(2011/04) Apr 2011

Fb? Wat fb? I miss something!?

Piggy, will ur boy cry when he wake up n din see ur face? My boy can sleep on his own but the moment he wake up never see us he cried...

Sookie, me too, but mine more on the breast.... I apply those oil for itchiness lor....

Gerry, u r tai-tai!!!! Haa haa... My son also high demand 1... Also persistent, can cry till I pek chek... Haa haa.... Esp whEn he hungry... Like monster!!!!



we create a group today u can go n search sg april 2011 mtb to join us .. yes but not all the time depend on his mood ..My boi sumtime wake up will sit in the playpen quietly n play wor sumtime he will shout mama to inform me he is awake many pattern 1..

Vivi, the Palmer oil for itchiness works on me... U may want to try....

Mrs. Chua, I had McSpicy for dinner!!!!!

Piggy, I din rec'd invites but it's ok, I manual join tmr since my pc is down n I can't find the grp using my tupid iPhone...

Piggy, ur boi can call papa mama liao... My boi still refuse to call, we know that he can but he just dun wan lor.... I taught him waive bye bye since he was 5th mth... He only waive bye bye to us last 2 weeks lor... I think wait him call me mama my #2 come out liao.... Haa haa...

Enigma, I not sure abt Parkway... My gynae doesn't deliver there so I din check...

Sorry for so many post... U all have been chit chating so fast... I must reply then go back to archive n check what I missed out... Haa haa... Paiseh... Really not well during lunch time nowadays so I will try to take power nap after my lunch no time to log in to check here...

had half a fish burger for supper... hah... hope it doesn't end up in the TB... >.<

i miss macspicy... sigh when will my stomach be ready for spicy food again *Sobs*

pearly, think u've trained your daughter well... best part is she won't remember that part of her growing up years :p and life will be much easier for you henceforth since she's well behaved!

Sookiewookie + gerry, i added u on fb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hippo.. Mine is a double one which is very sinful.. Omg!!!

Sandy.. Can't eat spicy is gd ah.. I now almost everyday must hv spicy abit, eat until I so heaty.. Omg!!!

G'morning ladies..

Yeah it's Friday!!!

Piggy, hippo..

Wah no lah.. Like a lot of you,my tai tai application failed.. He said unless I give him 3!!! Haha!! Actually, when they are still quite junior, dr don't earn much one.. In fact, bankers are the big rollers... Dr have to work hard, study even harder and rewards only come when you are old!!! Haha!!

Actually, I am now at my gynae clinic. Last night, I had some spotting of flesh blood.. Sigh.. Last pregnancy also like that.. I don't know whether to feel worried or xianz cos the last time also bleeding but don't know why..

Mrs. Chua, i had another half a piece of meat from my Hubby double McSpicy lor... Not much diff, u had in afternoon, not so bad lar... I also same as u, must have spicy thing in my meal.... I had hor fun yest lunch n every mouthful go with chilies... Dun wan to drink plain water some more... But still force myself to drink abt 700ml of plain water a day now... Better than nothing.... But sweet n gassy drink can happily swallow wor... Buay tahan myself....

Feel so hungry now... Just ate prata but contribute to public TB right after I finish them, grhhhhhhhh.....

In e train to TMC for my NT scan now.... Pray hard I wun see any birdie today.... I DUN WAN see birdie!!!!!!!!!!

Morning mummies!!!! Early in the morning haven started puttin food in my mouth I ended up meeting my best fren Liao stomachache is killing me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

mrs chua

previously I oso got go haf spicy food n then the spicy the better but aft last wed took chilli for both breafast m lunch ended up LS I stop le now Miss spicy food

Morning ladies..

bad start for me[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


ya my boi can call papa mama v early he pick up words quite fast know many words liao.. he can even come to me ask baby where??? ya initially when he wave bye bye only to us but now he wave to every1 when we say bye bye n now when he gave flyin kiss will make the sound Muack v cute...


ya i agree my SIL used to be banker also... really earn alot but stress.... ya i tink for all professional when they jus started they dun earn alot..

oh dear hope everything is alright for u..


hope u got better luck than me[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] no birdie for u[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i had very serious rash during my last pregnancy. It was a condition called PUPPP. You can google to find out more. Basically it's caused by hormones so no pt putting medication. My gynae just asked me to put more moisturiser so that the skin will not become too dry. If too dry, will itch. The rash spread to my entire tummy area.

