(2011/04) Apr 2011


ya i also dunno this time round i can tong how long..still got #1 still need to work and not old liao not much engry too kekek


BF cannot take alot of ginger right, sesame oil and anything with alcohol and caffeine rite?

there's also a list of common food that have been found to cause a fussy or colicky reaction in breastfed babies. Friend sent it to me so just KIV:



Brussel sprouts




Citrus fruits


Dairy products


Hot peppers

Iron supplements





Soy and tofu

Spicy food




That's a super long list... I drank lots of milk, yoghurt, soya milk during bf leh.. I find that they actually help me to increase milk supply.. I tested spicy food and hehe my girl was ok!! Yeah!!


sorry digress a little...cos of new job i dun really haf much leave yet..wed i got gynae appt but it's in the morn n i also got blood test after wards...i intend to ask doc if can gif me MC cos i really dun haf much leave..

shld i inform my bosses earlier huh? or just inform on wed tat i'm taking mc...

paiseh always taking mc leh...but bopianz..

I also intend to BF my twins but scared supply not enough for 2 !

Might have to mix with formula (can or not huh?)

Is it can't eat raw things during BF-ing ?


I can faint talking to her sometime hehe


haha yes I don care how I will hide in my rm aft bith c wat she can do


yes she got 3 kids n nope she nv breast feed them at all she say aft birth she ask doc for med liao.

I oso very bad lo I will tell hb her breast soooo big if she breastfeed n take care of her diet she sure got lots of milk some more can used for bathing lo

gers I feel my face like getting worse. wanna consult a skin doc liao.. any good recommendations preferable near SK, AMK areas.

If i ask my own doc he might not have the solution & say wait till end of preg. Any of u ask yr own docs ? what's their adv ?

tks ST,

hafen tried asking from gynae yet.cos my appts usually after work. except for this time..cos need to run some tests...


i heard there is a doc at kovan tat area not bad leh...but i not sure the name...let me find out den share with u...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

JJ have to be careful when seeing skin doc. My frens gynae prescribe her some anti-biotics for her ache prob during her preg.. her case was really v bad reaction to the preg hormones.. Then she go n read online.. seems like the anti-biotics are not gd for bb. So in then end she only took onces.. waited till after her preg then treat her face. All those normal pimple cream we cant apply too.

Thanks Kai Lee - I read those preg books they say wait till end of preg & it will clear up, or can try drinking lots of water to clear the toxic .. which i find useless advise...

Oh can't mix .. oops oops .. see la can tell I 1st time ... haha then it will be likely alt twin will be breast fed & bottle fed ..

Actually the bigger the breast the more I think it will produce lesser milk ... i notice my smaller breast frens can breast feed very long like 1.5yrs

elmo - ya i know but even if I tell the doc that I'm preg they will so unethical to prescribe me those meds/ cream that can't use ??

OMG so scary I fall while climbing up the stair till now my heart still bumping very fast.

All mummies pls be careful when walking

jj.. hard to say. Sometimes not they unethical.. maybe they also dunno it's harmful to bb. Better get reliable ones.. maybe see got anyone seen the doc during preg b4?


huh...pimple cream we also cannot apply ah?those on the shelf one leh?oops..i haf been using consistently leh...will gynae be able to advise on these?wat abt face masks?can we use them?


seems like normal doc leh..not skin doc...but alot of pple rave abt it...maybe u can go after u gif birth loh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


no leh...i think it's at the kovan mall or something...will haf to check first n advise [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i informed my boss by email one day before.. but email when i know she wun be able to read...which means almost knocking time.

my boss din know tat i m pregnant tat time...

my email said i got 2 medical appt...one in the morning for blood test and scanning

then afternoon got consulation on test results by doc.

and doc mentioned he will give mc to me tomolo so i will taking it

in this case i wun take time off for medical checkup...dun wan to instead rush here and there as cant predict the waiting time.

hope to get your understanding.

i agreed with elmo..tat day one GP prescribed a cream for my gal...but tat cream is for 2 yrs above but my gal only 15mths tat time.

so better read on your own.


all eldery dun encouraged...cos they dunno y mus like tat since they grew up with infant milk.so mus be very persistant and determination.

i always said doc said is better for bb immunity.

