(2011/04) Apr 2011

Piggy.. I told Mdm Ida's cousin the other time when I called her that i'll b already more than 32 weeks wyen she come for massage. But she say ok wor.. Duno leh... Think beta check with her again if nt later she come Liao say cannot massage, waste my time.. Mdm Emma still do massage after 32 weeks? U got pm me her contacts? Think u can check with ur gynae by then whether u need to induce lo.. If no, natural oso gd ah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs Chua,

ya Mdm Emma do beyond wk 32... alr PM u this morning... no la induce becos i dun wan to gave birth big bb.. actually to me natural or induce same both consider natural mah but induce i dun like is the waiting la so hope bb will come out himself at wk 37 on his own lo..

Happy vday to all mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] was out with hubby for a dinner, luckily we went early cos after we finish dinner, such a long outside each & every restaurant... Omg.. 

Littletwinstar & bbgoh.. My edd 29 mar den my boss wan me go earlier in case I go on early labour.. Anyway gd oso la cos now they freeze our leave so  give me some time to rest myself b4 baby born.. But I shall c how everything goes again.. I know waiting game is tough but giving me time relax oso gd right? Lolsz.. 

Lynn.. Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Piggy.. Thanks. Will call Mdm Emma to check. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Piggy.. Jus called Mdm Emma. Confirm massage this sat.. Yeah!!!

Btw.. She v prompt eith her reply unlike Mdm Ida's cousin. The other time I msg her, she no reply at all den I got to call & SMS her again to check den she confirm bk..

piggy.. yeah! hope after massage this sat, my body will feel more relaxed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] btw, u know how much Mdm Emma charge for her post natal massage?? if she is gd, think gonna engage her for my post natal massgae.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


huh alamak... nvm if he away maybe u check with Anne if ok tt u took a slot on another day? my #1 i also took alone bobian but i wan sumthing for keepsake haha...

Good morning mummies!!!!!

Piggy, Terry is in his CC now! Hope he adapting well... N I no need to fetch him home halfway... He still coughing n abit running nose, diarrhea no more... Abit weird lor... Last week diarrhea 2-3 time then no more this week come back but then also like 6-8hrs once... Also 2 times only...

I also do confinement for 28days... Then will con't to endure from drinking cold water till 40days... Actually the 28days is not included the day we stay in hosp mah... So most of us do confinement like 30days? Coz in hospital also confinement food n no bath no cold water... Lols...

Piggy.. Wat charcoal healing?? Hm.. I heard if baby jaundice, cannot Do baby massage, is that true? Btw, do we need to prepare anything for the massage? Was telling hubby abt the massage ytd night, he was like u can lie on ur tummy for the massage meh? Lols

Looking thr the part u all talking bat confinement.. I hope weather can b cooling since now the weather already go hay wire.. Like dec, suppose to rain but was super hot at times.. Odo heard from friends that time crawl v slowly during this period, maybe becos we are struck @ Hm, cannot go anywhere ba.. If can go out, still nt so bad.. One of colleague went out during her confinment like going for dental, shopping every alternate days& even coming bk office to pay us a visit..  So nice but I doubt my mummy will allow since she helping me do confinement this time.. 

Confinment still got split according to how many days one ah? I thought if give birth on 12 den next mth 12 will end confinment, which mean ard 30days??? 

Oh ya today weather super hot too.. Den train so crowded, I can't even walk over when someone offe me seat.. Even seated, I felt like gonna faint, too stuffy in the train.. Omg.. Hope later will rain to cool this weather down alittle [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello good morning everyone...

Didnt sleep well last night woke up at 2am and then cant sleep till 4am. Gosh .... now a zombie.

Luckily today half day because going to see how Bunny Gal progresses ... Hope I didnt gained too much weight.

Morning ladies,

Hehe... all this talk abt confinement is so interesting! Esp all the detailed calculation of no. of days!! I guess there's no CORRECT method la. Just go along with wat your CL says if u engaged 1 or yr own mom.

