(2011/04) Apr 2011

Gerry - Thanks for the info! GD is a weird thing. One of my friends is super healthy and slim (even during preg) but had GD despite regular exercise. Bb came out a good (i.e. not big) size (2.9kg) because she exercised portion control, on the advice of her gynae (who happens to be your gynae actually!). She thinks it's cos there is diabetes in the family. Another friend also kena and she was also very disciplined (so bb only 3kg). The reason I think I might have gotten it was that diabetes runs in the family. But thankfully, not yet. I had OGTT to be sure but results were normal.


Hi mummies

Just a question, when we are admitted to the hospital with the admission form on the day itself , will the gynae check and scan the bb first or straightaway we go to the delivery ward to deliver le?

Wah, sookie already popped! Gratz!

Rene, tonight!!! Omg.. Eariler than me! Hehe.. Self consolation is that i get to admit tml! xD Anyone admitting to Mt A tml evening too? Hehe..

Congratz hippo & Hippopolai, JJ, mrs lee & bbgoh!! Sry if i missed out any mummies today.. =x So happy for all of u!!!

Congrats to mummies who gave birth today ..... Envy


U must talk to ur bb n ren till dr lek back fm his leave I also been telling my bb bunny too counting to this sun to c dr lek ....

i'm back! bb jaundice up abit only... 189 now which is ard 11+ using pd's scale.. from 8.5 when discharged on Sat. doc say now belong to low risk cat le... can go back review 1 wk later. Wah.. today poly super crowded!! Maybe next Tue then I go again le.

piggy, joel's jaundice also still raising leh.. but at a slower rate. I cant rem... did ur boy admit for phototheraphy? I think it helps alot. Today the poly doc say for joel's age... they count by hrs... 190+hrs i think.. 300 then need to admit. So urs still safe ba? Can call ur pd to check? Hope ur boy will be fine!

bbgoh, ya poly v ks de. Last week i also got scared by them!

rene, all the best! Tt day meet u... expected u to pop earlier than me.. who knows end up i pop so early again. :p

yolk sac, apparently.. the poly docs all say dun eat chinese herbs.. cut down on ginger. pd din say anything. I think to play safe, wait till i eating the chi herbs next wk.. i'll take my frozen ebm up to feed bb instead.

Hi mummies!!!!!!



I'm being torture here~~~~ I'M HUNGRY~~~~~!!!!!!! cannot eat anything yet.... Only Milo tonight..... I want food!!!!!!


I think I rem my doc commenting abt my weight and GD (gained about near 20kg) I am overweight btw...Maybe he felt could be harmful to bb growth that y I need to induce,My gp also told me before that GD can retard bb growth at late pregnancy too...All these could be the reasons but maybe I was not properly informed?

Hi Gerry,

Thank you for your reply.

Hi Yolk Salk,

I am not doing total breastfeeding - doing partial breastfeeding due to my medical condition. I am doing 3hrs for her feeding as she has jaundice...At night I also woke up to feed her..However, sometimes, not reaching her 3 hrs, she will cry for milk and I will just give but she will not drink much....First time mummy so does not know if I am doing the correct feeding procedure....

Hi Piggy,

I can understand your feelings...As a parent, we will always worry for our children. The worst will be over soon. Hugs! Everything will be fine....

Sandy I did the whole massage and she also did the breast massage for me.

congrats Sookie, Hippolai and Bbgoh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Elmo hope your boy is ok too....

So long never see Tweety here, I wonder if she has some action liao hee hee

Rene jia you rest well and eat what you crave soon your turn liao


ur bb also ah.. ya my bb also increase by little from 220 to 235 to 253... hmm tml after test i will see how cos by right 2wk old shd start to see alittle drop le...


hahah u r like me tt time after i pop i feel hungry but the nurse say no food at least 1 hr cant even drink milo lo... hahha


ya lo as a parent u will start to worry abt our kid[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i was also thinkin abt tweety leh loL~

piggy same thoughts hor... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

by the way, just to check how long do I need to use the pump for each breast because after a while seems like nothing comes out and then do I still wait?