I had to keep staying in air con room coz the heat made it worse. Then shower time, cannot use hot water on the rash area, have to use cold water and special soap. Bought pinetarsol solution from Guardian to use as soap, it's for skin conditions such as ezema. Coz normal soap very drying, will make the itch worse.

Maybe u go online and see the pictures of the ppl with PUPPP, see if its the same as yours. If not same, then prob have to go see doc to diagnose.

Hope this helps. Dun scratch k? I know it's very jialat. There were times I really felt like taking a ruler and scratch out my skin coz the itch was unbearable and no medication can help. Was crying every night also.

Morning gers - Today going to try western bfast (Burger King) wanna test if it will give me that same feeling like yesterday ... then I will know if bb's like ang moh food or chinese food ...

Cos I've been wanting to keep eating western food past few weeks

Morning mummies, do you all get any pimple outbreak? urgh! so annoying.. i dun have pimples nw like there is a few on my forehead! sian le...

btw can know gebder at week wat pregnancy??? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] pretty excited [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


r u ok now?? Still spotting??


wish u luck


wat happen? *hugs* let today fast fast fly den aft work will b a wonderful day


u so cute c if bb like western or Chinese food. Haha u tryin Malay n Indian too for more variety??


usu bb gender if boi as early as wk 12 can see but gals usu after wk 16.


sigh early in the morning my boss make so much noise... really irritating.. tt the problem workin under a female boss mood swing[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

haha...poor piggy toh..hehe...female like tt lor...mood swing just like us...bt its ok..if male nag and make noise even worse le...haha..

piggy, female week 16 then can know ar? week 15 cannot see is it? aiyoh im like so pretty excited le...haha...hope its a girl but doesnt matter as long as healthy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello morning ladies.

I just now go toilet and saw some brown stain again when I used the toilet tissue to wipe.

This morning after for some days of constipation, finally able to poo poo I wonder is it because of the poo poo that I have brown stains or I am spotting again....

I am so worried now.


but this boss of mine is damn irritating 1.. pp at her level shd practise better professionism n EQ but her EQ sux n not pro at all... sigh long story...

ya for gal usu gynae wun confirm so soon cos the genital for both gender is the same for the 1st 2 mth so for boi if the birdie is well built usu wk 12 can confirm but if gal their genital not totally flat yet at 12wk the gynae scare it birdie not well built yet so will usu confirm between 16-20wk[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ya i know for 1st time mummy v excited 1[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


it ok dun worry jus continue to monitor ifnot call up ur gynae to check[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hmm I am so worried .... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Sigh

make me more stress now.

I think I better dont think so much about work or anything scare the little one got affected.

Hippo the palmers oil for the breast or for the stretch mark? Stretch mark I got the cream already but breast itchy and flaky dont know how to cure.


poor u since she mood swing try ignore her keep thinking tmr is sat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I work wif lady boss b4 some more she menopause reali he'll durin tat time

gd morning mummies...

it's fri liao...so happy...

so far i hafen puke todae!!!fingers crossed that it will stay this way...

how;s everyone's fri morn so far?

morning ladies


seem my my MS cum bk again after gone for abt 2weeks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

this morning had prata & tea, nw feeling nauseus again. yst also puke after smell the rice

just rch ofc, suddenyl feel my left butt so cramp till the thigh. is it bcoz i walk too much?


bad day at work ah...i must say sometimes woman bosses can be quite PMSey. pat oat..fri liaoz~


maybe ur prata too oily?sometimes brekky too oily i also will puke one leh...

so far i only exp leg cramps leh...bit i guess eventually cramps will be common? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning girls...

gerry everything ok?

hippo gd luck hope it's a princess! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sandy dee take care yah hope ur stomachache is ok.

enigma... yes pimple outbreak for me too, very bad complexion.. so very pissed with this child, caused me alot of pain and torture and bad skin and bad appetite. everything bad~~~ pui

vivi u observe for awhile and see? can check with ur gynae..

