(2011/04) Apr 2011


but the 1st few mth lettin #1 n 2 to sleep together #2 may disturb #1 leh after all 1st mth #2 will wake up every 3hrly...

hmm even hosp i believe can have better arrangement la..


Hugs Pink now you are getting better right? dint dwell on the past. Jiayou.

Piggy my gynae this time only try la but she said still a bit small to see gender so did not shake the baby. Wow so fast you can sense your baby kicking liao


but u mus feel comfortable mah.. they r not the 1 goin to be touch by the gynae n bb not comin out from them leh... n man not as sensitive as us...


ya usu for 2nd time mummies can feel earlier... for 1st time mmummies usu ard wk16 can feel le... actually if urs is boi ard wk 12 can know gender le...


i alr invite Sandy so dun tink u can invite again from the grp wor..

mummy ho,

thanks for your encouragement too. appreciate it. it's good to share these experiences because i feel that not enough people talk about what they go through, for real. For some reason most mothers either forgot all about their misery or they had a really smooth and uneventful one. I felt like it was so abnormal to have such severe symptoms. But after researching, (i even joined the babycentre support forum for hyperemesis gravidarum) and the mothers tell me that they have gone through the same thing and felt the same way before. That was priceless to me. I have had enough from mothers/gynaes who thought i was some nutcase for feeling that way towards the foetus.


currently i put 2 single mattress on floor for my girl, so sometime my hb or i ll sleep with her.

maybe when #2 cum he/she ll sleep on our bed with me, then hb ll sleep with my girl


i thk yr MS ll slowly getting better le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Oh Piggy can feel at week 16 wow I thought it will be only be later like Week 20.... hee hee

Dont know the little one so naughty cross legs dont let me see. My father guessed it might be a gal because shy shy so dont want to let us see.


no la after wk16 can feel liao but 1st time mummies may not know also cos beginnnin it like flutterin v light only... i tink #1 i only feel it towards wk18/19?


Tat's gd! Train so early. Nw she's sleep alone but same rm, so nw trying to coax her with princess bed..

Just received call fr clinic, nt scan clear. Phew! nw wait for next detail scan in dec, seems so long fr nw.


thanks... really appreciate the immense amount of support i've received on this forum... hope things will get better in the weeks to come.



Pink/ mummy ho

*hug* I donno wat to say but deep in my heart I pray n wish u all to b well can eat n drink. I too haf the stupid headache n idiotic vomittong but is getting better very soon it will be your turn n u all will be a health happy mummy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] *hugzzzz*


haha ya when I look at her I think of my own bb photo n I will laugh is true look like the same omg!!!

I think I feel bb kickin but is like a mth plus ago n now I don feel anything. Hb tried hitting my stomach for a respond frm bb but nothing unlike #1. Hope nothing happen. If anything I will either bleed or not feeling well hor??

kai lee, yup im with kkh too.. ive just switched to Dr KT Tan @ the private suite. my previous gynae was a consultant doc at clinic D. personally i feel Dr KT Tan she's quite good. she was recommended to me by by fren who works in kkh & happens to be her gynae too.. perhaps u can consider her [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


wah so fast can feel??? i can't feel anything except wind...

ur hubby dare to hit?? i hit my stomach because I was upset and my hubby will use both his hands to block block block block...

yah lar it's ok, don't think the hitting will cause anything...


Oh.. I was talking about sleepng arrangement at home.. My #1 is already sleeping on her own.. but #2 will obviously sleep with me until he/she turns 1 then will join the sister..

The problem is that my hubby has to rotate hospital every 6 months lor.. that's why leave so tight.. and plus his other colleagues might have to take exam leave so they have priority..


Actually what piggy say also true.. put both #1 and #2 together .. #2 might disturb #1 then like that also no good..So u plan for hubby and ur girl to sleep in another room so they wouldn't be disturbed


yup. My hb hit is cos I say for so long bb nv kick me I donno is bb alrite so he do it.

For #1 my hb will hit bb will kick back n tis continou till my hb stop.

I oso hit when I get angry or sad den he wil grab my hand but I will ans back me so fat hit is all my fats won't hurt bb


Ya it's good..cos I also don't want her to feel the need to sleep with me.. Make the room cute and put stuff that she likes.. I have a growth chart in her room with a lot of animals and she likes to name them all before she sleeps!! =)


Actually, not evil lah.. I feel like it's better.. I know a few of my friends who have such sleeping arrangements. But if you intend to breastfeed, then I feel being in another room is very troublesome.. For me, when bb needed her night feed, I just take her from the crib, lay her beside me and I fall asleep while she drinks and later for asleep.. So i get my well-needed rest.


dun thk tat u r evil.. many ppl do so

as more easy to train they sleep independant since born but i thk also depends on bb sleep way.

some NB cant sleep thru night ll make u tired to kp go to other room to pat


i mean to wait till the #1 abt 1yo hehe

HB wont agree to sleep seperate room de lah, will see how 1st loh.. if my #2 can be same as my girl then i wont have to worry

pink, my morning sickness was also quite bad.. i was even hospitalised.. there were times when i really feel like giving up.. but when i recall my precious one whom i lost previously, i started to appreciate tis very special one growing in me now... we r all very lucky to have come so far... jiayou to all mothers! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i feel like i'm the heartless kind, can let him/her cry lor. After awhile, he/she will get used to it and not demand for attention so much.

