(2011/04) Apr 2011

for pump i'm using ameda..quite good leh but dunno if i want to change it to avent uno auto one anyone using..PISA is good leh but too heavy to bring to work..even with ameda i already have a hard time



last time i used avent uno belong to my sil, nw she also preg & even same EDD as mine so i need to get a new one le

Hi Girls,

Thanks for your concerns. Appreciate it. Actually I feel fine other than the bruise at the side of my back but all my colleagues are so worried asked me to see the gynae. So i just called and the nurses said that its up to me to see the gynae. Since i am not bleeding or having cramping, i decided to see him on my scheduled visit this coming Mon. I hope I am not overly confident that I am alright.

Wanted to tell you my experience on maternity clothes. With my first pregnancy, i realised that i tend to buy clothes every trimester.. Esp for shorties like me cause if buy too big, look way too odd so i buy every trimester and don't over buy. I have some borrowed clothes from my cousin but she's a little bigger size than me..so they don't fit nicely. they are now just sitting in my cupboard. so I think you should not buy too big sizes.. just buy the size you normally wear but for maternity.

I have the mclaren xt. its good but a little heavy and don't have those baby capsules. but its durable (3 years already) and it met my needs. going to use it for this baby. my advise is when you buy prams, make sure that it can recline all the way down. This is necessary for newborns. Prams were very important for me cause imagine you still have to hang all your barang barang (milk, diapers, cream etc). Unless you have a maid that can carry the bag and you can sling the baby. Otherwise, I feel that a pram is a worthwhile investment. btw, i also wanted to tell you guys that when you buy a pram, do "test drive" it by going up and down the escalator before your put the baby in. after you put in the baby and the bag, the pram can be quite heavy and you need to practise balancing it on the escalators (though i know.. we should be using the lifts :p).

so which bottles are better?

BTW gals.. recently I had huge appetite!! Juz had my dry mee hoon kueh and my mouth is itchy for food again

Metro is having sales.. can go take a look.. I juz bought some bb clothings there... 20% off ah


ops sorry it's duo? cos i've tried the single auto i think its very comfy leh but just that the motor is together with the pump so quite heavy..


NO problem :p


Cot is good cos it is safe for them. Playpen is good too except it is smaller [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Potato Chips,

I finally sick of potato chips [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/proud.gif] Hope I can sick of it forever but think difficult . heehee


duo is 2side de huh hehe i also not really sure but i noe its avent 2 function can be use electric/batt or manual

so when brg it to ofc i use manual its light


actually there is no bottles which are better leh..it's depend on ur bb one..some bb just dun like certain teats so need to trial and error.

but i guess it's mummies preference..cos some are wide bottles some are narrow


ya cot is better leh but i got one already and i don't have playpen..so don't intend to buy another cot..


yup duo is 2 side one..very comfy right cos of the cushion..As my let down is very slow..for auto at times i need alr 45-1hr to fully empty leh..cos i can't use manual one cos it will take even longer..


my weight is gaining terrible

the 1st trim i got MS so the weight just remain the same. only 2weeks of no MS day, my weight slowly gain & gain altot my appt still as usual.

i gain 5kg in 2wk time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

how to control it? my 1st preg i gain abt 3kg everymth


for me i think very hard to control leh..unless have to always eat healthy food then maybe the weight gain not so bad


i used single de also comfy

my flow queit good so i manage to clean both side ard 15min for abt 150ml

if manual take abt 30min bah


then, does that mean we shouldn't buy too many bottles and teats at the beginning? Coz' I was advised to buy 6 to 8 bottles and teats too....

And what is let down?


that is fast leh..mibne really very slow especially i start gg back to work..then my colleague always think why i go so long then come back..


hmm if u intend to direct latch many can dun buy too many bottles...and is there is someone there to help u wash also can dun need to buy so many maybe 4 bottles should be ok bah..but depends some mummies no time to wash so get many bottles not so troublesome lor..

let down is when the BF flows very fast out (actual meaning dunno how to say kekek) ok this is what i found i cut and paste

->The let-down reflex makes breastfeeding easier for your baby and means your milk is ready to flow. A few seconds to several minutes after you start breastfeeding, you may feel a tingle in your breast, and milk may start to drip from the breast not being used. These are signs that your milk has "let-down."

st... my cousin recommend mi to buy tommee tippee but I tot to get those common one like pigeons? I not sure yet.. too many to choose.

bbgoh... think im gg to be like u too.... i nv weigh myself but my tummy looks very bloated and round le... heehee keep tinking bb wans to eat not mi.. LOL

HI girls!!