I think apart from the arguable/ debatable practices on not bathing, not drinking plain water, bathing with boiled water, etc... The most impt pt is to get sufficient rest cos it was a MAJOR EXERCISE for the past 9 mths after all...

For those who not intending to or will accidentally not follow the practices thoroughly, don't be overly worried also. Most people survive just fine after that also. Guess alot of it depends on your own 体质. It's funny but this TCM doc at 中华医院 that i visited before said TCM does not stipulate confinement practices. It is more of a traditional practice that was passed down in the 民间 that people followed in ancient China. He said SG weather is very different and our current diet is very different too so some practices may in fact, not be very good for some people to follow.

Take me for eg, my 体质 is 陰虚 which means my body is naturally heaty. So if I were to follow full confinement practices like taking very heaty food (sesame oil with chicken & DOM) and only drinking logan/ red dates water, my body will literally burn up and be overly heaty.

So my advice is, perhaps if you're really interested in confinement and this' your 1st time, better to do it right by seeking a TCM doc regarding your 体质 since most people believe that confinement will affect your health in the long run.

Vivi: I'm sure bunny's growing well! Hopefully not too well over the CNY! Hehehe... I think most mommies more or less put on extra la... Pineapple tarts, bak kwa, etc...

G'morning ladies,

Last night I didn't sleep well either.. Got a blocked leaky nose and I have to wake up to check on my girl too.. Sigh.. I think both mommy and daughter sick..


Never mind, today half day and can see your little angel.. =)

My friend who is about 26 weeks pregnant in NZ was telling me that she has only done ultrasound twice.. the rest of the checking was done using doppler and measuring the stomach.. Wah!! I think I would feel quite sad/worried if I don't get to see my baby every month!! Hehe!!

I did not do confinement for the last pregnancy.. My mom and MIL also did not do for all their children.. And we are all healthy and fine.. =)Most importantly is to eat healthily..


i am here..ya staying at SK..it will still be my mum and mil taking care both #1 and #2..and getting a maid too..

Morning ladies ..

Hippopolai ,

I also at CC now u nt goin to acc Terry there today? How's ur. CC? The 1 I go 7-9 v chaotic wor but when lesson start at 9pm it more organise is it the same with ur side?

Kind of reluctant to put him in CC now wor...

Mrs chua,

oh they gt a charcoal healin method wher it helps to tighten n Heal the wound faster..


take care ya..

Gerry: Take care ah, quite common for preggies to have blocked nose due to active mucus glands.

ST: u're so lucky... can i 'tompang' my gal wif u? Hehehe....

hello mummies..

I finally got some time to come here todae..omg..i'm so tired...

going for gynae visit this sat...do u think i can ask her to gif me mc for next week?

i am so so so so tired...super sianz leh...

abit hating my job now.

Morning mummies,

Today is such a horrible day for me.. I suddenly am feeling the full effects of the 3rd trimester. Back is BREAKINGGGGGGGGGGGG even though I slept early at around 10plus and my stomach is having so much cramps. Even my colleague said I look a bit off today. Sometimes is because of baby moving but sometimes.. just don’t know what is it. Good thing is cramping without Braxton hicks or it will be contractions but don’t know why so much cramps. Doc did say its normal but.. don’t know leh.. just can’t put a finger to it. Suddenly I also feel like I am walking way much slower.. like a granny like that. Weekend I was ok. Today suddenly like so tough to move around. Think I better start preparing my handover list.

I admire you girls who are going through the full confinement. I did not do fully for my first 1. I cannot imagine not bathing! Yesterday staying at home was so HOT. I had to turn on the aircon.. cannot imagine going through the full confinement. But Rene is right. Its to each its own. Do what is most comfortable to you girls.

i'm back to work today...even though i still got 1 day mc. Shd have just stayed at home lah. Now i feel like vomitting again. Think lack of zz this time.. My boy was coughing the whole nite... yest vomitted some also. He already lost 0.7 kg. Hai... I feel so blue.

