(2011/04) Apr 2011


Ya I think quite a waste to put only the amount needed for the baby.. I think if you send to IFC, they will ask for a specific amount one..


Ya so long as the bm once thaw, must use within 24 hours.. But must be kept in the fridge.. Warm what you need.. Cos once warm must use within 2-3 hrs..

Hi mommies

On Friday the gynae did an internal examination or VE and since then I have been spotting till now for the past two days. How long will such spotting last? Is it normal to spot more than 24 hours after a VE or internal exam?

hi piggy,

I think d metal n fishy taste in d breast milk depends on what u eat. D milk I produced during confinement r much more creamy n fishy n some even look yellowish w layer of oil after freezing.

Hi Elmo,

i think I read somewhere d antibodies would be killed once we freeze d breast milk. So only freeze ur excess milk after storing in normal compartment for 48hrs.Btw there maybe some whiteish milk residue on d milk bag,remember to rub them abit to mix into liquid milk.

If u plan to give breastmilk for baby feeding in infantcare, I'll suggest that u give them d in bottle than in milk bags incase they broke d bag.

Breast milk is d most fresh direct latching.

Then followed by pump out n feed immediately,don't have to warm in warmer if pump out within 20-30min.

Then followed by milk stored in normal fridge compartment within 48hrs.

Those stores in freezer r last option n to consume them on first in first out n expiry is 3months.If u have a deep freezer,can store 6mths.

Hi Austin,

read that if u have browish discharge within d past 48hrs due to VE or sex,it's a false labor symptoms. Unless urs is bright red blood then u need to inform gynae.

Y do I suddenly feel as if I have started my ML too early? I don't think I'll have any contraction pain after 12midnight....sobsob there goes 4th April baby.

Think I may b able to go Isetan Scotts on 8th apr for d Taiwan food festival.

Yolk, din knw angmo have this 'witching thingy' too.

Nite is here, getting stress!

I'm so upset today, #1 totally changed! Not the usual self. Very fierce and got those killing mood! C him like this, can't help tearing. Normally he dnt fuss much but today he really fuss till I very upset!

Mrs chua, hope bb G get well soon ya. Bb out already, watever we ate and drank during pregnancy is past tense jus look fwd to hw to build his immunity.

Mummies, have u guys tot of wat to do during our ml? I'm someone tats have a 'clock' built inside me. Work lunch work home. I really dnt knw hw to spend the 16wks...all of sudden I miss goin to work...boohoo

Confinement in aircon room

I had my confinement in aircon room but i didn't reall on d aircon d whole day. Durng day time, I use fan but d fan blowing at d walls.

I also shower n without herbs, just make sure d water is hot! My mum house uses d storage heater n so d water is damn hot after 15mins. D normal instant heater may not be as hot so it may b a good idea to boil hot water to shower.

I got long hair n so only wash hair once every 2days when my usual practice is daily. But I'll blow dry with hair dryer.

In fact, d day after delivery in hospital, I shower Liao n before discharge from hospital also shower.

Make sure mummies try to lie down in bed as often as possible, try not to stand, walk around or sit up in chair as it may result in back aches.

Hi voon,

I think baby girls r more difficult to take care vs boys.

My #1 boy sleeps all day when he's baby but my #2 girl cries alot!

u try n feel if baby stomach is bloated.

Btw do u direct latch or bottle feed? When bottle feeding, is d teat filled with milk coz if not may have suck in air.

Can't remember if it's safe to use RuYi oil to massage for newborn now. Alternative is feed gripewater.

Or u wanna try old wives tale method? Did ur girl got scared by smthg or noise? Try putting a red ang pow packet on her tummy. Best is if u can find this Xia Liu leaves to put inside d ang pow packet. This xia liu leaves is commonly used to get rid of bad luck etc. Dunno if pomelo leaves will work too or not since it can also get rid of bad luck etc...


ya it norm everytim i do VE will bleed for 2-3 days it norm..


wah i totally dread goin back to work durin ML i went out daily for meal shoop for groceries meet up with friends n organise play dates keke.. but this time my HB ard so i got no car to use so may not be able to go out so freq[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

btw i got 1 friend her gal cries as long as she is awake n she bott her to PD n chinese sinseh all cant tell wats wrong but her cries reduce after 3 mth... some babies i tink it like tt.. so after a while she jus left her cryin while she do her stuff..

oh dear ur #1 behave like tt becos of #2?

hi mummies

tml is my Day. just wash my hair and ask hb go buy ice cream for tdy last intake then hope can sleep early. tml must wake up at 4+ admission at 6am.

have mixed feeling, hope can pop soon yet worry ll neglect #1 after popped


dun worry all the emo feelin will past... now i feel better after spendin most of my wkend wiith #1 but he is sick sigh~

Hi ningyo, my #1 was more diff might be due to we r 1st x parents. Ok, I try putting xia liu for her to try.