Ha ha Piggy I am like 1 hour pumping away each side I give myself 30 minutes because the flow is not there...

hopefully can see gradual increase

Hi Mummies

Wow!! I lost count on who has popped today!! a Big congratulations to all mummies who popped today and rest well before starting the moo moo career!!


So fast your turn Liao! Your bb is 3.7kg at 39 weeks n ur gynae let you induce ah? Mine is 3.4-3.5kg at 37+weeks n my gynae dun really like the idea of inducing. He'd rather I do csec than induce. But then, Jiayou! You'll most prob see your bb tmr! :)

Weather very hot... Drinking gong cha now cuz I scared this weekend will give birth...

Yolk sac,

Yes if your family has diabetes, then the chance will be higher.. Actually I know of people who eat a lot of sweet stuff, also didn't get gdm.. Genetics play quite a bit part when it comes to diabetes..

Haha!! My gynae likes healthy patients I think.. She likes to tell me to cut down this and that one.. But I like her.. =)


Have a smooth delivery!!


Oh.. I think if you are worried, the best person to ask is your gynae.. Tell him your worries and ask him to clarify..

Just now heard a horror story about delivery.. My friend delivered on x'mas day. Her water bag broke and went into labour.. But no matter how hard she pushed, bb didn't want to come out.. And bb's heartbeat was dropping.. Dr kept wondering why?!? Apparently she pushed for quite a while.. Then in the end had to do emergency c-sect.. Once cut, realized cord was around bb's neck!!! That's why bb cannot come out and was probably strangling the bb when bb wants to come out!!!! Omg!!! And the bill was $7000 after medisave deduction!!! She delivered at raffles..

Elmo.. my boy’s jaundice is 130 after today review.. the last check on last Thurs is 163. still have to go back for another review next Monday cos doc hoping level is below 100 by then.. what abt Joel’s jaundice level?

Yoti.. my boy is currently feeding on either EBM or FM ard 70-80ml per 2-3 hrs so I would say is more of his demand.. today I realize that if he is on EBM, he will ask for milk every 2hrs or less.. but if FM, he will only ask every 3hrs.. so wondering is it normal? Is it becos BM is more watery so easily digest by his tummy..

dear mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

congrats to all mummies who had popped, and jia you to those who are bfing...

i am still waiting for D-day to come... started my ML already...

Wah seem like mani mummies deliver 2dae in TMC fr tis forum, gd gd got acompany oso... Can go see bb n BF 2gether... Envy... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rest well n tak care of urself oso while taking care of bb...

tweety & gerry, u here?

know what? seems like those mummies that i'd met from this forum have all given birth, except for both of u and me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Wow so many mummies delved today! Congratulations to all! I'm wondering when is my turn?

Started the first day of my maternity leave today and I spent it great! Went to collect herbs for confinement, buy some stuff, had the luxury to eat a nice lunch slowly, without rushing to work nor anyone else bugging me. Could shop slowly and compare the various products and finally made my choice on what to buy. Haven't had such a slow pace life for so long! My reflux and gastric problem are not so serious today too, which is great!

Only thing is I walk really slowly, dragging my stomach along. Can't wait to deliver, but also haven't really enjoyed enough. What a dilemma!

Vivi, u're lucky.. Hope my cervix open after water bag breaks too! I dun think I can go on drip coz it will cause too strong contractions. Doc say will endanger baby when I already have low amniotic fluid.

Rene, good luck too! Think we all need to pyscho our cervix to open.. Haha..

Btw I'll be admitting to tmc tml morn at 7am.. Seems like a lot of us will be at tmc tml..whether it's given birth or gg to give birth.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I am still here.. Haha!! I think I am going to be the last few.. Hehe!! I am only at week 38!! I am hoping by next week I can see action..

