(2011/04) Apr 2011

ST: please tell me what your gynae says about cramping. i told mine that shouldn't it stop since my uterus has "grown" to its max? how come still cramping but he just said it was normal.

Jtho: yah i think so too.. about the movements. i really don;t remember at all about how uncomfortable the movements are for my #1. Now I know what Piggy means about baby moving so much in the last tri.



actually hor the professional CL wun be so restrictic 1 they will advice me but end of the day it up to us to follow anot..

N like wat Jtho mentioned to breastfeed we mus be hygiene mah..


thanks so far he is doing ok but it me reluctant to let go haha ..


i only get this cramping feeling after i try to chase my boy then think i over strained myself till the cramp was so painful i had to squat down for a while. after that on and off got this cramp..

ST: yah lor. my new maid is here~~ how? have you settled ur maid issue?

my maid is super free i can eat my floors soon. wahaha. I'm so stressed trying to find things for her to occupy her time with. Have started washing some clothes and towels [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rene: Thanks for your gynae's advice. I feel a little better. Just that its getting more frequent so a bit worried.

hahaha love you girls analogy of our ever squeezy womb. After 1 room flat is 1 room lor! that's how I feel now.

Pink: hang in there! we are almost reaching the finishing line.


I did have quite alot of mucus discharge last nite. seem is stretchy type. not smelly.

but i did have yeast infection before dunno whether is yeast infection or wat?

but now i m going to 32 wk only...cannot so early. and i had not pack hospital bag!


yup my maid was caught and will be jailed so now waiting for another maid..decided to try indo maid again *cross fingers*.

u try to have a schedule for her..can ask her to wash toilet, clean floor, kitchen everyday..ask her to cook for you..

st: icic, when is ur new one coming in? Mine can't speak English very well, so when I ask her questions she can't explain herself. Sianz, wanna peng san already. Yah we kind of have a schedule for her, but even after all the cleaning, it's not that much stuff to do, coz there are only 2 of us. And our place isn't huge.

Sookie: thanks! I am not suffering from cramps but I keep getting poked by Parsley. Last time used to be small small nudges right, now it's like she's poking her entire legs or arms or elbows into my body parts. Solid solid ones somemore not just those gentle poking. I wanna scream at her to STAY STILL!!!!!!!!

thks pink! How i feel the same as u too. I just vomitted in the toilet! Argghhh! There goes my breakfast n vit pills...... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] But feel better after the vomit. Poor bb got no nutrients again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Maybe it's the milk i took this morn.

elmo: poor thing lor. My standard routine now is to vomit once in the morning before breakfast and 2-3 times at night after dinner. I have to eat like a hamster for dinners if not everything will come out. Oh well.

I'm sensitive to milk as well, it will make me very bloated and sick so I haven't been taking any... Some friends recommend that I take Soy Milk maybe u can try. I hate the taste so I can't take it :p

I think nutrients wise- the baby will take whatever he/she needs from us lor. So don't worry he will still grow. Look at how big Parsley is now even though I have vomited 525 times since July 2010. Bahhh. I told hubby actually this 9 months is my slimming+ torture camp

Piggy, my side still ok... Can see all the teacher are well organized n they are quite cooperate... I think they are expecting my son early in the morning coz the moment we reached centre his class teacher aldy dashed out n start to talked to Terry n play with him... Lols... N I was busy with the handover coz I bring his medicine for them to feed him... Kekekeke... He cried for like 2 mins?? Then no sound liao... Think he adapt well... Till now teacher haven't call me ask me to fetch him back... Kekekeke...

Before I enrol him the principal aldy said it's better parent dun stay behind to 'acc' them, coz will prolong their adapting to new environment... I agree to her so I just left after I leave down all messages n I din hear Terry cry...

Once I step out from centre I also got the feeling want to bring home with me... Also reluctant to leave him there, lols... We learn to let go together ya! Jia you!!

Ah pink! Long time never see u! Today better bor??? Aiya.. If she free just educate her lor.. Now is her freedom time, once Parsley come out she will b busy Liao... If sh is those work fast type but if she do up to ur expectation, she deserve some 'her' time right!?

Rene, u haven't found IFC yet???

Welcome the year of the rabbit by encouraging them to save! This little rabbit will move it's ears each time u drop a coin into it!

We are the FIRST in SG to bring this environmental friendly product in!

What are they?

They are made of recycled paper and can be reused 100%.

Pls throw them in the recycling bin and it will be reborn as recycled paper again!


Children can raise their creativity and expression through the process when they assemble the savings bank and draw on it.



hippo: wow sounds like u won't have much problems with Terry adjusting to CC! =) Bravo!

