(2011/04) Apr 2011

Oh ya, my EDD is on 7 April 2011. Doctor oso told me mite be late March baby.. =) And latest scan show that it should be a Baby Girl. So my hubby and i agreed with baby's name "Charlotte" =)




hmm i myself have not come across heartbeat unusual case but my sis gal ever kena detect havin a bubble in her brain but after few test they could not detect wat is it n since no life threatenin so they advice her to donothin.. n now her gal comin 7 le still healthy..

my HB sumtime also got irregular heart beat but no big issue also... but of cos baby n adult diff .. dun worry so much if it life threatenin ur gynae will advice or seek a pte gynae advice???

T_T, yesterday i went for my monthly review was also told heartbeat irregular but might be due to baby too active & exhausted "playing" inside. Can see my baby moving & kicking non stop. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

piggy... I was shopping @ mother care today.. went to see their breast pump.. they having promotion for Madela freesyle breast pump for $799. the bundle pack comes with freesytle breast pump, breast pads, nipple cream and a bag... was showing hubby that he wonder if we really need to buy the breast pump.. what do u all think so huh? shld I buy now or after??

Hi Piggytoh! I am waiting for next week after the checkup den i will fix a doctor. Coz im only paying half of e actual cost of all.. =)

avocado: really? hehe.. but im not sure was it becoz i was too nervous n stress to noe the gender of the baby.. but that day baby wasn't that active.

I just hope that the next check up they haf a conclusion and she's healthy.. =)

Hi mommies! went for check up yesterday to check out my cramps but the gynae couldn't tell me exactly what was causing it. It was either the baby's head pressing on some nerves or the fibroid that I have. He says to monitor it and let him know if it gets serious or if there's bleeding. ;( He did check the femur length head length and body length and she is of average sized...

Went to Baby Kingdom at Kakit Bukit to buy baby stuff today. Settled my baby cot+ bedding set, stroller, and bouncer. Big gaping hole in wallet now.... hah

Hi Pinkraindrops! are the stuff at Baby Kingdom expensive? i oso have pain ard my tummy when i sit for abit longer.. seems like something is pressing onto it.. guess i haf to check with the Gynae again..

Mrs Chua,

i tink many places now having the promo price for $799 but still US is alot cheaper tt y so many pp buy from US n it comes with cooler bag n ice pad etc.. hmm actually latch is the best but provided ur milk supply is ok n u ok with latchin.. many mother after latch will still pump out the excess to keep up with the supply..

n after u rtn to work latchin is not possible so pump is still needed...

for me i hate latchin cos i got short nipple so beside painful i also dun like to latch so i rely on pump.. n a gd pump is impt u buy lousy 1 may even have difficulties pumpin out the milk so dun bother... if u worry u can always buy after ur supply is stable but if u wan to buy from spree mus wait unless u willing to pay more for Sg set..


icic.. dun worry so much be positive i am sure everything will turn out fine[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


no baby kingdom stuff is not cheap same as wat outside selling jus tt they have a wide range of product so unless u stay near there dun bother:p


wow seem like most of the big items r settled for u:p so end up which stroller u get??

Hi hi TT, welcome...

Actually my gynae also took a long time to look at my baby's heart... I was also abit worried... but he didn't say anything after that and said it was ok there were 4 chambers... Before that he was looking at the spine, kidney, intestines, bladder... and it was pretty fast.

He said that not all the organs can be seen (depending on the baby's position) so I'm going back again in ~2 weeks... (I'm 19+ weeks now)

Right now the femur length body length head circumference are all medium sized... he plotted all the numbers on a graph to show us. Was quite amused by that.

This was a last min appointment so I suspect he was abit rushed for time and he even forgot to save the scans for me ;(

Anyhow, hope your baby is fine like Avocado mentioned... *fingers crossed*

Stuff at Baby Kingdom I don't consider to be very expensive lar... I went to check out Baby Hypermart and I found that the stuff are more expensive...

piggy: ya i stay east side.. so i tot cheaper den can go see.. since not any cheaper den no pt lor.. =)

pink: ya e person see all parts very fast.. only kept looking at the heart beating.. im 20weeks alr. since next week gg for the scan again, im gonna ask the person soon bian check on the gender again..