JJ my skin also very jia lut. got some red pigmentation, i don't know what it is. Not pimples also. DAMN sian. My complexion used to be very good. I'm not using anything, just normal facial wash. Sigh.

Hi mummies,


I wanted to add that if your other breast is leaking when you are feeding, you can get a breast shield that can 'collect' the milk you can use...I've not used it personnally, but think for those who have leaky breast, can store 5-10mls...

also, apart from the breast pump, do invest in a good nipple cream-personnally, i recommend purelan, it was life-saving for me during the initial feeding days, it really helps in preventing the crack/sore nipples and heals the crack/bleeding nipples well...

hope this helpful to especially 1st time mummies.

Hi ladies,

Just log in n saw so many post read till my eyes pain ......


If say u going us can help me buy 1 set of freestyle breast pump this time die die intend to bf #2 till as long as possible can c e difference btw bf kid n non bf kid in term of health ....


I going to e expo bb fair u wan go together ??? Hehe

hi jojobaby,thanks for your tip. are there other ways to prevent cracked/bleeding nipples? i've seen that happened to my cousin and i was horrified. if that is going to happen i'll definitely not torture my poor breasts. how common is it to have to cracked/bleeding nipples?

me also not gg expo Hub say nothing to see [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I use to hv outbreak on my face when i hv #1, it start to appear since i know i preggy n gone after i delivery 6mth later. Dun worry it will clear up n can onli endure at the moment cos it will not disappear no matter wat u do. I hv no pimples at all b4 tat n was very down n sad when all tis appear on my face n ppl comment abt it also. For #2, so far still ok but scare later part also hv.


U can use your expressed milk to soothe the soreness... Your breastmilk has lots of antibodies and anti-inflammtory components.. But after the pain of the first few weeks, it will no longer hurt...

Breastfeeding can be quite relaxing one.. esp once you get the hang of it.. it is like a private moment with you and your baby..

Cholemummy - really ... sigh, then bo pian just continue my current regim of clean & clear face wash + aloe vera gel to sooth the redness.

I googled online mummies can note down these ingredents when buying over counter face products.

these are the stuff best avoided:

- Salicylic Acid (though I've read that low % is acceptable)

- Retinol A

- Parabens

- Benzoyl peroxide

- BHA (Beta hydroxy acid)

- Accutane

- Hydrocortisone

- cream hair removers

- Phathalates

I'm going to the bb fair too !!

Kai lee

I find tat the price ok. During the fair u can buy everything no need to like here got discount go ther buy n another side go promo go another side get. Fair is like save time.

When I haf #1 I went for all the 3 days n all the time I go I sure come back full of things [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


oh..tks..i think i will wait for the next round bah..when i haf a beta idea wat i wanna get..will be gd if can know BB gender first [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I agree with Gerry that your own breastmilk is a good way to soothe your nipples when cracked etc etc.

Pink: one reason why they get cracked/bleed means that the baby is not latching correctly or the pump is not right for you.

For BF, don't be pressured but be determined if you really want to. Just tell yourself don't have high expectations, just like don't be pressured to having a normal delivery if not, you get depressed and disappointed. Just go with the flow! Just expect the unexpected!


Prevention is one-so you can start applying the cream(thinly, not too much, that's not good too) at the first sign of soreness. Using your breastmilk is also helpful... remember to try to 'air' them so if you can be braless for a while after you feed, that can help too... if all else fail, you will need to feed baby on the 'good side' and give the other one some time to heal...usually it heals quite fast if you dont let it worsen...

I agree with gerry, bf can be a nice experience bonding with baby, so just need to overcome the inital 'teething problems' during the 1st month of breastfeeding... sometimes, mummies give up prematurely because they are unaware and discouraged cos they didnt expect the 'problems' early on and did not seek early 'intervention'... bf is a personnal decision for the mummy, just wanted to share cos I've also had my fair share of problem when I tried to bf, i took it one day at a time and managed to bf my 1st baby for 7 mths and 8mths for #2. ;-)

thanks mummies for the advice. Appreciate it. will see how things go [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wow jojobaby it's now your #3!!! *respect*!!


finished my shopping spree, bought 5 items came up to $189. cheaper then buying 2 item of maternity. ke ke ke..

now at jacks place having my long over due craving: baked potato!!!!