It's really good training for them! Will be hard for you to leave him there the first time but when you see the things he learns from school and how independent he has become, you won't regret it! My niece was like that [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Er, currently my maid has free time from 7pm to 7am. Wahahah. We seldom eat dinners at home, and I don't wake up in the morning until 9+ almost 10. So even btw 7-10am I don't know what she's doing. And she has her lunch from 12-1pm. Some days in the afternoon I am out the whole afternoon, so I don't know what she's doing at home too. :p

My concern is that if she is too free now, the amount of work she is given will expand to become the number of hours she has. She can spend 5 hours ironing a few shirts and 2hrs to chop garlic the other day.........and I kid you not

I have low expectations to begin with... don't know how to train her also... I'm not fussy about most things...


after 1-bedroom flat, will be pigeon hole liao lor... like those in hong kong, pple only get a pigeon cage to sleep... hahaha...

after pigeon hole, baby will be able to upgrade to mansion again cos will be out of our tummy liao mah... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ha ha jtho....

Pink long time no see you.... Parsley cannot help it wor because she got not much space liao... dont blame her wor...

Cowgal I also have a lot of mucus and I think it will increase as we move towards the EDD


oh tt gd.. I am stayin there cos I wan to see how the teacher handle them.. Cos they stay in a room so I jus observe outside the room but they like nt v organise leh jus now acc them go playground like 2 teacher cannot handle 10 child tt y was thinking to look for another CC ..


ur maid from Philippine rite? Also poor English?


so how much u paying?

Sigh now at NUH cos of the maid the bill is pilling up v fast n dun understd y they charge her foreigner fee hope can discharge her n let her get treatment back home really can't afford her bill manz..

hee hee Vivi, you're always putting in good words for Parsley, so sweet of u[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Piggy: Seems like she can understand what I'm saying, but she can't express herself well lor. What to do. Good news is that she's not giving me any major problems, so still ok...

pink, i can take milk normally. Just that these few days.. dunno it's really food poisoining or wat. Vomit n no appetite to eat loh. Then yest stayed over at my mum's place.. she make milk in the morn.. i just drink lo. Who knows.. by the time i reach office.. i feel so sick liao.

Now just had noodle soup for lunch. Hope it'll stay in! Pink, just a few wks more. Hang on! The gd side is... you wont have to lose much weight when parsley's out! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

This pregnancy is really much harder than my #1. Maybe lack of sufficient rest + old liao also. Hai...

hippo, Terry is gd leh! Can adapt so well. It'll be a load off ur mind loh.

piggy, i tot u said u had insurance for ur maid?

Hi Mummies,

Kindly check do you think it is advisable to get second hand breast pump? Is there a concerns there in term of hygience purposes?

Back from lunch..

vivi, cowgal,

Ya discharge will get more as we are nearing EDD..

Bascially everything will get worse towards the end!! Sigh..

Mrs Chua,

Better go back home to rest..


Just tahan.. We are nearing the end.. Jia you!!


When you buy second hand, must make sure you change the parts.. like the funnel etc.. So basically, what you are buying is the pumping machine only.. So should be fine..


Tell me about it.. I really feel the next 10 weeks is going to be super long.. and I feel like I am already stretched to my limits!!


Ya my bb's head not down too and my gynae worry about my low placenta.. Apparently it is just touching the cervix.. but can still give birth naturally if baby is in the right position..


Is your bb's head down already? Mine still quite high, that's why she can tickle my ribs..


no sure leh..will be gg for check up this thur..but i can feel her kickks on top of my tummy..if i remember last time #1 not so soon i can feel the kicks on top leh..

mine already head down (31 weeks).. but not engaged... think they will still move around for the next few weeks...

Austin_luv_mommy: I think I can feel her hiccups is very close to my pelvic area but other JABBING movements are higher on my stomach lor... so her head is down

Gerry, low placenta still can natural birth meh? Tot bb will be blocked?

st, i'll be 32 wks this fri. u?

austin, based on where u feel bb's kicks loh.

pink, i also feel hiccups very near my v. but the kicks are mostly still at the sides. Sianz.


tt gd not so bad...


the insurance can only claim max 5k n not confirm we get to claim all.. N becos she holdin work permit the bill they charge is crazy alr 7k+ siao 1..

St ,

no cos tt day after I chosen a new maid we wanna book air tix n sent her home but she complaint pain so out of gdwill we bring her to see dr again n the dr say if can sent her to hosp get treated be4 we sent her home who knows so ex... Sigh..


ya lo v sian so many things I need to settle..



oh okok at least i know what to take note..

btw not sure if it's advisable to let her take Hep B jab even tou after the first check up she is ok hor

