(2011/04) Apr 2011


me like u hate to take train...even thou is the fastest public transport but always no seats.

in the morning, mostly i take cab since a few wks ago kenna spotting.

sorry to say tat during my #1, those give up seats to me is not singapore chinese...mostly is other races or other citzenship.

deel so paiseh as a chinese.


for gender..yes all is myth.

hubby wan a 2nd gal but i wan a boy.

but now the trend for my friends and relatives all got either 2 boys or 2 girls.

so i guess mine mostly also is a gal.

difficult to get a hao zi. furthermore i not a lucky fellow.

regardless wat, the best is the baby are healthy.

pink & kai lee,

i guess i m the less vain mummy here.

after delivery, i still wear maternity clothes to work!

not only tat, my clothing for office...seem only got only 4 sets.

will repeat every wk except fri cos i self delclare causal fri...haha

dunno how long din waer high heels shoes.


Moon, i've got a stroller passed down from my brother's fren.. so i'll be getting the car seat only instead... headache headache i didnt noe there's so many things to buy!! only thot buy cute cute bb clothes hahahahaha

My stroller is from MC Claren and its the higher version but can't recall what model ? Can sit from newborn. Plus points is the backrest can adjust quite close to 180 degree where babies can sleep , very easy to push around. But its true, it is very heavy, not those light weight type.

Wahaha.... Infinite, there're really tons and tons of things to buy lor.... Thankfully, I don't have to buy any clothes coz' I'll just get them from my nephew and niece... :p

Cowgal, can the Pigeon steriliser house all brands of milk bottles? coz' I haven't decided on which bottles to get although my bro kept insisting that I just buy the Avent ones...


no la usu for stroller once u put bb in u dun feel the weight 1.. it only when u wan tolift the stroller into the car boots... n usu be4 tt u would hve settle the bb in the carseat mah... so bb weight no affect 1...


yes i agree for bb neceesity item best to get pigeon but i notice their bb detergent powder like no more sellin wor...

ya not easy to get 1 boi 1 gal.. i ever go fortune tellin the uncle sayi will have 2 boi 1 gal but i intend to stop after this.. so jus let it be they healthy can le... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


think urs is the XLT right? got different colour one..at first i also wanted that cos got colour to chose but then it's more exp and heavier so got the XT instead..and it's really easy to push around.


yes i usin pigeon steriliser but usin NUK bott the brand of bott no issue 1[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

think the bb kingdom/ hypermart is good is that it houses all the different type of bb stuff then can slowly browse thru to see which item is best for us.

but i won't say its cheaper, cheaper is if got those discounts like robinson 20% etc ... i know some mummies bought their cots from robinson cos its like $200 +++ with free matteress recently. but that sales over already la

Wah all talking abt shopping. Heng this time i no need to buy much liao. Think only need to get milk bottles n pump (my old one shd be mouldy liao)!

Agree with piggytoh that for stroller.. no need to get so ex at 1st. i got a 2nd hand one from fren.. those can lie horizontal to 180 deg can already. Then when bb older.. we switch to those cheapo umbrella stroller ($30+ only).. cos smaller, lighter.. easier to bring ard.

For pump, i also cheapo.. buy Avent manual pump only. Cos i dun intend to pump in office.. so no pt invest in so ex pump. Think i'm going to get back the avent manual pump.

Now i need to buy a new cupboard/set of drawers for #2's clothes... cos my #1's cupboard... all overloaded liao! Havent gone shopping yet. But think by Dec will go n buy le.. if not tummy gets bigger.. more inconvenient to shop le.


keke me opposite leh..my avent spoilt so i change to pigeon sterilize than realised the heat that transmit out from the sterilize for avent is not as hot as pigeon and Pigeon is much bigger than avent cos my kitchen too small liao..in the end went back to buy avent keke then the pigeon one gave it to my bro (his kitchen bigger)


ok ok... Thanks! Are NUK bottles good? Or actually, how do you determine which brand to buy? I think majority of the brands now all boasts of BPA free already so, what other differences should we look out for?

moon, pigeon can fit any size.

recommend pigeon steriliser becos the heating element u can see and know whether rusting or not to use citric acid to clean.

avent one cant see.

for pump, piggy mentioned is right.

