(2011/04) Apr 2011


no la wat i meant is all those myth hor not true 1... i also ask my gynae be4... it jus some sayin pass down base on wat those elder believe so jus listen for fun la... afterall it 50-50 mah keke... ya i am so lookin forward for my holiday... really dun feel like workin keke..


ST - my lower back also aches ... but these few days feel better.

Going for my MOS ice tea later .. Yeah!!

Hmm just now HR approached me and press me for resignation letter again. I said I will give on MOnday, he said that if I dont give by today he will terminate me and it will be ugly.


ya...anyway once sperm join the egg...sex of the BB already confirmed liaozz..keke..

next week me going for gynae appt...u think can see BB's sex liaoz?so excited to see BB again leh...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ya from lower back to the buttok area leh...and it's getting worse at night even harder to sleep

enjoy ur MOS ice tea later


wow why they like that one..when u meeting the MOM pple?


wah..trying to threaten u?if they terminate u even beta rite!!!!!tsk tsk..too much leh these pple...did u get feedback from rene?


i tink they r really forcin u to gave today cos if mon will be 3 mths which they will be liable. maybe u gave MOM a call n ask if they terminate u be4 3mth u still can fight??? but jus dun gave the letter first..


which wk u be in????

hi mummies....

suddenly got swarm of work to do [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Anyway I just wanna voice out I also got over bloated with just 1 pc of prata .. tried afew times ended up super uncomfortable and feel like puking all out! think becoz the yeast "huat" la... heehee

vivi.. OMG they so heartless... u gone to MOM? terminate may not be a bad ting coz u can explain to other comps that ur comp terminated u becoz they cannot afford your ML

Vivi, i dont have loose or hard stools but encountered brown discharge too. my gynae said ok to hv brown discharge cos of pressure as long as u r after 8 weeks. I also worried cos this pregnancy found blood clot outside womb & hv to bedrest. Best u better see ur gynae to ensure the little ones is ok.

Ur 90days up on mon thats y ur boss threaten u to give letter by today? Other than hotel line really no other industry to go nxt time? Able to omit this idiot hotel in ur cv when u apply job nxt time?


i got to see my boi gender in wk 12... if ur gynae is gd he/she will be able to check for u.. but KKH 1 so far i see my friend 1 all waited till detailed scan wor... i tink if bb position no gd they dun bother to scan from diff angle to see..

morning mummies,

Kai_lee > i'm 14 weeks too next week ;)

Vivi > and i tot i'm so miserable here. your mgmt is even worst. dont worry. fight! dont give them chance.

anyone going for the bb expo fair nxt weekend .. I will be popping in to go see ..

Hopefully nxt thurs oscar scan can see the genders or guess the genders cos my frens keep asking me for gender so they can give me their hand me downs...

hmm .. My BK burger seems to be settling ok in my tummy ... the bb's like ang moh food !!

Hi Adel,

Thanks so much for your posting. I also think I might have it and I have been putting a lot of cream now. Its so irritating.. I find myself waking up to scratch! I have 1 ½ weeks to see my gyane.. hopefully I can ren till then if not I got to see the GP (not keen though).

Aiyoh.. reading about how some of you girls the MS has gone away and then come back again.. I shudder to think about it.. argh. I just continue to eat my constant and many meals and avoid spicy and overeating even though in second trimester. Don’t want to go down the MS road again..

St, I also have pain in my right butt when I walk.. hope its normal cause we are preggy.

I was just commenting to my husband I’m not even half way through my pregnancy and I am so so tired.

