(2011/04) Apr 2011

Hello everyone

Wow this thread sure moves fast...

JJ wow Jack's Place I love the soup and the baked potato too !

I am now at week 15 but dont know just now I puked and I can feel my stomach bloated .... I thought it will be better but it is like back to square one, makes me so confused.



i use BM but does not help me leh i tink my nipple sore/tear too much[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

oh another gd brand of nipple cream is lansinoh cream i tried many brand but only lansinoh cream make me feel better[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: Breast feeding

gals.. dun pressure too much on breast feedin k.. as much as i wish my milk was pathetic so i din insist on total breast feed i do gave FM but i din gave up continue to pump every 3 hrly n my pathetic milk did increase gradually.. i seen many mummies stress themselve so much it affect their milk flow[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Also breast milk is not free we mus take supp like maternity milk and fish oil but compare to the goodness of breast milk it nothing..

also i tink boobs size got nothing todo with milk flow.. some big boobs also gd milk supply[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jia you all mummies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: Freestyle

mumies i cant confirm anythign at this moment..cos if my HB goin nex yr dun tinki can make a trip to US also n lookin at the US rate if u gals wanna get from spree jus go ahead k i dun wan to hold u gals up cos it will only be worthwhile if i make a trip to US myself n handcarry back but limited set also cos i got limited luggage size also... i can still get my HB to help to buy n ship back but i dun tink it will be any cheaper than spree...

Hi all, took me so long to read all post from morning till now...

Re gathering:

Isn't better wait till mid or late 2nd trim when all MS is gone n we are able enjoy ourselves? By then we compare our tummy more fun!

Re pram:

I hv 2 lucky baby pram, 1st 1 bought abt. S$129 at promo price, abit wear n tear Liao then happen saw the 2nd 1 at promo price S$79, but my son still prefer the 1st 1, giving away the 2nd to my sil who will due in March 11.... Thinking of getting a double seat 1 but worry my son dun wan to sit then waste... My son doesn't like to stay in his seat for long...

Re BF:

Agree that big size has little supply, I'm big size de but my supply is not as per my size lor... Summore I hv inverted nipples at my right breast so my son doesn't want to latch on.. I pump using manual tot to save $, pump till I turn sour also abit only... Plus I din have proper confinement pu tang, so my supply doesn't boost lor... The CL I engage for my #2 also mentioned if I want breastfeed must drink more pu tang like papaya fish soup... But she said if bb got jaundice then must reduce intake of ginger for first two weeks...

Re jellycurd from BP:

Piggy, it's nice!!! But to me it's abit too sweet wor... The testure not bad.... DH n me finish almost the whole tub just now.... Btw, the flavour I tried is strawberry, tml will try wen tou xue... *drooling*

Re bb fair:

I'm not going as I went for a few when my #1, always cannot get much thing from the fair leh... Further I hv most of the thing liao so no need to buy bulky thing, those wipe or bottle can always get from dept stor e when they hv sales...

Re bottle:

I used Tommy Tippee b4 but I find the bottle turn yellowish fast... Now using pigeon which I think is great will con't with this brand in future...


my sil boobs is v big but her supply is v v gd even gt spare to gave my son lol~ I gt other friend also big boobs v gd supply too but mine pathetic[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] ya I tink CL impt I dun like papaya soup so my CL cook peanut pork tail soup which helps also she also help me massage breast n put hot towel HENG she learn from tmc be4 if not blur blur:p

oh nice huh ok shall order 1 day u make me hungry leh..

Argh.. How I wish I can fake those guys fake sleeping pics & post on stomp... Really so fake upon seeing pregnant lady & old lady.. Sickening!!!

