(2011/04) Apr 2011

Re: body temp

i feel v hot lately also even when the fan is blowing at me at full blast.. even this morning when it's raining it's still v hot dunno why. i read that it's our body temp that's rising.. should be the case ba...

Re: cramps

I have lower abdomen cramps too, and it's quite frequent. It's a bit like menses cramps but quite mild so shouldnt be a problem. If it gets really painful or there's blood, should see gynae alr.


oh i got quite bad cramps & pain in my lower abdomen/ groin area and asked when I last saw the gynae. He touched the areas and after examination, told me those pains are likely ligaments stretching to accomodate the growing water bag, bb, etc.

He even told me to be prepared that it'll get worse and could be occasional one-off sharp pains. He said as long as no bleeding, then no worries. If really unbearable then just pop 1 normal panadol.

Rene that sound scary in terms of the one off sharp pains....

Anyway any one of you experienced some mild leg cramps. It seems that my lower calf has some mild leg cramp and when I told my hubby he said wow so early to have leg cramps?

u guys got rashes .. I got pimples .. even on my body, at the chest area now even in my ear also got pimple


Vivi - My right leg calf cramped up yesterday. like muscle pull suddenly ... so pain ...

this is 2nd time it happen liao .. sob sob

u all very hot, but i'm waking up in the middle of the night freezing and shivering... haha~~~

yah lar daytime hot, then nighttime cold until brrrrr... very extreme

i also haf pimples..on my face..chest area n my back...so ugly!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

skin condition is like shit now

kailee how are u? vomited last nite? no more spotting? u going gynae tmr right? jia you jia you

my skin condition is like shit too. then friend commented why i look like kungfu panda without the kungfu... eyes so swollen and eye bags very obvious. really KNS look like shit [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


am not gd todae..vomitted in the wee hours more accurately...got patches of blood...den also got fresh blood spotting..think gave hubby quite a scare..ya..tomm gynae...gotta endure todae..but so far spotting stop liao..


lately dun even dare to go out liao...so ugly!!!sibeh jialat..no mood even to doll up also..worse!!!haha

Vivi - ya lor might be cos yesterday went shopping walk abit more then usual then the cramp come liao ...

so jialat walk abit only then get cramp how i ever finish my bb shopping...

If I can't walk much now (today 12wk) then i can't imagine at end of 2nd tri how i will manage sia..

We all like teenager ~ pimply


aiyoo poor thing. Let ur gynae know tmr... thankfully it stopped already. maybe the vomiting was very violent and caused too much pressure. Sometimes I vomit and my mucus will have streaks of blood too.Yeeks.

yah try to take it slow today and tmr u'll be on MC!!

me too, when i go out i feel like using a plastic bag to cover my face... or hope very hard that i won't bump into anyone i know... but very suay sometimes the more u don't want to meet people the more likely u will~~ Murphy's law man~~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Kai Lee when you seeing gynae, dont worry everything will be fine for you....

Hmm me too I become frumoy after preggie. cant be bothered much about make up so only put on face powder and blusher. Last time will still out mascara and eye shadow now cant be bothered. Even daily moisturizer and hand cream also lazy liao


congrats to u...tat MS has stopped for u! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yes...i will inform my gynae tomm...crappy day..this is not my first time seeing blood..i saw streaks b4..but this time more like patches wor..scary..least tomm i can get to rest abit..but blood test tomm also![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

haha..u r rite..murphy's law..nowadays i go neigbourhood areas only..hahaha..no face see pple ah!


tomm loh..tks..i also hope so..

ya..i find myself super lazy also...funny hor..how preggie can change so many things in ur lifestyle..


i am not vomiting as much now, but i've another problem... i have to eat very frequent meals... like every 2 hrs... if not the acid will come back up and i'll vomit again. i'm very annoyed at having to eat because i used to eat only 1 meal a day. GRR yah so many lifestyle changes, really cannot take it some times.

vivi, u still bother with face powder and blusher, i go out without any make up now!! last time cannot, i die die must put foundation and blusher and do my brows and lipgloss. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i think the only time i'll dress up this few months is when i meet up with you girls lor... maybe will feel paiseh mah, machiam like online dating, never see in real life before... *shy*

Hee hee that is my bare minimum liao however if I am at neighbourhood I dont even bother to change to contact lens, so bare face with my nerdy specs...

There will be more different things in time to come when baby is out ....


me too..in fact i started quite early liao..eating almost every hr...else my gastrics will act up...

at nite worse...i need to eat n cannot get my sleep disrupted...like last nite..our doggy bark cos he needed to pee...den i woke up cannot sleep..den tummy acted up...den vomit liao loh...super sianz one...

haha..i only put on my sunblock these days...now i can understand y some mummies look so shag..haha..

haha...we r honoured then! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

talking about cramps, i also have them on and off, but i happily ignore them... it's not the kind that impends my movements.


i see alot of chio mummies around! esp in the town area!!! look so radiant and happy... last time i imagined that when i get pregnant i'll be like that too! 哪里知道become this kind of face (>_<)

Hi girls, I'm also having more frequent cramps these days. Always happen in the morning when im about to wake up. Happened this morning also. I just stopped moving, froze for a while then it'll go away after a while. But muscle will ach after tat.


