(2011/04) Apr 2011

Wow, congrats Hippopolai and bbGoh!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yoti: My No 1 didn't have jaundice so I'm a bit blur, but I think you just need to keep her hydrated (with lots of BM or FM if you want) and monitor her. Not too late if eyes turn yellow, but def bring her back for review if she starts to go more and more orange or yellow. The jaundice may also cause her to look sleepy. So these are the signs you can look out for.

I just had gong cha yesterday!! Hehe!! =)


Oh icic.. Then hopefully you will progress!! Jia you!!


Actually there is no actual timing.. baby will come out when baby wants to come out one.. Some like to be fashionably late, some are punctual and some are early birds..


actually most mummies here who induce don't seem to think it's painful.. and plus there will be options to reduce pain.. the problem with induce is that sometimes the body may not respond favourably as it is not ready for delivery and then might end up have to do c-sect..

But like piggy, gynae will check whether your cervix has dilated or is turning softer.. they will check for signs one.. Right piggy??


Yup.. that's right.. So you are going to check.. Let me know k.. And how to go about boiling the milk.. =) Not bad your moo moo career seems to be picking up steam..

Piggy and Mrs Chua,

How often does yr boy drink milk? What is their volume now? Are you all doing hourly feed or to yr child demand?

Experienced mummies, kindly check if baby is sleeping soundly at night, do we still need to wake them up for their regular feed?

My confinement is like hell since I have discharged from hospital. As my mum is helping me to do confinement, I do not have a gd rest since I am discharged cos you cannot expect/allow yr mum to do everything...You need to help out as well. In addition, my mil is giving me some issues like need his son to go back has dinner every night and need him to accompany her to buy gift for baby...My husband need to work and study part-time...this whole week I feel that he didnt spend much time with me and baby...starting to feel emo and was crying silently at night.....Really hope my confinement will end soon!

Sorry if my post affect you...

bbgoh, hippolai,

COngrats!! So fast the 2 of you!!!


If you are worried, can always go down to polyclinic/reliable GP for a checkup.. don't have to go down to PD.. most importantly is to continue feeding your child (BM or FM) cos the increased in calories will help them to remove the bilirubin..

Gerry: Hee hee! I can't wait for mine at lunch time. Already thinking which flavour I want.

Austin: Gerry is right. I should have added that one way to cope with the pain from pitocin (which is painful, I promise you) is to just have an epidural. Then you won't feel pain. That's what most mummies do.

Induction, especially with the stronger forms of induction (like bursting of water bag, pitocin etc), has been shown to lead to higher rates of C-sections, like what Gerry has said.

As I said above, try not to agree to these forms of induction unless you have a good Bishops' Score which will tell you if your cervix is soft, etc. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bishop_score

Yoti: feeding at night

Has your milk come in?

For the first few days, before milk comes in, I wake bb every three hours from 6am to midnight for feeds. In the night, if he sleeps, I'll leave him be, but he won't sleep thru lah, so you'll probably end up feeding every 3-4 hrs anyway.

After the milk comes in, I feed every three hours from 7am to midnight and I think there is one feed at 2 or 3am before the next feed at 7am. Roughly lah. I can't remember my exact routine, but basically, young babies will need feeds every 2-3 hrs. Gradually, you can stretch to 4 hrs at night, but during the day, try as much as possible to stick to every 2-3 hrs.

Yolk sac,

You got until wed to eat all you want.. Unless of course your baby is planning to show up sooner than that.. Hehe!! =) Have a good lunch!


Not my Problem... The nurses took their own sweet time....

I still not see my princess yet!!!!!!! they haven bath her!!!!!!! Cannot sleep before I could latch her!!!

Thanks mummies

If induce is not that painful and since I have already confirmed my admission letter, will go to the hospital and see what the gynae said. Not too sure what the gynae had in mind, he just said that he is gg to induce on my letter. I already did a VE last Friday and gynae said that there is no sign of labour yet,(cervix not soft/open and waterbag not burst and no contraction)but I am bleeding till now since the VE...Since there is only a 5/6 days difference from my EDD , may as well get him out early just in case

Congrats to all mummies who popped today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Congrats ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mei,

How come I see your EDD displayed as 29/4? Isn't 28/4 or 29/4??

Actually I was hoping Dr Woody would suggest natural birth this time but since he said C sect...then I just heed his advice.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

HAHA~pray that he would be 'COOOL' enough to handle so many operations on that day yuhh. :D

Is there any reason that you chose to delivery in the afternoon? Are you going to check in early like after 12am?


My legs, hands and belly are also very itchy! I have a cream prescribed by gynae to apply on those areas but still feel itchy! Do you think we can apply mopiko on legs and hands?


yes yes my gynae will make sure my cervix is open be4 induce.. He dun encourage drip cos the contraction will be more intense...


dun worry ur gal has passed the peak so shd be ok jus monitor my boi eyes is abit yellowish n it take a while to go off..