mine is at KKH and tat day luckily my frens were with me.. waited until 6+pm den my turn. and maybe the covering doctor wants to leave early too.. so everything she says is "we cant say anything now until the other dept check on it.." even when i tell her abt my tummy pain she onli say "it's normal" lucky she give me MC as i requested.. if not it's spoil my day!!! haha


I bought the Capella one... Almost bought a very pretty and $$$$ Juicy Couture (Maclauren) one but it was too heavy! 7.5kg. the Capella one is 5.5kg only... The Juicy Couture one can seat kids up to 25 kgs and the Capella one can only sit up to 15kgs but I really cannot handle 7.5kgs on my own... so bo pian. I also liked that it was easy to close and open... its like 2 steps to keep it. That is an important function for me. I can handle it without any assistance.

I bought a very pretty bouncer! haha, the brand is "Bright Starts" and it's very pink and pretty! hahaha!


Crap juts saw that it is 49.90$ USD ONLY!!!! BLEARGHHHH!!! we paid $149 =( I have decided henceforth not to check on any more prices... =P

vivi, it's ok!! I think i'm shopping way earlier than most mummies.. most of the mummies I saw there were wayyyy more pregnant :p


oh i using Capella for #1 also the fabric torn easily[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

actually dun worry so much on the weight cos too light cant hang much thing if usu u only bring bb go shoppin u can use the escalator n lift not much liftin of the stroller [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

the bouncer is nicee but buy the essential/basic item first cos bb 1st mth celebration pp may gave things like bouncer, play gym etc:p


icic tt y i dun like KKH ther service sux unless u opt for pte i tink n it ex might as well go pte..

pink: hehe i wan to check and reconfirm. Coz that day baby not cooperative..

last week i went to a warehouse sale at Bendemeer n bought a stroller from a UK Brand "Pon Bebe" *sounds like "Pom pipi"* it's very solid and not very ex too. Can sit uup to 25kg. oso bought a play pen at $99.

Pink me no confidence ma must wait till detail scan clear than I can slowly look at things.

The bouncer is bought from baby kingdom. We saw one from Kiddy palace and that is the brand fisher price which was featured on the TV and that costs $100 odd leh this seems to be cheaper wor.

piggy... I take cab alot when hubby isn't driving me around... so I expect to have to open and close and handle the stroller quite abit by myself... i think with the 7.5kgs i will be cursing and swearing away... hahaha. and for the price we pay... i'm quite contented if it can last me for 2years or so... How did your fabric get torn? Are you able to buy a spare set from them?

I think it's quite inconvenient to keep looking for lift or escalator leh... Maybe I'm a lazy mother [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

For the first month celebration I think I'll get my friends to spread the word to give ang pao so that they won't give us any items that we already have =P hahaha! I think most of my friends know I'm quite fussy about stuff so they should know not to buy me any items. Most of our friends are still single and unmarried and childless so they will have no clue what to get. Haha!

piggy: ya i oso intend to use baby stroller as "shopping cart" hahahaha

hmmm but so far i am still quite satisfied. But i will still opt for the fixed doctor after they confirm that baby is fine..

piggy.. I let u know by next week for the breast pump ok?? so the price now we paying is less than $500 including shippinng, tax and GST?

Pink... u fast already bought those baby basic ah? for me, I will be getting the passed down baby cot from SIL, den my mummy gonna buy a playpen for baby since my mummy and MIL gonna take turns to look after baby for me when I return to work.. so that is y I need to have a baby cot & a playpen.. as for baby stroller, currently we have one which is a passed down from SIL too.. den we planning to see if any relatives or friends wan to get stroller for us as baby shower.. if yes, den we dun have to buy... haha other than that, I think we only need to buy some baby necessities like milk bottles, clothes? shld be abt all??? was telling hubby the other day, I wil draw up a list of things of we need den classify which items we need to buy on our own & which will ask relatives and friends to buy.. hehe


erm but shoppin centre lift n escalator is quite ok easily found mah.. if not u wan to carry bb with stroller up n down everywhere?? tt is worse wor.. n definitely more hevay than 7.5kg.. n i tink tt is consider more hardworkin i lazy so rather jus push the stroller use lift/esc.. liftin up n down the car usu is w/o bb so not so bad la...

erm almost all my friend who use capella their seat fabric r torn so i tink their material not durable at all.. i ever check with the sales at deptstore but seem like nothing can be done...


ya for me i dun like to sling cos back n shoulder ache n still mus carry bag so usu i hang everything on the stroller since i was alone for nearly 7mth after bb born so stroller is v useful jus push ard haha...