But haiz, i think it will be quite impossible. my hubby won't let me do that. If i don't respond maybe he will be the one to respond and I will be "forced" to do it since he has to go to work (=_=)

Pink dont think you are evil la because I also have the intention that my baby sleep another room and not sleeping with us because I want the baby to have the habit to be independent all the way. Or else I scare next time the baby will not want to sleep on its own then problem liao.

Anyway who knows when the baby is born, when it crys you will not ignore leh since too cute to ignore. I think it is too early to say liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sandy wow you and your hubby so cute. I only talk to the little one when at home and my hubby will talk to the little one too. Dont know the little one know or not?


I don't know whether you can ignore your own bb's cries.. wait till the bb is out...With my #1, I cannot tahan my baby crying, want to pick her up and soothe her.. My daughter very persistent.. She wouldn't stop crying one.. she usually will cry until she vomits..

Bb all have diff character, I would say mine is a high need child.. From day 1 already very demanding.. But I know of babies who are very mild manner and easy to look after..

hi mummies

i have went for my oscar scan today. result was pretty one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw i asked abt eating sashimi, so sad, my gynae dont allow [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Winwin maybe your gynae is just making sure you wont be getting food poisoning in case you eat those sashimi that are uncleaned or not fresh ba.


yah lor i don't know also... maybe my heart will become a piece of tofu and melt like ice cream........

i'm very idealistic (and not realistic probably) now. Haha.


Don't worry.. Take 1 day at time.. That's the best advice I got during my dark times "newborn days".. haha..

I also let my girl cry and cry until she sleep while I call my hubby and cry to him to come home.. I even put my girl in the stroller, left her in the hall, come in lock room and just let her cry until silent.. She was a difficult baby.. Colicky one.. *haiz*..

Now I think becos she's used to crying it out liao so she's a "good" baby liao.. Seldom cry cos she knows mummy won't carry her de! haha..


ya i also feel bb movement few wk back.. ur edd in March rite? so abt the same la[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my boi also his voice super loud even my CL comment he is 1 of the loudest bb she taken care of so far i can stand him cryin but mus look out la if he cry until out of breath cannot la will die 1 leh... keke... usu if he cry too long i will go n calm him down if not disturb neighbour leh his voice no joke 1 keke..


icic.. for me my boi still sleep with me but in his own playpen usu when it time i jus dump him in his bed i close all the light let him sleep himself... no cute cute thing or deco 1 i quite bochap he got his own room but filled with his toy n stuff goin to clean up his room n let him sleep in his own room but his room also not cute cute kind v norm 1 hahah.. me lazy mummy...



Hi Girls,

Are you getting rashes on your tummy? someone told me its heat rash but.. its like little dots and very itchy! it starting to spread across my tummy!

sookiewookie - i also have little red dots on my tummy & under my breasts previously but its not itchy. Now seems like subside already.

u wanna see doc to see if its serious ?


i din hve such rash if it gets bad better check with ur gynae if not v itchy u also v xin ku...


ur Hb is a dr??


So long as ur boy can sleep well, doesn't matter how the room looks like.. My girl's room quite simple also lah.. Just a cute animal print curtain, and the growth chart.. Are u going to train ur boy to sleep on his own before #2 arrives?? Ur boy so good.. Can fall asleep on his own. Sometimes my ger very demanding.. Can even order us to pat her tummy to sleep. Sigh..

Ya hubby is dr.. A tiring and stressful job..


Did u put any of the coco butter stretchmark cream?? I heard it gives pple rashes on the belly. But if rash super itchy, better see dr. They will give u a suitable cream.


hee den u can be tai tai liao la...

hmm mus train 1 lo... sumtime he will cry dun 1 to sleep i will ignore him ... actually now also consider sleep on his own la cos only after he sleep den i sleep n i jus dump him in the room n walk out jus tt i wan him to sleep in his own room so #2 cries will not disturb him:p

Sookie I dont have any rashes but earlier on before I used any stretch mark cream my stomach was indeed itchy and with some red rashes. But now it was ok after applying stretch mark cream. However my breasts is itchy and flaky so what can i do to curb this?


can can they can listen hehe cos when i abt to gif birth baby don wanna come out but my hb tell her i don wan stay in hospital 1 more day n aft an hr she came out haha.

i believe they can hear us [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


added u in FB [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My gal oso very difficult is a colic baby since 1 wk old during tat time i take care of her she will cry n cry den i oso will called up my hb ask him come hm luckily our shop onli 1 rd n few blks away so able to run back.


So sinful today.. Ate double mcspicy meal for lunch!!! But really full after the meal that I dun even feel hungry @4plus which I normally hv to grab some snacks.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