Hi piggy, shall we organise more outings during our ml? I delimma lar, at work feel like starting ml asap? At home feel like starting work asap! Need slap haha

I hope #1 is behaving like this due to #2. it's really heart aching I tell u! He's a mild boy but nt he's hitting ppl inhse and growling like lion!

I wonder if I make the right choice in having #2 since we can't give them our full attn... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I think the xialiu works. My CL ask me to put underneath the pillow for my #1 esp after first month party or when we brought her to hospital for jabs. Supposed will stop her from being difficult at night.


All the best for a smooth delivery tomorrow!!

Being at home is very boring for ML. But time flies!! Cuz busy feeding/sleeping etc! Anyone in the West?


if u wan more kids I tink Not possible to gave full attention 1 I tink this is only a phase I am sure it will passed v soon.. My friend #1 will pinch n swing the yaolan v hard when no 1 lookin in the initial stage but now they r the best playmate[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Suddenly feel so down. Cannot take it le. Pls let me rant my unhapiness here.

My bil brought my gal out n when they ask me my reaction is u wanna bring her wher in a rude way don intend to b like Tis de jux my sudden reaction. N I agree so now super miss her.

N best is donno wat's wrong wif my sil since fri she gave me a super black face when I did not even step on her. Yday went for gynae check up durin dinner time I was in the rm pumpin when I step out of the rm she purposely say very loud tat if she found out I went to pray my hb's mother yday she sure will gif me a very gd scolding. Wth. I didn't even go wat y mux say tis things aft hearin I went back rm feed my boy n started cryin.

Plus my #1 I neglected her alot haf been scolding her everyday n shouted at her I feel so bad esp when she start to cling onto the maid I get very worked up n super jealous n start scolding her.

Everyday I'm like a mad woman cryin almost every hr till my hb keep sayin he suspect tat I got PND. Haiz confinement is so difficult to go thru

Wow tomorrow is 4/4 congrats and good luck for all the mummies who will be popping .... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] feeling so excited for you all and do rest well tonight for tomorrow's big show.

Thanks Mrs Chua I have managed to book Mdm Emma and she can come tomorrow for the first sesson. Per session is at $60 however if you take the 7 days package it will be at $400.

Sandy hugs ignore the super mad woman who is trying to make your life miserable. Is your hubby aware of this?

dont because of this kind of idiot then causing you distress not worth it.


I told my hb n when she say those things durin dinner time he is there I ask him he say no la she nv say she say if I go pray she will scold my hb but I know my hb lie to me.

I oso ask him wat i do to her how come suddenly her attitude to me change cos wed she jux spoke to me in a gd way n fri become like tat talk to her she try to ignore me wif black face n sat I smile to her she jux walk past me. Reali donno y lo. Haix


I believe u have been stuck in this kind of environment too long n have been tryin to ren too long plus now we will feel more emo so will feel more pek chek I believe things is going to improve once u got ur own flat.. Cheer up u can always come in here n vent ur frustration..

Don't care what she say mouth is hers. No point making yourself sad . You have us [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ha ha just pump another 20 ml at 7 plus so my next pump will be at 10 plus hopefully can see another 20 ml.

Really have to thank you mummies for the support and advice given


yes same... ya lo now her friend doin for me.. when i ask her friend wat wrong with her she say dunno dr cant find out y dunno really sick anot.. when u book her huh?


U SMS me ur no we send via SMS dun wan float e forum here my no ninesixeightsixeightzerotwozero

Nw I got problem w CL already


m tryin to 看开 n keepin myself happy by tellin myself stayin togethe is like tis de but once we haf trouble there r almost always there so I cannot b so selfish haiz look like Im the 1 givin myself trouble.

Thanx mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] confinement reali very xin ku. Aft ventin out I feel better le put inside my heart feel damn bad makin me so down.


congrats slowly ur fridge will b filled wif milk for lil bunny [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ya tryin to b happy.

Hello mummies!!!!!!

I'm back from my busy day!!!!!!

Vonn, ONz! I also want play date!!!!!!