PISA is stronger but much more heavy.

freestyle very portable and mostlty i charge it rechargeable batt can last whole day. unlike PISA mus use 8 pc AA batt.

so tat time PISA i always will bring the adaptor instead of batt.

but not all the places got electricity to plug in for charging.

so this time if i decided to take no pay leave after maternity...i will buy PISA. if not freestyle i think.

Oh, I see.... Thanks, Cowgal & Piggy for your explanations about the pump... Hmm... but PISA cannot be used handsfree like Freestyle, right? But then again, PISA will be much cheaper than Freestyle?

Moon - maybe u should go see the PISA model how big & bulky it is ... no doubt its good but its big until its only suitable for home use only.

Its very hard to lug it around frequently, I myself will be getting the Freestyle via the overseas spree too.

I also got normal food steamer can use that to reheat the bb's milk ?? or must really buy milk warmer machine .. my tiny kitchen has no space for so many equip

hmm i din i saw sum1 ask abt bb cot at BGH rite?? i dunno cheap anot u mus see if tt can be convert into a toddler bed? if not i find ex cos the 1 NTUC sellin i tink ard $200 nia.. i like playpen no need buy bumper mat n it cheaper.. i saw my friend bb they will start to bite the side of the cot which is made of wood wor..


ya will save alot but i find more time consuming:p n it will auto off after 6min v convenience:p


actually for milk bott mus see individual bb 1.. i jus buy abt 3 NUK bott cos the teat is design in such a way tt similar to nipple.. i got some FOC from pigeon too i got avent for gift durin my boi 1st mth but i find avent will leak if u dunno how to turn the cap correctly...

Hi mummies!

Saw some posting on baked potato n make me 1 2 eat tat for lunch, shall decide lunch at delifrance!


U remind me of mos ice milk tea! Tat will b my tea break. :p


if u buy from oversea spree both cost abt the same... i goin to get my HB buy fromUS direct if he confirm posted to US.. so if i goin too i dun mind to hand carry back a few for some of u which will save alot on the shippin... but i cannot promise anything yet la:p


Wow! That sounds great!! Okie okie, I understand... no worries... Ya, I was the one who saw the cot at BHG too. I saw another brand of milk bottles, Tommee Tipee (or something like that) and it said that the teats are designed to mimic the nipples too but the bottles were rather short and fat.... was thinking if it would make the holding difficult for us too.

JJ, my kitchen is tiny too... and so, hubby and I decided that we'll just use the traditional way of a bowl with hot water instead of buying a warmer... :p


Just google, its Maclaren Technol Xlr Stroller. Ya agree, very easy to push. I always use it to put my ntuc groceries to push home while my maid carries my boy when hubby not in singapore.

The Eunos hyper mart has a wide selection of strollers.


oh i got try TT also i dun like leh cos i find the teat too soft liao v hard to feed... but sum like it so depend on individual...

piggytoh, steamer can adjust timer also mah.. so I dunno what's the diff to sterilizer. Same functionality mah..

jj, I just out the milk bottle in a cup of hot water to warm milk. everything also no need to buy. haha


I have the tommee tippee bottles but doesn't make any difference as that time my boy was on a milk strike. Somemore the number (ML) is so difficult to see, u must hold it to the light then can see. Find it totally not worth to pay so much .


oh cos for me i jus put everything in the steriliser n sterilise 1 time a day but steamer those 3 layer 1 got more things to wash n i cant put everything in esp still got breast pump parts to sterilise..keke...

Have u mummies eaten... been loving porridge lately.

WAH! So many things to buy. So much money gonna burnt *wipe sweat*. Wat abt Ikea baby cot? Cheap too...


cos gettin a bigger steamer means gotta spend $$ so might as well buy a steriliser cos i prefer to steam usin wok leh those steamer maybe mine lousy 1 i find not as gd wor...