Mrs Chua,

oh the breast pumpdun worry if i hit 4 set u can alway buy from spree.. abt same price n yes below $500.. for bb clothes dun buy so much no pt go to the bugis Sima lu to buy got 1 shop sell many bb basic clothin abt $11 for 6 pcs n buy bigger size cos wearin loose cloth bb v comfy 1[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


R u at JP tis morning???? hehe

Moms & tot fair

oh pls mummies don bother to go down le is NOTHING. i left empty handed don even bother to stop & c. my biggest harvest is in the food fair lo. hmmm hope nxt wk de better.

Oh i mean hor early education is better but my in law they all don think so. s a FTWM i got no time to do alot of things like flashcard or those simple art which im abit sad.

Till now my girl don even know how to say those simple words n still baby talk which make me more worry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Where's the place that sell bb clothes 6pcs for $11.00 ?? Very cheap ahh..

Buying bb stuff

Buying bb stuff can be very exciting and fun for 1st time

Mummy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


erm i onlyknow it opp the guan yin temple dun have the addy only know how to go...

but the clothin is those v basic 1 la even got those nettin single.. cheap n gd many mtb go ther buy 1:p


How many months is your gal? My boy 14 months now and can say only pa pa and jie.. Think he' will be a late speaker [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

by the way where u all purchase ur maternity wear? Tmr i am gg into JB to buy some of my maternity wear.. running out of cloths to wear.. =( need to get a pair of maternity shorts... all my usual shorts cannot fit anymore..

Piggy... Icic... I have to try and be careful with it then hah.. But I'm not expecting it to last very long either.. I believe what I pay is what i get also =p it's their latest model so let's hope they have somehow improved on their quality :p I guess most of the pushing of stroller/carrying etc I will get my maid to help too but I still prefer to have something I can handle on my own.

Mrs Chua,

hee u can expect more soon..


but Capella is consider ok brand leh so din expect their material sooo lousy... my 1 tear ard 8 mth my neighbour 1 worse 4 mth keke..


dun worry maybe ur boi learn faster in other aspect.. they will catch up 1...


there is 1 shop opp OG albert(bugis) sell cheap maternity clothin i bott 1 maternity bermuda ther only $20 .. but becos i v short so most of the time i wear leggin n pair with tunic cos maternity clothin abit big n long for me:x

ooo? those small shops?? i bought mostly tops.. den sometimes e weather too hot dun feel like wearing legging.. but those dresses are oso v ex.. haiyo... den normal tights very difficult to wear coz of the rubber.. tummy will be v xinku..

Piggy & pink,

Does putting those stroller cushion piece over the seat helps to prevent the seat cover from wear and tear? Saw some mummy doing it.


It's impossible for me to carry my boy and handle my mc claren stroller to take a cab.. That time just buy cos design is nice... Never consider a lot of other stuff ..


ya the direction of the temple .. i nv bott any from those maternity shop simply too ex n the design i dun like hahah i v vain 1 so preg also mus wear nice nice but not ex 1 la... jus buy loose top or tunic... u can buy bigger size leggin? cotton on got those with size 1.. if not u bott maternity bott or skirt tt shop have also..


if put cushion the seat v tight leh cos the seat fabric is like with crushion alr but i got put a cooler mat la.. n not only seat torn but the top part u know the top part can pull to provide shelter 1? also got tear[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hehe few mths back on my wedding, my hubby's msia relative gave Ringgit as ang bao so we use that $ to go msia buy lor.. somehow slightly cheaper n more comfortable. tmr im gg in to buy those for preggies.. so sad.. my normal wearing shorts all cannot wear.. n be4 i knew i was preg, i went OP buy their shorts.. spent almost $60 for shorts! n less than 3mths cannot wear liao!!! Arghhh =(


u goin for the gatherin maybe can make it at bugis so i can show u gals the way??


hee nvm after deliver can still wear..


I'm interested but I dun want to commit my self till nearer date. If go, my hubby and bb would tag along .. Hope u ladies don 't mind.. Will confirm again later date ..

