now?Do you supplement with FM?

Who is ur PD btw... my PD says we have to somehow feed her about 390ML a day no matter how. The formula is 150X Weight of baby divided by number of feeds ad ay


I'd already given the date for c-sect to gynae, which is next Tuesday morning. So hopefully the lil rascal starts to be impatient himself and wants to come out now... Hehehe


hee ya my gynae alr gave me the green light to do sit up jus tt he say doin sit up now my tummy wun tone up nicely cos my skin r abit loose hahah...actually till now i din feel any wound leh but i dare not touch lol~~

Piggy: yes i suspect so... either that or he likes to frighten us... everytime go there $100 plus.. shiong man

Anyone got good PD to recommend? In the West area...

jtho: where have u been!?!!? looking for u high and low :p thought u quietly gave birth... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


west side v limited gd PD tt time i read alot recommend Dr Heng from Jurong East he quote popular wor:


but i find so so nia tt y rather go to the GP near my house at least she gave me lotsa tips which many PD din even mentioned.. tt time Kyler flu the PD gave me nose drop but din mentioned drop 1 side wait for 5-10 min den drop another side so they can breath better lo...

vivi: My CL ah...from agency leh. So pissed. And she is sick u know! got cough. I'm getting her replaced tmr... how is ur CL? hope she's good and u can rest. I think my health will suffer next time...


nvm soon u can massage n bind ur tummy the therapist told me within 3 mth still work.. cos skin still soft[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] continue to BF will shrink 1[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

When 3 ladies get together.. (CL,MIL,my mum) is like a market.. And soon they became gd frens.. Giving each other ideas.. 1 stricter than the other.. So conclusion is i'll suffer during confinement!!! Help!!!!

Piggy me trying to pump at regular intervals but then sometimes the milk supply becomes lesser than the first time. I am very tempted to get fenugreek leh

I am on the verge of giving up liao ..... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Pink my cl from the same agency as yours so far she is ok


Ya don't worry.. I had loose tummy till about 2+months.. Gross!! it will slowly return to normal one.. once the skin gets a bit tighter then you can do some core exercises which I found useful in toning up..

And yes BF helps alot!! =)


you can get fenugreek or go see GP and ask for motilium..It helped my friend with her milk supply.. Now very good.. TBF for 1 year liao.. At first she said she was super dry cow..

Tks Gerry for ur advice, mak mi feel better...

Coz i ask gynae for any oral antibiotics, he tel mi tak oso no use de, he say he will put mi on drip with antibiotics when delivery. He say till like small issue, but i noe quite harmful 2 bb rite...

Hihi Vivien...

Haha nw tis forum is mixed with mummies who hav delivered n mummies waiting 2 pop, so excited..

Little twin star,

Different dr got different practice.. Just follow what the dr said.. But so long you got take any form of antibiotics should be ok.. cos the rate of transmission is not too high.. Actually a lot of things can sound scary.. but so long as you take necessary precaution.. should be fine.. there will always be worse case situation.. Like they say jaundice if not treated early.. blah blah.. can cause autism and brain damage..

GBS is not too big an issue.. don't worry..at least 2 mummies here have gone through natural delivery with GBS and our girls are doing fine.. =)


Don't be demoralised.. At least try taking the medication and see whether will improve supply.. =)At least if it helps, then you can be moo moo for a long time..


sumtime it takes time 1.. dun gave up yet try fenugreek first?? my 1st preg also v pathetic bt i jus keep pumpin n pumpin ... since u can get20ml i am sure u will get more sooner or later...


Dun give up during my #1 time I only got 40ml for both side not enough for bb demand I keep on drinking hot Milo/drink/soup before n after latch/pump than slowly after 2wk milk supply increase ....

After way it turn to medication or nursing tea ......

Always rember have enough rest n dun stress once u have e letdown feeling milk supply will flow in ....

piggy.. check with u ah.. for mum's kitchen, which menu for buffet r u taking? went to check the menu, all seems not bad and price is affordable..


