(2011/04) Apr 2011


hmm which means if u order and leng leng order it's abt the same? GST come out to be a lot??

pai say huh..


u can come in during lunch to check out the post

ya try... heehee gota finish mine in the morning her in the noon... lunch time normally not at my desk.... at nite... heehee i slept as early as 10.30pm uncontrollably... heehee

Tweety msn mi then i realise oops... i missed out alot in the forum [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Will try to come in when free heehee hopefully mon they got blues... dun come disturb mi...

ST the brush so ex but only for keepsake, I dont think I will do it because the $ can buy useful stuff like pump or some other things. I am a practical mum... Think hubby will also disallow that.

Just now I am so furious. MOM called me and told me that my ex employer has again rescheduled the timing of the meet up to 2 December. I told the officer that how come it has been getting later and later? This officer makes me mad she told me that it is because I told her I cant make it on 29/11 therefore they have to postpone. But the thing is that I only cant make it once versus my ex company who had postponed the meeting twice.

And when I asked her to check on my pay that they have owed me, this is another pending thing that they have yet to revert.

Well it is ok you can play the delay tactic and I feel the officer at MOM also cannot make it like siding my ex company. Well leave me to no choice, I have to seek MP's help next Tuesday then. Dont blame me because I have given enough chance.

The more I thought about it the more furious I am.


ya same cos we both order from same webbie n usin vpost. GST is 7%. you can refer to my cost breakdown for better picture. the only diff is her pick up is east side mine is west if we got meetup n pass also..

Depend on the rate charge to Credit card:

Est. Cost (Est Exchange rate: 1.31)

Medela Freestyle: USD 299 x 1.31 = SGD$391.69

Est Shipping + GST(if got 4 set): $70

Est total: $461.69


paiseh...we din shave just cut abit as a symbol of custom.

Re: PISA and freestyle

i got from leng leng during #1. no prob and she is a reliable spreeier.

Piggy... u can ask for courier if u order from leng leng...think extra $7.


ya but tt is additional $7 it abt the same if i only order only 1 set so no point.. will see how it goes.. ya i agree she is reliable so i encourage the gals to buy from her as well esp if they stayin in the east[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


be cool.. tt mom officer i tink cmi.. jus go to MP n seek help..


envy u gals can msn durin office hr my current co cant msn at all-_- sianz..

Tweety I know lor but then when I think about it my blood boil.....

now only resort is to count on the MP and hope she dont fail me.

Yeah Piggy after what she says affirms my thoughts about this MOM officer.

ST oh I see but still hor I dont think I want to spend $ for some kind of brush.

piggy: ebuddy also cannot?? mine because office needs msn to liaise with overseas customers ma.. hehee.. =P

vivi: hugz.. =) jia you!!! dun get angry over such ppl.. not worth it... maybe like what piggy says... go to MP for help... sometimes maybe they drag time to make u give up on the matter...

Hihi mummies,

RE:Breast pump

I used Ameda electric pump for No.1 and No.2, its a reasonable pump, not the best but okay. Advantage is the pump it not too noisy and light-weight for pumping in office. Diadvantage is the funnel/valve not too sturdy, need replacement quite frequently. Agreed for electric pump, you need not get too early, it's only useful after you have established your supply. I used Avent manual pump in the beggining when supply is not too much cos its more comfortable to pump.

RE: Taimaobi/brush

I think the brush is about $100 at least depending on what material you choose, and they can do hair cutting at your place. Both my children did their's at home at 1 month. It's costly but it's a nice momento for the child, we will also add some blessing/wording on the brush along with the name/DOB for baby.

26th Nov Dinner meet up in Town

1) Pinkraindrops

2) Sandy Dee

3) Vivi

4) avocado

5) tweety

6) hippopolai

7) pika bini

8) JieSiLing

3rd Dec Dinner meet up in Town

1) Pinkraindrops

2) Vivi

3) tweety

4) mrs Chua

5) hippopolai


7)pika bini

Hi Tweety,

Thank you....really appreciate...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Piggytoh,

Thank you for sharing your experience. Yes, everything is fated...If its yours, it will be yours...Worries will still be there but I try to relax and think positively...I feel secure after each gynae visit also (esp seeing my baby movement for the first time)...There is nothing I can do - just stay healthy, positive and listen to my gynae and most impt the scan from TMC....

Next week will be my detailed scan - hope everything will be all right...

Gerry.. I heard b4 that gaining more during 2nd trim is better than  3rd trim cos 3rd trim we are nearing to giving birth, if gain oso the gain will b on us & nt much on babies. Wonder how true it is.. 