Vivi, gosh your work place is really ruthless. If you have the energy, go fight against them. Just tell them you cant give your letter yet cause you are still reviewing your options or something like that.

pinkraindrops - this is yr 1st preg .. think most of the 2nd time mummies's tummys are popping out liao ...

this is my 1st preg & it seems like my normal layer of fats like protruding out more ... so don't know its it the preg tummy or extra fats ... but my frens saying i'm showing liao


icic if Thur i might pop by..will see how if i got time on weekends bah..ya will be crowded one..but i got no car will take have to take public transport if gg

my stomach showing liao lor but not sure if it's the bloatness or wat


oh..really ah?it's ok la..since our #1 we dun really mind boy or ger...just excited to see how BB is growing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

^5 kurnia!!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


mine is showing quite obvious liao leh...most pple say my tummy v big wor...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] altho i must say my fats also alot la..but still..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

JJ, you're having twins!!!! so excited for u everytime i think about it. Twins will need more space to grow! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ST, it's on friday till Sunday. We don't know gender yet so we are holding off all purchases except for the unisex rompers that i've ordered, and 2 pair of booties that hubby couldn't resist buying. There seems to be alot of things to buy, but I can't decide where to start.

Kailee, pls lor you're not fat!!! ur korea trip photos are super chio! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


norm 1st time mummy tummy wun show so fast:p but depend on individual la for me my tummy suddenly bloom up pnly when i hit 5-6mth ... for this 1 my tummy expand faster but dun look preg yet la if wear tight clothin maybe look like my waist line thicken ...


hahah i cant wait to know gender for both my preg so i can start shoppin.. v excitin to shop for their stuff 1.. keke..


hahah me too tt time i haven know gender alr bott some unisex bootie i esp like those mother care 1 v cuteee... maybe u list down a list of item tt u wan to buy n buy along the way???


botties are a must to buy. so for this any colour will do one..


yaya me also look forward to weekend and sales and will sure to buy something haha


ya loh...JJ...twins leh...if u one boy one ger den power liao..gif birth once only!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so envious


tks...but u cannot see my layer of fats actually....i love our korea trip..actually our BB made in Korea one...kekeke

my tummy is so big my mum ask me if i'm having twins loh!!!but i'm not la...scan only show one foetus..heh


i know...but for now..i just wan my MS to stop so i can get my life back to normal...haha..think both our parents will buy alot of BB one..haha...


tt day i jus pack n clear 1 bag of hand down gal clothing for my friend after i know mine is a boi so sad to let go of those clothin:p


hmmm....nvr thot of tat b4...maybe once we know the sex den they will start buying..but u're rite..need to monitor first...keke

piggy u know ur #2 sex liao?it's a boy?


awww, so sweet. Er, we took a trip in May to Bali but nothing happened coz i was having my period. WAHAHAHA! then after i got pregnant friends starting to count the months, then I told them no lor the timing is so off... how can it be. So originally we planned to go Taiwan in Nov again to take a break... seeing how nothing was progressing. Who knows we kenna but after that was the start of my misery... Cool you can customized a romper next time that says "Made in Korea" hehehe. Your stomach is big maybe ur kid is big! I keep hoping that mine will be petite sized like me..... hope it won't take on Hubby's side's genes... his brother is 1.86m (>.<)


no way canot afford #3 n i dun wan to go thru another round of preg...


yup i got put in the table above so far 3 mummies know the gender liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hee...it was quite unexpected la..our korea trip was super relaxing for me cos i just quit my job and had alot of stress out of my system..perhaps tats y..

ya..maybe i will..keke...

my hubby is tall leh...i also wory. but hor i dun wan BB too big...else i gotta c-sect..jialat leh


oops..i'm sorry...i call it the PWS(preggie woman syndrome)which shows signs of blurness n forgetfulness..heee :p

kailee, but you're quite tall, should be ok!! sigh we can't control how big the kid is going to be [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i'm only 1.54m...very short

Gerry & Pearly,

my 17mth gal also a very demanding one. she know how to control us.

if ignore her crying...she will cried till vomit and like cant breath.

last week, my mum brought her down to playground. She is on her stroller...one baby kor kor 2mths older than her...came to her and said "meimei", then my gal out of sudden use her toy mobile phone hit on the baby kor kor head..a very sound..further more the baby kor kor just cut botak...my mum felt so paiseh. luckily his grandma said nvm..baby is like tat. i so scared receive legal letter from tat baby parents.


