(2011/04) Apr 2011

Hello all!

Went shopping with hubby today too, went to the babies section to take a look at stuff and i realised I really dunno what to buy. HB and me look at each other with a *lost* look.

anyone have a list of what to buy? Or would gynae give the list? :D

Regarding breast pump, the manual ones or the other one will be better?

hippo... paiseh paiseh... i didn't particularly look out for the double decker strollers leh... those are the sort you can sit 1 baby+ 1 toddler at the bottom is it? i'm only buying for 1 at the moment and there are already so many models to look at... haha

TT+ other 1st time mommies, i think it's worth a trip checking out Baby Kingdom+ Baby Hypermart if you're a 1st time Mommy like me and you would like to see a large variety of items on display.

Service staff are very friendly and helpful too and they have quite alot of customers around so they are not pushy either. We told them a few times that we were just browsing and not ready to decide and they would leave us alone. Shopping experience, or even window shopping experience was quite pleasant.

It really depends on what you need to buy? We are buying everything from scratch and I find it too tiring to go to several places to get all the different items, especially if the price difference is not *that* much. We consider the time factor, having to spend on petrol driving around, paying for ERP/parking etc etc, if we had to do that, we would burn many weekends doing that.

I think most importantly we have to find items that suit our needs? I think every parent look for different functions to suit their personal needs so as long as you manage to find something within budget, and reasonably priced, to me that is a good buy already. We are not really the kind who will run around to 5 different places to compare prices to save like maybe $10 or $20. Yes it's good to spend wisely and save as much as possible but realistically speaking the savings isn't that much. What about opportunity cost of the time spent?

I'm considering that if my EDD moves ahead by 2 weeks or even more, chances are I will be on stand by mode in March liao. Dec, Jan and Feb will be a traditionally very busy period for us, packed with the festivities. Some friends advise that it will get harder/more tiring to move around in our 3rd trimester so I want to settle all these stuff earlier to get a load off our minds.

The scary thing is, even after ticking off these items, there is still alot more stuff to buy! Breast pump etc etc and all the small small items... gosh...

Re: Maternity Wear

I get mine from Fox Maternity or Modern Maternity at Harbourfront [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

vivi, jia you and fight for your rights! don't let them tire you out! It may be a long process but it's well worth it! Hope you are able to get some help from your MP+ persist with MOM until they give you a satisfactory answer.

Mrs Chua, nice that you have hand me downs and offers to buy u stuff! Er, we don't have any friends offering us that so we have to buy everything from scratch. Sigh

Kaira, we almost bought a Mac Clauren limited edition Juicy Couture stroller!! It is really very chio and pink and pretty... but it is also 7.5kgs and the padding is abit thin. It also takes more effort to close it. Price is more than double of what we paid for for the Capella... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My heart says yes but my rational mind says no... very very sad. I'm still in love with the Juicy Couture one~~~ :p

Piggy, come to think of it, if the Capella one really spoils... I will have an excellent reason to buy this Juicy Couture one instead! BWAHAHAH!!! :p *evil laughter*

Re: strollers

I have 4 strollers:

1) Aprica about 5-5.5kg got from Robinson sale $299 4yrs+, still quite good although abit dirty but it's my favourie coz it's really a 1 hand open and closing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] best part is, it can stand by itself when closed. I have brought it to taiwan, japan, Korea,Perth n hong kong.

2) combi about 7kg,got 4yrs ago think $249 promo including a baby feeding high chair. quite big, can do full recline and got big shopping basket n it's my mum's favourite. I don't really like this 1 coz too heavy to handle myself if with baby

3) capella about 5.5kg got at $199, 2yrs ago. Still good, can do full recline for baby to zz. I don't have any torn fabric problem. However, I find it can't really support heavy stuff and d wheels doesn't seem to be very stable.

4) maclaren 5.5kg,got at $99 2yrs ago during a promo at Tom & stephanie.This 1 is more suitable for toddlers. Quite good to wheel around but can't put too heavy things else may topple.

