(2011/04) Apr 2011

Hi gers

Sorry MIA ... Good reason for disappearing cos I've delivered!!

My babies are doing fine & so is mummy : )

Natural delivery with epi (of cos!!) almost 24hrs of pain endurance since mine is induced labour.

So far I've pumped like 2 drops of golden milk (!!!) but not going to be depressed!! Will continue latching & pumping for bb's....


Congrats JJ.. So u went the natural? Power! Saluate mummy JJ... Any pics of ur little 2 precious??? U gt fb account? Seems that we do not hv Urs.. Add me @ [email protected]

Sookie & hippomummy.. U all oso in action ah today? Today really happening man.. Now all baby v clever to choose their own bday.. 04042011! Nice number.. Jia you!!

Hippolai, mrs lee, Bbgoh .. Hmm did I miss out any? Jia you! Jia you!!!

Hi JJ,

Congrats!! Wah superb!! Rest well and yes stay positive when it comes to breastfeeding.. You are supplying food for 2.. So both babies were in the correct position for delivery??

My friend who is an anaestist at KKH was telling me that she recently witnessed a twin delivery where 1 was in the correct position and the other was breech and yet the breech was delivered naturally without issue.. =)


Good luck!!


Hugz.. Calm down.. It is probably hormonal.. But I think if you really need help, should ask your hb.. I am sure he'll be understanding..


wow tt great congrats!!!


nvm la I also took Epi nothing wrong with seeking pain relief[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wah today so happening!!!! Good luck and jia you to those delivering today!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Later i still going poly for jaundice check..... PLs pls pls dun let it raise too much!!!

Mrs chua, piggy, ur boys' jaundice level start dropping already? Wat level izzit now? How often do u need to go back poly for review?

wow so many people giving birth today!!!! Amazing

for those with no action jia you you will join us soon.

JJ congrats [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] great job for giving birth naturally.... when did you give birth?

Pink hugs what did the Cl do?

Sookie dont worry nothing wrong to take epi la better than me kiang jiu hor mai ka kiang... pretend to be hero in the end suffered the pain....

Later Mdm Emma will be here wondering if the massage is painful....


my boi nex checkup is this wed but we going tml so dunno drop alr anot wanted to go today but #1 sick going to bring him see dr..


the breast massage is v painful for me but after the 1st time subsequent massage still ok..

JJ - double congrats!!!

Sigh, gynae said to come in on my due date which is Wed. Such is the WAWI life! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Piggy yee pain I scare.... but must think of the reward that milk coming now both breasts only yield 20 ml... for Vianne to quench thirst only [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tomorrow need to bring Vianne for PD to check... at Paragon I think sure ex....

but what will they be checking?


Congratulations!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

To all Mummies delivering today,

Congrats too!! ;)


Freezing BM wouldn't kill antibodies outright.. But of course the longer you store them, nutrients and antibodies would be depleted.. That's why I like to occassionally use the frozen BM.. and restock it again..

As for the fishy smell, it's cos of some enzymes found in our BM. Slowly, it will break down the nutrients causing the smell.. I remember Piggy said something about treating the BM with something before freezing to avoid the fishy smell..

Whether you are in confinement or not.. BM when left stationary for long whether it is in the fridge or freezer will eventually separate into the fatty (creamy) and water phase.. Naturally.. Fat and water don't mix.. Foremilk will contain more liquid to quench your baby's thirst.. the hind milk will contain more fats to satiate and satisfy your baby..

Interesting point to note:

The smarter the mammal (of course we humans are more or less on top of it)-- the breastmilk will have more fat content compared to protein... cos the brain and nervous system is made up of A LOT of fats!!!

For example, horses/sheeps on the other hand has more proteins than fats cos their babies need proteins faster to build muscles for them to run and escape from predators..

piggy, so the jaundice was still raising the last time u go check ah? So sianz.. #1 and #2 also gotta keep going poly for blood test. Ur #1 also sick ah? Mine got running nose too... so scared will spread to didi. Then gor gor so curious abt didi keep wanting to see didi.

Hippo mummy

Talk to your baby ask her to cooperate. The other time I also tell Vianne that we must jia you because today is the day and she really helped me a lot.

yolk sac, ur edd is this Wed ah? V v soon le! Enjoy while u can!

i din get to eat my muddy mudpie before i pop... going to eat after my confinement!!!

hippomummy, 1cm? are you having bad contractions? might be an idea to go home and wait it out instead of hanging around the hospital

hi mummies,

wow, so many mummies in action todae! Jiayou to all mummies popping todae!

Me not action yet. waiting for baby to come out naturally! Last fri c gynae, gynae mentioned tat still no action. gonna wait. Tis wed already 39wks liao. Aiyo, so tiring.

Initially wanna work till i give birth but seems like tis #2 will not come out early like jie jie. Gonna start taking my ml frm tis wed onwards! Tis wed will be 39wks liao! Gynae tis wk will not be in town some more! Hope my little boi wait till gynae is back then pop!

elmo, yeah, I keep reminding myself that I should enjoy the quiet time for now, but it's hard lah. Kinda feel in limbo! Haha you like mudpies too? Me too! I will have Gong Cha today at lunch time, I think. It will cheer me up!

Yolk Sac

U mean if we are admitted to the hospital and bb dun wan to come out, we can choose to discharge and come back on another day? I am admitting on Thursday but doc cannot guarantee that bb will be out.so there is a chance that doc will send me back?

hey mummies, congrats to those delivering today...wana ask you baby at birth around hw many kilo? if 37 weeks 3kg is it too big?

usually 1st child give birth near edd date or earlier? baby boy...