No la, I'm still here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My lil rascal still prefers to stay in leh...

But I'm getting very impatient liao. Seeing all of u embarking on your moo moo career, I also can't wait to start mine. Hope with all the experts' advice here, I'll be successful this time round. I've started stimulating my breast for milk to come in, as adviced by gynae but till now the well is still dry leh...

Will be seeing gynae tmr, hope she will say dilated liao and admit immediately... Hahaha

Lv u Gerry... Hugs hugs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i so wori till i cry on my way bk fr gynae ther... Nw so much better..

I feel all bb are strong, coz they hav a life in them, they can mak it de...

Mrs chua,

I customise my own menu wor[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] their serving size ok so no need order so much..

Vivi, don't be demoralized..I started off also like that...1st week is like that de...jia you! Just continue the routine (drink, pump, latch, massage), the milk will come in de..

For my 1st week, I can only pump 20-30ml both breast..now can 60-80ml both..drink more water, milo like what SY say.

Piggy, my 1st one went to Dr Heng..so so also lo..sometimes child sick give the medicine also wont recover, but the medicine gave by GP will recover..lol

Little twin star

Not to worry, I also have GBS and since will be trying natural birth, will have to be on antibiotic before delivery. If I'm not wrong, gynae will put me on drip prior to delivery.

This is very common so dun have to worry too much [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Little twin star,

=) Yes don't worry.. Don't cry over this!! Very soon, when baby out, you will be over the moon..


Wah!! So latest would be next week lah!! Good.. Hopefully, you will go into labour naturally then you can try VBAC.. =)

thanks piggy and jtho for the recommendation... Piggy my hubby too fussy won't wanna go polyclinic... wanna puke blood talking to him sometimes. just now the PD recommended us to buy a weighing scale to weigh Charissa at home, he really wanted to buy lor. SIAO already....

VIVI: U're doing very well already i think! u started off later than me and u're doing great! I'm getting about 50-60ML per pump (both sides included)... so u'll get there too jia you jia you. I'm envious that u got a good CL.. i'm replacing mine tmr. the CL just washed Charissa's buttock without checking temp of the water, i checked and it was super hot!!!! DAMN PISSED. Just tell myself to breathe and tmr she will be gone. She's coughing now too....... how can u take care of a newborn if u're sick

sorry yolk sac, i think u asked me before if i'm taking supplement? Not at the moment..coz i hate swallowing pills... see how my supply is first...

Jtho: ur #1 goes to that PD?

littletwinstar: don't worry strepb is very common really! antibiotics is all u need~~ don't have to cry ok! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] HUGS!!


Thanks! I really hope my VBAC will be successful, and hope that in a way natural birth will help with my aspiration to bf as long as possible with abundance of milk... Hahaha...

vivi: why u wanna give up? u're doing ok? must have patience... milk will take awhile to come in.. our bodies must adjust etc etc... just latch on or pump whatever u can... don't think about how much u're producing ok?

can try the fenugreek.. seems to work quite well (for the other mummies) [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


oh no!! 3 ladies under 1 roof alrdy headache plus nw take care of yr confinement, can only wish u luck


hai hao yr CL is from agency, anytime can request to replc.

bbgoh: yah..... my gosh sent away one lazy maid and came another CMI CL.... i feel like i'm very suay. But oh well! no time to dwell on the negatives.. Need to focus on being a good cow to Parsley.


My #1 went to altogether 4 pds already... First 1 is in NUH but is more for vaccines n check ups, 2nd one in paragon, she's very good but expensive and I feel that she a bit look down on people... 3rd one in jurong east, Anne baby n child clinic, she's not bad but I find her clinic not using latest equipment, like thermometer still using the mercury type. Recently I brought #1 to Dr Agnes due to some infection on his birdie, I find her not bad too... Told hubby that I will bring #2 to her for vaccines and check ups instead of going all the way to NUH.


gynae ask me to take note that my uterus very thin, unusual case so next preg must remind him abt it. so cannot Yale natural birth & also must c-sect ard week 37

Too tired to log in [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Missed alot of exciting news here! So wonderful to see mommies popping!! Congratulations n rest well!!!


