(2011/04) Apr 2011

sookie: great great!!! heehee.. i also dunno how many kgs i have gained from CNY... hopefully not too much.. although dr tham allowed me to eat CNY goodies but if gained too much, sure kena nag from him.. haahaa....

rene: better go see a dr...

elmo: dun bother abt him la.. like i always say lor.. who loves to fall sick?? some ppl just dun think before they speak..


Jus had a discussion with my boss.. My ML will tentatively will start from 19th Mar to 12th June.. 3mths.. Now other than countdown to baby's arrival, I'm counting down to the start of my ML ;)

Mrs Chua,

wah 1 more mth it ur ML[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


if Terry still sick u still bringing him to CC tml?? i tink u better bring to see a better dr la.. no pt seein 1 u dun tink he is gd n have to keep goin back will spend more $$ leh..


wah gd leh... for the past 2 wk i gain only 700g after heavy BF n lunch.. so total gain for the whole mth abt 1.7kg[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but at least not 2kg n above[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs Chua: wah u start ur ML so early? waiting @ hme 4 delivery like sound more scary leh...

Now weather turn so hot liao, scare April hw 2 survive our confinement leh...hopefuli by then weather change again..more cooling [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Little Twin Star,

in Sg it will be hot no matter which mth u do ur confinement 1... tt time i did mine in Aug also hot like dunno wat summore with the confinement food which make things worse..

hi ladies

Happ Vday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yah loh somemore is during qing ming sure very hot one

Mrs Chua

so early start yr ML? when is yr EDD?

my ML ll be from 1st April till 22 July take all the 16weeks

Little Twin Star,

I did my confinement in Dec.. And still hot!! haha!! Plus I never eat confinement food.. Everytime, breastfeed my baby, sure sweat one..




Ya my girl had fever yesterday and now I am coughing non-stop.. Throat super itchy.. Xian..


i tell u durin confinement after i bath immediately i sweat again lo..

cos alr hot den the confinement food all v heaty 1... tt y i hate confinement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ha ha I cant comment on the confinement part but I self console myself that April got Qing Ming hope will rain a bit and hopefully much more cooler wa ha ha

For mine when I booked my CL yesterday the coordinator says it is 28 days ... some will extend another 14 days more so for c sect mummies.


thanks.. btw usu for vitacost u go via vpost or they allow DHL?? cos after the discount from iherbs it abt the same price jus tt fot shipping they allow via DHL so cheaper than vpost...


std is actually 40days but cos usu CL only engage for 28days so we do 28days some will continue on their own till 40days.. some do 100days like Zoe Tay..

Ha ha Piggy 28 days is considered a feat liao let alone 40 or 100 days ....

I finally made the deposit for the CL liao, she said luckily we called her or else once they reached a timeline they will not take April mummies liao

Hi piggytoh,

i dun send by DHL or vpost cos i normally buy a lot when my hubby go to US. So i will stock up with kids vitamins, cod liver oil and vitamin gummy bear to get free delivery within US.

Huh Piggy no cold drinks for 40 days I 1 day already cannot tahan liao .... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


icic lucky u..


bobian leh.. cos confinement no cold drink 1.. tt y i hate it lo.. my friend dun listen drink cold as usu end up really a big diff.. anyway we engage CL becos we wan a proper confinement mah so endure bah..


actually even durin Confinement sumtime i will sneak out to Jurong pt to shop for some grocery haha as long as u r covered ok la... anyway if bb kena jaundice also mus go polyclinic mah so no diff haha..

Hmm now you say for 40 days no cold drinks I think I better endure or else when ttcing for #2 I dont want any problems hee hee ...

Happy V-day mummies!!!!

Super blue Monday for me. Feelin pissed off wif work. Feel like screaming out loud.

I think hormones acting up again juz wanna burst out in tears.


vivi, cos is closing month.. so sad.. my sis nvr told me anything.. What happened? she only told me u dun look pregnant when I saw her at CNY. hehe.


huh ur boss dun approve ah but last min nanny wait she dunno ur son pattern also headache..


aiyo wats wrong? dun sad dun sad come vent it out here..

btw i try to brew the tea bag 2nd time like v v diluted leh dunno got effect anot also..

Hmm Andrea it is very hard to find someone who can adhoc babysit your child for that 3 days leh... hubby can take leave to help? Moreover you wont know able to trust the nanny or not....

No la your sis seems to be very quiet at work so dont know if she is happy at work or not. She somehow dont seem happy to me leh...

Ha I dont look pregnant, because I tucked my tummy under the desk liao so cannot see ha ha

piggy, ya.. I headache now.. if really no choice I will leave him at agape cos they have emgency care services.. ur son cc have this type of service?

vivi, hubby is flying to Bangladesh... she not happy with u meh, no la.. u think too much le.. I sometimes talk to her, she answer me back one or two words.. tht's y all sis, she give me headache only.. y u tucked under the desk.. Kelvin they all know u r pregnant?

ha ha they know la so big tummy how can not know?

NO la your sis sometimes like got questions like dont dare to ask ..... that is why I was a bit concerned. Just pretend you dont know much wait she say I said something bad about her.

Wow parents cannot help? then all this while who is helping you to take care of your #1?


i tink u go agape better cos even if u find nanny only 3 days may charge u v ex also...

which CC u goin to enrol ur son??


ya ur tummy quite obvious mah.. maybe Andrea sis din notice la.. cos like me i was sitted most of the time n only recently the courier guy who always pick up doc from me notice my tummy n was so shock lol~

vivi, sometimes she replied me back I wonder she got think one or not.. ok.. my mum working.. all this while is mil, mil going to China cos SIL is China, she need to visit her relatives.

piggy, his CC is agape. hehe. Agape will charge me $100 per day cos he is still not their student. My one day salary not even $100 wor.


wah so ex ah... but if bobian also cant be help la.. oh so u manage to get a slot finally ... how much u payin monthly???

piggy, ya, the $ spent like not worth it. I manage to get a slot earliest on Apr. Every month $600. Registration tht day, I brought him to the centre, he like love the enviroment, doesnt wan to go home.. at home, he wanted to bring the school uniform already..

piggy, urs is $700 before subsidy? Mine is $600 after subsidy.. I save on transportation hassle.. it is below my mil block and 2 blocks away from my block.. hehe

piggy, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] my husband only wan him to be in tht childcare. ur boi going which CC?


i goin to sent him to YWCA.. dunno gd anot also.. gotta let him go n try... i like there cos for their age group at least they got a room for them alot i saw all the age group in 1 room jus tt they got diff area for diff age group..

