(2011/04) Apr 2011


yes durin their sales u can get dresses at $1 !!! damn cheap...


yes save more $$... shd have bott a pump when i had #1 but too bad i stop after resumin to work cos cant cope with housechores, bb n working along... plus my office got no room for me to pump... :p

oh be4 massage cover with hot towel!!



Update if there's any good deals :D

feeling very sleepy this afternoon.. think lunch ate too full liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

stomach/tummy hard hard.


do u know if it's up to the normal rate what the differene in price??

i still thinking avent or medela lor LOL

Lynn - me ate full too .. hard hard the belly.

My frens always freak out say how come so hard one ... maybe they imagine the belly to be soft like cotton wool


If you want to buy a better pump, why don't you just get medela.. It is definitely better than avent.. Medela pumps are very close to those hospital grade one..


U went to kkh cos you had stomach cramps issit? Good that it is ok..=)

Haha!! Now belly hard hard. after give birth, belly still big but soft soft!! hehe!! =)


cos i also have one electric uno (one side only) avent pump then hor the cushion very comfy leh not pain at all..

but medela i never try before that is why..


hmm...not very sure but supposedly, if the rate is 1.4, then the price diff of the set alone is around $26/$27 bah. (based on Piggy's stated price of US$299 for the set alone)

piggy, it's only a neighbourhood kindy leh! I din realised it's so ex compared to others unitl recently then i asked ard. Cos tt time only looking for a gd one near my mum's place. They increased $20 for next yr somemore! From $270 to $290, plus music class, supplementry $, etc.. total ard $340+ per mth lo! But now too late to change le.. had a hard time getting #1 to adapt to sch.

moon, i only shave my boy's hair when he's 4mths old. I find 1 mth too soft leh. And I just bring to a neighbourhood hairdresser.. kept his hair in an ang pow. Wanted to put in album.. but after 3 yrs.. still in the ang pow. -_-" And my boy's photo frame.. those with 12mths photo.. still stopped at 3mths old. hahaha!

Gerry, dun worry i wont tell her. haha. She just married.. so got the time to study ba.. no kids yet. Maybe u'll know her??


I'm still getting my trusty Avent manual pump.. save $. lol


ya, understood from the gals earlier that it's either 1st month or 4th month... am worried too about the safety of doing it in the 1st month...

hee...hee... I think I'll do the same. just keep the hair in an ang pow or some nice case... :p

I havent looked at the hair in the ang pow since my boy 1st shave his hair at 4mths. wahaha. #1 i still buy those frame where u can do his hand/foot print. Now put on the table never touch.. tt day i went to see.. inside looks abit mouldy?!? Now i dunno wanna buy another one for #2 anot. Wonder if #2 will complain unfair if i din buy? Getting REALLY LAZY for #2!!!


wah neightbourhood 1 is really ex prob it the supp bah???

wah #1 i alr lazy.. din even bother those hand n foot print lol~


Where is she doing a phd?? GIS? IMB? SIGN? IMCB? There are several institutes here.. I might know her.. Oh no kids.. can lah..=) Tell her be careful, no accident hor.. Hehe!! I know one phd student who had a child when she was in 2nd year.. Quite tough for her but luckily she has family support..

Hi Mummies,

Kindly check what is the feeling of contraction?

Going toilet to "poo" is one of the indicator?

I have been feeling pulling force on 1 side of my stomach yesterday...Have been going toilet also - soft stools...Is it normal?


When u coming over to ur Sil place coz my friend pass me some hand me down maternity office wear ... U can wear till u give birth if u dun mind ..... I cant wear coz a bit tight for me nw ....


contraction is cramp but usu now only 2nd trim it norm to have cramp cos our womb still expanding sp ligament may be pullin.. soft stools is norm dun worry ok... as long as not v bad LS it ok.. u gotta relax [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i not sure but i tink some who bott from other "cheaper supplier" seem to have more prob tt y i dare not buy those from BP which is $450 cos they still need to make profit so $450 is alr markup like too cheap to be brand new keke...

Hi Piggytoh,

Thank you for your quick reply....

Yes, a bit worried yesterday due to the pulling force from 1 side of stomach and V area...worried something bad going to happen and negative thoughts flow around...wanna go see gynae but the pain from the pulling force can still be endurable...sometimes very intense..sometimes dun have

Thank you...you are really helpful esp we first time mummies here...


from US??? cos if from US u mus see if they got free local shippin fee anot wor.. if no free local shippin u still mus pay for local shippin be4 international shippin leh..and dun forget 7% GST wor.. hmm the spree i holdin also USD 299 leh.. u wan to tag my order???

piggy: the shipping is abt $60+ USD... so long below SGD$400 there won't be any 7% GST... heehee... i still waiting for my SIL to see if her friend can get from US for me.. skip me this time first.. thanks!! =)


it ok dun worry abt the cramp n pullin i experience it thru out esp last trim as long as not intense it ok... be +ve[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


eh the $400 is in sg n it includes shippin leh... tt y sure kena 1 ...