I'm quite an intensive user of strollers and I always need to bring 1 out whereever I go. My 4yo son stil sits stroller when we bring him out. I have colleagues who can count d number of times they use their strollers and Im so amazed! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Pearly, is it piles? You can only wait till bb is out then do something abt it. I have piles and did 'staple' b4 but it came bk. I'm considering to do a op to cut it away during my ML.

Hi Lyn, gynae dnt provide list. My 1st x, I also lost [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

you can get a list frm bb hypermart at ubi otherwise Tom and stephAnie hVe too if not wrong,

Strollers, I swear by maclaren hee..it's easy to move ard and I can go down the step like how karang guni does w their 'trolley. Mine is XT. If you r heavy usage person, get one realy ONE u like.

Hi ningyo, I have stroller craze but keep telling myself nt to buy. Now I'm looking for a umbrella stroller for my 2.5yrs boy N let his bb sis use the XT. I nt sure whether to get a 2nd Phil and Ted. My frend is selling at $400 ;p

G'morning ladies,


I feel that the iPhone and iPad have no difference..


Ya I also had a hard time finding my size but I managed to buy a maxi dress and a slouchy top for £29 only.. I think it is quite a steal since there is no shipping fee!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] maxi dresses are good cos can wear it for casual weekend shopping trips and for dinners!!


I have a quinny buzz and a super light weight from mothercare.. But when I travel overseas with my daughter, I use the mothercare one as the buzz is really quite heavy.. Thankfully didn't bring the buzz to Paris as the buzz was too big to fit into the narrow entrance of the metro..

Goodmorning ladies!

Pink, it's ok... I just ask since u r there.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] will check on that myself, to buy a double decker/duo stroller i'm like a 1st time mom, haa haa....

Piggy, u spent time with ur son, that is the most impt part! My son I dun play with him much, he is good at entertaining himself aldy, hehehehehe... To me he play at nanny's house the whole day, do I try to slot in some learning time for him... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

JJ, where ur fren got those cut label? I normally go shopping mall, aldy a steal, haa haa....

Lynn/all 1st time mum, just make sure the big item n basic necessity is settled... Actually not so scary to prepare bb item for 1st time mom, dun scare urself.... When my 1st time I just go to those fair, buy buy buy... Suddenly found out, eh? How come everything settle liao? Think back, like nothing much I do leh.... Haa haa... Enjoy ur shopping n preparing process, dun stress!


eh actually my boi also gd at entertainin himself so most of the time he playhimself only got a bit of time for him on wkend nia on wkday only hug him abit den after my HB bath hm he go to sleep le[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so i envy SAHM got more time.. i wanted toteach him self feed but only got time to teach durin wkend so take longer sumtime wkend we go out din even have time to play with him[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gerry, the quinny buzz is the one with the tripod legs and detachable infant car seat right? I tried it and it was reallllly heavy even without the infant car seat... sigh I gave up on it.

Piggy, when my sister had her first child she bought a Peg Perego it was 7.5kgs and after a few months she gave up and bought a light weight combi one. So after her experience I really didn't want to buy something that I will regret later on. Hahaha! Man it was tough waving goodbye to my Juicy Couture one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I just told Hubby that some mothers on the forum feedback that the Capella one might spoil rather easily and I was grinning to myself and saying that if it spoils I will go and buy my Juicy Couture one and he asked me "Why is it that I sense that something ominous will happen to our Capella stroller? Am I going to come home one day and find that it has "somehow" *accidentally* fallen off our balcony?" WAHAHAHA!! LOL LOL