Piggy.. Jia you wor! Me oso very tired with work.. Somehow felt mgr biased against staff.. 1 colleague that time pregnant, my mgr transfer those of her job that needs to go client place with other colleague. But I dun hv such benefits, she even ask me continue going even until I give birth.. Den now, a colleague went overseas, I need cover my work plus her work.. Really tiring.. Jus Sep when I go tw for honeymoon, my mgr ask me make sure all my work cleared b4 I can go on leave cos my colleague can't support me becos of my work but hor... This time thus colleague go on vacation, I'm asked to cover all her duties.. Jus becos i'm senior [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Michelle.. Ohh.. Ok ok ;)

Elmo.. Same here, I kept going toilet but hor, nt much pee at all.. So mafan.. Really is baby pressing ma? 

Piggy.. Regarding breast pump, I still duno which one I wan leh.. No go do research.. By when u ordering?

Hi vivimummy,

so angry to hear abt ur case. ur ex-coy is so dirty to hold ur salary more than 1mth!!!! R they trying to hold d salary until d discussion w MOm is settled? Go seek help fm MP coz they hve no rights to delay ur last salary!

Another long long wait for Dr loh check up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] wait from 4:30 and still not my turn ... So tired ...


Thanks for the reply on toilet visit... This pregnancy really diff fom my 1st...

Piggy, breastpump u buy so fast huh? Tot of getting end Dec or Jan leh.... But u r right lar, US$ is very attractive....

U all stress me out leh, what GUG, JG... I dunno at all leh... Wahahaha...

Sandy, ^5!I i also never bring my son to all these enrichment class de... Tot of let him enjoy his childhood for 1st 3 years... But I really stress when I see u all putting ur son for so many programme, but I feel sorry to putting him to those enrichment class at this young age, I only attend kindergarten when I'm 5YO... but I scare he cannot catch up with the same age kid when he grows older, can't imagine if my son is in the same class as piggy 1, freaking me leh...


i use ebuddy in my last co but my current i heard my boss sumtime will log in our com to see wat we surf-_-

so i rather not lo.. msn at home also same la:p


ya lo we can only relief untill bb out.. i had bleed on n off over 2 wks in my early stage also thot gone liao cos most ofthe mummies i know who bleed most prob end up m/c so i tink really fated[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] jia you[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs Chua,

i hope to order in Dec la see i can get 4 orders anot.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sigh i not even askin for special treatment canu imagine my lunch khaki all knew i preg den got once KO liao so we walk down to L1 n my store guy told me some forms missing which i was not aware mus provide cos no 1 told me n i dunno where to get the form also, n they ask me climb the stair back to get the form.. nvm i ren den after i found the form quickly come down all gone liao... even my store guy shake head i was really piss lo..this r only e.g. of the pp there not to mention how sux the work ther argh~


wah tt really long.. but popular gynae always gt long waiting time 1..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


no la i intend to buy in Dec cos Jan/Feb CNY mah den March tummy heavy leh anyway now coming to Dec liao n it took abt 2 wk to reach so ok la... have to see can get 4 orders anot also..

hahah GUG is growin up gifted and JG is julia gabriel all the enrichment class la alot of my friend enrol their kid but i only intend to let my boi go 1 term la after tt he go CC:p actually it only once a wk kind of class n it more like they learn thru play not really those serious class leh... most of my friend enrol their kids when they turn 12mos some even earlier i not v early leh.. n my boi is play most of the time also..

OMG! I just weigh myself. I gained 1.6kg in 1wk! So scary! No wonder i find my tummy suddenly so big today! Total gain 3.6kg at 19wk. Cham.. This time sure gain much more than the 1st time! So scary!

Detail scan

Today went for my detail scan at 3pm .. Didn't manage to complete my scan cos baby don't want to turn his back, thus unable to scan the spine. Got to return next friday to do the scan again. Overall, everything is fine except baby is on the fatty side. ( so surprise cos my boy birth weight is very low) Gynae says got to do glucose test next visit . Only manage to see Dr loh around 8 plus.. The nurse keeps on apologizing for the long wait and can see that she is very tired. She says still haven taken her dinner. Dr loh also looks extremely tired, talk in a very soft tone , unlike his usual self....


I was disappointed when told my baby is a boy. Very ashamed of myself leh.. All babies are god's gift , shouldn't have felt this way. Actually all along I was okay whether it's boy or girl but don't know why that moment I feel this way. Thinking having to face two DIL makes me very sian. So crazy of me.