I'm eating instant porridge now. vomited bright yellow bile just now. sianz.

dear vivi,

dont worry so much...initially i have some brown spotting afew days then i have pinkish spotting afews day now its brown spotting on and off...try nt to carry heavy things la...as that wat advise to me by my nurse and gynae..

i also did ask my gynae can eat redoxon and cod liver oil tehn she say it will cause spotting if ate too much...so u might wana reduce that...as told by my gynae. thought of eating some supplements but then chaneg my mind...hehe...

its sat im like so so so happy la! wee~~pretty excited actually!!


don't piss don't piss, it's friday! 别人气我我不气,若我气就中她计 female bosses are more temperamental~~~


i had very bad experience with prata too...now i see prata very scared... ate 1 kosong one before and vomited one whole night...

kai lee

i use to have heavy brekkie ler.. if only eat toast bread 2hrs lata ll hungry again

i suspect is the tea, since preg i haven drink, only tdy


u haven eat brekkie jiu vomit?

really sianz rite?

i tot mine is gone clearly liao, these few days cum bk again haizz


yes when i was walking suddenly my butt area there cramp then can't walk have to stop for awhile even have to drag my leg a bit to walk..sian

good morning ladies

piggy , know what you mean , my boss yest night at midnight send an email to tell me my deliverables for the next few months .. no life too free to do this in the middle of the night and reiterate that we must use our discretion on taking leave .. ( cos I take to go a the trip ) ... Its crazy to work under woman and single boss !!

Sandy , hope all is well and maybe its just clearance of old blood ..

Hippo , your first one is boy ? Good luck yah ! Must be exciting !

Enigma , I also very excited as I am seeing my gynae tomorrow ..


yah, sure will vomit before or after breakfast... i always tell my friends, it's like the roadsweeper on the roads, every morning must clear the drains of rubbish... so every morning my system has to do clearance, throw up all the acid and bile and crap first... i'm the 清道夫 =(

good morning mommies! been away for a week here! so much updates! haha


i also ate prata few days back and felt pukey. dont know if it's too oily or what. and oh ya, mutton curry also cant eat. must ask the prataman first.


hope no birdie! update us k! :D


nope i didnt have any breakouts after i got pregnant. i only have existing marks from scratching my pre-pregnancy pimples. now still got ppl comment my face got glow. try using ZA facial cleansing gel. It's mild on most faces and gets rid of pimples easily. hope that helps.


chill, TGIF! :D

pink n enigma,

i haf pple telling me tat in cases where there r extreme reactions(like serios MS andbad complexion)...high chance u r carrying boy leh...

not sure true ornot...


i often puke out my yellow or green stuffs too...v xing ku de....pat pat!


oh...cld be loh..sometimes new food can bring new reactions one...keke..wonders of pregnancies..haha


jiayou jiayou...few more mths only...actually time really flies leh...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks kailee,

i don't know how true it is too, i've been told that before. But statistically, women with hyperemesis gravidarum have a higher chance of having a girl...

either way somebody will be happy... if it's a boy the grandparents..if it's a girl me and hubby... ;P i was joking with hubby maybe i'll buy pink clothes anyway...it's ok to let boys wear pink~~~ we are very liberal and open minded people~~~ then he raised one eye brow at me :p

if it's a boy i think i'll have alot of unfulfilled fantasies of dressing up a girl... and i wanna stop at one...


hmm...well...no one said boys can't wear pink rite?LKY's fave colour shirt is pink!hehehe... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ya lo... my boss still not as jialiat as urs la but i work under 1 also not considerate 1 be4 damn no life imagine she can tell me all orders mus clear for today so even after 5.30 got orders we still mus clear n if we say we got appt mus go she can tell me if u know u have work to do shd not make any appt after work.. i was so piss off.. no cut off time for orders den forever no need have any appt after work liao.. i quit after 3 mths bth~


ya got intention la v sian leh dun really like this job[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


ya lookin forward my ML n holidays...


no la tt myth not true... i got no outbreak n v bad MS but also boi.. mos of my gf who have v bad MS have gal...

Enigma - I think my outbreak is worse then u .. both side cheeks all kanna. then its like flacky & dry skin but got pimples popping out. So now i use clean & clear to wash & put simple face moisturizer on the dry portions ....

Office pple asking me why my face so jialat.

Sandy - Erm ... nvr had a liking to malay / indian food even before preg

Thanks gals I think I will monitor for a while. Hoepfully it is the poo poo that caused the bleeding.

Sigh I hate to see all these brown brown


i know got diff schs of thot...but i guess in the end depends alot on the mummy also...

keke...well i guess as of now we can only guess until the BB is out?keke...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

so nice...i wanna go holiday also...enjoy hor!



i experienced tat b4...spotting after poo poo..in fact a few times liao...sometimes i also spot after MS.

but do monitor la...if it continues for the day...den beta rest or check with doc [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