Thanx [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


actually not necessary to bring bb back to the same PD in hosp leh.. i jus bring bb to polyclinic for 1st wk review...


ya lo he start with runnin nose also den cough n fever last nite cough till puke... but on 2nd thot my HB decided to bring bb to do another BT today to play safe so will let u know if th level drop[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

the last check raise abit only hope today will drop.. he poo almost after every feed leh n pee regularly so dunno y still so slow..


ya i read the smell depend on the enzyme lipase in our milk not wat we ate cos for #1 i got do experiment.. cos they say eat chilli the milk will taste spicy but i taste the milk ok leh.. n i ate fish every meal so dun tink it wat we ate ... i jus freeze a bit last nite later see got smell anot if hve mus boil the bag be4 freeze.

Gerry yolk and Austin I'm doing natural. Can't go home because got contractions and waterbag leak. So technically in labour and nurses don't let me go home


usu 1st child will gve birth near EDD the weight now is only estimation .


nvm jiayou see ur gynae can put u on drip to speed up the dilation anot ya..

piggy, did u sun him and supplement with fm? So far i din get a chance to supplement with fm leh.. cos got too much milk lying ard. Hope ur #1 get well soon too!


u are still as active even during confinement [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

how r u?

me now a bit lazy to come to SMH cos now at home liao(so missed out quite a few post)..don't want to on the PC whole day then hp very hard to see too

Oic, thanks. Was told by gynae could be an induced birth but he said the bb could come out by 9 April even though I am admitting on 7th April, can I tell my gynae that I do not want to induce coz I heard that it is quite painful. My bb shows no sign of coming out at 39 week now and by the time I admit is nearing 40 week already...

Reason for inducing by gyanae:I am not too sure, could be my GD I guess

Piggy first appointment stick back to the same PD then subsequent ones I also dont which one to look for?

There is 1 PD at TPY but of course sure ex then poly clinic


ya got supp with 1 feed of FM if possible but like u my BM is piling so wanna start freezing...


induce n natural process no diff 1 jus tt induce decide when bb come out n it bring abt contraction... even if u go without induce dilate too slow ur gynae may also use induction method 1...


hahah i only cme in mostly whn i pumpin or after my nap... tink after my CL left i wun be able to come in so freq liao..

Gerry yolk Austin I'm doing natural. Cannot go home cos water bag broke and got contractions just that dilation v slow

Vivi ya told her alr. Hope she cooperates

Piggy cannot put in drip cos I'm trying vbac. Guess worse case scenario is csect again


icic actually i find not neceesary to go to PD like my area the PD no gd end up i go GP which is even better than PD n cheap! but of cos it up to u n i can understd as 1st time parent u wan everything the best u can gave to ur baby[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hippomummy: Oh I see. I had waterbag leak too with my first, and laboured at home, but that's also because I didn't have contractions. Since you're there already and in labour, they probably want to monitor you. Try to relax and breathe. Visualise your baby coming and be excited about that.

One tip is please don't let them pressure you into a C-Sect if you don't want one. Even if your waterbag breaks, you don't have to worry about infection - just ask them to keep their fingers out of you (no unnecessary VEs) and get started on IV antibiotics.

Austin - Induction is only more painful if they subject you to the drip (pitocin) because that causes strong contractions and the drugs mask your natural coping mechanism which is the release of oxytocin. So it's like chemically-induced labour with no natural coping mechanisms. Not fun. Did your gynae say what he had in mind? Can try a sweep first, or prostaglandin gel, neither of which will cause pain. If you have GD, they may feel early induction is necessary.

As for going home, yes, in theory, if you go to hospital for a check and there is no action, you should be entitled to ask to go home to allow labour to start there. But in my experience, once you show up in hospital, they are v reluctant to let you go home. Might be lawsuit issues or billing issues, or maybe just the way medicine is practised here. Can I suggest this? On your proposed day of induction, say 7th, go to the gynae clinic and ask him for a VE, ask him for an assessment of your Bishop's Score - if it looks ripe, then ask for pros gel to be administered, then go home first and hopefully you'll get contractions before admission.

JJ, 2X congrats to you!!!!!

I'm back mummies!!!! Busy with fb the whole morning.... Kekekeke... Now resting in my ward, waiting for my princess to get herself ready for latching....

Short short chop cop birth story:

7:50am - check in

8:15am - bring to ward

8:30am - shave n check BP

8:45am - rush to op theatre

8:55 - admin epi, almost chix out as the doc explain too details... Lols~

9:16am - princess Jovie is out!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Surprisingly Woody only have 1 patient give birth today, ME!!!!!!! Chit chat with him while he stitch me up... Feel nothing... He has 3 kids and the youngest is only 5YO!!!!! Side track side track.... Kekekeke....


just back to my ward. Bb kayleen born safely weigh 3.11kg length 50cm look like her jiejie . saw hippomummy at operation theater.


Hi mummies,

Good luck to all mummies popping today...Hope everyone has a smooth delivery..

Need advise here:

My daughter has jaundice when she was discharged. After my discharged for 2 days (baby 6 days old), I need to bring her back to PD to do review...Her jaundice is 12.1 when she was 6 days old. PD said need to come back 2 days later for jaundice check again ( baby will be 8 days old). For 8 days old her jaundice level is 10.1....PD told us to monitor 1 week....If everything is ok, just go back 1 month to do review....However,if her eyes turns yellow, need to bring down to her...My question is we cannot measure jaundice in terms of our naked eyes..if touchwood, daughter's eyes turn yellow, will it be too late? First time mummies here, kindly advise....My PD is from TMC. How often does newborn need to go for their review?