Re: Rashes

if u r using palmers cream, pls stop using. me and a few forumers experiences rashes after using tat cream during my #1. .

i stopped using any cream after that brand...too scared but maybe u can try another brand.


Can PM me...something to tell u.


Be strong regards to your idiot company.

and for spotting..dun carry heavy stuff. i kenna it during my gal back on wkend believe carry her and caused it.

Piggy, sandy, pink..

I'm ok. Dr said it is most likely a yeast infection. Dr did a swipe for culture. Just have to rest. It is very stressful to see fresh blood. Last pregnancy was like that too.. Sigh..


U want to resign after ML? Woman bosses are like that one. Never see a nice one before.. Always think that we have to work as hard as them


U vomit until so jialat. Very poor thing.. Must take care of your throat.. Cos ur throat always expose to acid.. Very traumatizing.. Drink honey water if u can.. Does your throat gets uncomfortable??


So glad to hear everything is ok. Pls have a good rest! Is this your #2? I had some sort of an UTI/yeast infection at week 6 too, my ex-ex gynae did a pap smear and found it. But she didn't prescribed any medication, just told me to take more yogurt. You can try, the marigold fruity ones are quite nice.

At one point my throat was really painful (even swallowing saliva was painful), i asked my ex-gynae to check and he brushed me off and told me to take some lozenges. So i came online to ask the mommies here, and some of them said yah it's normal and they got it too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Sigh.

I think not just my throat is traumatized... i'm very traumatized by this whole pregnancy in general. That's why I'm quite adverse to it.


HUH...my dear...this is like the greatest compliment u haf given me...i am not TALL at all..i am v petite one!!i guess pics not clear hor...n cos i am so short..i find a tall hubby so my children can haf a chance to be tall...wahahahaha :p


PM u liao..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yo mummies,

saw u all chatting abt FB group? wat group? can I join too?


fight wit ur co. dnt hand in ur resignation. let them terminate u instead. but better 2 check whether u still can fight e case if they terminate u before 3 mths mah.

regarding gender of e baby

i went for my 3mths check up in e beginning of e mth but cant c at all as my baby show the side throughout the whole scanning. I'm feeling a bit of stress n pressure as everyone is hoping that tis time rd is a boy since #1 is a gal! even my hubby also! omg! i cant be bothered liao. as long e baby is healthy k liao

I called my gynae and she asked me to monitor and it may be because of the poo poo that I have problems. As long as it is not fresh blood.

Then I just came back from HR and HR gave me 2 options that either I resign or I will be terminated. I chose the latter option. Or else I have no case to fight.


i also had yeast infection during my 1st trimester. gynae gave me so medicine to be insert into the vagina. till now i'm fine liao. u try 2 cut down on sweet stuffs and eat yoghurt and drink cranberries juice lor. Hope it will helps.

I'm so hungry~!!! Gonna munch on bread and cheese for now.. Asking DH buy hot hot waffle for me later.. Chocolate + butter filling!!! whahahahaa..


of cos u can join i got sent invite not sure if u received if not u can jus search for "SG april 2011 mtb" [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ya maybe see how it goes but not resign to be SAHM la keke...


i love waffle with butter fillin!! esp those HDB bakery shop pandan 1 v nice.... dunno y many pp like Prima Deli 1 i find smell nice only but taste so so...


The one I'll be eating is HDB kind de loh.. hehe.. Shiok right? Hot hot, oozing with filling...... Can't wait for hubby to come home even more! lol..

Dz/ pink

thanx. I tin is to get the old food out den new food can come in.


irritated ppl. Tis type reali sian everyday PMS.


no don resign let them terminate u but remember don tell them u will b gng MOM jux act u knew nothing abt the law.


gd to hear frm u. U take care


me me me I'm gng baby fair at expo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I donno y I nv wanna buy anything for my lil one in me now but keep buyin for #1. I even told hb m I very selfish?? I haven care #1 for a long time n now she got to share her mama with another 1. Make me so sad [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