And i'm so angry! Just realise i got cheated 2.5 days of my AL! My hr din caculate properly.. then keep asking me to clear my leave last yr.. Then i anyhow take for fun. Then now then realise she go n add on my leave taken from dunno where... she miscalculated n still ask me to clear my last yr leave loh! Hummpf!


even I do a 1 mth confinement my CL encourage me to bath n on aircon leh she say this is sg too hot to do the traditional 1...

Ha ha thanks Rene, Tweety and Gerry... me hoiping I wont gained too much weight.... hope I can see my bunny gal's face. She has been hiding all this while.

I think for confinement with such a hot weather, it is hard not to bath. Somemore I believe in hygiene when you handle the baby le

piggy: really? cool! cause for me, my maid took care of the newborn and my mom cooked. I only bathe with the herbs so no CL to guide me through. anyway, i doubt i will be so "guai" to listen to the CL all the time! hee

Vivi: hope you have a good visual of your bunny gal. yesterday, mine was hiding behind his hands all the time so did not get a good visual.

wah every time he moves.. i can feel the baby! think my womb is getting a bit small liao.

hi ladies!

no lah, for our local climate, even when doing confinement, must still bathe la... if not how to bfeed baby? the milk will be salty salty... hahaha... hygiene is most important when we handle newborns especially!

Sookie I think nowadays the concept for CL is that she can advise you but up to you to follow or not. I dont think CL will force you...

Yeah hope I can see her little face...

elmo: Based on your work location, i'm assuming it's a big enough co. If HR dept makes a mistake like that, they should bear responsibility. Make enough noise (if u're angry enuf & not too concerned abt any 'bad' feelings) to HR Management lo.


think all of us are feeling a lot of movements now cos really very limited space for our lil one to move inside...

St yesterday night I also have some cramps....

Yup jtho strong movements... My hubby says that is because now bungalow become condo liao for our baby

Thanks ladies.. Ya drinking lots of fluids.. Don't want to full superly sick if not very hard to take care of my girl..


Me too.. Yesterday night, my baby kept tickling my ribs... Super funny.. I feel like I have no space left.. Now siting, also must sit upright, if not very uncomfortable or if not baby will kick like as if not happy!!


Ya must bathe.. But will still surely sweat.. Last time, everytime bf, Lisa and I will sure sweat buckets!!

tweety, hard to rest at home when my boy is sick also lah. My hb, my mum and jr are all coughing v badly. Every nite i have to listen to all the coughing sounds while zzing.. plus big tummy toss n turn, and bb inside kicking.. really zz till v tortourous! How i wish i can zz without hearing all the coughs soon!

Rene, cant ah. My coy is tiny.. less than 10 ppl only. HR is only 1 person... cum finance cum secretary cum everything. So i dun wanna have any bad feelings with her too. This time can only trust my own leave records loh.. I'll start recording everything clearly myself from this yr onwards! Hummpf!

morning mummies!

been busy and sick (nauseous+ vomiting) so didn't log in.

elmo u sick? poor thing! hope u get well soon *hugs*

piggy: hope Kyler is adjusting well to CC!

wahaha.. 1 rm flat. U gals are funny. But that's really how we are now. I feel like everything is squashed till i'm so umcomfy!

I hate to vomit ah.. everytime it takes a few days for me to regain my appetite. Now i still feel like shit. Like food stuck in my throat wanna come out like tt. Can we still drink ginger tea now har? I still drinking le.


st & sookie: from what my gynae advised, all these cramps are very NORMAL & in fact he pre-empted me that it can get very bad. His advise is that as long as:

- no blood

- no water leaking

- no heavy mucus flow

- no consistent severe cramping which repeats after 10 mins or so

He did ask me to expect the hips and back to ache due to opening up of the pelvic bone to prepare for the delivery. Severity depends on individual.