Weight Gain

Overall I have gain 4 kg plus.. Got to control my diet liao ..


when i go for my checkup yesterday gain 2kgle his mth i also ain alot i tink all the 2kg gain in 1 mth[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


i understd how u feel when i first know boi also abit disappointed but after a while i feel better le tink it our preg hormone le.. n when i see how he move n turn durin the FA amuse me[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] most impt he healthy ..i tink once he is out u will love him all the same[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Posted on Friday, November 19, 2010 - 9:57 pm:   


Didn't really read your previous post. U mean buying medela breast pump? I'm interested , can count me in? Will get freestyle.



ya ya i organising a spree cos the current spree thrread pick up in east side kinda far for me so thot of buyin myself.. but if collection west area u ok? if u stayin east side it would be better to buy from Tan Leng Leng:p

Here the details:

Re: Medela pump Freestyle

Ladies my HB friend is not able to help me buy the pump so i be ordering directly from www.mybreastpump.com any1 wan to tag my order so can share the shipping???

i chose this webbie becos i heard some webbie although cheaper but i read from Tan Leng Leng BP : am ordering from www.mybreastpump.com,

you can email Christine from the above website to check if I had been ordering from her.

Not everyone who stated that they are ordering from www.mybreastpump.com, are ordering from the actual stated site

www.mybreastpump.com is an authorised Medela distributor,

there's a 1 year warranty period for your pump purchased from them,

warranty in USA only.

If your spree organiser, BP organiser or seller had bought from non-authorised Medela distributor,

Medela Inc. will not entertain your damaged pumps.

This is because, I was told, there are a lot of re-conditioned pumps in USA,

they are being sold at much lesser than retail prices.


cos her pick up area in the east not convenience for me so was tryin to order on my own.. if u gals wan to tag my order pls let me know will close at 4 order.

Depend on the rate charge to Credit card:

Est. Cost (Est Exchange rate: 1.31)

Medela Freestyle: USD 299 ($391.69)

Est Shipping + GST(if got 4 set): $70

Est total: $461.69


I don't mind west but I can only collect on weekend. Izzit okay wi u? Once u hit 4 orders , let me know and will transfer $$ to u.


ppl tellin me is ok to start kindergarden but hor i feel now different liao actuali all these classes r useful since im workin n donno how to teach in a fun way so i think my gal learn very little thing. i c kids around my gal age know how to say those single word while mine onli baby talk makes me more n more worry.

Mrs chua

i think is true bb pressin tats y will always go toilet. tis my own thinkin cos #1 tat time i always go toilet can even stay inside n is killin me cos nothin come out but the urge is there so hb will "talk" to her tell her to move aside cos mummy is suffering n i will carry my tummy n is ok liao donno is it coincident haha

Posted on Friday, November 19, 2010 - 10:36 pm:   

Mrs chua

I also need to visit the toilet very very often . Worse is I'm having very bad cough and each time I cough , my urine leaks and got to rush to toilet again.. I never experience this during my first pregnacy .


I find that it's impt to find the right pre school for them especially those very young ones like those below three. Visit little skool house at tampines.. Very impressive with big play area and big plaground with all the metal slides and swing. The air con there is also very cold.. Saw quite a few kids wearing jackets.. Went to Cherie hearts. Find their play area more suitable for my boy age group . Their slides and swings are all plastic , very small like those little tikes ones.. Flooring are fully padded .. Very satisfied but a pity location wise not very suitable.

Hi Ladies

Sorry to interrupt. I have the below item for sale below cost price:

1) Brand new Clarins Body treatment oil (Hulie Tonic) bought it at Tangs for $80 with price tag on it now letting go at $55.

2) Brand new Airflow Sleep Positioner from The First Years bought it at Kiddy Palace for $29.90 with price tag on it now letting go at $15

Pm or e-mail me at [email protected] if interested. Thanks


ok sure.. we need 2 more order to go:p


actually i find bringing them for once a wk kind of enrichment class is gd esp u dun intend to sent ur gal to playgr. peer influence is gd for them n it a gd exposure[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies, can I join this thread? My Edd is 26march.

My 1st boy came out few days after Edd so I might be march or apr mum [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yoti, my ex coll have thyroid too but her 2 kids came out healthy, dnt worry too much. A doc told me tat Internet provide alot medical info but mostly wrong info. Dnt read too much into it, jus listen to wat gynae or specialist advice.

Sandy, I oso have the urge to go toilet often but pee very little. Toilet rolls r running out faster than usual hee...

Dnt worry abt kids development, my 32mths boy jus started talking when he is abt 26mths..till now sometimes it's not clear.


hw old r yr kids? Chances they can play w each other during meetups? Mine is in zoophonics for few mths le. He was w JG for a term, he din concentrate there and keep on playing hence we decided to stop.

morning ladies...


welcome[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i am early Apr so may end up in mar also keke.. both Sandy n my kid r 15mos now.


