(2011/04) Apr 2011

morning ladies...


no i din bring hin too CC today no pt cos i dun like liao bring him therei gotta pay reg fee etc .... hmm now under waiting list in My First Skool near Pioneer Mrt v nice sch wor n the whole classroom all their age group so better hope got space soon lo... but Terry sick not so nice to bring him to CC rite?

Twin star,

i din shave my boi on 1stmth no time anyway norm salon can shave cos i also bring my boi to Hwa xia shave tt time i find ex n the skill of the person cmi.... but no need shave eye brow la cos their eye brow can barely see when newborn leh..



maybe that time u check not so fast know she preg..better check again but then hor..if can better see her when she pee leh cos u never know what she will do leh...


the first CC u went need to pay anything or they give ur trial?

G'morning ladies,

Yeah!It's mid week liao.. Always looking forward to the weekend.. =)


Oh! Now your boy going back to in laws place.. when will you be able to confirm the My first skool? I heard it's quite popular..


Usually children like that.. First day like very easy cos new mah... then after that, the child will realise that mommy not around and start crying..


I really hope it moves up cos the dr thinks it's the low placenta that is not making my bb turn.. and plus I really want to give birth naturally..


Don't worry.. The water retention actually goes away within the first few days after delivery.. And you can wear back your ring.. I can't wear my watch either.. Hehe!!


actually was suppose to goon 2 wk trial but needto pay la but hor the they gt miscommunication din even know i goin bth..

so to be fair i pay them for adhoc half day care lo heng only $21.40...


dunno leh i spoke to the principal yesterday a v nice lady.. she say she try to see wat she can do.. but she did mentioned Mar alr full[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but it a new sch n their curriculum includes part of montessori approach whihc i find quite gd n best is v cheap haha..

heng i still got mil as back up the only prob is if we discharge the maid i wun bring my boi over den will have prob lo...

good morning mummies


tats horrible ler.. did u check with mom any other solutions? its unfair to u

u sent yr boy to CC alrdy? he dun like?


1st few days they sure cry one, once we left, they jiu wont cry & play with other kids le

hope he adapt well soon


if you have pump, better brg it for me, my girl had latching problem so i use the pump to stimulate BM & 2nd day my supply jiu got a lot even got engorgement i gotta pump every 2hrs

i used the sterilize tablet put in a container


hope yr maid just getting fat not preggie


wedding band not fit anymore its normal, after give birth jiu hao le


i dun tink MOM can help cos they r the 1 who remove the subsidise of maid.. n their webbie say as long under work permit employer mus bear[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

he is adapting well to the CC but it was me who dun like cos the CC not v well organise..


i see

then u see if MP can help, if not really headache & not a small amount ler

yah a good CC is very important, hope the 1st school have slot for u soon


Oh ya.. Recently in the newspaper, there was a maid who mysteriously died (she was diagnosed with TB).. She was staying in a hostel run by some lady trying to help out FDW.. Can't remember the name of the hostel but maybe you can check out the newspaper.. I think it was over the weekend.. Even if pay, maybe cheaper than hospital..


Yest bring my boy to see doc again. Still coughing like mad and vomitting. Hai..

Gerry, oh luckily placenta din cover cervix! Hope our bbs will guai guai head down soon!

littletwinstar, i shave bb's hair at 4mths. Go normal salon. Din shave eye brows cos i think it'll look funny leh! Anyway my boys shd all have think eye brows i hope.. cos my eye brow n hb's also thick. :p

vivi, it's normal lah. After pop will be able to squeeze in ur wedding band le. I last time also like tt.

hippo, ur Terry really v gd already. U shd have seen mine last time. Think he'll do well v fast. No worries!


i dun tink can cos tt time we ask them they say contagious so cannot wor...


dunno now we r exploring diff option lo...sianz...


now the principal say it best we make up our mind so unless i wan to confirm if not no pt go for trial...