Yes Lynn actually most places provide the starter list for you to check the items that u need... so we can follow the list. Buy the essentials first then slowly buy the rest... smaller items not so urgent... Everywhere sells baby stuff now so even if we miss out something small like nail clipper we can always buy it from the nearby NTUC etc when the need arises...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hippo, I see alot of 2nd time mothers still shopping for stuff eh...at the places I shop at ... some of them already have 1 stroller then want to buy another one... it's normal bah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ya 7.5kg 1 is heavy tt y i gt sumthing in between abt 6.2kg.. work welll for me.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Vonn, piggytoh, Hippopolai and pinkraindrops,

I'm really in a lost. haha still have to decide which brand to get as well. The list looks extensive for a start :D What's the address of bb hypermart that you all mentioned? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

piggytoh, I noticed your list starts at 3. what's no. 1 and 2 items? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Here is the address babe-

Baby kingdom

83 Kaki Bukit Ave 1 #01-00 Shun Li industrial park

Baby Hypermart

69 Kaki Bukit Ave 1 Shun Li Industrial Park

Can check out both and compare... Initially my friend predicted that I will buy mostly from Baby Hypermart coz the items are more expensive and the brands are better... but tadah I was exceptionally disciplined and we got all our items from Baby Kingdom instead [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hehe. *pats my own shoulder* wahahaha. Enjoy your shopping, talk to the sales staff, and talk to other mothers! They are always willing to share =)

hi mommies!! Good "Morning" hehe tdy logged in late.. went to find my craved food ... Putu Mayam.. the beehoon with orange sugar. hehe..

Sandy: hmmm but now becoz i am depending on my own salary to support me n my hubby as he on 4yrs course with SIA. allowance v low only. so muz be thrifty lor.. i downgrade frm TMC to KKH. but cheaper lor.. save alot..

hippo: Jusco ar.. i nv been there before.. bt i haf the membership at one of the maternity shop.. spent RM500 n get it le.. so now i haf 10% off lor.. it's Grace Maternity. design quite nice.. my hubby prefer their clothes than local ones..

Piggy: can update my bb details in the table too? EDD 7/4/2011 baby girl (Name: Charlotte) @ KKH. =)Thanks!


Ya that's the one.. Ya super heavy.. If I go out alone cannot handle.. But it is very sturdy and stable. I think it is better if you take it when you go jogging.. My hb did that several times.. Very easy to steer..

U bought a car seat on it's own? Can it be used from infant all the way to about 4-5 years old.. I used the car seat from quinny until sh's about 8 months and then I bought a first year car seat that can be used as a boaster seat when she's older.

Yah Gerry, I bought a Britax infant car seat...from newborn to 18kgs... Haha talking about jogging ah, our gym is downstairs but my hubby finds it very hard to go down... there's a force that's holding him back somewhat... *grin* so hor... i highly doubt that will happen... he's also pregnant now and his stomach is growing along with me... sigh

Oh yes, I need to check with experienced mommies, do you all think it is necessary to buy a changing table?

I told hubby it's not necessary we can change on our bed and he says.. wah... what if accident happens then the soiled diapers land on our bedsheets... then I think think think... yah hor maybe we shld get a proper changing table.. it's better for our postures too

RE: Strollers

I have 3 strollers now.. Stokke, Gelite & Happy Dino.. haha.. I'm a stroller-crazy mom.. Had so many others before..

I always prefer the "big & sturdy" one for when I bring my girl out myself.. Hang things, won't topple.. Carry her out of stroller, won't topple.. Very important when bringing her out alone.. For me, I don't have to take bus/cab.. So it's ok la.. And most important, she must like it loh.. Ar bo, bring stroller out also no use if she keeps duwan to sit in it..

When I go out with hubby and we need to drive, bring Happy Dino (lightweight) one.. Super lightweight.. Bought $79 from KiddyPalace.. And, in my opinion, better than Maclaren.. I compare it with Maclaren Quest Sport (which I bought before also).. Mac ALWAYS topples, HD got full canopy, lighter weight and fully reclinable.. And the color is black with red.. Simple and useful.. I like! xD Very recommended for moms looking for lightweight stroller!