Sookiewookie.. Hope u r alright now. Read abt ur fall, remind me of the fall @ Hm last mth when I woke up @ night for pee.. Step onto dog's pee den slip, luckily is beside sofa so I manage to hold onto sofa.. As is my 1st, I went to see Dix the next morn @ kkh for safety. Luckily everything alright [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so

if u ok, den wait till ur scheduled appt den go see gynae lo, dun need to waste extra $$$ but of cos if u do feel pain, bleeding, any discomfort, do quickly go see gynae [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning ladies...

really damn tired... it Tuesday blue for me[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Morning ladies


I oso having tue blue but mood better than yday. I think I hungry I will get upset [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

u r so lucky to haf a gd CL haha tis time round I'm doing masssage. Look like I'm stressing myself hehe

mrs chua

yes ESP those sitting at reserved seats. Hate those when they c us they fall asleep n keep peeping at us c if we got a seat if we have Liao they will wake up *grrrrr*


no la dun stress ur self too much... as a mother we try to gave our children the best thing but certain thing is out of control la bobian 1[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i am happy by 2mth i can gave my boi 5 bott of BM n 3 bott of FM it a great achievement for my pathetic supply also boi tends to drink more so harder to keep up to their needs unless ur supply is gd[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

G'morning ladies...


Maybe beastmilk does not help so much with the pain but it will help prevent infection.. esp since there might be open wounds.. ya but I remember the nurses gave me a tube of lansinoh cream when I was in hospital.. It helped too..

I really don't think breast size matters.. but I hear some mothers take motilium (a drug that aids gut movement) to help increase milk suppy and they say it works.. I guess that is if you are super desperate... I think so long as drink lots of fluid and have a good diet should help bah.. But like what jojo said, no pressure.. take one day at a time...


This is your #3!! You are good!! I feel so tired already with just 1 toddler and 1 growing in me..

Regarding medication,

Most medication will always say that it is unsafe for pregnancy since when they do drug testing, they don't test them on pregnant woman and children.. As it would obviously be unethical!!! So for the drug companies to save their a**, they will print that it is not safe.. this is to avoid lawsuits.. but sometimes, say for example, mother is really sick and needs it, the dr will see whether the pros outweigh the cons of giving the medicine to a pregnant woman..

Most of the old drugs are often used, like panadol, piriton.. cos they have been around for so long and many people have eaten it including pregnant women to deem it safe to eat.. but the newer ones, the numbers are not there to see whether it is safe enough.. and no one dares to risk it.

Did any of you 2nd time mummies do the post natal massage? How was it? I remember when I went back to my gynae for my 6 week follow-up, my dr told me I never do massage right? Cos still so flabby... Does it help?? Hehe!! Just wanted to know..


ya i agree no stress take 1 day at a time as long dun gave up we can still give our bb BM [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i am not 1 tt drink alot 1 n i really make an effort to drink maternal milk/soup n water tryin to up my supply hahah n i tink the maternal milk helps a little[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning Tweety..


the post natal massage is not really for the slimmin for they help to push the wind trap in our body out n push up our womb... slimmin r secondary.. they will help to bind ur stomach... n u urself mus leave it on ut body for as long as possible to have the effect... i tink it does help a little depend on the skill of ur massage lady..

Hey ladies, hope all are well....

Damn bz at work so can only log in now & then. Hope Vivi's case with MOM is settled!

Wanna ask all u mommies, esp those who have #1 or #2 or more liao, which is better ah, Baby Bjorn or Ergo baby carrier? Thing is, since USD so low, thought of buying some stuff online & save!

Oh ya, just for all's interest, there's a BB fair at expo this wkend!

Morning everyone !

Hmm anyone got rashes at their back, I dont know wh bu suddenly have rashes at my lower back and it is very itchy. Have to scratch end up my hubby put calamine lotion for me to ease the itch.

gd morn mummies...

had a bad night..sleep deprived...vomitted...even got signs of blood and also fresh blood spotting...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

feel like crap now..dunno how to last thru the day...


oh dear.. y not go see ur gynae for MC n rest????


maybe we can plan 1 mid Nov??? at Clementi?? we can have dinner at MOS n go Q for Koi? wahahha...

oh maybe ur bb moving???


tks..tomm going to see gynae liao...gotta endure loh...really scary to see blood loh..

u shld go see doc also leh..cramps r not gd signs?


i cannot leh...tomm already gynae appt n told boss i am on planned mc liaoz...so cannot mc todae...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] v political here la..super sianz..

so tired now..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hey there,

i wana ask, you feel hot lately? is it because of the extremely hot weather or its just us being pregnant that our temperature increase slightly? wondering...hmm...