Morning mummies.. On mc today. Down with high fever ytd night den now feeling body v weak & giddy.. Seen the doc but no med to eat.. So sianz... All becos of the nurse!

hi mummies,

really long time didnt come in n chat wit u all! how r u all getting on? i'm getting abit stressed up recently. my gal beginning to get very grouchy. kep t on want me 2 carry her whenever she saw me. my mum said it's very common. as she knew didi coming out soon. thus, they r "fighting" now. she used to be enjoy sch alot n dnt cry during lesson etc. but teacher feedback to me tat recently she tends 2 look 4 me etc n will not sit or listen 2 e teacher. but e teacher said she doesn't wan 2 scold her a lot as she knew tat toddler wit mummy preg will tends 2 behave like tat. i also felt so heartpain tat i cant carry her so much. n she cried whenever i dnt carry her. she will do sometink 2 attract my attention like taking the drapolene cream n squeeze out the cream etc. then e daddy will come n take cane n beat her. last nite just had a quarrel wit my hubby over my gal as he caned her again. he said he teach or i teach. but i was only trying 2 reason wit my hubby n explained 2 him tat our gal is now more mischevious caused she wan attention etc as she knew tat didi is coming out. he just dnt listen n we quarrelled in e end. haiya. i really hoped baby come out soon. sori mummies 4 my long post.

by e way, last wk i went for my 31 wks check up. My gynae mentioned tat my boi abt 2kg. gynae mentioned tat he's bigger than average. but i got a feeling tat didi might not be as big as my gal. haha.

Hai... my boy cough till vomit again. I am so heartpained to see him like tt! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Mrs Chua, take care! Ya y no med?

Sharlin, it's normal to feel like tt. I also get v pek chek when my hb tries to discipline my boy. But most times i still let him lah.. cos really gotta discipline. Maybe try sayang ur gal more? How old is she? Tell her that even when bb come out.. she'll still be ur most beloved? I told my boy tt.. but he's 3+yrs now already lah.. so can understand le. He pretty bochap his didi for now. Think come out sure will be jealous.. but we'll just see how it goes la. We bought a present for him from 'didi' when he's out. Havent wrap it yet.. will bring to hosp to give to him.


oh dear..now really headache leh..

Mrs Chua

high fever better take med..what's wrong with the nurse


long time never hear from you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my boy not sticky to me leh..in fact he is very sticky to his dad..


ur boy cough got phlegm de?? if have the phlegm will also come out with the vomit will heal faster but then when they vomit they very xin ku

Me back...

Ha ha I am relieved to hear that swollen fingers not permanent or else cant wear my ring .... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


my boi too v sticky to daddy sumtime I even feel jealous..


it jus a phase like Elmo sumtime when my hb beat my boi I dun like it but sumhow need to discipline Lo cos they still young sumtime reason with them also dun understd so my hb will raise his voice if no use will beat him to tell him no n in a way it works..


I notice when my boi cough he will become better after he vomit out leh did dr gave ventolin?

I tink ur boi cough is bad now so Chinese medi dun work Liao usu at v early stage u gave den work 1..

Mrs chua ,

aiyo take care ah..

st, ya got phlegm. The problem is.. he cough till he dun wanna eat. When finally managed to coax some milk in.. after awhile he cough till everything come out again. He's 5 meals a day already become like 2 meals a day after the vomit liao. Like a skeleton now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

piggy, what's ventolin for? I brought him to GP only.. so only give the normal dark brown colour cough syrup.. looks the same as wat adults eat. Hai.. now i so helpless.. can only wait for him to recover. Dunno when. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


u got dilute his milk powder..and try to let him drink in a higher position..and can't eat chicken and fish and egg...