RE: Carseat

I was in a dilemma whether to buy carseat onot leh.. My GElite can use carseat.. But if I use, my girl cannot sleep inside when she's tired.. Then there's also the Isofix advantage for an infant.. No need to carry in, out, in & out of car.. Especially for infants, won't disturb.. If this is my #1, I would get carseat de loh..


No leh.. Not piles.. They're just lumps of flesh.. Gynae say "skin tags".. Gained from recovery de.. Wat's staple?


No need changing table.. Just buy a changing mat.. Can put on your bed.. When u change for baby on bed, more comfy for u also.. Or u can buy a waterproof "changing tray" from mothercare.. Got the sides de, somemore easy to keep.. If u buy the table, take up a lot of space.. Babies outgrow very fast de wor (will become too long for the table).. And the table will be super messy cos a lot of essentials will be placed there..


Thanks for the update~ xD


ya changin table no need ikea got this BB changing tray can jus inflat n put on table top den put BB in it cheap n gd.. Cos if u buy changin table once BB can flip it quite dangerous..

Thanks Ningyo and Pearly on your feedback on the different strollers =) appreciate it~~~

Ningyo, if my child really likes to sit on the stroller like your son then i think it'd be good to "invest" in a really good one.. it will be really be well utilized and it'll be money well spent =) I've also heard of children who do not like to sit on strollers at all so we will really feel the heartache paying 800-900$ for one.

So my logic is to buy one and test first and be prepared to buy another one depending on the need as and when it's necessary :p

afternoon ladies!!!!


Understand cos my #1 i oso no $ we open our own business so drawin 1 salary 2 person using so get refer frm polyclinic.

KKH ok la but not sure if they r biased anot cos when i gif birth i wasnt treated very well so now since both of us workin decided to go for Mt A hope we wont be struggling. haha


i know Juicy Couture hehe the very pinky stroller im soooo in love wif it but told myself next time #2 come out he cant b sittin in a pinky pram ba. im like tat de very old fashion boy mux b blue gal mux b pink bahahaha

Yes s a 2nd time mummy im still lookin at pram hehe but not always unlike my hb keep thinkin of upgrading.


i think i know wat u r talkin abt. i oso have. during my #1 pregnancy is soooo painful, swollen n red i cant even walk or sit no even sleepin properly i bought a cream luckily it soothe the area so now im very worry the pain will come back again since it still there. i heard staple wont help much onli op "cut" it away den helpful


woh u soooo gd im lazy la some more my gal is a big monster. she will bring a book to me den i will point to her n try to read to her but less than 30sec she will snatch away n walk off leavin me sittin there wif a blur face.

i think my gal is jux lazy to speak properly she know how to bye bye flyin kiss n she learn very fast sometime can hear her say out certain word but she jux don wanna say. like she can call me mama but depend on her mood every mth like twice onli. she will papa papa papa all the way tell her call mama she laugh n feel shy cover her face wif hand *faint*


oppps not say u hiding ur tummy is jux tat cant c mayb ur jacket ba.

unlike me i saw my fren she donno i preggy somemore i was wearin black n hidin my tummy but she saw my face she was like ehh ehh ehh wif a suspicious look den i say yes im preggy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] even my face can tell im preggy oh no.

Envy those mummy who r petite or skinny like piggytoh or pink can easily get clothes unlike me so fat lo maternity clothes difficult to get no matter wat i wear still look like a big round meatball [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Change many strollers is normal de.. haha.. At least strollers can be sold.. If u wan some nice ones and don't mind secondhand, can see from ebay.. Strollers, my favourite topic.. Hahaha..


i uses a changin mat those wif "bubble" de blue on 1 side pink on another n i lie it on my bed when change bb & a small container to put my wet wipes, ru yi oil, baby powder & diaper cream so when i change bb or aft bath i can find everythin wont leave out certain things.