piggy: can arh.. i am ok with the location.. =)

kailee: i duno leh... cramps are not good sign? my friend told me might be bb's position.... just feel cramy for a while.. then i told DH.. then he tell bb... dun be noti, let mama sleep...


cannot jus take 2 day MC??


yes i feel v v hot even in aircon room i believe it has gotta do with out own body temp raising..


no la cramp can be cause by a few factor ligament pulling, bb movment etc so if ur cramp is v light n mild shd be ok but if v bad mus see gynae but now tt we alr in 2nd trim shd be quite stable liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i am no expert la...but maybe piggy is rite..BB prob leaning on u...hence the weight n the cramping feeling?


if can den i wun be at work liao...will be resting at home liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] sianz.


am i abnormal?i feel cold in air con room leh...outside of cos hot lar..


hahah maybe i quite bochap 1... cos i understand sumtime really not easy to work with such a poor body condition... usu i will push my gynae appt ahead if i am in ur shoes n tell my boss i vomit blood so bring forward my appt.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i also will feel cold la depend n the temp of the aircon... when i am at home i can feel my body hot from within 1..

Hello Rene [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Me emotionally ok now, tomorrow going to MOM for the appointment. See what the officer says. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hmm sometimes I also feel the crampy feeling but when I asked my gynae, she says as long as cramps without fresh red blood or very severe cramps that you cant tolerate, should be fine.


wat i meant is u gotta see how bad is ur cramp la cos if mild shd not be any issue if bad cramp n u feel uncomfy better see gynae... i can only tell u the possibilites of the cramp but u gotta judge urself[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning ladies

i also thk tat our body temp is raising, i feel hot even in aircon room & my butt too if sit too long on the chair specially those ofc chair. need to get a cushion to cooling it


den shd be fine dun worry i exp cramp from time to time also... ur bb growin so maybe ur womb expand will have cramp also[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tweety no worries me also a worry wart when it comes to spotting la or cramping. Like yesterday night I also experience cramps and end up feeling sinful drinking lots of cold water.


got one night i also got cramp and it's like those menses cramp pulling cramp i need to bend my..so pain i tot i stomache want to poo poo go toilet then no cramp liao..


ya i know...i try to slack arnd todae loh..cant afford to lose my job leh...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

keeping fingers crossed the day will pass quickly..

i can feel my tummy area is hot...but typically i still wear cardigans in the ofc...


me too hope today will pass v v fast super sian..


hope tml the MOM will be able to assist u[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Vivi, i oso got a bit of rashes on my lower back. It looks like mosquito bites but there are 4 or 5 of them together. A few days already...but still red...but luckily don't really itch. I suspected it is the stretch mark cream. After the rashes appear, i stopped putting on my back le, only put on my tummy.

Hi Enigma, the weather these few days were really hot. My friends were complaining on the facebook too.


gd luck with MOM...i'm sure they can fight for u one![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] dun worry too much k? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yes..we hope together k?sometimes it's gd to bury myself in work..time does pass faster..

Thanks gals for your support.

Bearhugz I did not apply stretch mark cream at the back leh so I also dont know how come got rashes. YOu very hardworking wor I only bothered to put on the tummy. Not even the legs or the thighs.

Sometimes my back is very itchy...

Now I also dont know why I have this suan suan feeling at my lower abdomen area hope this is normal leh...


Good luck vivi for your MOM appointment...

I also go back rashes.... nv apply cream on my back oso... could it be expanding and stretching?

Yday nite also have bad cramps... i try not to move awhile it goes off.. think I moved to hard.. BB not happy! haha

Hi vivi, when do u feel the suan suan feeling? I always hv this feeling (even before getting pregnant). In the centre, at the bottom of the tummy. But i feel it mostly at nite when I'm turning on the bed and getting out of the bed. I checked with my gynae, he said as long as there are no blood and the pain isn't very bad, then fine.

Hmm Bearhugz like the lower abdomen area and the area where you mention and sometimes the feeling is like you dont go toilet for some time while your bladder is full....

Hope you understand what I am trying to describe hee hee