Hello mummies... Finished my checkup Le.. Bb is abt 1.9kg now.. Dr say a bit big leh... And the weird thing, I've lost weight.. Didn't managed to get a nice picture of jerrell today cause he's playing hide and seek with us.. Can Only see his mouth opening and closing.. Haahaa

st & piggy

i tink my gal is very close 2 me ever since she's born. as my hubby doesn't need 2 wash her/clean her/make milk for her etc. all done by myself. thus, maybe tat's e reason she's so sticky 2 me ba. 4 her daddy, she will play wit him only lah. hmmm, i do understand my gal is now at terrible 2 stage. but i just dnt wan my hubby 2 use e cane almost everyday as i scared she might tink tat we dnt love her anymore as didi is coming. but sometimes guys tinking n gals tinking really very far apart. my gal is those stubborn character. u gonna use soft approach wit her n it will works better. as i felt tat if everytime use cane, it will not works well.


ventolin is actually of steriod content. u can try buying chlormine n fluimicil frm pharmacy. I use tat on my gal n it works. fluimicil can helps 2 get rid of e phelgm. but it's a sachet type. thus, maybe u gonna mix e content into e milk together for ur boi 2 drink it.


my gal is coming 2yrs old. i tried telling her tat she gonna be a gd gal as he's going 2 be a jie jie. n she said yes. but after a while, she will be up 2 mischief or cry n ask me carry again. i tried carrying her for abt 1 min n put her down n tell her mummy cant carry her too long. she wants me 2 carry her standing up n cant sit down. i had also bought a present (lego) for her. but dnt tink i will wrap it. hehe. will just give it 2 her when i deliver. but e box is so big tat it's taking up too much my bag space. tinking of giving her earlier lei.


oh maybe ur boi bigger so no gave ...


sorry abit busy so forgot to updates u gals.. Have ordered from iherbs cos cheaper than vitacost n will arrive in a wk time will email u gals the breakdown this 2 days..


wah gd leh.. I gain 7kg le[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

our BB abt same size wor my gynae say consider average leh but to me big la..

Wat piss me off is the nurse at the clinic ytd. when I was there, the nurse was busy playing her iPhone, I called out to her excuse me twice but no respond so the third time, I called abit louder. Den her action is like I stop her frm playing, those unhappy face. Took my company's card for register, scan den throw the card to me.. Take temp oso like no take cos the kind of thermometer she used is infra red, measuring forehead kind, place it in my forehead den jus throw the thermometer back to the tray, seem no look @ result den state no fever in my medical card. At that moment, I can feel my body is burning hot.. Den when doc see me, I told her I feeling feverish, giddy & wanted to vomit. Den doc say, u gt no fever ah.. Giddy & nausea is common during pregnancy ESP now u in so advanced stage of pregnancy. I told her, I know I'm having fever but ur nurse no measure properly. I even told her Wat her nurse did but she say, I can't give u any med cos u pregnant now. So if u gt fever, sponge urself or bath & take temp urself will do.. So in the end, no med given lo.. I come bk, hubby measure for me.. 38.7! He say like that call no fever??? Wat the hell lo...


actually my boi was solely under my care till 7/8mth old leh maybe he is boi so he enjoy playin with my hb he will look for me still but can tell he look for my HB more..

Ya I can understd tink cane everyday abit too much la..

My friend gal at 5 also initially v resist her SIS n will pinch n beat her when no 1 ard tink it will take a while la..

Good Morning all mummies.

Mrs chua,

Please take care as fever is not good for pregnant lady. Btw, how come no med? should have some whereby pregnant can take.. if no med, how to keep the temp. down?

With regards to the thermometer, will check with rach and see what she said. when are you collecting the goods from her? Is there any warranty for the thermometer?

Do you have any idea does rach sell the lose equipment for medela breast pump (e.g. milk bottle, funnel and etc)

Rene - take care and hope that your toe is healing fast. As for the x-ray, better check with gynae before doing it.

Notice that all of your gals are toking about confinement and stem cord. Actually my hubby wanted to donate to public bank (coz private very expensive) whilst people also encourage us to save it with private bank. so very hard to decide but i think my hubby desire to donate to public bank is there. Just want to do a quick survey here (who opt for public and who opt for private) and also get some advise here on the above.