Ikea 1 not v cheap leh.. n i find Ikea product quality not say v gd but i bott 1 metal shelf with compartment i find tt v gd better than those toyogo 1..


I tried tommee tippee the 1 tat will indicate wheter is milk too hot for bb I find it useless lo nv once I make suit is always indicate too hot onli when I put more cold water den nothin but powder not dissolve.


yes yes I workin at clmenti we can meet ther

Breast pump

I reali wan feed bb wif breast milk tis time round Im gng to deliver at mt.A cos #1 at KK nobody willing to help n teach me n gng to get medela but 1 big pro my nipple is inverted. Haix hope breast pump help

Cot vs playpen

playpen baby can slp on it haha so sorry for such a stupid question but my mind is tat playpen is like u put toys n baby inside so they can stay there while parents do their work


I intend to get a playpen for my second bb to sleep in cos its impossible to fit 2 cot bed in my room. The most is 1 cot bed 1 playpen. Find playpen quite good as that time we went msia, the hotel provide playpen for my boy.


inverted nipple is not a problem for BF

i also have, maybe we just cant latch bb on. i used pump since day 2 in hospital & BF my girl till 9mth old


No problem [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So F&E is good ... heehee own time own target, like those insurance agent always say .. Keekeee Glad to know u enjoy your trip [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wah baby arrival need lots of money...but but lucky me...i have a sister who have a son and a daughter [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so my luck i guess. she just clear her house of baby stuff and i gt a baby cot [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and lots of hand down clothing...hehe...only thing she dont hand down is breast pump cz she still bf her 2 yr old daughter...so have to haunt for tt duing the GSS. btw when the GSS??

Enigma > Lucky you! I dont have anyone to pass me anything. GSS normally in May. I tink pass time our delivery date.


i tink tts a gd idea..only that dont put too much sof toys in the playpen. but seems like it is a gd way to save cz i remember the baby cot my sis use for a short time only...like not worth the price ar..

baby cot vs playpen

I find playpen is rather shallow. So once bb knows how to climb ard... too dangerous to zz in playpen. Unless u take out the plank( or board or whatever u call it).. then bb zz at the bottom of the playpen.. ground level. but then.. diff to carry bb out also. Cot can last longer ba.. but if got space contraints.. playpen will do for the beginning lah.


y not?? now playpen also got 2 layer n i love it? cos the side is fabric i dun even need to buy bumper for the cot n scare the bb fall n knock his cot or bite on the wooden rail i see liao it was so yucky ..


i use playpen since my boi born till now.. if u use the bottom level it even lower than cot so quite safe they wun be able to climb up.. n usu when we adjust to lower level v often they know how to turn or try tostd so i dun have to bend alot my boi will be in sittin position or stdin position for me to carry..

i saw mothers @ work at GWC selling a playpen for around 300..still have a nursing station on top...

me and my HB also want to buy a playpen instead of a cot...cheaper and at least they won't knock their head when they start crawling..


i also got lotsa of hand me down clothing but the prob is clothing actualy only save abit.. those misc things like bott, cot mattress we still got to buy n add up alot also[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] ya alot of my friend din even use cos their bb refuse to sleep in cot headache... oh even u got 2nd hand breast pump pls change the parts also cos of hygiene purpose...

i thk the most ex investment is the breast pump


i nvr thk of steamer can replace the steriliser, good idea [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i thk i can sell away my pigeon steriliser le

i have stop use it since my girl 18mth old. only use hot water to wash it


Also not very good to let bb bite on plastic. I bought from ikea those light blue cotton cloth cost $3.99 , then use string to tie and wrap around the top part of the rail. My cot is those ht adjustable, so now he is sleeping at the lowest level. Sometimes have to carry him from bed to cot, need to bend until very low to put him down. If tummy bigger, don't know can still bend a not.

Then sometimes he will wake up at night and stand up, then he will fall and hit his face at the wooden side rail as the bumper is not that high.. A few times ler. But good thing is cot bed is bigger, think can sleep till quite old.



if yr hb can help us buy the free style pump, do let me noe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i m planing to buy at spree ard dec or begin of next yr