Changin table take up space n baby outgrow it very fast


No leh.. My skin tags not painful de.. They're just flesh.. Very disturbing nia.. Ask my gynae to cut during second birth, he say cannot.. Scared interfere with the recovery.. *headache sia*

Don't say that mah.. I also fat fat de leh!! haha.. Just find some nice empire-cut tops or dresses.. Very nice on "big" preggy girls.. Finally is normal woman shape, not fat shape leh.. Lol..

RE: Juicy Couture Maclaren

I know which u girls talking abt.. Really chio.. But I really discourage getting Maclaren.. The topple problem is a headache.. If u see maclaren strollers or most lightweight strollers from the sideview, u can see that the frame is leaning slightly backwards de.. U should test out before buying.. Put baby inside liao, hang diaper bag to test.. U won't be able to put diaper bag in the basket anyway, cos full recline for infants mah.. When u carry baby out, must be careful.. See it topple.. =X

Sandy!! I'm short but not petite or skinny leh!! Piggy and Tweety (and I think Gerry also), are the petite+ skinny ones!!! 冤枉啊!! We meet up next week and I show you my extra layer of fats?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hahaha, yah Sandy I'm not thinking of #2 for now... so my Capella stroller is pink too :p


Pearly, the Mac Clauran one is 7.5kgs... not light weight right? or still unstable?


How not to fall in love with you..

Piggy, ya, me also find hard to train my boi to self-feed as he only hv meal with us on weekend.... Somemore we hardly meal at home coz nw renting ppl place... Slowly lor, bo bian...

Sandy, ^5, my boi also does the same to me!!!!! He Will bring book as me read, even b4 I start he snatch n run away!!!! Grrrrrhhhhh...... He also doesn't like to call me, keep call papa, so everytime he brings he mini toy box ask me open up for him I will ask him, u call mummy then mummy open for u? He will keep calling papa papa papa... Then I refuse open for him, haa haa....

Pink, those are rich mama! Hahaha.... Actually i guess they also look for another stroller for #2 like me bah? I have 2 strollers but promised my sil to pass to her b4 I found out I'm preggy... My son doesn't like the 2nd I bought for him.... Then put a corner display also waste.... Now good, can invest double decker, I dun wan push 2 stroller when go out.... Since the current 1 not stable liao, got excuse to shop! Hahahaha...

hippo, how old is ur #1 now? still using stroller alot? wah i think pushing 2 on stroller also very heavy right? i think I CMI... Carry one infant already hand pain arm pain muscle pain everywhere pain...

Ok lar I think it's ok to buy another one for your #2... like pearly says most people own more than 1 stroller rite? :p Plus your current one isn't stable, so u should get a new one for safety reasons!! Hahaha... I can help you to justify your shopping [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

TT, putam mayam was my crave 2wks ago but I ate minimal coconut,not sure can eat.

Btw, if we c private gynae still can deliver at Kk?

Pearly, staple is jus a procedure to tie the piles but no use wan! I'm looking for light weight stroller, got pic of happy Dino? Bb sit Liao happy anot? Hee..lame joke.

Pink, changing table nt neccessary. Get changing mat is sufficient can save the $ for other stuffs.

The juicy is hard to resist. Think still will topple if u hang heavy stuffs. My xt topple too otherwise it works fine.

There's always pros and cons.


ya tink my jacket cover all now if I wear t-shirt my tummy sure can see[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but maybe so far only tummy grow so when I wear loose pp can't tell[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


ya lo n wkday Under my mil care can't expect them to train la I wan toilet train my boi also hard so slowly lo ..


pte gynae cannot go kkh 1..


my short but not skinny wor I got big thighs n hip also.. Tink tweety, Gerry n Elmo r the tall n skinny 1[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Tandem/twin strollers very siong leh.. And hard to get on escalators.. Lifts not easy also cos singaporeans all chiong inside first.. haha.. I also got consider.. I got use Phil & Teds Sport before.. The one can fit 2 seats de.. One seat already very tough liao.. Cos the stroller is quite long.. Maybe can get a stroller with a buggy board? The elder one can stand on it.. If need to nap, can carry smaller one using carrier? Ergo carrier is a good choice.. hehe..