Ya sumtime headache when they r not understanding jiayou come here n vent when require..My drinkin 3hrly 90ml.. Hmm usu I will wake him up to drink to keep him hydrate..


ya quite easy to use no worries..


my milk s/s stuck at 100ml for days alr... Sianzz..

Hippopolai: Huh? They give bb her first bath so soon? I will only bathe bb the day we get discharged leh. Hope you can start latching soon! Babies have this wonderful alert period the first hour or two after they arrive, great time to start the BFding process. Jia yo girl!


Ya, one of my main concerns is the part when induction failed and I may end up doing a caesarean instead...esp first time mothers usually dun deliver early...so that is the risk I gotta take...but seriously I do not know y I need to induce exactly other than my GD coz my bb is not big at all (3kg at 37 week plus)...but on the other hand, the date is so near my EDD so I am also scared that labour may start anytime and I do not want to rush to the hospital at unpredictable time or urgently... My colleagues and relatives were asking me not to go this Thursday to induce so early as they feel the best is to wait till my actual EDD on 13 April, kinda of undecided at times

Breastfeeding in the First Hour After Birth

Some tips for what to do in the first hour to help you have a smoother "moo-moo career"


Ideally, babies will nurse for the first time within about one hour after birth. In that first hour or hour and half, babies tend to be very awake and alert. After that, they may fall asleep for a period of two to six hours, during which it’s hard to rouse them for a feeding.

Some babies are ready to feed immediately after birth, some may not be ready till almost the end of the first hour, and trying to push breastfeeding before that may only lead to frustration for all involved.

Many experts recommend the following process for initiating breastfeeding. Immediately after birth, the baby is placed skin-to-skin on mom’s belly. To keep baby warm, make sure the room is quite warm, or he can be covered by a blanket, or a heat lamp can be used. It is best not to wash baby’s hands before doing this; if his hands smell like amniotic fluid, that helps him to recognize mom’s smell.

Baby is then allowed to nuzzle against mom; he may touch her belly and breasts, may sniff or lick or mouth at her skin. He may “crawl” and wiggle his way up to her breast on his own, eventually. If placed near her nipple, he may begin bobbing his head up and down, or turning his head from side to side. He may find the nipple on his own, then may latch onto the breast on his own. (More on self-attachment.)

Research indicates that it may take a baby up to 50 minutes to latch on his own, but if allowed to do so, generally will have a very good latch from then on, and generally mom will have less problem with sore nipples and other breastfeeding challenges. These mothers tend to breastfeed their babies longer than those who did not feed shortly after birth.

However, some babies do not latch on by themselves. If mom had pain medication during labor, self-attachment is less likely. If by 45 minutes or so after birth, the baby isn’t seeming interested in feeding, try expressing a little colostrum, and rubbing it on baby’s lips.

If by 50 minutes after birth baby has not yet latched on and nursed, then mom will want to follow the steps described under position and latch, to help her baby learn to nurse.


just nw after pop u nvr carry her? the nurse passedher to mea while thencarry out de. I m sooo wanna eat ler but they said no lunch. sob sob.

my ward neighbor discharge tdy so I m alone here. feel tired trying to take a short nap b4 they brg K here

Austin's Mummy

Allow me to chime in - if your baby is not suspected large for dates (unlike quite a few GD babies), then you may not need to induce. See below - the only reason for inducing is macrosomia (large baby):

Excerpts from: Gestational Diabetes: The Emperor Has No Clothes

by Henci Goer

Good medicine demands that diagnosis and treatment of any disease fulfill four criteria:

The condition has to pose a health risk;

Diagnosis must accurately distinguish between those who have the disease and those who don't;

Treatment should be effective; and

The benefits of diagnosis and treatment should outweigh the risks.

An entire medical industry has grown up around diagnosing and treating gestational diabetes (GD) in the belief that doing so prevents perinatal deaths, congenital anomalies, neonatal complications, macrosomic babies, and because of fetal macrosomia, birth injuries and excessive cesarean rates. However, diagnosis and treatment of gestational diabetes don't fulfill any of the above criteria.

To begin with, GD doesn't fit the definition of a disease. GD as a concept began in 1964 when O'Sullivan and Mahan performed a 100g 3- hour oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) on 752 pregnant women and tracked all women with at least two values above two standard deviations beyond the mean to see if hyperglycemic women were predisposed to develop diabetes down the road (O'Sullivan 1964). They were, leading the two researchers to conclude that the metabolic stress of pregnancy revealed a woman's "pre-diabetic status." This should not surprise anyone since overweight women are more likely to have hyperglycemia in pregnancy and to develop diabetes later in life.