Was soo busy in the morning!!


Welcome Back!! Hope you feel rejevenated!! =)

Wah.. U girls are already talking about what to buy for baby.. I am still thinking of what I am going to wear the next day!!

I agree with sookie.. Should buy clothes that fit you. Don't buy too large.. it will be too unflattering... By the time I get a baby bump, I'm going to go back to form fitting tops.. cos I find them comfortable.. I remember towards the end of my 2nd trimester, I was wearing singlets, tank tops to work.. I find them cheap and functional compared to maternity clothes.. Didn't really buy too many maternity clothes.. For functions and dinner, I went to Zara and bought maxi dresses... And even in the 3rd trimester I was wearing a small size maxi dress from Zara.. and cost only $60.. Maternity clothes are super ex!! I only buy maternity capris, jeans. Even my tank tops were from cotton on.. just bought 1 size bigger than usual.. their tanks tops are long, so will cover the big belly..

Oh.. I actually have a quinny buzz that I want to sell... Don't know whether any of you girls are interested?? It is relatively new..I have the adpater that will allows the pram to carry infants.. and it will last all the way till the kid is about 3+... I am thinking of buying a double decker pram so that both kids can enjoy!!


huh? according to the explanation you found, milk from start dripping from the breast not being used... That means while I'm breast feeding Baby on 1 breast, the other breast will suddenly drip too ah.... Then, how? wouldn't that be a great mess? Sorry ah.... 1st time Mummy and know absolutely nuts about BFing.... :p


ya keke the other side will drip too lor..then u can use a towel to cover it first but it's drip leh so not so bad


oh I never try tommee tippee before only tried pigeon and avent and another brand i forget liao (it's glass bottle)


#1 I don even know how to pump at all now hope I can reali learn n yes inverted nipple can't latch at all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I envy those ppl tat breast feed tis time round I reali mux do it.


thanx thanx I think I will get a playpen

I got tis bad feeling tat my inlaw will pour a bucket of cold water on me cos they already ask me to get yao lan n tell me better don bf. Suddenly think of depression haha. I reali think too much today :p


its depends

my case 1st mth its no leak still can kp unless i pump it, then dunno why suddenly one day its cant keep le.. once 3hours jiu leaking so wasted so when using electric pump, usually i ll get a cup to catch on the other side


think it's really sad when they are not supportive of BF hor..that time my MIL also keep asking me when i wan to stop BF..and really have a hard time "forcing myself" to contiune to BF


yah loh.. but no latch on got good thg also, we can easily to stop BF :p

we all got 1st time de mah hehe

after i got the pump from sil, i asked HB to try it keke so now the strenght of sucking

then 2nd day at hospital jiu start to gently pump to trigger the BM

& luckily when i got the colustrum, my girl was with me so i quickly used finger take it & feed on her

Thanks, bbgoh!

Sigh.... My MIL didn't openly discourage BF lar but then, she kept repeating to me that if you wanna BF hor, then you cannot eat this, cannot eat that during confinement etc...then, you may not get to bu your body back etc... Very smart woman.... won't offend by telling directly not to BF but everytime see me, will keep talking about the cons of BFing.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

regarding elderly not encouraging bf.. I got that from my mum too! Keep nagging n nagging.. till i really v pekchek. cos after my confinement i stayed at my mum's place.. then she keep nagging say bf not gd lah.. poo so often.. at nite eat not full lah.. so keep waking up. Then my dad also come n chap 1 leg.. say ppl bf is total latch on.. u still need to pump.. so mafan. Till in the end.. they win loh.. bb keep crying.. i got no time to pump also.. milk supply totally gone after 2mths.. sianz..

re the yao lan, my mum also insist. Since she's looking after.. so i bobian.. gotta listen to her loh. This time round.. i'm going to put bb in infant care.. so she wont get to nag anymore! :p

Moon breast feed is good for babies esp for the first 6mths.... in the meantime i read, dun intake too much caffine and alcohol stuffs... other then that its okie one lei...

Hi ladies

Just to share my experience on pump and steriliser. Before my #1 ppl telling me dont need to buy steriliser just use a pot to boil water and steriliser the bottles will do. My mum and hubby do that for a month or 2 and finally I gave up cos it was really wasting time to wait for the water to boil. As you need quite a big pot water to boil your bottles and pump. Think about 20 minutes for the water to boil, then got to manually throw in all the bottles and pump, let it boil for a while thereafter pick them up one by one and store in a container. I then last minute go grab a pigeon steriliser from NTUC which not on offer and cost me $100plus.