Sandy, hug hug... U cannot control other ppl emotion... So just ignore ur sil? U sad becoz u care, but if ppl take advantage about u, it's not very good for u liao... At this stage, I think ur feeling n ur hubby n kids are impt right? Cheers!!!!!!

Thanks all mummies for the best wishes! I'll Jia You tomorrow!!!!

WAWI club mummies who are giving birth in TMC, hope can meet u tomorrow in TMC!!!! Hahahahaha....

Those not giving birth in TMC, also hope to hear ur action very very very very soon!!!!!!!

Jiayou to those mummies tat r doing BFing! Thread is moving very fast and saw tat a lot of mummies stress over BFing... Scared too.. Hope my milk will come in tomorrow after giving birth as I intend to BF too.

Nw getting everything ready as going to chk in hospital at 12.30am. Don't knw whether later can ZZzz or not. During my 1st trimester, I hv very bad morning sickness and at one point..really thought of giving up. And now managed to endure till nw. Although hv no choice to c-sert due to high blood pressure but my hubby and I still look forward to see our prince. Nw just keep telling myself everything is all worth it since I hv come so far. Don't knw why so much 感触..maybe it is my 1st time being a mother.. :D

Sandy, don't be upset. Don't be angry with Yr sil. Ignore her. Hv a early sleep and tmr will be a better day again.


yeah import to see open else will make ourselves v depress only...

Hippopolai and all mummies goin to pop tml jiayou n smooth delivery[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_wink.gif]

Mrs Lee,

it absolutely norm to feel tt way... at first i was also v nervous but after lyin on the labour room for few hrs i jus hope everything to get pass real soon dun worry so much u will be a great mum[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Piggy, it's a passing phase...hope can overcome it soon.

Hippo, onz u hehe

Hippo, Mrs lee, bbgoh & rest ...jia you too!!


Jia You! You going to induce right?

Thanks all mummies for the well wish again~~~ *Scare I miss any of your post*

Hmm i dont knw what is consider induce.. My gyane only infrm me tat cos my high blood pressure is high and found w protein in urine hence better take out bb asap. Cos my feet n hand swells badly. So he suggested to go for c-sert(GA). Tmr will only be my 37 week and currently bb weighs around 2.96kg. Hope bb maintains this weight when he arrives tmr.


Oh, so your is c-sec with GA... What is your op time? How come check in now liao de? Check in wait? Like that shiok~~~

My op is at 9am tmr. Ya the nurse told me can chk in after 12 midnight and prx still consider 1 day. If not tmr morning will hv to chk in by 7am. So my hubby think it is better to admit in tonight rather tmr morning hv to rush. How abt u?

Mrs. Lee,

I'll check in tmr morning, 7.30am after I send my son to CC. My op also 9am... =)


Thanks! Your turn soon! Infact, could be any minute!

Wow hippo u also 9am! I m nervous leh.. Heehee

Michelle, ya yr turn will be coming soon.

Hi slpgqn, welcome to April thread!

Mrs lee

ur gynae is dr hii?

Jia you.

Ya forget abt it le she ignore me I oso ignore her.


Yes u r rite they r the most impt things in my life now. Ppl don care my feelin I oso hack care their ba. Wat for I wanna think so much makes me feel upset. Lucky got u all Kai dao makes me realise alot of things.

Haf a early nite n jia you orh

Mrs lee


the weight need not worry the nite b4 I deliver he scan my boi is 2.8kg but come out 3.3kg haha.

Jia you. U r in gd hands [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thankz mrs lee

U will be gng for ga? I still contemplating if i shd go for epi. My boy was only 2.7kg last week. Hopefully will be bigger when he comes out

Welcome slpgqn!!!!

U choose the same date as Pearly !!! Will update u into table after I discharge aldy... Dun mind? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Jia You!!!

Mrs. Lee,

Guess we feel nervous no matter how well we prepared ourselves... Lying on my bed looking at my big pig n small pig... I just can't get myself into lala land!!!!!!!! This is very rare for me....

Oh is it! I m still so worried tat bb will be lighter cos i wonder how accurate is his machine. Glad to hear tat! Thks for e wishes. :D

Mummies delivering at TMC let me know your details so i can try to visit u ladies... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Piggy: if u're free help me update the table can?

Actual c-sec date: 02-April 2011

Bb's weight: 3.15Kg

Name: Kaeden

Jiayou ladies~~~


Mrs chua,

Can u pm me Mdm Emma's contact as well? Am interested in the clearing of milk ducts for better ms after i pop.. xD Or maybe Vivi can pm me also?

Thanks in advanced!

