(2011/04) Apr 2011

Hi Yoti,

Yes, I was diagnosed with hypothyroid (actually hashimoto thyroidism) Sept last year after my 2nd m/c. My antibodies swing so wildly after that (almost 800x!) but stablises after i seek medication and quit my job. My TSH level is now kept at 0.5. I read quite a bit on thyroid and if you are interested, i can share with you some info i learnt.

Stay happy and positive! Dr says many women who has thyroid problems went on to deliver healthy babies. Just remember to take your medication faithfully.

I am more worried about a blood clot found in my uterus last Tues scan. I was wondering if exercise will help to dissolve the blood clot.


Saw sookie name missing

26th Nov Dinner meet up in Town

1) Pinkraindrops

2) Sandy Dee

3) Vivi

4) avocado

5) tweety

6) hippopolai

7) pika bini

3rd Dec Dinner meet up in Town

1) Pinkraindrops

2) Vivi

3) tweety

4) mrs Chua

5) hippopolai


7)pika bini

ya maybe my gynae did FA in his clinic. I tot mux go hospital de.

#1 i did in KKH den hor they nv mention anything onli keep telling me cannot find bb heart beat *faint*

Elmo/ piggytoh

till now hor i still nv bring my gal to any of the classes wor no even trial class opps n i jux started bringin her to those indoor playground n baby gym. a lazy mummy tsk tsk tsk


which Kindy ur boi goin.. quite ex wor... the zoophonics which is consider ex alr cost $300 for N1..


it depend on how gd ur gynae machine cos when i go TMC the machine can detect many thing still gotta see if the blood flow correct way etc n got cleft lips anot..


sure will update tonight..


oh it ok la go with majority cityhall or bugis i am both ok but if u gals prefer orchard jus go ahead k[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Non 1st-time mummies,

hee...hee... a bit KS here but can I ask if you shave your baby's hair when he/she was 1 month old?

Just heard from a fren that she engaged someone from 胎毛笔 to shave her baby's hair and make it into a brush and it cost $360!!!!!

I don't think I want to part with that sum of money...rather use it for other purposes lor.... but then, how can I go about getting someone to shave baby's hair then?

Thank you!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i did it when my boy turns 4mths..what i heard it either 1mths or 4mths.

i went to the one where baby can have indoor swimming (forget the name). My friend bring her boy to those salon at 4mths..


Thanks for your reply... but actually, what's the significance of shaving the hair? Coz' I see some kids whose hair dun grow back till much later and it doesn't really look nice.... :p

Oh, I know the indoor swimming one. Hwa Xia, right? Hmm... but if I intend to do it at 1st month, I wonder if Hwa Xia or those normal salons would be able to do it?


hear different version..

1)the hair will grow more and thicker

2) it's baby hair so shave liao new hair grow xing de kai shi

3)cos baby hair easily drop so by then the hair very uneven so they shave.

there are others reason i forget liao

some pple even shave the eyebrowns

Yes it's Hwa Xia and they do shave for 1mth too..think the 胎毛笔 also help to shave even tou you don't go for the brush thingy

Hello how is lunch for everyone? Finally half day gone and cant wait for weekend to come....

I am fine to meet anywhere for dinner so depending on your preference.

Hello Pika

Regarding your blood clot, I think you should with your gyane before you do any exercise in case you worsen it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hmm my appetite seems to be growing now and yesterday for supper I ate 3 pieces of bread and somemore dont find it satisfying. Looks like I better watch what I eat now in case I grow too much ....


then, I'll have to buy a shaver for it? Coz' from what my fren told me, the guy from the shop used a shaver and because it's the whole head, can't possibly use scissors only. Can't possibly use hubby's shaver, right??


OIC.... Hmm... guess I'll just call up Hwa Xia or Tai Mao Bi (I suspect they'll hard sell the brush though :p) to enquire again when the time comes bah. Many thanks!! (",)


u can simply go to any salon to shave 1 no worries... actually not compulsory to shave la..dun go Hwa xia i did at Hwa Xia also cos my boi no hair 1 till now still no hair n they no skill 1 go salon cheaper haha..

Re: Medela pump

Ladies my HB friend is not able to help me buy the pump so i be ordering directly from www.mybreastpump.com any1 wan to tag my order so can share the shipping???

i chose this webbie becos i heard some webbie although cheaper but i read from Tan Leng Leng BP : am ordering from www.mybreastpump.com,

you can email Christine from the above website to check if I had been ordering from her.

