(2011/04) Apr 2011

Jia you to all mummies who gonna pop tmr.. very soon, u will be able to cuddle ur little bunny in ur arms le.. rest well and update us when u can... we will be here cheering for u...

Pearly.. I will PM u later. I'm charging my mobile now.. after feeding my boy, I will PM u...


I'm going to induce on tues.. Gynae said most likely will pop on wed ba.. Hehe..


Your baby's name is similiar to my #2.. hehe.. Nice name!

Mrs Chua,

Thanks! The breast massage painful mah? I already dun like massage de but heng she has non-whole body massage.. xD

Hippo, jiayou! Dun worry..u noe woody does such a fast job until u wun haf time to worry k..everything will b smooth n b4 u noe it, jovie will b wailing on ur chest liao.. ;) Priceless moment.

Hipopolai: remember msg me ur ward.. Hehe

Pearly: ohh.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] great mind thinks alike.. :p


Actually wanted to deliver on 4th, but gynae will only do it at odd hours, like 5 plus in the evening, else hv to pay extra for astrological time charges, i stingy, so do it on 5th lor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


sama sama lar... Choose same same date mah... Hahahaha... Scarly very fast~~~


Yes, I know... That's y I love him so much~~~ Same same pattern as me... Kekekeke... Handsome some more~~~ Wahahahaha....



Waiting to welcome many more bunny babies in a couple of hours [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sandy: sayang sayang, dont get upset. My CL also pissing me off but i try not to let her upset me. Focus on ourselves n our babies n what's impt. I got emo just now just by looking at C!! Burstinto tears thinking abt hubby going back to work tmr n how we will miss him... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] must be hormones acting up I told myself!

Woke up to pump a very pathetic amt. Sian. Maybe coz I had a very long 35mins latch on at 8pm. Trying to stay positive.

Heres wishing all the mommies smooth deliveries ! Then all will become moo moo cows tog!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks mummies for the wishes


wow. u join our 4/4 club :p. all the best & have a smooth delivery

mrs lee

see u at Tmc [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ignore these ppl, during confinement we alrdy easy to feel down dun let them effect us even worst.


u pump after latch, rite? maybe C drink more clear all the milk alrdy? rest more it may help to incrs s/s

Hello mummies, hv chk in to Mt A alrdy. Finished shaving, taking urine, weight etc. I think I m too nervous Liao until my blood pressure shoot to 159... :p Nurse r friendly also n tried to make me feel at home.

Slpgqn, ya I choose GA cos i think if I will to choose epi... My high blood will shoot up higher cos I will definately be very very nervous.. Haha

Pink, don't be upset..ya I think is the hormones making u a bit emotional. I still remember u also hv very bad morning sickness n u encourage me before so Jia you and cheer up. we hv come so far alrdy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sookie, good luck to u too!


they put u on drip? hope can dilute faster, endure soon can see yr lil one

jialat me. just wake up to pee then feel hungry now, but on fasting alrdy. Haizzz. still got few hours to go

Bbgoh, I m delivering at Mt A so will not be able to c u and hippo but nvm do update us when u deliver. I hv to fast also.. Can't drink water.. A bit thirsty nw but no choice but to endure.

Hi mummies

My waterbag Started leaking and having contractions alr. Have checked into Tmc but cervix seems to be only dilated 1 cm. Sigh. Think it's going to take a long time

Sookie let's Jia you together !! Wonder if I will see u here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



seem like many bunnies gonna be popped out on the 4/4 hope lata can upgrade to 2 bedded

mrs lee

oh thk I miss out yr post. all the best to u and catch up some sleep b4 op. my op is between 7-9 lata ll do admission at 6am. nw seem like hard to get bk to sleep

Hippo: oh my! Good luck to you too. I'm in the observation room just next to the nurses station. Bed next to toilet. Seems really packed. No more single bedded rooms so had to take one room up. Think since I'm only 1cm and water bag still intact I wont be surpise if t have to go to the ward first. Still waiting for nurses to give instructions. Yes hope to meet the 4/4 tmc mums later.

Bbgoh: no drip yet. Think cause there are more "serious" cases than me. In my room one is already 5cm and the other one had a waterbag break.

So bored now! Haha

Not pretty la. But I think I saw u in the toilet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].

Good luck and have a smooth delivery.