… In addition, glucose level turned out to be a poor predictor of macrosomia. Other factors such as race, age, parity, sex, and especially maternal weight, far outweighed glucose intolerance in determining birth weight. Hunter and Keirse observed that GD mothers had a 3-fold risk of giving birth to a baby weighing over 4500 g compared with normoglycemic women. However, a woman weighing over 90 kg had a 26-fold risk of having a baby this heavy compared with normal weight women (Hunter and Keirse 1989). Oats and colleagues could not find a significant association between glucose levels and birth weight until birth weight exceeded the 90th percentile. Even then, 77 percent of women had normal glucose tolerance (Oats et al. 1980).

… Secondly, the OGTT, the standard diagnostic test, has many problems. A diagnostic test should be reproducible, its thresholds should be values at which morbidity either first appears or incidence greatly increases, and normal ranges should apply to the population undergoing testing. The OGTT is none of the above.

… A test with arbitrary diagnostic thresholds is akin to claiming that all people over six feet tall have a growth abnormality or all people with a cough and a fever have pneumonia. The authors of A GUIDE TO EFFECTIVE CARE IN PREGNANCY AND CHILDBIRTH relegate "screening for gestational diabetes" to "Forms of Care Unlikely to be Beneficial" (Enkin 1995).

… The main rationale for current GD management is to reduce the incidence of birth injuries and cesarean section by reducing the incidence of macrosomia. The goal of reducing birth weight raises philosophical problems. As with glucose values, doctors are defining deviation beyond an arbitrary point as inherently pathological. Moreover, can we justify manipulating the growth mechanism of a group of babies roughly 75 percent to 80 percent of whom will fall below the 90th percentile for weight if left alone?

Philosophical considerations aside, we have little evidence that GD management succeeds. As mentioned above, macrosomia associates with maternal weight, age, race, parity, and male fetus. Maternal overweight cannot be rectified during pregnancy; the rest cannot be altered at all. According to M.J. Stephenson, there have been only four randomized trials of diet or diet and insulin. All were flawed and taken together achieved a reduction in birth weight of 87 g, a benefit "of questionable clinical significance" (Stephenson 1993). A GUIDE TO EFFECTIVE CARE IN PREGNANCY AND CHILDBIRTH also lists insulin and diet therapy for GD under "Forms of Care Unlikely to be Beneficial."

… Still, midwives can winnow some grain from the chaff. Maternal weight has the strongest correlation with macrosomia rate; it makes sense to advise heavily overweight women to lose weight before becoming pregnant. Pregnancy makes extra demands on insulin production; to minimize the pressure, pregnant women should eat a diet low in simple sugars, high in complex carbohydrates and fiber, and moderate in fat. Moderate, regular exercise also improves glucose tolerance. Within the GD population lurk a few women who were either undiagnosed pregestational diabetics or who were tipped into true diabetes by the metabolic stress of pregnancy; a fasting glucose to screen for them might be prudent. And, of course, midwives already use strategies that help women minimize the likelihood of operative delivery or birth injury. Finally, to reduce the chance of neonatal hypoglycemia, the baby should be put to breast soon after the birth, especially if the baby is big, small, or the labor has been difficult.

hi mummies, sorry to disturb..

anyone interested in a set of 4 carter's baby softbook with teether at $33.94?

pls let me know via PM if interested by this friday, thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



Dunno leh... They said bath... Could b cleaning!???


Ya, I carry her in OT, but I'm wIting to carry her again in my ward n I can try latch... We aldy miss the golden period lor... Sianz...

My neighbour also discharge liao... Her gynae super nice n ON! Today only 2nd day leh, discharge liao...

Me wait till 2pm then can drink Milo... Look forward!!! I also hungry liao.....

Hihi... Just visited gynae this morn.. Will be gg to induce tml due to low amniotic fluid.. But my cervix not dilated yet though it's soft le.. Gotta see if my cervix will dilate after gynae breaks the water bag tml. If not, have to go for emergency c-sec.. Hope I can go natural.. -cross fingers-

Shice you are just like me... same scenario at first when gynae checked cervix soft however at night when nurse did VE check about 2-3cm dilated

Gynae putting you on drip after bursting the water bag?


my boi is back n his level still increasing i tink not norm liao the dr ask us rtn tml n check again if still increasing will need further testto see any blkage in his bowel system sigh~

now really worry cos hhe been pooin n peein regularly dunno y like tt...


dun worry talk to ur bb ask bb to cooperate..




dun worry i only latch on dunno how long cos bb kept in ICU for observation...

huh Piggy drink more milk also got problem?

me just finished the massage not long ago and was like shiok lor... lucky engorgement is not really there so not that painful...

now on the pump [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Piggy, Wat's his level now? My #1 also got jaundice for e whole mth le. I at poly now still waitin. I find poly v ks like to scare ppl leh.


his level is 253 now usu after a wk shd start to drop but his abit diff start to raise n usu by 2 wks shd drop n tml he is 2 wk old so the dr wan us to rtn tml if no drop den need to do further test... my #1 also have jaundice for almost a mth but at least got slowly drop but #2 like no drop at all[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]



Hi mummies,

Gave birth to my boy Zechariah at 1226pm natural with epi. He weighs 2.88kg. Can't remember length and head size. Totally forgot how to latch babies! And still suffering from nausesness.