My personal opinion, I find that using a pot to boil the bottles is really waste time and water. With the steriliser, I just need to wash the bottles and pumps, pour in some water think about 150ml turn on the power and that all.

As for the pump, I bought a avent manual pump (tot cheaper and trying to save $), who knows during the 1st week of my confinement I pumped until I cried, cos I pumped until my hand aches and the worst was there was one day after I finish my pumping, I actually split the whole cup of BM. The next day my husband without telling me went and bought a avent electric single pump for me from Metro which was not on promotion.

At the end it cost me more $$$ cos if I bought it earlier, I could have bought them when there was a promotion.


hehe dunno how to describe ler.. maybe u can try to google the image hahaa


honestly say its really important to have encouragement during BF. but really sad many mil only gave stress either not encourage or kp complain our BM not enuf.

my fren is 1 of them, her mil kp say bb not drink enuf, her BM cant meet bb demand, make her so sad & this ll effect our BM flow only loh

i m lucky have a good mil, she wont chap unless i ask her advice


yup, I do know that breast milk is good and that's why, I'm choosing to act blur towards whatever she says... :p


haha.... I agree!! I was just telling hubby this morning that while a breast pump is expensive, but if you work it out over a few months, it's still cheaper than having to buy a few tins of milk powder for those initial months!

Actually whether or not Bf babies have stronger immunities depends on the baby and external factors too. Both my niece and nephew were Bf for a year but they still fell ill very often becoz they go to childcare. I've friends who formula feed and their kids don't fall sick as much.

I'm opposite think my MIL will encourage Bfing coz she did for all 3 kids. I may have a hard time convincing her that I don't want to

not only tt.. cos tt time my bb got jaundice.. then i bf cant take too much ginger.. then later on bb got rashes.. so pd say dun take too much sesame oil too.. and cant take alcohol directly.. so.. more nag n nag loh...

pink, inverted nipples means the neh neh not protruding out loh.. like abit dented in.. so bb v hard to grab onto the nipples n suck. My explanation..correct boh?


haha... actually, my mil was supposed to do my confinement for me but in the end, I told hubby that I really dun think I can rest comfortably with her around and that her constant presence 24/7 might give me more pressure instead... and so, he finally decided that we'll hire a confinement nanny instead but still told her to come along everyday if she so pleases.... :p


tats the advantage of it n no confusion b/t nipple n btl

moon/ st

ya la I hate those tat don support bf

my sil best ar say tat I sure got no milk la, u sure donno how to bf. Ur gal sure won drink n u r looking for trouble wat for so troublesome mux bf jux gif milk powder.

Haha tis questions I listen since I'm preegy wif #1 Till now still so familliar

AI YO WHY THESE PEOPLE SO DEMORALIZING [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi gals,

Can I check with those who bought the otak. I like to have mine crispy so thought of putting it in the oven. Do I have to thaw it first? I know if steam, I won't need to.

Aiyoh.... Never mind about others....

We'll all spur each other on here!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Everyone of us will have our personal reasons as to why we want / don't want to breastfeed.... While others can give advice etc... no one is supposed to judge us... We are the mummies... We know that whatever we choose to embark on is what we believe is the best for our children.


yr sil had any kids? did she do BF b4?

or maybe she is jealous to see other can BF


i also hope this time can last till at least 1yr but got thg to worry as gotta take care of #1 plus hsecore to do, wondering if i can cope

last time have #1 i still stay with in law

moon> ya man act blur.. if got milk thats the best.... eat more fish oil to cont breastfeeding... this one taught by Piggytoh.. heehee eat like wat u eat during ur pregnancy try to avoid toxic fish/seafood will do le lo...

Sandy> soooo mean how can she like that predict!!! dun get stress up w that... juz try ....


Regarding breasfeeding..

I guess those who are determined should just block out all negative thoughts! People who tell you that bf no good, or you are not producing enough milk, you should ignore..

My mom was very supportive of me bf... but my grandma got nag!!! Tell me bf no good.. but I always tell myself that she's ignorant and they come from a generation where many pple use formula milk thinking their own milk is inferior.. Why would our body be designed such that the milk we produce for infant be bad for the infant!!! It is just silly..

I was very determined to bf my girl.. I didn't even buy formula milk for just in case.. cos I must admit bf was not easy at the start.. It is painful, tiring and at times demoralising.. I didn't even pump till I knew I had a steady supply.. I breastfed her till she was 10 months.. and I bought a medela dual electric pump for work..