Your capella very sweet! Pretty! xD Ya, XT also topples, sadly.. Even though heavy, still will.. U should try before u decide to get (if, in future u wan).. Cos baby diaper bag will be heavy de..


Oh.. I think I wan to cut them off sia! Irritating leh.. But better to do it before or after birth? I also duno leh.. Never have these before..

It's not expensive looking type la.. Umbrella stroller type.. But can recline, lightweight + full canopy are big bonuses.. xD Easy to keep in car also..


heehee, elmo too? Elmo are you on fb? or on the sg motherhood group? don't remember seeing you there...

heehee i think to add to the above list of hot mamas, if i remember correctly Rachlim and Kailee, sookie and Michelle S also considered to be pretty+young mamas oh! hehee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

anyhow it doesn't matter let's hope all of us will be radiant with joy hahaha


haha reali sound alike wor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mine learn sometin new when she don get to c the father will take my phone n scream scream scream till i call my hb wif speaker on n she will go pa papapapa non stop n very happy *faint* her mind onli got daddy. if daddy beat her she used to call mama but now refuse.

but if she wans to open things she wont find her daddy die die mux b me.


it depends ur doc deliver in kkh anot [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i ask a few so far those pte de almost all do it in Mt A or TMC onli found 1 in KKH or those workin in the KKH Clinic which i know they haf 1 in AMK [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


aiyo frm the FB photo u look alrite lo hmmmm i take photo hor look like a round round ball. was tellin hb if i wear white & black maybe will look like panda haha

Woh suddenly i was thinkin if i don get those dual stroller i will be like sling 1 bb n pushin my gal in pram hur hur hur *worried* like tat go out very ma fun.


hmmm mine not painful now wor but when it 1st appear in me i feel the pain opps mayb im talkin abt another thing ba.

If we r talkin abt the same thing hor i was thinkin of doin laser they say better wor.

Pearly, thanks for your advice. I will take note of that in future. Yah agree with Vonn that there will be pros and cons to every model. It's either lighter and not as stable, or heavy+bulky but stable. As long as it suits your personal needs and preferences.

Bahhhh since I couldn't get the super chio Juicy Couture stroller.. i had to find something else that is reasonably chio too =P

Sandy, yah really not easy to push a stroller+infant and bring a toddler out on our own leh I think we need extra help either maid or grand parent or friends.. if not it's super tough.

No lar u don't look like panda~~ and round is good because u're such a wonderful mobile incubator for your baby! hehe



Pearly, I knw hw u feel abt it. I think mus wait till after delivery than cut away. I'm considering op.

Yesterday I went for minor surgery to remove 2 blood lump on the back of my scalp. It started w oily/irritated scalp during 1st trim. Then keep on scratching till bleed then skin din heal scratch again. Hence become blood lumps and it bleed if it's broken. Scary, nvr encounter such thing. Doc says common in preg...pray hard it won't come bk again!

The stroller looks good for it's price. Will consider, tks for showing pics. I considering geobaby at $99, alot ppl using wonder if it's good


Wah laser.. I think mine no need laser.. Just a minor surgery to cut away the "lumps" can liao, I think.. Btw, wat is piles? Is it something like pimples or acne? Inside or outside de?


Ya, I agree~ Stroller MUST be chio! haha..

Talking about bringing a toddler out.. I will most likely use a "leash bag" if I happen to bring both kids out alone leh.. Better than having my girl lost.. But I think I will have maid stick to me whenever I go out with both ba.. hehe..