I'm having prob sleeping. U??

Hippo: yes you must be the pretty mummy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yes having trouble sleeping cause I'm still in the observation room and it's full. At least you are in the delivery ward. Keep us updated!

Pumped at 1am then now feel like boobs are getting engorged. Can't sleep thru the night even though I want to!!!!

Wow then realized it's so happening here! Jia you mummies!!

Mrs lee u are at MT A? Don't worry u are in gd hands. MT A nurses are all very friendly n reassuring. U'll see bunny baby soon ;) I'm going back on tues for PD check up. May pop by ST Raphael's ward cox I wanna pass stuff to the nurses to thank them for their help. Maybe I'll see u??

Hippomummy n Sookie : u all have company!!!!! Woot!!!


maybe u didnt clear all the milk? if u feel engorgement maybe got milk duct it's very normal to have in the beginning ler once u pass this stage then yr ss ll smooth

or u can engage the ML to do msg yr boobs to clear it

Done with feeding sigh

Bbgoh, not sure if I was getting an engorgement, felt like breasts were very very full. Does that count as engorgement? Quickly let C latch on.. So scared of getting engorgement coz I hear it's painful .. Me scared


ic engorge the breast is full and hard when u press. some can feel the lump or needle pain. usually if u clear the milk yr boobs shd feel soft

Wah so many mummies popping ah..

Sookie & hippomummy,

jiayou & smooth delivery[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


engorement usu will be painful n make sure u cleat ur boobs ya..

Good morning mummies! Nurse woke me up to get me prepared. Just clear my bowel n chk pressure and nw just rest on the bed waiting. I m feeling hungry alrdy but hv to fast... I wonder what is next.. R they going to put drip onto me soon...I hope putting e drip is not pain.....

Ya PInk, the nurses r very friendly in Mt A and my ward no is

352. If u r here, do drop by n we can meet. :D

Good morning

Good luck to all the mummies delivering today....we will wait for yr news update [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw any mummies delivering in mount a and is donating cord blood to scbb ?

Good morning! All up so early! Haha

Good luck again to all delivering today! Jiayou sookie, mrslee and hippomummy! :)


No leh, my gynae says my labor won't start anytime soon. So no bb for me anytime soon.

Good morning mummies!!!!!!!

Now on my way to TMC liao.... I'M LATE!!!!!!! Hahahaha....

Having headache now, think cause by the lack of sleep... Haiz....

Hippo n Sookie!!!!!! Welcome to 4411 club!!!! Bb nowadays too clever Liao.... Choose their own birthday on a nice date!!!! Kekekeke....

Good luck to BBgoh, Mrs. Lee, Sookie & Hippomummy!!!!! Of coz me myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Think ur hubby's father hormone will also acting up... Bet he can't to leave the house today n he will b emo at work!!!!!! Kakakakaka.... He is such a loving husband n daddy!!!!


nw waiting on my ward. manage to get 2bedded at level 6. shaved and clear my bowel alrdy. nurse told me my turn is at 9.30. 8.45 they ll brg me to surgery room. my gynae tdy is superman. he has 4 patiets c-sect in between 7-8 15min interval. haha. so hope when my turn he won't KO

Pearyl.. She say is painful but the other day when she do for me, I no feel pain, in fact I felt v relax [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good morning!!

To everyone delivering today, all the best!!

And to my WAWI club mates who have gone into labour, I'm very very jealous! Still zero action from me.

Hi mummies!

Thanks for all your wishes! And yes good luck to all mummies delivering today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm in the delivery room. Last check 2.5 cm. And I chickened out.. I took the epi! So painful!

Yolk sac: don't envy your time will come soon.

Hope to get some rest now. TTYL.

Sookie, take care dear! Relax with the epi, soundslike you are making good progress.

Vonn, what time are you seeing Dr Lai? My hb wants me to go in this morning.

Morning ladies,

Wow!! So many mummies delivering!!

Sookie, hippo, hippo mummy, mrs lee,

Jia you and hope you ladies have a smooth delivery!!


If painful, must take epi.. It's for our sanity..

Yolk sac,

Your turn will be very soon!!


Morning mummies...

Wah.. So many actions today.. Good luck to all delivering today...

Yolk sac: I'm still waiting too.... Dun seem to have any actions leh.. Bb too comfortable Le...