Ladies, me was at gynae this morn. Bunny gal weighs 3.7kg. Fluid, etc no prob and cervix closed, high, firm. Gynae said can induce cos she's stil growing quite fast & if wait till end of wk, she shld hit 4kg which will b lagi challenging....

Admitting TMC tonite!


wat happens to didi? his jaundice level goin up? need to admit? u went poly to review? maybe shd go PD check again. last time my cousin one also like tat poly said very serious but when go PD still ok. dun worry he ll be fine


Congratz !!! which level r u? I m at 6


few of us at TMC too

jiayou!!! yr giant bunny ll be on yr arm soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]






no la cos my PD say usu day 5-7 is the peak n I did sum reading on my own also usu jaundice shd start to drop after 1-2 wk usu not more than 2 wk.. My boi tml 2 wk NGOs jaundice is still increasin tt y the dr say tml test again if no drop need further test.. If tml increase again I may admit him hope tml will drop.. The prob is we dunno if his jaundice gt increase over the wkend n now is consider drop...


ya lo dunno y Asian especially have this prob maybe it our diet also..


gd luck to u n smooth delivery [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrats to hippopolai and bbgoh! :D

Hippopolai, wow! so gd! Dr woody only has 1 patient (you) today...so he would be more relax and did a very good stitching.Btw, so fast can latch on bb? I remember that time when i csect...needed to wait for quite a while before my bb boy could latch on.


mopiko cannot lah.. that's for mosquito bites.. Hehe!! I would use the cream.. and then at night if I cannot sleep I would take piriton.. It helps to ease the itch and it's safe for pregnancy.. Sometimes if I super desperate, I would put an ice pack on the itchy parts including my belly and my baby will kick quite a bit!! Hehe!!


Maybe diet, maybe genetic make up.. it's just like how ang moh babies are more prone to other genetic disorders..God is fair one.. =)


Yes you must ask our gynae why he wants to induce since bb is of average size.. most of the time for GDM, if baby is big, they would actually c-sect cos very often when big babies come out naturally, they can suffer shoulder dislocation and other physical injuries..

Yolk sac,

GDM is a pretty serious condition.. and everybody in the medical field always pray that they (or their wives) don't get it.. Complications would not be seen during gestation (unless it is a big baby) and delivery but many years down the road..

Mothers with GDM will have a higher chance of getting type 2 diabetes in the future.. if the children of GDM is not on a good diet.. will be more predispose to metabolic disorders (diabetes, hypertension, the works) in the future when they are older..


Interesting. Quite scary as quite a few friends have GD. I've always thought I would get it but so far *touch wood* not yet.

But all that you've said doesn't affect induction right? I mean - once you have it, you have it and have to deal with the serious issues you listed, but it makes no difference for birth timing, as long as mummy is doing ok and baby is not too big? My point to Austin was that GD in itself doesn't necessitate induction.


Congrats!!! Post your birth story when you can [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hope the nausea settles down soon. Shld be better once you come off the epidural.


Wow, exciting! Good luck!

Hi Gerry,

Oh I see. What is piriton & where can I get it? The ice packs are going to help to ease the itch? I shall try tonight...haha.Thanks.

Yolk sac,

*touchwood* Usually mothers with GDM are already quite predisposed to diabetes as they could have lesser numbers insulin receptors etc.. of course sometimes overeating too much sugars can cause your body to go into overdrive..

But you no worries.. You are going to deliver liao.. recently I have been having this super sweet tooth and and hb got a little worried and told me to stop over doing it.. even in 2 weeks, apparantly I can still develop GDM or pre-eclampsia!! Sigh..

Actually, I remember my hb telling me that usually if glucose level is not managed properly, then must induce earlier.. if mummies sugar levels are managed properly, then can wait until term.. unless baby is super big.. then can induce early or do c-sect..

So long as baby is not too big and mummy is healthy, there shouldn't be a need to induce earlier.. maybe if it's overdue (but then there will be a whole new set of problems relating to late babies)

Must tell your friends who had GDM to keep a healthy and exercise more hor.. Increased activity, increased musculature will reduce the chance of getting diabetes later on in life.. =)



The ice pack numbs the itch!! haha!! You can get piriton from the pharmacy.. But I only take it at night cos it makes me feel drowsy..