Okay if I happen to c ur Sil mother in law downstair at my blk I pass her e bag of clothes can ? I afraid sometime wkend I got to meet clients unable to fix e time w u .....

piggy: no wor... i always helped my chain store order.... they don't include shipping fees de leh.. weird... mmm..

serene: thanks alot.. or maybe u can contact my SIL and arrange with her?? thanks!!

hi mummies...long time no talk...

what is medela website to buy? i see their website cannot buy from there...

yoti, might be u walk too much?


hmm cos maybe it depend on the shippin but i usin Vpost it say includes shipping..tt y BP all have GST so usu if i order from US webbie like F21 i wil cap at $200.. but i worried abt the source so dare not anyhow order.. cos Medela dun allow their distributor to ship oversea 1 so gotta use Vpost.


if u wan US set u can either order from spree or order urself.. i am organising spree now see can get 4 set anot if can i will go ahead but west area la dunno convenience anot.

Re: Medela pump Freestyle

Ladies my HB friend is not able to help me buy the pump so i be ordering directly from www.mybreastpump.com any1 wan to tag my order so can share the shipping???

i chose this webbie becos i heard some webbie although cheaper but i read from Tan Leng Leng BP : am ordering from www.mybreastpump.com,

you can email Christine from the above website to check if I had been ordering from her.

Not everyone who stated that they are ordering from www.mybreastpump.com, are ordering from the actual stated site

www.mybreastpump.com is an authorised Medela distributor,

there's a 1 year warranty period for your pump purchased from them,

warranty in USA only.

If your spree organiser, BP organiser or seller had bought from non-authorised Medela distributor,

Medela Inc. will not entertain your damaged pumps.

This is because, I was told, there are a lot of re-conditioned pumps in USA,

they are being sold at much lesser than retail prices.


cos her pick up area in the east not convenience for me so was tryin to order on my own.. if u gals wan to tag my order pls let me know will close at 4 order.

Depend on the rate charge to Credit card:

Est. Cost (Est Exchange rate: 1.31)

Medela Freestyle: USD 299 ($391.69)

Est Shipping + GST(if got 4 set): $70

Est total: $461.69

Hi mummies,

I also have an ameda dual breast pump n find it quite good. U can also use battery or electric power to operate. I didn't try d battery option coz I only breastfeed for 4mths n didn't pump in ofc. When I'm outside, I only bring my avent manual pump coz it's more compact.

If u intend to get dual pump, it's worth to get this handsfree kit to hold d dual pump while pumping milk.so u dun have to useur hands and hold. Think I got mine fm mum fairy webby.

I still love my avent manual breast pump. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I used it for #1 n was doing full breastfeeding n stop after 6mths. I consider my supply reasonable as I always have excess to freeze n store.

Only got d ameda when I had #2.Saves more time to do dual

pumping but I don't like washing those parts n d tubing.

Didn't touch my ameda pump for 2yrs+,hope it's still operational. If it's 'dead', I will get a new avent manual



NP.. cos i tinkin of buyin early Dec den can distribute end Dec cos Jan will be busy with CNY n Feb/Mar tummy big liao v hard to shop or tired for meet up:p

u still got time to look ard:p

Hi Pika,

Thank you for your reply...

I have hyperthyroid diagnosed during my pregnancy...For the first 3 months, I am really down with depression cos I have to take drugs for my pregnancy..Negative thoughts flow through my mind...The more I surf internet abt thyroid, the more I feel depressed...

I have managed to pull through my first trimester..However, I will still have some worries but try to stay positive (its really not easy)...Just hope that baby is normal and healthy....crossing my fingers...


dun worry so much if there r sign of premature bb ur gynae will advice.. u i totally under how u feel cos for my #1 i ttc for nearly 2 yrs n strike after HSG n i was told not so gd to strike right after HSG cos of the chemical etc.. thou not as serious as urs but i tink all mother esp 1st time mother felt the same .. after my exp over my 1st preg n seen how some mother loses their bb along the way i know it all fated totally cant control 1.. so relax n enjoy be +ve[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


sorry i orderin for freestyle only cos the weight diff so diff to split the cost...


hmm i tink compared to free style n PIS is not as gd...

hi mummies...

cant join ur converstaions for the next 3wks... koli on 3wks MC... sob sob need to cover...

I think i missed out alot.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