Ladies good night and sweet dreams [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hehe yup yup. i smile to u donno u saw anot haha but u sort of like givin a weird look den u look at my gal ba but turn away. actuali wanted to call u but not cfm cos u don look preggy ma ltr malu. saw u twice some more.


my gal is 15 mth. she talk alot but is those baby language she call papa very well n dar dar when she saw the stray cat under my blk. she know how to call mama but she don wanna call.


Tat time #1 i was at KKH when they do scan they told me they cant find the heartbeat *faint* n i did twice same situation was so worry so i say b4 comin up to do scan doc did let us hear the hewrtbeat how come cant find now n baby was kickin me b4 i step in the rm aft awhile they say oh ya we found it *faint*

KKH scan always very long i cannot tahan cos very worry i think their machine got pro detect heartbeat ba.


oh really huh lol~ tink i din saw u leh i v blur 1 sumtime look at 1 direction but not focus on tt direction 1.. tt y u find my expression weird.. i may be tinkin of sumthing keke...

cos i got weat jacket so cover up my tummy keke.. but how come u were there u stay in north side right??


icic i also cant confirm yet anyway i tink the gatherin date not firm also:p


i went to the little skool hse at tampines b4 the pl sooo big haha fully air con some more i love it altot bb tend to fall sick in air con pl but my gal w/o air con will be like a tap which is on

i like the cherie heart nv bein b4 but the way u describe i feel safe cos of the padded floor.

But pity these 2 pl far away frm me lei hmmm


woh ur sil so pro ar i used to read to my gal those poem when she still lyin down aft tat she sit up liao i cant even finish readin to her lo n i started workin liao.


woh happy shopping [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

for my #1 hor i oso buy n buy useful or not useful oso buy den #2 i seems like nothin to buy lei not much mood


i live at woodlands n hb work at tuas ma so i always go JP wait for him to end work de. n me can go all over spore hehe cos nothing to do during weekend n mrt r very convinent like today frm JP we went to expo n tampines lol

aiyo i think u don hide oso wont look like it de lo tats y me n c liao don believe is u so dare not go up n ask


no la if wear tight my tummy quite obvious le.. front view cant see but side view can see:p not deliberately hidin la cos lazy to hold a jacket so jus wear lo keke..

Pink, u got see those double decker stroller? Thinking to get 1 since the current 1 abit saggy liao... Saw 1 mamalove at kiddy palace but dun like the design....

Sandy, my boi now 16mths... Also bb talk alot, think they still warming up, dun worry so much! I can understand how u feel abt early education as a FTWM, that is y I send my boi to CC next Mar also although my hubby try to object with the idea.... No choice, we no need them to be the tip top among their friends but we also dun wan them to catch up very hard at later stage, right? For me I try to spend abt 20mins everyday to revise what I had taught him previously, repeat daily until I confirm that he knows the word well then i will teach him a new 1... For my boi, he took average 4-5days to learn n remember a new word/action, then I repeat n add on, dun give up! The very 1st i teach him wave bye bye, he took 7mths to learn that leh, i really sweat arh...

JT, u can go Jusco Tebrau if u know the way, they have a few maternity n bb shop at 3rd for if I remember correctly,, the quality not bad n I went 2weeks back, they are having sales, so price quite cheap.... Remember to visit the maternity section in Jusco, not bad also...

My fren went JB buy bb clothes for me she say very cheap esp those cut labels one.

I still don't know gender so can't go there to buy yet ...


RE: Moms & Tot Fair

As posted on my FB status.. Waste of time and effort in going down.. Mostly selling malay stuff.. No offence intended to the malays here wor.. =X But I expected more baby stuff.. Feels conned.. haiz..

Is the parenthood fair next week?

Oh ya, I would like to ask a question to mummies who give birth before.. Any of u got skin tags? I got some at my anus (sorry if too gross wor..), from the recovery of my first birth.. 2 of them become quite big.. Very difficult to clean with tissue when I'm out.. Everytime wipe until bleed still not clean.. At home, I wash everytime la.. I asked my gynae, he say ok de leh.. Anyone can intro any doc who do this surgery? Should I tahan until after this birth or do now? Starting to worry me.. Especially the cleanliness..