ST - ya.. some ppl do confinement until 45 days

sookie - did your Dr said why 1/4 chance you can't use ur #1 for #2?


Mdm Mas also no charcoal healing, just fat burning cream and binding. Didn't check with her on baby massage. Btw, Mdm Mas and Mdm Ida does not work as a team now. That time u tried Mdm Ida is it? For all these massage at home, we usually have to prepare mattress and towel for them is it?

Experienced mummies,

can someone share with me what are the list of things that we need to purchase for our baby for the 1st month? coz maybe i'm first time mum, a bit gan cheong, seems like a lot of things not prepared yet or buy yet and left with only 8-9 weeks.

2nd hand breast pump - my uncle passed me the breast pump and i notice that all the bottle and things inside had turned yellowish. so is better for me to get new set to replace those that turn yellowish?


I'm also in this situation! My hubby recently "discipline" my girl a lot cos she's being super irritating & naughty.. DH also same thinking as yours.. I also quarrel with him many times over this.. Then I told him, if he don't start enticing our #1 to stick to him, he take care of #2 when both kids at home next time cos i can't & won't take care of #2 when #1 cling like koala bear to me.. Then he do nothing? Fat hope man! Lol.. So now, he start bonding with #1 instead of "pushing her away with beating".. Cos he prefers me to take care of newborn.. Lol!

Fungfung: I'm definitely NOT getting the x-ray. I'd rather have an ugly twisted toe than have any risk to baby... =)

Oh if u're taking 2nd hand breast pump, wat brand is it? U must change away all parts that have contact with the breast milk such as tubes, breastshield, connector etc. Maybe u can share with us wat brand u got then we can tell u more!


also cos now they are in their Terrible 2 stage..cos very jialat too


ya better buy new sets to replace..BP selling and spree also selling u can take a look

rene - my uncle passed me two type:

Hand type one is chiccgo (don't remember the exact spelling)

electric one is medela breast pump

Hi Mummies,

Kindly check you girls feel breathless these few days? is it normal?

Its really not easy for mummies to has toddler while pregnant. Jiayou to alls! we are coming to the end soon....

Weather is very bad recently..drink more h20 or herbal drinks like barley, Ju hua to cool down our body...


I also still have to carry my girl..Same age as yours. Always want me to carry but I see her also poor thing.. So will still carry her around.. No lah the present should be given when your #2 is around.. My girl also can be naughty.. When she gets angry, she would hit me.. Then the daddy would smack her and if she persist, the cane comes out but we just use it to threaten..and maybe a light hit. They still need to be disciplined I think. Cannot excuse bad behaviour regardless of situation..


Wah so shiok.. Weight loss.. But usually 3rd trim, mothers might lose weight one.. But your tummy already so small.. Hehe!!


7kg ok lah.. Plus you have only another 5+weeks to go?

Mrs Chua

My hubby also kena fever a few days back, as I was around with the doctor, the doctor advised him to wear a mask to prevent any spreading to me just in case, doc also said that if really touchwood I got the fever as well, my choice of medication for the fever is only limited to pain killers or pandadol only...doctors are scared to prescribe medicine at this stage coz of the baby ba...

Meanwhile, take care!


The uterus is squashing everything including your lungs.. So yes normal to feel breathless.. Some mothers say if you arch backwards a little, can help to open the airways and let you breathe better..


Fung.. She told me goods coming in ard 3 weeks time so by then she will inform us den arrange to collect from her.. As it is imported from us so no warranty de.. But so far alot of mummies say no prob with it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

As for the loose items I think she do cos read from mar'11 forum some mummies did ask her & she gotten it from us too

Do you have any idea does rach sell the lose equipment for them & is cheaper.. Maybe u csn check w her?

Btw, any mummies where I can get the breast shield for breast feeding? I wanted go get the kind like shawl which can cover everything one.. Any recommrndatuins???