Not everyone who stated that they are ordering from www.mybreastpump.com, are ordering from the actual stated site

www.mybreastpump.com is an authorised Medela distributor,

there's a 1 year warranty period for your pump purchased from them,

warranty in USA only.

If your spree organiser, BP organiser or seller had bought from non-authorised Medela distributor,

Medela Inc. will not entertain your damaged pumps.

This is because, I was told, there are a lot of re-conditioned pumps in USA,

they are being sold at much lesser than retail prices.


cos her pick up area in the east not convenience for me so was tryin to order on my own.. if u gals wan to tag my order pls let me know will close at 4 order.

Depend on the rate charge to Credit card:

Est. Cost (Est Exchange rate: 1.31)

Medela Freestyle: USD 299 ($391.69)

Est Shipping + GST(if got 4 set): $70

Est total: $461.69


mine at Hwa Xia ok leh..but the place i went closed down liao LOL


anyone got comments on the avent duo electric??

want Medela but heard the motor very loud and Avent more comfy cos of the cushion....

St there is 1 shop that does the tao mao brush at Balestier opp Thomson Medical Centre. Can try there if you want.

But then hor what is the brush for?

st, piggy..

JG is really good but very ex.. I think I am paying about $800 per 10 weeks. And classes are only 2 times a week! I picked tues and thurs.. And now got a holiday programme.. Which is cheaper,I think.. About $230 for 1 week. They'll take the kids to a farm and then the rest of the 4 days will be in class...

Is Zoophonics good?? I saw an outlet near siglap centre..


Ya working at biopolis..Oh your friend doing phd... Oh!! Hehe.. Don't tell your friend that I think phd is a waste of blood, sweat and time... =)


Medela i tink depend on which model.. freestyle is ok.. but really up to u. i dun wan to risk la.. cos so far i dun hear -ve feedback on medela but other brand some say gd some say no gd..


icic the freestyle and PISA not the same right?

and if don't want to sent back to USA for service the service in singapore exp?? u know??


hmm if u compare zoophonics n JG i tink JG still better bah but zoophonics is also not bad a cheaper option of GUG cos they only have couse for 18mth n above by then my boi go CC liao i wan him to try for weekly lesson be4 he go for daily lesson in CC..


nope diff.. PIS is cheaper n suction strong but heavy to bring ard it gd if u r a SAHM.. but if u wan pump at office Freestyle is definitely much better...


I read from Tan Leng Leng's thread before about some diff between the PISA and Freestyle.

1) Some mummy was saying that the weight of the PISA was double of the Freestyle. So, if you are working and has to bring the pump, the cooler bag and the expressed milk to and fro, it's gonna be very heavy.

2) While the suction power of the PISA is stronger, some 1st time mummies may not be able to handle it and thus far, there has been no complaints from any mummies about the Freestyle.

3) If any servicing is required for a US set with no local warranty, the distributor would charge a fee starting from $100 versus $50 for a local set.

That's all I remember for now lar... :p

Breast pumps

I used an ameda lactaline that was recommended by the breastfeeding association.. And I think it is as effective as the medela PIS (tried both-- the cost of the medela put me off and I was scared I couldn't sustain breastfeeding)...Cost wise Ameda is way cheaper... I paid only $350 for it.. It is also lighter than the freestyle so easier to carry around.. The only problem is that is does not come with a carrier so i actually used one of my big bags to place the pump in..


yes yes for #1 i am using Ameda it's good and light and not no nosiy but cos i have very slow let down and when i use Ameda my flow i feels quite slow..so tot of changing one.

Also heard from pple for #2 the BM flow will be faster not sure how true


it's my pleasure...just sharing what I've read and know so far... :p

Hmm... although it's really expensive, I think I'll still take the plunge and purchase the Freestyle set since there are like so many positive reviews about it and I told hubby that if it really work wonders and allow me to breastfeed for 6 months, then it'll work out to be cheaper than formula milk. :p

hi mummies,

how does baby kick feel like? these few days i felt like some bubbling feeling at my tummy.. is it so called fluttering or kick or is it just baby turning?

btw, wat is fluttering.. hehe.. 1st time mum so dunno abt this...