By the time I give birth, some of the mummies like piggy and sandy will probably have been done with their confinement.. Haha!! =)


U only 1hr... I'v starve for 6hrs before my 1 cup of Milo~~~~


Just now ask hubby buy me pancake, the nurse heard kena scolded.... Wahahahaha~

Calling for Gerry!!!!!

I press my breast got colostrum, yellow colour de right? But very little only, then after that is whitish colour aldy, so it's that still colostrum or milk aldy?

Jovie is lazy Prince, she dun wan sucks!


ya ya still remember the RIA and mudpie date [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ok we'll jio u for mudpie but u gals got to wait for me to finish confinement first... hahaha


i'm just 37 weeks 4 days today... dunno when will be my turn [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but of course i have an end date, if lil boy doesn't want to show up himself, we got to take him out by force liao... hehehe

Mrs chua, Joel's jaundice level is 189 today. I also going back next Mon. You go in e morn or afternoon? I find Mon alot of ppl leh. Even with priority.gr i still waited v long today!


no leh end up I waited till 3-4hr also cos waited for my room blah blah haha.. HENG I bott my own packet Milo lo..

I tink tt milk alr.. I tink quite a few of us gt lazy BB... Nvm keep tryin[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my confinement still long way lo definitely still doin confinement when u pop[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi to all the mummies here . Congrats to all mummies who have given birth !!!

Anyone who is delivering on 9 april @ Mt Alvernia ? I will be having my c-sect coming 9th april @ Alvernia .

Mummies.. Would like to check. Is it possible to add a scoop of fm into my ebm for my boy to drink? Cos I realize the ebm dun seem v full for him. He will wail for more milk after 1-2hr after drinking ebm.. So wondering if I would to add a scoop of ebm to make it thicker, is it ok? Btw, is our ebm v watery kind? Pls advice.. Thanks in advance [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies,

Congrates to those had popped.

I am so excited reading your posts till i missed my lrt stops... Lol

I had choosen my date for c-sect on 15th April but Dr Adrian said the date is too far as i might pop before tat date so seeing him tomolo to see whether he is avaliable on 11th April....

Dun know should i go for GA or epi????


Wah yup the whitish stuff is milk and the yellow thick stuff is the colostrum.. Good job!! Keep latching and pumping!! Most bb very lazy de.. Try to wake bb up and put her to your breast all the time..


It's normal to have feeds every 1-2 hrs in the first month.. Ebm is watery but it is substantial for baby.. Don't add fm.. Cos that would only reduce your baby's need for ebm.. And might reduce your supply.. Please try not to follow the rule that baby will feed every 3 hrs.. Most of my friends who are TBF feed their baby every 1-2 hrs.. That's how your bb work to increase your supply.. They are working very hard to get the milk they need..


Bm is meant for baby and fm is made from cow's milk.. Human milk for human baby.. Some babies when latched will feed for long.. And their interval between feeding may be long.. My girl was a grazer.. Drank very often.. I think most impt is to observe baby and see whether they are happy after each feed.. See whether they produce enough wet diapers

And observe their skin. An undernourished dehydrated baby will have wrinkled loose skin.. And check the hole on the forehead.. A shunken one will indicate dehydration..

Bm is easily digested by bb therefore they might feed more often than fm fed baby.. But that's cos they can efficiently digest and absorb more nutrients from bm.. Usually for fm, you need to feed more cos they don't absorb as much nutrients per vol..

Hi mummies,

For those staying in TMC are the nurses okie???

Heard a lots of bad feedback??

Going back next week kinda of worry..

Went there for my first delivery.. So upset yhey fed my gal with formula on 2nd day even after i had told them on the first day.. I want fully breast feed.

C-sect at 12plus..... 4pm liao still cnt see my gal, omg..


Elmo.. I go in the morn. Polyclinic advice during 1st check up that for jaundice check, best do b4 11am or 3pm. So I bring him in the morn, reach ard 10+.. u? Actually any diff between the timing for such jaundice check.. Or is it becos they need to send the blood for test so that is y got cut off timing?