The blood lumps sounds scary.. Hope it doesn't come back also! Sure very uncomfy one.. I think I will most likely get that surgery.. But I duno how much it will cost leh.. *haiz*

Geobaby cannot recline right? Or just half recline? The pic of Happy Dino never show full recline and canopy but it does both.. xD

Sorry to interrupt. I am from Oct 2010 thread. Have given up on bf and have a Ameda Lactaline Breast Pump which is very very new to let go at S$250 as well as new box of Pigeon Breast Pads to sell for S$8 and also brand new unopened Pureen Nappy Rash Cream. Pls check my post on WTS thread if interested or email me your hp at [email protected].


Hi hi im back from my JB Trip.. weeet.. bought 2 leggings and 1 shorts from maternity shop.. though spent RM220 on these 3 items only but im sure it gives me the comfort level.. hehe..

Sandy: ya i dun put high hope on the service level den wont be so disappointed liao lor..hehe and 1 of my fren not working at the moment, she acc me to see doctor whenever i haf appt.. so wont be that bored while waiting..

Vonn: heehee the putu mayam is really nice.. first few mouth of it really make me feel like putting the sugar on it, wrap and squeeze into my mouth.. hehe.. i bought it at Geylang Serai Market.. 60cents/pcs.

For the delivery in KKH, if u wan subsidiced rate, maybe when it's 2 3 mths before ur EDD, u go polyclinic get referral go KKH den u can deliver at subsidiced rate. but ur room can only choose b4 (i tink 6 bedded kind). but if u A1 or B2 bedroom, den u haf to choose a fixed doctor.. which i am doing now..

I am currently using subsidiced rate to see routine checkups and abt 2mths before EDD, den find a fixed doctor den choose a A1 room. coz i dun wan share room with others.. abit awkward and afraid cant stand the noise level when pple visit.. =p


Hehe me nv expect high but wat i received jux shocked lo in me was wonderin how come onli.

i choose B4 but tat tuime got no space den gif me donno wat class which got air con n 4 bedded de.


if choose subsidized de when delivering may not b by doc. mine is by a trainee nurse. she quite ok but hor always forget to wear glove i still remember when i wanna push she will asked me not to do so cos she cant find glove when she got it i don feel like pushin but keep askin me to do so.


i think mine is pile.haha to me is laser la but they say is "burn" i donno wat the actual word haha but my hb bro did it b4.

i donno how to describe pile but is jux 1 lump at the butt where we sh*t (sorry for being er xin)mind is like being with me since young doc did ask me to push in but when i preggy it come out again.

Everytime i do business i need to wash use tissue sometime will bleed tats y tis time round i always LS till i very scare


the maclaren Xt will topple so easily ??

cos my current capella 6.2kg it wun topple with a diaper bag n my grocery even when i cary bb out leh.. thot 7.5kg shd be more stable???

Hi All

I am a Sep 10 mummy and have the following magazines for sale: -

Mother & Baby 12 issues (May 09 to Jan 10, Mar 10, May 10, Jun 10)

Young Parents 8 issues (Mar 09 to May 09, Jul 09 to Sep 09, Nov 09, May 10)

Motherhood 5 issues (Sep 09, Jan 10, Apr 10, Jun 10, Aug 10)

Today's Parents 1 issue (Apr/May 10)

Baby Chic 1 issue (Jun 10)

All magazines are selling at $1 each, except for Baby Chic $0.50

All magazines are maintained in good conditions.

If purchase all will be $26.00

Collection at Punggol.

If you are interested, please drop me an email at [email protected]

Thank you.


sandy: what u received?? oh u meant u choose b4(6bedded) and end up got 4bedded? ya that time i met with minor accident i choose normal class de but becoz TTSH too crowded, they give me 4bedded with air con too.. hehe.. bt u oso lucky ma.. hehe..

ya choose subsidiced is any doctor or trainee doctor on duty.. experience or non experience.. all depends on luck liao.. but i v scare anything will crop up.. so better choose a fixed doctor at least a "Consultant" ranking de to deliver.. haha..

now im so gan jiong looking forward nearer to EDD..!! hehe..