Don't stress abt children enrichment. I send my #1 to JG Chinese class cos she doesn't have any other children around her age to play with. I'm an only child and my hubby's siblings ain't going to marry anytime soon... Plus my whole family doesn't speak Chinese so I send her there just to expose her to the language.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Ya actually by 3rd trim, ur weight gain should taper off.. Bb growth will slow down then.. But as long as you eat healthily, don't stress so much about weight gain..

Wanna share this:

Asos is having a free international shipping for the Christmas season.. If you guys interested, should check it out. Their maternity clothes are nice and are cheaper than those we get in sg.. At least the clearance stuff.. Last night bought some stuff.. Hehe!!


Ooh...15mths still young to talk infact. Boys r even slower.

When it's x, they will start talking like mine...he will tell us buy rain when it's raining or buy urine after he peed! Hilarious..

Hi 5 Geri, dnt have to worry abt sending kids to enrichment class. Do it within means and need and ability [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Vonn,

ya i agree i only thinkin of sentin my boi to enrichment class when he abt 17mth to prepare him for his CC keke... my boi quite ok can say many words le banana, car, bus, plane all hi fave words n he love to dance consider can express himself quite well le for his age am happy with his progress alr...


wow i love ASOS but ex their shippin now free shippin ah okok shall go n see:p

morning mummies!!!

kaira: hugz hugz.. dun be disappointed... at least ur #1 has little bro to play with him liao.. =)

yoti: hugz.. =) dun think too much okie.. be +ve... =)

vonn: hihi.. welcome!! =)


Enjoy shopping!! Plus now pounds pretty weak! Hehe!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Agree!! Anyway it is not so much for her to learn but for her to develop social skills.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Nah, I'm not worry on my son actually, from what I observe I think my son is a fast learner but he just abit lazy.... Haa haa... He knew quite a few word now n to me I very content... No point pushing him if he is not ready, but as a mom, by nature u will sure have the KS thinking whenever u see others and their kids to those enrichment class.... But only awhile only, I think in my mind I still have the strong will to let him enjoy his childhood, hahahaha....

Actually u all not stressing me out, my DH's SIL the 1 makes me very stress, she is SAHM, she makes her daughter recite her 1st 唐诗 when she is 25mths, n she's now 37mths, she knows abt. 15唐诗 plus she can recite 1/3 of the 三字经, she also attend ballet n piano class weekly... I see my niece schedule is more busy than us as working adult lor... Really salute my SIL... But I dun want to be a KS mom like that lar... The kid won't be happy in this way also.... We will also be very stress in this way, totally no 'me time' liao....

Piggy, since u order in Dec, u count me in lar... Let me know when u need me to trsf $...

Vonn, welcome ya!


haha I tink among my friend I consider v lazy Liao tt y wait until now my son kinda enjoy those class n he can make friend so let him go for 1 term after tt go CC no more enrichment class le[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ok will reserve 1 slot for u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


jus now I go see those I wan no more size then saw those dinner dress so nice but scare can't fit in after birth-_-

Hi Voon,

Welcome[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Thanks for the info..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hi Mommies out there..

I just went for my Gender scan on Tuesday.. but the doctor says that my baby's heartbeat is kinda irregular.. anyone of you met with this kind incident before? KKH is arranging me for another thorough check up next week to ensure that there is nothing wrong with my baby..

when i went in for the scan with my galfren, The staff checked on the organs etc. but when comes to checking on the heart, she took very long and keeps searching here n there. At that point i was suspicious that something was wrong but i kept quiet. Den after few attempts she changed to check other part of baby's body. And i suppose my baby was slping. no matter how the lady push my tummy, my baby insist not to move! lol no choice, the lady ask me to take a 10 - 15mins walk outside. and come back after the walk to scan baby's spine and gender.

After my walk back, hoping that baby is cooperative that she turn her body. so we managed to scan on her spine and gender. guessing most probably is a girl.. =D and again, the lady scan on the heart again.. this time she told me "Mdm, im afraid that i have to ask my another colleague to do a scan for your baby's heartbeat again as i feel that something is not right with the heartbeat.."

ofcoz i feel that it's safer to scan n ensure that it's all fine.. I left the room and waited for another nurse to call for me. N i went in she did the scan. True enuff, she said "as u can hear urself, the heartbeat is not regular.. awhile fast awhile slow.." den i asked if it's normal for that to happen n the lady say ofcoz it's not normal. but not to worry and wait for doctor to advise.

When i went into see the doctor, she told me that all baby's organ are perfectly fine including her heart n body length.. just that the heartbeat is not regular. It may be due to certain reasons which she oso cannot confirm but maybe only happen that on the day baby is having bad mood..but she haf to refer my case to Birth Defect Clinic to investigate.

My next appt is next Thu. Im so hoping that my baby is fine. Anyone encounter the same problem before?? but im glad that the staff who did the scanning for me was thorough enuff..