No need buy weighing machine for baby. Just weigh yourself and weigh yourself plus her n the difference is the weight. If using digital scale very accurate.

My PD is in the west. Reasonable rates n very assuring for new mommies if anyone is keen.

Rainy evening!!!


oh my GP not from polyclinic I go polyclinic mainly to do BT cos go PD do damn ex n they will prob say the same thing but when BB sick I go to the regular GP which I find better than alot of the PD I been to[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I tink ur hb jus wan to gave C the best la cos to them PD may be more trustworthy afterall ther r the expert for kids but for me after spendin so much at PD I learnt my lesson:p


exactly so now I rather go see GP [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u also west side mummies?


Omg!! Your CL is bad lor!!

Wah this pd of yours are those hard sell sort!! I don't think u should see him leh.. I know this kind of dr and I despise them..

If your hb really die die want to see pd, I would recommend my girl's pd.. Lee bee Wah from Mt e.. I think she is very good and well read sort.. Smart lady too.. She is the one who doesn't stress me about Lisa and never tell me how much to feed her despite her being quite low weight.. She just tells me to latch and observe baby.. That's the most impt thing.. Not the vol..


Last time my MIL also suggested to buy a weighing scale... Hahaha... But no need la... I think for Ang moh they will buy cos going to the dr is not convenient, so it's better to monitor qt home. But for us, we will go to the dr so regularly, so can check when we visit the dr [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gin: not buying of course! I think the MT A pd is abit weird lor.... So impractical to buy

Piggy: ah Icic, but I don't have a regular gp that I go to leh.. I need somewhere nearby. Maybe I'll check out the beauty world area n see

Jtho: Icic... Hmm the paragon one sounds interesting n u know why? Then I can bring her to see pd then I can go shopping in town!!! Alas it's too expensive.

Gerry, will take ur suggestion n switch. Trust that u would choose the best for Lisa. And anyway my gynae is at MT E.. Then pd at MT A super inconvenient for me!

So u think I can just call them to make appt for C's 2nd week check up?

Oh and MT E is gd....... I'm thinking of taka n wisma shopping Wahaha


U can try that one if u really keen. She's on level 6, clinic name is Elizabeth Baby Clinic... I have to say she is really good la... For me, just maybe we have no 缘份.


My PD is at Bukit Timah plaza.

Underweight babies

My #1 was n still is terribly underweight. I went to many docs n all gave me the same conclusion: small eater. Now at five, she has a great appetite but is still terribly skinny. Imagine she was always at 3percentile!!! Got many rude n thoughtless comments from people who said I was starving my kid. Was a terrible time for me n till now I still retort back to those rude ppl just because your kid is fat doesn't make him/her healthy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gerry: that sounds like somebody we need... A confident n calming voice of authority .. Not a Gan chiong doctor to make us more Gan chiong than we already are

Jtho: nah, I don't think I wanna try someone with that kind of personality...she's giving me the wrong vibes as it is.. I'll boycott her with u!!! :p


just want to share my experience regarding breastfeed and small eater issue.

1) breastfeed: for mummies with little supply, dont worry, all u need is determination!!! keep latching or pumping every 2 to 3 hrs for a couple of days (yes very tiring i know [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] ). after a few days ur ss will increase one. a few of us gone thru this and eventually manage to increase ss. so only way is hardwork + determination + supplement (if required).

2) small eater: both my #1 and #2 are small eater, never able to match those "normal" standard per feed. all we do is shorten the feeding interval and count the wees n poos as well as monitor the weight. according to the PD, its always the end result (weight) but not the amt of intake.