I'm sure the 2nd trimester would be better and you will be a glowing, radiant mommy...

But ya me too.. nowadays soo tired, very lazy to make an effort to prim..


ya once baby out, all you care is that you can survive till the next day.. haha!!! Now we feel tired.. later when baby out, even more tired!!

I also do get a bit of cramping but ya like what piggy said, it is the muscle and ligament stretching.. they say your ligaments will be extra loose during pregnancy to prepare your body for delivery , so all mommies please be careful and walk slowly, try not to fall, cos now will also sprain ankle more easily..

They said leg cramping is due to deficient in calcium leh..

All you mommies, stay in the west issit?? So far.. Anyone staying in the east?

hi girls,

strangely, I have been having cramping too. it was quite disturbing last night especially since I fell the night before. but hearing the experience you girls' have, i feel a bit more normal now.

Pink: reason why your skin is not that great is because you have been vomitting quite a bit so no nutrients to you. During that dark period, my colleagues keep asking me if i was ok. Now that its better for me, i see the glow coming back. so wait for a while.. you will definitely be a pretty mummy soon.

I'm also thinking of getting an ergo. i got the pinkaloo (cant remember the spelling) and it was very hot to wear around.hope to hear more reviews on ergo.


i using ergo for my #1 too queit good other than a bit bulky

my girl like to sleep on it while below 1yo, nw its in my store room le


i m at fernvale :p


I stayin at woodlands


haha a very gd idea of mos burger n koi drink [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm ok with it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hope u r feeling better now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


wish u luck for tmr appointment I can wait to hear the outcome. I'm sure u will get wat u want n opposite party will get wat they won't wan.

Body temperature

during pregnancy our temp will go up n tis where I hear mosquito will come find us.

I at home mx stay in air con rm Temp is 20degree wif fan on. Can imaging when my bil received the bill hahaha tats it.

I oso go out don bother to doll up anymore even clothing I don even care sometime how I wish can wear pj out more comfy

hahah i am vain only in dressin up .. i only make up for dinner wor n i got v v bad eye bags be4 i preg now it jus got worse so i tink it bad enough cant be any worse liao so gals dun worry if u see my eye bag u be glad tt urs is not tt bad lol~


ya i experience prolong cramp once n was disturbin but it stop the nex morning...

RE: Leg Cramp

i only exp once so far hope wun happen again.. when i had #1 it happen few time sumtime while drivin i so scare my leg will suddenly cramp..

Sandy.. I simply agree that these people are simply irritating. This morning makes me even piss until I feel like taking out my phone to video record their funny expression& post in stomp Lols


haha.... well, at least we are still closer to each other when compared to where all the other mummies are residing.... :p

Mrs chua

haha u n my hb same thinking. He always ask me take the pic of the person n post online [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but who knows tat person woke up saw us taking n confront us.


haha...those r tai tai mummies...diff from us wor..keke..they no need work..everyday MJ,gai gai,do hair medi pedi...i wld be happy too leh..kekeke...:p


tks..half day gone liao...counting down to day end [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i stay bedok! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] too far from u mummies leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Half day more but is like moving very very slow [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

the weather is nice how I wish I'm lyin on my bed in air con rm haix dreaming dreaming n dreaming [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

me too. abit more extreme than u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] simei but we r neighbour! ;)

went spring to buy 1 cotton shorts, 1 white 3/4 pants, 1 brown skirt, 2 spaghetti tops, 1 tube top spent 198 there


wah.. thanks dear, i'm really looking forward to having my complexion back... trying to go without make up now so that it won't get worse...

kailee, don't worry we can always meet up in the central area also? can meet up once in the west then once in the central so that other mommies can join...


i saw my friend's post on facebook that the KOI queue at clementi is extremely extremely long... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

so who is on for meeting in the west?

i start a list first:

1) piggytoh

2) pinkraindrops

3) tweety

4) sandy dee (u work in clementi right?)

5) michelle S (are you in gombak already?:p)

pls add on! thanks thanks!

JJ... WAH!! spring maternity very exp.. i went there to buy 1 bottom and 1 top too, already $100 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

urs sound like a good deal eh...

so who is on for meeting in the west?

i start a list first:

1) piggytoh

2) pinkraindrops

3) tweety

4) sandy dee (u work in clementi right?)

5) michelle S (are you in gombak already?:p)

6) andrea (must c Nov which date, after 12th cant le)



i been there once the Q is long but not extremely la.. but i find the Koi ther v sweet... hee we can always see how if too long we can jus gave it a miss? den those who wan Mos milk tea can go ahead n buy:p


my last co i used to do tt but my current 1 v hard to nap ..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