Really let down will be faster for #2? Didn't know that.. I was quite pleased with Ameda.. thinking I only paid $350 and yet can BF my #1 for 10 months.. I think not bad.. Actually could have continue but I was very lazy and I thought my girl is already eating more solids than drinking milk so I stop...

My friend and I used to be pumping pals.. And she used a PIS.. We both take about 15-20 mins to pump and vol is roughly the same.. Around 160ml-200ml..

You ladies can actually check out these 2 website about breastpumps and breastfeeding.. They do sell pumps... although I don't know whether they are cheaper.:




hmm i heard from my friend even u buy from local the warranty isonly 1 yr n rarely u will have any issue unless u buy from those re-condition supplier ...

ya for Ameda i hear it slow too.. it like some say gd some say no gd so i dare not risk:x


u r right when i had #1 the amt i spent on FM is nearly $200 per mth... cos an average FM for step 1 is alr $40+ /tin n 1 tin will prob last 1wk.... n i got v lousy milk supply so mus invest in 1..


u cant compare like tt wor.. i tink u mus try both den can compare cos like my friend she use Ameda but lousy milk supply so she went to TMC LC for help n she use their Medela 1 she was soo surprise how much milk she got.. so if u use PIS maybe ur milk supply will be more... but if Ameda serve u alright jus stick with it[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ya i also hope #2 the flow faster leh..but then i don't want to take the risk leh hahah later slow again..wow i take abt 45 mins just to pump in office leh..pple tot i eat snake


when u closing for the ordering of pump they come with SG adpator?


I suppose.. I tried my friend's PIS too and I felt no difference for me so I don't want to waste money.. Hehe!! But now I hope my ameda wouldn't die on me for 2nd round.. They said for pumps, old motor might give problems..

My ameda has served me well.. It has gone to Tokyo and Malaysia with me too cos never bring bb.. Hehe!! So I guess if it does die (which I hope it doesn't) I will buy another ameda..


My friend bought the medela cos she wanted the high cost of the pump to keep her motivated to provide BM for her bb.. to cover cost... =)


45mins quite long!! You pumped once or twice a day in the office?


once i gotten 4 set order cos now USD v gd.. no does not come with adaptor but the adaptor can easily get tink few dollar nia... where u stay? cos i orderin on my own cos Tanleng leng east side v far for me if u stay in the east can order from her easier for u:p


i tink Ameda dun suit every1 tt y some say gd some say no need.. maybe the pump suit u v well tt y u dun find any prob plus ur supply is ok.. gd la u can save $$..


My ameda died on me twice faint.worse still once is when i went batam..in the end i have to use my hand to express faint spent the whole moring inside the toliet LOL

i pump twice in the office..but i pumped one side at a time cos i feel if i pump both side together the suction is not strong..


Tan Leng Leng also same price??

I stay at SK


Wow... that's really a lot of money to spend on formula milk....


hee...hee... ya, I think I'm adopting that method too... :p But get back the full value of the pump before stopping breastfeeding....


ya we buyin from same webbie which i tink more reputable.. u can check out her spree thread.. i tink u stay at SK buy from her better cos i west side.. if no gals join me i may jus buy from her n get my HB collect see if any 1 interested anot...


no worries la.. i know tt y i told ST if TLL location easier get from her... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yes FM v ex.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

This AM went to kkh 24hr to check out the babies if they are ok .. scan them healthy & moving quite alot. I didn't even feel them moving though on screen they were active. Now feel more assured.

I ordering Medela Freestyle, fren in USA now helping me find the store. also same time get some bb clothings ! my fren say so cheap ! the demin jackets only S$19, compared to spore one


Oh that's why you take 45 mins.. I see i see.. I am very lucky then..my pump has not died on me yet.. will see this time round, since i am using my old ameda.. hehe!! Getting ready to rush to a store to buy new pump.. Maybe I should get some new valves first since those wear and tear more easily..


Ya I was reading somewhere that ameda is good for those who have no problems with let down and supply.. I only decided to buy the ameda when I had a steady supply.. I was without a pump for the first 3 months so bb had to sitck with me where ever I go.. Hehe!!Now with #2, must save more money!!


Remember to massage your breast when you are pumping as pumping is not as efficient as bb so with pumping might form clots in your boobs.. and plus I feel massaging can help increase milk supply.. Squeeze out all the blocked milk!


ya, I'll be getting the Freestyle but probably only order next month or in Jan bah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

